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  • electricity a form of energy has five beats uh lec  tris uh dee elec tris adi electricity electricity

    電是一種能量形式,有五種節拍 uh lec tris uh dee elec tris adi electricity 電力

electricity a form of energy has five beats uh lec  tris uh dee elec tris adi electricity electricity

電是一種能量形式,有五種節拍 uh lec tris uh dee elec tris adi electricity 電力

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A2 電力 節拍 能量 形式

如何發音?ELECTRICITY ? #SHORTS快速英語發音小課程 (How to Pronounce ? ELECTRICITY ? #SHORTS Quick English Pronunciation Mini Lesson)

  • 11 1
    Summer posted on 2022/06/15
Video vocabulary