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  • Hello.

  • My name is Emma, and in today's video we are going to do something very special.

  • Okay?

  • We are going to practice our listening skills by doing a really, really fun activity that

  • I love to do with my classes.

  • So, for this video, we are going to be listening for adjectives about the face.

  • Okay?

  • So I'm going to teach you a whole bunch of new words, and maybe some words you already

  • know, when...

  • That we can use to describe our faces.

  • Okay?

  • So you are going to first learn some new words and we're going to review some words; and

  • once you have these words down, what we are going to do is I am going to describe a face

  • to you, and while I describe it, you're going to listen carefully and you are going to draw

  • the face.

  • Okay?

  • So this is what you're going to do: You're going to take your pen or your pencil, and

  • a piece of paper, and you are going to draw what I describe.

  • Okay?

  • Now, it's okay if you're not a great artist; you don't have to be for this video.

  • You don't have to Picasso or Leonardo Da Vinci.

  • Okay?

  • As you can tell, I'm not the greatest of artists, so that's okay.

  • But after you listen and you draw what I say, you're going to look at your picture and you're

  • going to compare it to my picture or what I was describing.

  • And then you can see: "Okay.

  • Are these the same?

  • Are they different?

  • Did I follow the instructions?

  • Did I understand these adjectives correctly?"

  • And so this is a great way to really practice your listening, and to also learn some new

  • words.

  • All right?

  • So let's get started.

  • Ta-da.

  • Here is my art.

  • Okay?

  • So I'm going to describe these pictures now, just so you learn some new words, and we're...

  • We're also going to review maybe some words you already know.

  • Okay?

  • And I hope none of my drawings creep you out; I know that, you know, they might be a little

  • bit unusual, but let's get started.

  • So, when we're talking about faces, there's many different ways to describe a face; I've

  • just picked two.

  • This man has a long face.

  • Okay?

  • His face is in the shape of an oval, but it's also very long.

  • Now, compare this to this person who has a round face; more like a circle.

  • Okay?

  • So, during the description I'm going to be describing faces, and I'm going to either

  • use the word: "a long face" or "a round face".

  • Okay?

  • So, here we have the eyes, we have the nose, we have the mouth...

  • In this picture we have lips which are these things, so we might have really red lips or

  • big lips, like Angelina Jolie; maybe small lips, thin lips.

  • Okay?

  • Another thing I'm going to talk about in this video is eyebrows.

  • So, the eyebrows are this part of your face; they're the hairy part above the eyes, here.

  • So, I have two different types of eyebrows.

  • These eyebrows...

  • So you see we have eyes here.

  • The eyebrows here are very thin; whereas these eyebrows are thick, or we can also call them

  • bushy eyebrows.

  • Okay?

  • Because they almost look like bushes.

  • Bushy or thick.

  • Okay.

  • Another thing you're going to hear during this listening activity is I'm going to talk

  • about wrinkles.

  • So, what's a "wrinkle"?

  • Well, as you get older, your face starts to develop these lines, usually around the eyes

  • or maybe around, you know, your smile - and we call these age lines wrinkles.

  • Okay?

  • So here's the spelling of that word.

  • So, you'll be hearing this word during the listening activity.

  • You might also hear the word "braces".

  • So, braces are something that helps your teeth to become straight.

  • So, during the listening, one of the people I'm going to be describing may have braces.

  • So this is the teeth, and it's just a piece of wire that goes across the teeth to help

  • keep the teeth straight.

  • Okay.

  • So, anything else on this picture?

  • No?

  • Let's move on to this picture.

  • The other thing you might hear during this activity is I might be describing facial hair.

  • So, when I'm talking about facial hair, I'm not talking about the hair on the head; I'm

  • talking about the hair on the face.

  • So, this man has a lot of facial hair.

  • He has a beard, which is hair that comes from your chin, down.

  • You might have a short beard or a very long beard.

  • This man has a long beard.

  • I also put a moustache on this man, so that's the facial hair or the hair under the nose

  • - the moustache.

  • And this is how we spell that word.

  • There are so many different types of moustaches.

  • In this video, we're just going to say "moustache", and you know, it will look something like

  • this.

