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  • Imagine this. It's winter 1862 and you're a chemistry professor in Belgium 

  • You're working on one of the most pressing problems in chemistry: the structure of Benzene.

  • Benzene issmelly and highly flammable hydrocarbon molecule. All hydrocarbons are

  • made ofyou guessed it, hydrogen and carbon. But in benzene the ratio of these elements

  • is a little weird. Instead of having more hydrogen atoms than

  • carbon atoms, like most hydrocarbons, benzene has the same number of hydrogen and carbon

  • atoms: 6 and 6.  What strange molecular structure could let

  • these atoms fit together? Frustrated, you turn your chair towards the

  • warm fire and take a napAs you sleep, visions of atoms and molecules dance in your

  • mind's eye. They turn into a series of snakes. Then, suddenly, one of the snakes coils around

  • and bites its tail like the ancient symbol of the ouroboros.

  • You've solved the chemical structure of benzene… in a dream! Precisely as German

  • chemist August Kekulé did in 1862, completely changing the future of organic chemistry in

  • the process, a contribution to science that earned him a statue that people love to dress

  • up.  And it all happened while he was asleep.

  • Thanks to… a dream? It makes you wonder: Why DO we dream

  • Hi Smart People, Joe here. August Kekule's dream discovery of benzene's

  • molecular shape is one of history's most famous dreams

  • But for most of us, dreaming is about more than making chemistry discoveries. Humans

  • have been trying to figure out why we dream for thousands of years, probably as far back

  • as we've been asking questions. And since it's an experience we only have while we're

  • asleep, it's a particularly tough question to answer.

  • Going back to the Greek philosopher Plato and the Confucian scholar Zhu Xi, great minds

  • have speculated about the function and meaning of dreamsBut it's only been in the last

  • few decades that scientific experiments have started to show us what benefits our nocturnal

  • narratives could have. That's right: benefits, with an S. Scientists

  • think dreams might have many functions that influence our success, our smarts and even

  • our survival. We each spend about two hours dreaming every

  • night. Over an 80-year lifetime, that's almost 60,000 hours, or the same as ten years

  • of waking life! Dreaming clearly must have some benefitotherwise

  • we wouldn't spend so much darn time doin' it.

  • And everyone dreams…. Even if we don't always remember them. You are more likely

  • to remember your strangest oneslike I had this one dream where Tom Hiddleston and

  • I were rowing a boat across the ocean, and then we got hit by a storm, and we were eating

  • sandwiches. That was weird. (that really happened) Almost half of us remember at least one dream

  • a week, and women are more likely to remember their dreams daily compared to men. There

  • are a number of phases the brain goes through during sleep; these phases are repeated in

  • cycles throughout the night. In the first phase we transition from wakefulness into

  • sleep, as you begin to relax and your breathing slows. As your body temperature drops and

  • your breathing slows down even more, you enter light sleep. After that, you enter the deep

  • sleep phase characterized by a particular pattern in your brain called delta waves.

  • After that, you start the REM orrapid eye movementsleep stage. Your breathing

  • gets faster, and your eyes move all over. During REM is when dreaming happens. And throughout

  • this phase, your brain is very active -- almost as active as when you are awake.

  • Almost all other animals-- whales, wombats, wildebeest…. Sleep. And many also experience

  • REM sleep. So scientists think that many of these animals also dream -- including your

  • cat or dogProbably about chasing that delicious, juicy,

  • red ball. The way we think about dreams has changed

  • a lot throughout history. In most cultures around the world, dreaming has held spiritual

  • significance. There are even dream interpretations in the Bible.

  • But there was nowhere where decoding dreams was more popular than in ancient Egypt. The

  • Egyptians created volumes of books full of common dreams and their supposed meanings.

  • Professional dream interpreters used these books to help people figure out what their

  • dreams meant. Dreamer: I had a dream my leg came off!

  • Interpreter: Oooof, that means dead  people are judging you.

  • Dreamer: Yikes! — 

  • Dreamer: I dreamed I died violently! Interpreter: Oh that's a great!

