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  • Episode 27: Progressive Era

  • Hi, I'm John Green, this is CrashCourse U.S. history, and today we're gonna talk

  • about Progressives.

  • No Stan Progressives.

  • Yes.

  • You know, like these guys who used to want to bomb the means of production, but also

  • less radical Progressives.

  • Mr. Green, Mr. Green.

  • Are we talking about, like, tumblr progressive where it's half discussions of misogyny

  • and half high-contrast images of pizza?

  • Because if so, I can get behind that.

  • Me from the past, your anachronism is showing.

  • Your Internet was green letters on a black screen.

  • But no, The Progressive Era was not like tumblr, however I will argue that it did indirectly

  • make tumblr and therefore JLaw gifsets possible, so that's something.

  • So some of the solutions that progressives came up with to deal with issues of inequality

  • and injustice don't seem terribly progressive today, and also it kinda overlapped with the

  • gilded age, and progressive implies, like, progress, presumably progress toward freedom

  • and justice, which is hard to argue about an era that involved one of the great restrictions

  • on freedom in American history, prohibition.

  • So maybe we shouldn't call it the Progressive Era at all.

  • I g--Stan, whatever, roll the intro.

  • Intro So, if the Gilded Age was the period when

  • American industrial capitalism came into its own, and people like Mark Twain began to criticize

  • its associated problems, then the Progressive era was the age in which people actually tried

  • to solve those problems through individual and group action.

  • As the economy changed, Progressives also had to respond to a rapidly changing political

  • system.

  • The population of the U.S. was growing and its economic power was becoming ever more

  • concentrated.

  • And sometimes, Progressives responded to this by opening up political participation and

  • sometimes by trying to restrict the vote.

  • The thing is, broad participatory democracy doesn't always result in effective government--he

  • said, sounding like the Chinese national Communist Party.

  • And that tension between wanting to have government for, of, and by the people and wanting to

  • have government that's, like, good at governing kind of defined the Progressive era.

  • And also our era.

  • But progressives were most concerned with the social problems that revolved around industrial

  • capitalist society.

  • And most of these problems weren't new by 1900, but some of the responses were.

  • Companies and, later, corporations had a problem that had been around at least since the 1880s:

  • they needed to keep costs down and profits high in a competitive market.

  • And one of the best ways to do this was to keep wages low, hours long, and conditions

  • appalling: your basic house-elf situation.

  • Just kidding, house elves didn't get wages.

  • Also, by the end of the 19th century, people started to feel like these large, monopolistic

  • industrial combinations, the so-called trusts, were exerting too much power over people's

  • lives.

  • The 1890s saw federal attempts to deal with these trusts, such as the Sherman Anti-Trust

  • Act, but overall, the Federal Government wasn't where most progressive changes were made.

  • For instance, there was muckraking, a form of journalism in which reporters would find

  • some muck and rake it.

  • Mass circulation magazines realized they could make money by publishing exposés of industrial

  • and political abuse, so they did.

  • Oh, it's time for the Mystery Document?

  • I bet it involves muck.

  • The rules here are simple.

  • I guess the author of the Mystery Document.

  • I'm either correct or I get shocked.

  • Let a man so much as scrape his finger pushing a truck in the pickle-rooms, and all

  • the joints in his fingers might be eaten by the acid, one by one.

  • Of the butchers and floormen, the beef-boners and trimmers, and all those who used knives,

  • you could scarcely find a person who had the use of his thumb; time and time again the

  • base of it had been slashed, till it was a mere lump of flesh against which the man pressed

  • the knife to hold it.

  • ... They would have no nailsthey had worn them off pulling hides.”

  • Wow.

  • Well now I am hyper-aware of and grateful for my thumbs.

  • They are just in excellent shape.

  • I am so glad, Stan, that I am not a beef-boner at one of the meat-packing factories written

  • about in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

  • No shock for me!

