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  • ladies and gentlemen there are many characters in  the world of chess and one of them in particular  

  • dresses up in a full body suit of a chessboard and  goes around playing people of course i'm talking  

  • about spain's rey enigma a completely anonymous  individual who is probably around international  

  • master or grandmaster of strength he recently  competed against anatoly karpov in spain's got  

  • talent he's got a massive audience and aboutweek ago he came to new york city first rey enigma  

  • and i met up we played a friendly blitz match  uh which is on his youtube channel you should go  

  • check that out it ended two to two so we decided  to come back to the marshall chess club and play  

  • a first to three wins for one thousand dollars  time stamps are in the video player for all of  

  • the games of the match they were all super hard  fought and exciting i hope you enjoy east hablas

  • okay let's watch some chess let's do it  baby let's go oh no cola system is coming  

  • i know you like this movie okay i'm gonna talk  about this right i'm gonna play something a little  

  • bit different i'm gonna play this okay that's a  very good move yeah that's my suggestion for black  

  • as well really yeah oh i didn't study your course  i'm sorry but but you should study his course yeah  

  • they're living and and and and mine too uh  yeah some grandmaster played this against me  

  • in blitz yeah i won but i was losing  nice uh interesting okay play very solid  

  • i don't want problems yeah but now yeah now i'm  happy okay let's play this still do you know my  

  • idea right still but i'm i'm so happy that's maybe  progressive right if i go g4 what do you think  

  • you should yeah yeah now let's play  more solid okay i'm gonna take this one

  • d4 is too much right yeah well you  played h3 you might as well play gg  

  • right why'd you play hd that was  my first intention but i'm gonna  

  • go like this it's a lot a lot of money on  the line you know you have to play for g4

  • very solid

  • have a lot more time that's true  okay i have to invent something here

  • hmm

  • let's go for c5 square maybe

  • this first yeah that's a good move thank you

  • i want to go for some some tactics  which one so i kind of start calculating

  • uh yeah yeah okay maybe maybeshouldn't have gone for some tactics  

  • yes go back okay i'll go back  i'll go back over that's fine

  • oh now he's going for that now he's going for g4  but i'm not so sure okay gonna stop that night  

  • that is pretty fine that's the ugliest move  i've ever seen in my life i know i know i know  

  • what no way no way you can do that but  probably i don't i don't care if you're yeah  

  • you can't play no the move is terrible  stop it actually it is i've just realized  

  • how bad it is but okay how can i  i can i stop that f4 is annoying  

  • f4 is really annoying no i didn't see  that no no at first i was going to take

  • okay let's play these that  it's pretty ugly as well

  • oh my god are you gonna play g takes f4  no no no no no no okay i have to take  

  • right no i have to to do it sorry some  something i mean it's very heavy pieces  

  • just that's a good move as well andprobably have to go back to defend with e3  

  • kind of kind of solid how are you playing chess  like this yes this is terrible it's weird you have  

  • subscribers watching right i'm weird as well so  so can this call v3 induce a weakness okay maybe  

  • wow i have to right yeah but i actually didn't  stop that one oh you have 30 seconds okay oh no

  • this is the scariest part of the  game playing here you play just

  • that one that's a good move that's a good move

  • i didn't even know you could do that

  • that's probably not a good move well  maybe yes what it's not the butt

  • it is

  • still scary i don't i don't i don't  fully i don't i don't trust that i'm  

  • just i like your appreciation yeah me too  okay i officially really like my position

  • now even more right

  • i'm gonna win all the fun what no way no  way no anyway but i have this ah i didn't  

  • know i didn't see it i resigned the whole house  falls apart very good game wow so in this first  

  • game reigning begins with d4 and rather than  playing into his kali system which he is known  

  • for i decided to go for a very off-beat dutch  defense we have a very complex fight with that  

  • central blockade in the board uh and then i when  i ripped it open finally he really underestimated  

  • my attack he also played a little bit slowly  this game as he was trying to kind of talk and  

  • kind of entertain so i jump out to a one-nothing  lead let me build on this and take home that one  

  • thousand dollars let's move on to game number two  okay i have to remember my i play like this v6

  • this is almost four

  • we played this before right yeahhave to make it interesting though i  

  • have to play something i didn't  play beat yet okay let's play

  • i don't like to repeat openings

  • you repeat openings you have to i have  to i changed you know i changed my whole  

  • repertoire when i started this reigning  muscle yeah somebody on my twitter said  

  • you uh they know you because you presscolleague yes okay i don't think that's okay okay

  • it's dangerous to play the openings you  have courses on because if you lose yeah

  • it happened to me okay if  i would be very risky right

  • so i don't like that much my  position if i let's go for it

  • you want to push f4 e4 sorry i don't  know if this is good enough but

  • yeah i missed that oh that's not good okay oh no  i'm pretty sure i've seen and then you play like  

  • and then bring everybody yeah yeah yeah  oh oh we'll take one okay i have two h5

  • i've seen like alireza play like this with black  i think and just what do i do if i play c5 you  