  • We sometimes also talk about sideburns.

  • A sideburn is facial hair that goes near the ear, and it's...

  • It's, like, facial hair that comes down to about here.

  • So, for example, this man...

  • This part is his facial hair...

  • I mean his sideburns.

  • And we call them sideburns because they're at the side of your face, so sideburns.

  • I've also put on this person freckles.

  • So, what are freckles?

  • Freckles are these spots...

  • You know, a lot of the times people who might have lighter skin, or maybe red hair or blonde

  • hair, a lot of the times you'll see them have a lot of spots on their face - those are freckles.

  • And other people have them as well.

  • So, the word is "freckles"; I've drawn them right here.

  • This person also has...

  • He's a very strange-looking person, actually.

  • I've given him what we call "bangs".

  • So, bangs are...

  • It's part of your hair, and it's when you have hair that goes on your forehead.

  • So, this is your forehead; and when you have hair that comes down here, we call that "bangs".

  • So, you see, this part, these are his bangs, so it's part of your hair that's on your forehead.

  • I've also drawn a lady, here.

  • This lady has bangs as well, and her hair is also in braids.

  • Okay?

  • So you might hear the word "braids" during this listening activity.

  • These are braids.

  • Okay?

  • Another word that might come up is the word "cheek".

  • These are our cheeks, okay?

  • So they're a part of your face...

  • Here are his cheeks.

  • I've put freckles on this man's cheeks.

  • Okay?

  • And I'll spell that out for you.

  • Okay?

  • So that might be another word that will come up.

  • Okay.

  • Now, I've also talked a little bit about eyes; and in this listening activity, you'll be

  • hearing some things about eyes.

  • These parts of the eyes, the hairy part, we call those eyelashes.

  • So this person has very long eyelashes.

  • Okay?

  • Maybe if I add even more, now they're very thick.

  • Thick, long eyelashes.

  • This person also...

  • I've drawn some dark circles under her eyes, and so we call these "dark circles".

  • So it's when, you know, some people when they haven't had a lot of sleep...

  • If you've stayed up the whole night or, you know, you haven't been sleeping well, you'll

  • get dark circles under your eyes, and sometimes we call these "bags".

  • So this person has really dark bags under their eyes, or they have bags because they

  • haven't slept well.

  • Okay?

  • So hopefully some of these words are new to you; and we also have maybe some words you

  • already know, like: "nose", or "lips", or "face".

  • So, take a moment, look at these words, think about them, and when you're ready I want you

  • to get a pen or a pencil and a piece of paper, and we're going to start practicing our listening.

  • Okay?

  • So you can pause the video, get those things, and when you're ready we are going to start

  • drawing.

  • Okay.

  • So, now I am going to describe the face of a person, and I want you to draw it as best

  • as you can.

  • Okay?

  • And I will be using these words.

  • If you want, you can look at these words; they might help you.

  • But if you feel very comfortable, you can not look at these words.

  • Maybe you could, you know, just look at your piece of paper and draw.

  • Okay?

  • So, do we have our pen ready and our paper ready?

  • Let's get started.

  • This is a man, and he has a long face.

  • He has long, white hair; a long, white moustache; and a long, white beard.

  • He has very bushy eyebrows.

  • He has small eyes; and a large, pointy nose.

  • There are dark circles under his eyes.

  • He has wrinkles around his eyes and his mouth.

  • His face is very serious.

  • Okay?

  • So take a moment.

  • And I'm going to add one other thing: He's wearing a very pointy hat.

  • Okay.

  • So take a moment, finish that picture.

  • Okay.

  • If you need to, you can re-watch a couple times, you know, make sure you get everything.

  • Okay?

  • And once you're ready, I'm now going to do the big reveal as to who you just drew.

  • You drew...

  • Bum-bum-bum-bum.

  • Gandalf the wizard.

  • Okay?

  • So compare your picture.

  • How does it look?

  • Does it look like Gandalf?

  • Did you do the long face?

  • Did you do the bushy eyebrows and the wrinkles?

  • All right?

  • So take a moment, see if...

  • What parts you might have missed.