  • Oh Stan, I can only imagine how long and hard you've worked to get the phrasebeef-boner

  • into this show.

  • And you finally did it.

  • Congratulations.

  • By the way, just a little bit of trivia: The Jungle was the first book I ever read that

  • made me vomit.

  • So that's a review.

  • I don't know if it's positive, but there you go.

  • Anyway, at the time, readers of The Jungle were more outraged by descriptions of rotten

  • meat than by the treatment of meatpacking workers: The Jungle led to the Pure Food and

  • Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906.

  • That's pretty cool for Upton Sinclair, although my books have also led to some federal legislation,

  • such as the HAOPT, which officially declared Hazel and Augustus the nation's OTP.

  • So, to be fair, writers had been describing the harshness of industrial capitalism for

  • decades, so muckraking wasn't really that new, but the use of photography for documentation

  • was.

  • Lewis Hine, for instance, photographed child laborers in factories and mines, bringing

  • Americans face to face with the more than 2 million children under the age of 15 working

  • for wages.

  • And Hine's photos helped bring about laws that limited child labor.

  • But even more important than the writing and photographs and magazines when it came to

  • improving conditions for workers was Twitterwhat's that?

  • There was no twitter?

  • Still?

  • What is this 1812?

  • Alright, so apparently still without Twitter, workers had to organize into unions to get

  • corporations to reduce hours and raise their pay.

  • Also some employers started to realize on their own that one way to mitigate some of

  • the problems of industrialization was to pay workers better, like in 1914, Henry Ford paid

  • his workers an average of $5 per day, unheard of at the time.

  • . Whereas today I pay Stan and Danica 3x that

  • and still they whine.

  • Ford's reasoning was that better-paid workers would be better able to afford the Model Ts

  • that they were making.

  • And indeed, Ford's annual output rose from 34,000 cars to 730,000 between 1910 and 1916,

  • and the price of a Model T dropped from $700 to $316.

  • Still, Henry Ford definitely forgot to be awesome sometimes; he was anti-Semitic, he

  • used spies in his factories, and he named his child Edsel.

  • Also like most employers at the turn of the century, he was virulently anti-union.

  • So, while the AFL was organizing the most privileged industrial workers, another union

  • grew up to advocate for rights for a larger swath of the workforce, especially the immigrants

  • who dominated unskilled labor: The International Workers of the World.

  • They were also known as the Wobblies, and they were founded in 1905 to advocate for

  • every wage-worker, no matter what his religion, fatherland or trade,” and not, as the name

  • Wobblies suggests, just those fans of wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey.

  • The Wobblies were radical socialists; ultimately they wanted to see capitalism and the state

  • disappear in revolution.

  • Now, most progressives didn't go that far, but some, following the ideas of Henry George,

  • worried that economic progress could produce a dangerous unequal distribution of wealth

  • that could only be cured bytaxes.

  • But, more Progressives were influenced by Simon W. Patten who prophesied that industrialization

  • would bring about a new civilization where everyone would benefit from the abundance

  • and all the leisure time that all these new labor-saving devices could bring.

  • This optimism was partly spurred by the birth of a mass consumption society.

  • I mean, Americans by 1915 could purchase all kinds of new-fangled devices, like washing

  • machines, or vacuum cleaners, automobiles, record players.

  • It's worth underscoring that all this happened in a couple generations: I mean, in 1850,

  • almost everyone listened to music and washed their clothes in nearly the same way that

  • people did 10,000 years ago.

  • And then BOOM.

  • And for many progressives, this consumer culture, to quote our old friend Eric Foner, “became

  • the foundation for a new understanding of freedom as access to the cornucopia of goods

  • made available by modern capitalism.”

  • And this idea was encouraged by new advertising that connected goods with freedom, usingliberty

  • as a brand name or affixing the Statue of Liberty to a product.

  • By the way, Crash Course is made exclusively in the United States of America, the greatest

  • nation on earth ever.

