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  • The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 changed the history of warfare forever, ushering in

    日俄戰爭從1904年二月持續至1905年九月 而這場戰役永遠改寫了戰爭歷史,

  • a new era of conflicts in which naval battles became central to the fate of the struggle.


  • Its ending had long-term consequences, becoming another factor that made the first and the

    這場戰役的結束對後世有顯著的影響, 這不可避免地

  • second world wars inevitable. In this video, which was voted on by our patrons and youtube

    牽涉到了一戰及二戰。 這個影片是從patrons及youtube的贊助者中,

  • sponsors, we will cover the naval portion of this war with a focus on the battle of


  • Tsushima.


  • This video is sponsored World of Warships. A big thank you goes out to World of Warships

    這支影片由 戰艦世界 贊助。 (非常感激您夠遊玩戰艦世界) (簽下去戰艦世界!)

  • for sponsoring this video! They came to us with the awesome opportunity to try their

    (來贊助這支影片!) (他們給予我們超棒的機會)

  • free-to-play game and now we are hooked! World of Warships is calledThe Thinking Man’s

    (來遊玩這個免費遊戲,現在讓我們一同迷上(上鉤)吧!) 戰艦世界是個動作戰略遊戲

  • Action Gameas it’s the perfect balance between the action and strategy. Command a


  • massive naval fleet featuring most iconic war vessels in history, unlock new ships and

    指揮大規模的海軍艦隊 歷史上最具標誌性的特色的戰艦, 解鎖新的艦艇 和

  • dominate the oceans populated by 7 million players worldwide. Weather effects make each

    含蓋全球玩家 之 7百萬遊戲人口。 不論是任何因素

  • battle unique and influence the tactics. Each ship is based off 3D scans of the real ships

    均會導致每場戰鬥是獨特及影響戰術應用。 每艘船艦都是基於真實船體的3D掃描

  • and designed with incredible attention to detail, making the battles very realistic

    並設計了令人難以置信的細微細節, 使戰鬥非常逼真

  • and there are over 200 ships available to play across eleven different nations! World

    有超過200艘船艦可供遊玩 跨越十一個不同的國家!

  • of Warships is constantly updating the game so there is something new to experience with

    戰艦世界 是會不斷地更新遊戲 所以會有一些新的遊戲體驗

  • a steady cadence of new missions, game updates, and events.

    持續性的新任務、遊戲更新、 和活動。

  • Click the link below to play World of Warships and get a special bonus starter pack! Register

    點擊下面的鏈接來遊玩 戰艦世界 並獲得一個特殊獎金入門包!

  • with the code PLAYWARSHIPS2018 to receive 250 doubloons, 1,000,000 Credits, HMS Campbeltown

    激活代碼 PLAYWARSHIPS2018 來接收 250個雙倍、1,000,000個積分、皇家海軍坎貝爾鎮號 ((´∀`)我怎麼翻了這麼久的贊助阿)

  • premium ship, one port slot and 3 days premium time!


  • In 1868 Japan entered a modernization period called the Meiji Restoration. In the same

    1868年日本進入了現代化時期 稱為明治維新。在同年,

  • year the Imperial Japanese Navy was formed, showing that Japan was now vying for naval

    日本帝國海軍成立, 顯示日本正在爭奪海軍

  • dominance in the region. Lacking industrial capacity, Japan relied on Britain in the development

    在該地區的主導地位。缺乏工業 能力,日本依靠英國的發展

  • of a modern navy. European superpower Russia was also eager

    現代海軍。 歐洲超級大國俄羅斯也渴望

  • to increase its presence in the Pacific. It had strong navies in the Baltic and Black

    增加其在太平洋的存在感。它 在波羅的海和黑海中擁有強大的海軍

  • seas, but lacked a base in the East. In 1860 Russia acquired Vladivostok from China and

    但在東方缺乏海軍基地。在1860年, 俄羅斯從滿清政府手中取得海參崴

  • turned it into a naval base in 1871. Russia also started building the Trans-Siberian Railroad

    在1871年把它變成了一個海軍基地。 俄羅斯也開始建設跨西伯利亞鐵路

  • to link Moscow with Vladivostok in 1891. And although Vladivostok was in a prime position


  • to exert naval power, it wasn’t a warm water port, which Russia desperately needed.

    但在發揮海軍實力來說,它不是一個溫水港, 這正是當下俄羅斯很急需的。

  • Meanwhile, China, which was reeling from defeats at the hands of the European powers, bought

    與此同時,中國對外戰爭失敗而陷入困境, 從歐洲列強的手中,買了

  • two battleships from Germany in 1885. That threatened Japan, as it lacked financial resources

    1885年兩艘來自德國的戰列艦。(鎮遠號及定遠號) 那由於缺乏資金來源來自造戰艦,

  • to acquire its own. In 1893 Japan ordered two battleships from Britain, but the war

    1893年日本購買了來自英國的兩艘戰艦, 但是

  • between China and Japan erupted in 1894, so Japan had to rely on its cruisers.

    甲午戰爭爆發於1894年, 所以日本不得不依賴巡洋艦。

  • To the shock of the entire world, Japan won the war in less than a year, managing to destroy

    令全世界為之震驚,在不到一年的時間內 日本贏得戰爭,成功摧毀

  • one of the Chinese battleships and capturing another. The Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895

    中國戰列艦之一(定遠號)和捕獲 另外一艘(鎮遠號)。 1895年的馬關條約

  • transferred Korea into the Japanese sphere of influence, while China had to pay war reparations

    將朝鮮的宗主權轉移到日本的麾下, 而中國不得不支付戰爭賠款

  • and also ceded control of Taiwan and the Liaodong Peninsula to Japan. The latter was crucial,

    並且還控制了台灣和遼東半島到日本。 後者至關重要,

  • as this peninsula was home to the strategically crucial naval base of Port Arthur. Control

    因為這個半島上設有旅順港 之重要海軍基地。

  • over this port solidified Japanese power in the Yellow sea.