  • play d5 i play d5 you play c4 that's it i'm very  sorry i miss these pawns yes but what if i play  

  • b4 b5 yeah that's a that's clever why didput this bishop here okay i'm gonna play b6  

  • if you play c5 i'm gonna take and play  d5 yeah but but i'm gonna take with

  • but i can take and play d5  

  • i was going to take like this okay ah so you  can open everything right that's what you want

  • not sure let's go for this one hmm

  • okay you can play b5 i can also do this okay  i didn't see that one coming at all that's  

  • interesting actually i'm just greedy yeah you want  to play bishop b7 right and just go for it there

  • here we put dramatic music  in the video yeah notice here

  • not easy at all okay let's play this one

  • right there's no

  • wow really want to defend there  maybe play d4 at some point

  • who's winning who's winning oops  not yet okay i'm not resigning yet  

  • i'm trying i feel like i'm playing likevery nice positional game yeah absolutely  

  • i just feel like it's a smart game like with

  • queens bishops everybody yeah i'm gonna  sacrifice i guess if not that i'm completely lost  

  • you can take that rope yeah i'm gonnathink i have to rent if you offer okay

  • what are you gonna check maybe well not sure about  it but i'm gonna try it's fair okay i'm gonna

  • take can i take a knot i don't know can i take or  not okay let's go okay i don't want it it's clever  

  • i don't wanna even that's very interesting as well  knight g4 is possible okay let's play like this

  • i don't know what's going on okay i have no  clue what about what can i what you can take it  

  • no i'm gonna go here okay defense and offense

  • that's not very clever actually

  • yes i don't have a queen queen  wow i didn't see that one

  • okay i guess you can really hope yeah is to  check me there but it's it's not gonna be

  • that's interesting wait what how do i stop me what

  • oh my god what just happened

  • i can't i have to play some defenses

  • oh but now it's all about time

  • okay here

  • no i have no time

  • that was very bad for my side oh my god was  that i you how did you do that oh game two was  

  • so upsetting i was playing the game of my life  with my queen and my bishops on the queen side  

  • expanding building around my c-pawn but somehow  i just completely underestimated his attack  

  • on the other side of the board i decided like to  to to kind of get cutesy and not allow his queen  

  • and i should have just been a bit more cutthroatdon't know i i i i don't know what happened there  

  • but i let him back into the game i mean i thought  that game was completely unlosable and i did lose  

  • it all right it's one to one damn it but we're  gonna bounce back in the third game here we have

  • something different wow wow okay oh that's  no i can't always do the same you know before

  • okay not c3 um

  • okay that's what you want right going back i don't  know we'll see if it's what i want very soon this  

  • is very annoying just don't let my bishop get out  um 22 bishop h6 oh you're going to play 22. okay  

  • good thing you told me i had i was gonna  well maybe okay yeah so 22. i still okay  

  • what if i play in this crazy way  i don't care oh wow wow really

  • uh i mean that all is risky  it's very reasonable it's okay  

  • now you want to third castle am i going this  way no i don't think you can play g4 not not now

  • okay this is a very blitz open  thing very very much for blitz

  • how can i how can i attack youknow that's not my responsibility  

  • okay let's put my knight here yeah it makes  sense actually we're about to play b5 or not  

  • i yeah yeah yeah i guess i still yeah  actually i thought my queen was trapped  

  • i forgot i can go here

  • i'm not sure what's going on  next c6 you go queen c7 right  

  • no i'll just let my queen die yeah no it's  yeah actually that would be nice for from you  

  • okay a3 i don't want to play three  i don't want to skip this but

  • yeah just okay let's go here but now i think  

  • that's clever wow it's very  clever i didn't see that as far as  

  • knight c6 to this was a genius opening innovation  actually very interesting if i play that bad  

  • it's very good oh yeah i don't think it was  very good but okay let's play this of course

  • i don't like my position at all yeah that's  rude as well now you can't play g4 yeah you  

  • don't have a pawn that's it okay i'll play this  but it's very bad actually i've just realized

  • okay i'll go for this it's sad  but it's probably a chance now ah  

  • ah you want something some  something there you're gonna make me  

  • probably not but you can try the same as  before i'm gonna try for sure okay hmm

  • at some point yeah i did not see  knight before oops that's cool

  • okay i guess i don't want to play this movie

  • oh well i don't like this i mean i'm still we are  still very good actually i'm gonna take that well  

  • i can take on asics as well yeah that's what  i'm a little bit worried about yeah yeah yeah

  • no what are you doing to my pawns but this  one is very weak okay i can't have my pawn

  • yeah i mean you're very very safe actually  okay let's see seven maybe that's risky

  • is your knight like trapped actually it is

  • uh it's not possible no it's  possible maybe it is maybe it is  

  • i mean this that was very  clever oh my god okay queen

  • ah that's a good move

  • that was not smart

  • ah sorry how is the enigma  school of rook and games

  • oh my god

  • oh my god is it check or not

  • what happened your time didn't go down oh no no  no i'm sorry i'm sorry it's okay i just felt my  

