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G'day Girls and Boys, Reggie Roo here.
What's a flying machine...
That sores high in the air, like a bird?
Is it a Train?
No, it's a Plane!
There are fast planes.
There are small planes.
There are big planes.
And there are tall Planes.
There are colourful bi-planes flying in formation.
And Jumbo jets that being loaded with luggage... ready for vacation.
There are planes with jets.
And planes with Propellers. Yet...
They all have wings...
And they all have a tail.
Some planes... can even... deliver the mail.
They can land on water.
Or drop it on a fire.
It seems, there is a plane... for your every desire.
Above the clouds they fly.
Look at the plane's shadow below.
To be so high must be a great show!
An aeroplane truly is... one of the awesome...
Things... That... Go!
Hoo Roo