  • Dreamer: Really? Interpreter: Really! It means you'll live

  • a long life. Dreamer: Okay?

  • —  Dreamer (beaming): I had a dream I poured

  • a jug of my pee into the Nile. Interpreter (confused): Really?

  • Dreamer: Really! Interpreter: Well actually that's a great

  • omen too! It means your harvest is going to be bountiful.

  • Oh rightobviously. The belief that dreams held hidden messages

  • to be interpreted or decoded remained the dominant way to look at dreams through the

  • first part of the 20th century. In 1900, Sigmund Freud published the influential

  • bookInterpretation of Dreams.”  In it, he claimed that dream interpretation could

  • be used to understand unconscious desiresIt all started when he had a dream, a dream

  • so famous it has a nameand a Wikipedia page

  • It's called Irma's Injection.  “A large hall - numerous guests, whom we

  • were receiving. - Among them was Irma.” It was about a former patient of Freud's

  • that he felt he wasn't able to completely heal because she refused his treatment

  • “I at once took her to one side, as though to answer her letter and to reproach her for

  • not having accepted my 'solution' yet.” This dream sparked Freud's theory that our

  • wishes that aren't fulfilled while we're awake are expressed in our dreams. Because

  • some of those wishes might be kinda embarrassing, Freud thought our minds deliberately confused

  • the dreams to hide their true meaning. Carl Jung expanded Freud's theories. Jung

  • considered archetypal symbols that often appeared in dreams, like a wise old sage, or a trickster,

  • to be universal among humans. Jung thought that dreams were interpretableif we could

  • crack the code of these universal symbols, thelanguageof dreams. According to

  • Jung, dreams had two functions: they compensated for things that the dreamer ignored or repressed,

  • and they looked forward to give the dreamer hints about what might happen in the future.

  • Lots of people still look for meaning in their dreams, especially to do with the future.

  • In one study, people were more likely to say having a dream about a plane crash the day

  • before a flight would make them cancel their trip than if they were given a government

  • warning about a “high risk of a terrorist attack.

  • But modern science has moved away from Freud and Jung and viewing dreams as buried messages

  • to decode or interpret. Today researchers are asking what functions and benefits our

  • brains themselves might get from dreaming. At first, scientists believed that the strange

  • mish-mash of pictures, stories, and events we experience while dreaming were just side

  • effects of basic biological processes in our brains, a sort of neurological noise that

  • we experience as we sleep. Scientists thought that other parts of the

  • brain tried to make sense of the noise by threading this random slideshow into a story

  • often a very weird story. This is called the Activation-Synthesis Theory of dreaming.

  • But experiments showed that dreams are not actually random. Some things are more likely

  • to appear in our dreams than others. And scientists began to wonder: Maybe dreams aren't random

  • noise… maybe our brains NEED to dream to be healthy. .

  • What we dream about often has to do with what we do while we're awakeespecially if

  • we're learning something new.   In one study, about a third of participants

  • who played Alpine Racer II, an arcade downhill skiing simulator, had dreams about the game.

  • Consider this: The things that happen to you every day only happen once. In our short-term

  • memory, these experiences are fragile, and can easily disappear. Our daily experiences

  • might only make it into our long-term memory if they're RE-played several times - you

  • guessed it - in our dreams. Patterns of brain activity just after dreaming look a lot like

  • when our brains store and retrieve episodic memoriesmemories of things that actually

  • happen to us. So, dreams may be a sort of memory replay of our experienceswith

  • an extra layer of weird on top just to make it fun I guess.

  • In one study to test this, scientists asked people to play 7 hours of Tetris across 3

  • days. Hang on, I have a questionWhere do I go to sign up for these studies? Anyone

  • I'm busy right now. I'm doing some science! Woo! Serious brain science here.