  • soul leave my body your time was point four  i'm not gonna show you that was point four  

  • and i pressed your clock and i was like okay  he obviously will not make a move in time  

  • and your time didn't move this one was  such a heartbreaker because it was such  

  • an interesting game i mean i kept my king in  the middle and it got a little bit dicey there  

  • uh when he found a way to infiltrate my knights  were jumping around beating up his bishops  

  • and then i had this nice tactic and i almost  promoted but somehow we got into a rookie  

  • game and this dude is so fast at the endthought i pressed this clock and he had point  

  • four on his clock and it just never moved it just  never moved i never i had no idea rey enigma could  

  • control time this dude picked up the time stone or  something it was nuts all right all right let's uh  

  • it's down we're down to one we've had some really  good positions so far let's get the next one

  • okay i'll use to use stupid g6 not sure i'm  gonna play yeah let's go for it i'm very boring

  • principled

  • this is i played this recentlyplayed this in the game recently  

  • yeah yeah it was with black i equalized  i outplayed my opponent i drew with flat  

  • yeah i was in my tournament so you don't  know how to play with white right i don't  

  • know how to play chess period that's right  white black doesn't it doesn't really matter

  • yeah yeah yeah yeah i i these  structures are very annoying  

  • for everybody yeah actually yes for everybody um

  • i'm gonna go this way and now this way  

  • yeah this is this is what i don't understand  about this position okay let's play quintet  

  • let me just give you your beautiful bishop  wow yeah yeah you won the center right yes i  

  • feel like stockfish would play like this you know  just against the bishop probably yes actually it's  

  • probably an insult to starfish something stylish  stuff is what would they do with black pieces

  • no h5 but something at all no e5 it's just too  much right e5 maybe where are you going to castle  

  • it depends where you where you  move well i'm talking too much

  • i'm not sure actually okay five wow yes  

  • okay you convinced yourself yeah  okay you want to go this way

  • i'm gonna take this one yeah  you want to open the position

  • so what not that much

  • are you scared or not i mean my bishop is very

  • i want to open up the position for my bishops  you know okay let's go nothing happens actually

  • this is this is looking very good for  me now yeah well i'm gonna take this one  

  • i think i'm gonna go here

  • can i take this one really you want  to take there right one of us is wrong  

  • that's the way it works because i have no choice

  • okay well if you survive this then  you you deserve to win the match

  • what can i say oh my god really it's a v8  

  • no chance no way no way no what happened i mean  your kinney is also a little no my king is great  

  • it's greater than mine that's for sure this  is yeah it's not easy i mean i'm gonna take

  • your sisters would be cp8 wow that's possible

  • no i mean come on this is ridiculous

  • what's going on i want to sacrifice  something i don't know bishop d5 rogue

  • you should let me do it though um go like this  um maybe i would convince you play more solid

  • queen effect if needed okay um no queen  of fate is ridiculous why are you playing  

  • with me you speak english but maybe i think it  does work i think you're fine this is not fair

  • oh my gosh

  • this is not fair no you cannot  play like this okay well that's  

  • annoying as well that's really annoying that's why  i played it yeah okay let's go here okay i have

  • wow this is such an absurd  position wow yeah yeah yeah  

  • so what i'm completely lost actually  wow queen v8 i didn't see that  

  • okay now okay let's go here wow play two more  moves i don't know maybe it's more than two moves  

  • oh wow ah yes i have some contrast yeah i thought  you were attacked i think you might be a genius  

  • no i don't think so no what no what happened  i'm just gonna take your pawns okay here here

  • here

  • oh no i know this strategy

  • okay

  • you win that was very good oh folks it was going  so well and then i hung my rook to a pin i didn't  

  • have to sacrifice on f7 or at least try to go for  that big attack but i definitely had him in a bit  

  • of a bind and somehow i just i let go i mean you  see right when the game starts shifting i have 40  

  • seconds and rey enigma has 20. but i let him off  the hook he escapes and a huge blunder leads to  

  • him winning the match the backdoor sweep he loses  the first game and then he wins three in a row  

  • and i owe the man one thousand dollars but  if you stuck around this far in the video  

  • you will know of a little bit of a plot twist we  actually agreed to donate this money to charity  

  • so i am going to be donating a thousand dollars uh  to rey who will uh buy some chess sets uh who will  

  • buy some clocks some supplies maybe even get some  chess lessons uh for various programs in spain  

  • visit them uh play against the kids and make  some more content so it was a pleasure to meet  

  • you rey enigma and your team as well and it wastremendous fun and shout out to the marshall chess  

  • club also for letting us play these games shout  out to lance we were in communication with him  

  • uh nice guy there uh thank you all for  giving us that opportunity and if you're ever  

  • if you're in new york city or new jersey  or connecticut and you're looking for a  

  • place to play some chess uh check out the  marshall chess club that's all that's all  

  • i have for you i hope you enjoyed the video  i'll see you in the next one get out of here

ladies and gentlemen there are many characters in  the world of chess and one of them in particular  

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