  • (Libertage.)

  • That's a lie, of course, but you're allowed to lie in advertising.

  • But in spite of this optimism, most progressives were concerned that industrial capitalism,

  • with its exploitation of labor and concentration of wealth, was limiting, rather than increasing

  • freedom, but depending on how you definedfreedom,” of course.

  • Industrialization created what they referred to asthe labor problemas mechanization

  • diminished opportunities for skilled workers and the supervised routine of the factory

  • floor destroyed autonomy.

  • The scientific workplace management advocated by efficiency expert Frederick W. Taylor required

  • rigid rules and supervision in order to heighten worker productivity.

  • So if you've ever had a job with a defined number of bathroom breaks, that's why.

  • AlsoTaylorismfound its way into classrooms; and anyone who's had to sit in rows for

  • 45 minute periods punctuated by factory-style bells knows that this atmosphere is not particularly

  • conducive to a sense of freedom.

  • Now this is a little bit confusing because while responding to worker exploitation was

  • part of the Progressive movement, so was Taylorism itself because it was an application of research,

  • observation, and expertise in response to the vexing problem of how to increase productivity.

  • And this use of scientific experts is another hallmark of the Progressive era, one that

  • usually found its expression in politics.

  • American Progressives, like their counterparts in the Green Sections of Not-America, sought

  • government solutions to social problems.

  • Germany, which is somewhere over here, pioneeredsocial legislationwith its minimum

  • wage, unemployment insurance and old age pension laws, but the idea that government action

  • could address the problems and insecurities that characterized the modern industrial world,

  • also became prominent in the United States.

  • And the notion that an activist government could enhance rather than threaten people's

  • freedom was something new in America.

  • Now, Progressives pushing for social legislation tended to have more success at the state and

  • local level, especially in cities, which established public control over gas and water and raised

  • taxes to pay for transportation and public schools.

  • Whereas federally the biggest success was, like, Prohibition, which, you know, not that

  • successful.

  • But anyway, if all that local collectivist investment sounds like Socialism, it kind

  • of is.

  • I mean, by 1912 the Socialist Party had 150,000 members and had elected scores of local officials

  • like Milwaukee mayor Emil Seidel.

  • Some urban progressives even pushed to get rid of traditional democratic forms altogether.

  • A number of cities were run by commissions of experts or city managers, who would be

  • chosen on the basis of some demonstrated expertise or credential rather than their ability to

  • hand out turkeys at Christmas or find jobs for your nephew's sister's cousin.

  • Progressive editor Walter Lippman argued for applying modern scientific expertise to solve

  • social problems in his 1914 book Drift and Mastery, writing that scientifically trained

  • expertscould be trusted more fully than ordinary citizens to solve America's deep

  • social problems.”

  • This tension between government by experts and increased popular democratic participation

  • is one of the major contradictions of the Progressive era.

  • The 17th amendment allowed for senators to be elected directly by the people rather than

  • by state legislatures, and many states adopted primaries to nominate candidates, again taking

  • power away from political parties and putting it in the hands of voters.

  • And some states, particularly western ones like California adopted aspects of even more

  • direct democracy, the initiative, which allowed voters to put issues on the ballot, and the

  • referendum, which allows them to vote on laws directly.

  • And lest you think that more democracy is always good, I present you with California.

  • But many Progressives wanted actual policy made by experts who knew what was best for

  • the people, not the people themselves.

  • And despite primaries in direct elections of senators it's hard to argue that the

  • Progressive Era was a good moment for democratic participation, since many Progressives were

  • only in favor of voting insofar as it was done by white, middle class, Protestant voters.

  • Alright.

  • Let's Go to the Thought Bubble.

  • Progressives limited immigrants' participation in the political process through literacy

  • tests and laws requiring people to register to vote.

  • Voter registration was supposedly intended to limit fraud and the power of political

  • machines.