  • Anyway. After some serious Tetris time, participants reported seeing images of tetraminos when

  • falling asleep. They seemed to be replaying the game to store their new skills in long-term

  • memory. It's not all fun and games, though. Dreams

  • can turn into nightmares. There's no universally accepted definition of what a “nightmare

  • is, but they're commonly considered a “distressing or terrifying dream,” one that goes so far

  • as to wake you upAbout one in 40 dreams is a nightmare. So why do our brains replay

  • our worst fears and memories? The Threat-Simulation Theory suggests that

  • dreams let uspracticedangerous events and situations. That's why some people relive

  • traumatic experiences in dreams. The brain is trying to condition us to survive threatening

  • experiences bypracticingin a safe environment -- inside our sleeping brain.

  • Back when life-threatening situations were a part of our species' everyday life, simulating

  • threats could've helped us survive. But in the modern world, reliving awful situations

  • in chronic nightmares can be debilitating. But we also practice social situations in

  • dreaming. That's the Social Simulation Theory of dreams. Scientists noticed our dreams are

  • heavy on social situations: a fight with a close friend, a date with a crush, a clash

  • with a coworker, or not wearing pants to school. Since being social is so important to our

  • species, practicing these situations would have been an evolutionary advantage.

  • The strange experience of dreaming can be used for problem solving too.  

  • Novelist John Steinbeck once said: "It is a common experience that a problem difficult

  • at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.”

  • When college students were given a homework problem to focus on each night before bed,

  • a quarter dreamed the answer within a week. Because dreams aren't limited

  • logicor physicsthey're a great place to problem solve and come up with creative

  • and sometimes weirdsolutions. Which is especially helpful when solutions to problems

  • need a very different approach compared to conventional wisdom. And this may be why we

  • owe many pieces of great art to dreams: The Beatles' iconic song Yesterday, Salvador

  • Dali's melting clocks, Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, and countless others.

  • So, can you dream your way to a Nobel Prize? Or a Grammy? Wellmaybe. Scientists are

  • experimenting withDream Incubationas a way to prime the brain before sleep to

  • be more creative. Sobecause dreaming is so common, and because

  • we spend so much of our lives doing it, it's almost certainly useful, for one or many reasons.

  • But why did dreaming evolve to begin with? Maybe thanks to therotation of our planet?

  • That's right. Scientists think the origin of dreaming just might have to do with the

  • sheer amount of time that humansand all animalsspend in the dark.

  • Our ability to use our peepers and see the world around us is an extremely important

  • evolutionary advantage. And because it's so important, the part of the brain responsible

  • for sight, called the visual cortex, takes up a big chunk of our brains.

  • But there's the thing. Our brains can also be rewired pretty easily. If you were blindfolded,

  • your brain would begin to change within an hour of not using your sight. The neurons

  • of the visual cortex start being taken over for other tasks.

  • The lengthy darkness of nighttime, would have meant that the visual cortex of our human

  • ancestors was at a high risk of being taken over by other functions while we slept. If

  • we didn't use it, we could lose it. Dreams, and their highly visual nature, may have evolved

  • in mammals to keep these vulnerable brain areas active at nightAnd keep the brain

  • from rewiring itself in unfortunate ways. Sowhich is it? Is it problem-solving,

  • or practicing, or seeing, or is it problem solving or not about seeing, or a bit about

  • practicing and a pinch of problems solving? Scientists don't know if one or many of

  • these ideas will prove to be correct, and so research continues. Ah, scienceAlways

  • figuring stuff out. But never quite figuring stuff out all the way.

  • It's even possible that dreams may have evolved for one function, but stayed around

  • so long because dreaming ended up helping us in a bunch of other different waysTrying

  • to peer into the workings of the sleeping brain is one of the most challenging problems

  • in psychology and neuroscience, but we're building a fuller and fuller picture of the

  • science of dreaming, one dreamat a time. You wouldn't believe the dream I just had.

Imagine this. It's winter 1862 and you're a chemistry professor in Belgium 

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為何我們會做夢的奇特科學(The Strange Science of Why We Dream)

  • 16 1
    Ψ( ̄▽ ̄)Ψ posted on 2022/06/12
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