  • Did you get everything?

  • All right.

  • And now, when you're ready, we will do our next picture.

  • Okay.

  • So, the second face I'm going to describe...

  • Okay, so you might need a new paper for this.

  • This person is a girl.

  • She has a round face.

  • She has small eyes; and she is wearing big, circular glasses.

  • She has freckles on her cheeks, and braces on her teeth.

  • She has thin eyebrows, and dark circles under her eyes.

  • She has a very small nose, and a very big mouth.

  • She has two long braids at the side of her face.

  • Okay?

  • So take a moment.

  • If you need to re-watch that part of the video, that's okay.

  • And once you are ready, I'm going to tell you who you just drew.

  • Okay.

  • The person you just drew is a cartoon character I used to love when I was younger, and her

  • name is Eliza Thornberry.

  • Okay?

  • So compare your picture.

  • How does it look?

  • Did you remember to draw the braces?

  • Did you remember the braids?

  • Okay?

  • So take a moment.

  • Okay.

  • Are you ready for the next one?

  • Let me get ready.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So when you're ready, get your pen and your paper, and let's get started.

  • Okay.

  • The next person is a man, so he has a man's face.

  • He has a big, round head; two big eyes; bushy eyebrows; and a long nose.

  • He has a big, brown mustache; two big ears; and a big smile where you can only see the

  • top...

  • The top row of his teeth.

  • So you can't see the bottom row of his teeth; you can see the top row of his teeth.

  • He is wearing a red hat that looks almost like a baseball hat.

  • In the center of his red hat, there is a circle on it; and inside the circle there is the

  • letter M. Okay?

  • So that one's a little bit harder; there's a lot that I just described.

  • So, take a moment.

  • If you need to, you can re-watch the video, or re-watch that part.

  • All right?

  • And once you're ready, I'm going to tell you who it is you just drew.

  • Bum-bum-bum-bum.

  • You just drew Mario.

  • All right?

  • How does your picture look?

  • Does it compare?

  • Does it look like Mario?

  • All right.

  • So when you're ready...

  • And, again, you don't have to be an artist; it doesn't have to look exact.

  • The point here is that you're using these words.

  • Okay.

  • The last person I am going to describe to you...

  • When you are ready, you can get your paper again.

  • So, this is a girl.

  • She has a round face, she has short hair that reaches her ears.

  • So her hair is short; it goes to her ears.

  • She has thick bangs; big, brown eyes; a small nose; and a thin mouth.

  • So, who did I just describe?

  • Are you ready?

  • I just talked about Dora the Explorer.

  • Okay?

  • So compare your picture.

  • Does it look like Dora?

  • Okay.

  • Yes?

  • Maybe.

  • Maybe no?

  • That's okay.

  • So, you have just practiced listening to a whole bunch of different adjectives about

  • the face.

  • We use these a lot when we're describing people, or even when we're reading books, or...

  • If you like police dramas, the police often have to...

  • Somebody often describes a suspect to the police, so you might hear these words there.

  • So they do come up.

  • This is a great activity to practice with your friends, with your teacher, maybe in

  • your classroom you can suggest it to everyone, you know, you can play this with your family;

  • pretty much with anyone who is also practicing English.

  • This is a great game and, you know, when you learn new words, a really good idea is to

  • draw them if you can, because that will really help you remember them as well.

  • So, thank you for watching.

  • I want to invite you to come visit our website at; there, you can do a quiz

  • to practice some of these new words that you might have just learned, such as: "beard"

  • or "cheeks" or "dark circles".

  • Okay?

  • So these words will be on a quiz at our website.

  • You can also subscribe to my channel; I have a lot of great videos on all sorts of different

  • topics.

  • If you want more practice with listening, we have more listening videos like this; and

  • we also have videos on vocabulary, IELTS, TOEFL, business English, grammar, pronunciation

  • - all sorts of different things.

  • So I invite you to come check it out.

  • Thank you for watching; and until next time, take care.


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訓練您的單字,聽力(Practice your VOCABULARY, LISTENING, and COMPREHENSION with this game)

  • 46 3
    Aray posted on 2022/06/26
Video vocabulary