  • Stop me if any of this sounds familiar, but it actually just suppressed voting generally.

  • Voting gradually declined from 80% of male Americans voting in the 1890s to the point

  • where today only about 50% of eligible Americans vote in presidential elections.

  • But an even bigger blow to democracy during the Progressive era came with the Jim Crow

  • laws passed by legislatures in southern states, which legally segregated the South.

  • First, there was the deliberate disenfranchisement of African Americans.

  • The 15th amendment made it illegal to deny the right to vote based on race, color or

  • previous condition of servitude but said nothing about the ability to read, so many Southern

  • states instituted literacy requirements.

  • Other states added poll taxes, requiring people to pay to vote, which effectively disenfranchised

  • large numbers of African American people, who were disproportionately poor.

  • The Supreme Court didn't help: In 1896, it made one of its most famous bad decisions,

  • Plessy v. Ferguson, ruling that segregation in public accommodations, in Homer Plessy's

  • case a railroad car, did not violate the 14th amendment's Equal Protection clause.

  • As long as black railroad cars were equal to white ones, it was A-OK to have duplicate

  • sets of everything.

  • Now, creating two sets of equal quality of everything would get really expensive, so

  • Southern states didn't actually do it.

  • Black schools, public restrooms, public transportation opportunities--the list goes on and on--would

  • definitely be separate, and definitely not equal.

  • Thanks, ThoughtBubble.

  • Now, of course, as we've seen Progressive ideas inspired a variety of responses, both

  • for Taylorism and against it, both for government by experts and for direct democracy.

  • Similarly, in the Progressive era, just as the Jim Crow laws were being passed, there

  • were many attempts to improve the lives of African Americans.

  • The towering figure in this movement toupliftblack southerners was Booker T. Washington,

  • a former slave who became the head of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, a center for

  • vocational education.

  • And Washington urged southern black people to emphasize skills that could make them successful

  • in the contemporary economy.

  • The idea was that they would earn the respect of white people by demonstrating their usefulness

  • and everyone would come to respect each other through the recognition of mutual dependence

  • while continuing to live in separate social spheres.

  • But Washington's accommodationist stance was not shared by all African Americans.

  • WEB DuBois advocated for full civil and political rights for black people and helped to found

  • the NAACP, which urged African Americans to fight for

  • their rights throughpersistent, manly agitation.”

  • So I wanted to talk about the Progressive Era today not only because it shows up on

  • a lot of tests, but because Progressives tried to tackle many of the issues that we face

  • today, particularly concerning immigration and economic justice, and they used some of

  • the same methods that we use today: organization, journalistic exposure, and political activism.

  • Now, we may use tumblr or tea party forums, but the same concerns motivate us to work

  • together.

  • And just as today, many of their efforts were not successful because of the inherent difficulty

  • in trying to mobilize very different interests in a pluralistic nation.

  • In some ways their platforms would have been better suited to an America that was less

  • diverse and complex.

  • But it was that very diversity and complexity that gave rise and still gives rise to the

  • urge toward progress in the first place.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • I'll see you next week.

  • Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller.

  • Our script supervisor is Meredith Danko.

  • The associate producer is Danica Johnson.

  • The show is written by my high school history teacher, Raoul Meyer, Rosianna Rojas, and

  • myself.

  • And our graphics team is Thought Café.

  • Every week there's a new caption for the libertage.

  • You can suggest captions in comments where you can also ask questions about today's

  • video that will be answered by our team of historians.

  • Thanks for watching Crash Course.

  • If you like it, and if you're watching the credits you probably do, make sure you're

  • subscribed.

  • And as we say in my hometown don't forget to be awesome...That was more dramatic than

  • it sounded.

  • Progressive Era -

Episode 27: Progressive Era

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The Progressive Era: Crash Course US History #27(The Progressive Era: Crash Course US History #27)

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    香蕉先生 posted on 2022/06/19
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