    控制這個港口等於鞏固了 日本在黃海上的制海權。

  • Russia couldn’t allow this and enlisted diplomatic support from France and Germany.

    俄羅斯不能允許這種情況發生 並協同法國和德國的外交支持。

  • All three threatened Japan with war in what was later called the Triple Intervention.

    三國都以戰爭手段威脅日本 史稱為三國干涉還遼。

  • The Russian battleship Nikolai I steamed towards the Japanese port of Nagasaki, and as Japan


  • still had no battleships, it was forced to relinquish control of Liaodong and Port Arthur.

    由於日本帝國海軍仍然沒有戰艦, 它被迫放棄對遼東和旅順港的控制。

  • A year later Russia secured a 25-year lease on this territory from China and finally gained

    一年後,俄羅斯終於在中國這片領土上 獲得了25年租約的一個溫水港。

  • a warm water port. Japan was humiliated and that created strong


  • revanchist desires. Four more battleships were ordered from Britain. Both sides participated

    從英國訂購了四艘更多的戰列艦。 雙方都在中國參加了

  • in the quelling of the Boxer rebellion in China, but that made the situation worse,

    義和團之亂(庚子拳亂)的鎮壓, 但這使情況變得更糟,

  • as Russia increased its military presence in Manchuria, and Japan considered it a threat.

    隨著俄羅斯在滿洲增加軍事存在, 日本視為一種威脅。

  • Other European powers were wary of the increased Russian presence in Asia, especially Britain,

    其他歐洲列強對俄羅斯增加 在亞洲的存持謹慎態度,特別是英國

  • which entered an alliance with Japan in 1902. All that made the war inevitable. By 1903

    於1902年與日本結盟。 這些都使戰爭無可避免。到1903年

  • Japan created a fleet based at Sasebo with six battleships, 10 cruisers and 40 destroyers.

    日本在佐世保建立了一支艦隊 六艘戰列艦,10艘巡洋艦和40艘驅逐艦。

  • Meanwhile Russia had seven battleships, eight cruisers and 25 destroyers at Port Arthur.

    與此同時,俄羅斯有七艘戰艦、八艘 的巡洋艦和25艘驅逐艦於旅順港。

  • At this point we should mention the absolute importance of the battleships. It was expected

    在這一點上我們應該提到了戰艦至關重要。 這是在預料中

  • that the naval conflicts of this period would be decided by these engines of war. Unlike

    這個時期的海軍衝突會發生 起於這些戰爭引擎決定。

  • Japan, Russia was able to build its own battleships, yet the technology used was mostly British,

    不像日本,俄羅斯能用自造的戰列艦, 但使用的技術大多是曾英國、

  • French and German, so neither side had a clear technological advantage and a duel between

    法國和德國學來的,所以雙方都不清楚 彼此的技術優勢 和 條件

  • battleships would boil down to the experience and talent of the officers and crews. Ironically,

    戰艦將歸結為軍官及船員的作戰經和才能。 諷刺地,

  • this war would the first and the last naval conflict decided by battleships, as in a decade

    這場戰爭將是第一次和最後一次海軍 戰艦決定的衝突,從此往後十年

  • submarines and airpower would change the balance of power yet again.


  • In 1904 Japan demanded that Russia demilitarize Manchuria. Russia refused and on February

    1904年,日本要求俄羅斯實現非軍事化 滿洲。俄羅斯拒絕了

  • 6th Japan severed diplomatic relations. Tsar Nikolai immediately ordered the commander

    於2月6號 日本斷絕與俄國外交關係。 沙皇尼古拉立即下令艦隊指揮官

  • of the fleet at Port Arthur, Admiral Stark, to not fire the first shots, so that Japan

    於旅順港的 斯塔爾克海軍上將, 不要開第一槍,讓日本

  • would be seen as the aggressor. On February 8th Japan declared war, however, according


  • to Russian sources, the declaration reached Petersburg on the next day, so Russia considered

    從俄國紀錄顯示,宣戰聲明於貳日 抵達彼得堡,所以俄羅斯考慮

  • the attack on the 8th to be in violation of the rules of war.


  • Commander of the Japanese fleet, admiral Togo, knew that he needed to neutralize the Russian

    日本艦隊指揮官,東鄉平八郎海軍上將, 知道他需要盡快消除

  • fleet at Port Arthur as soon as possible, as the Russian fleets in the Baltic and Black

    俄羅斯在大連港的艦隊, 作為俄羅斯艦隊在波羅的海和黑海

  • seas would be able to reach the Asian theatre in 4 months. Conversely Russian strategy was

    將能夠在四個月內抵達亞洲戰場。 相反,俄羅斯的戰略是

  • deliberately passive, as they just needed to defend around Port Arthur and wait for

    相對被動的,因為他們只是需要 在旅順港周圍防衛並等待增援。

  • the reinforcements. On the night of February 8th Togo made his

    在2月8日晚上東鄉 踏出了他的第一步。

  • first move. At midnight his destroyers closed in and launched torpedoes against the Russian

    午夜他的驅逐艦貼近 並對俄軍戰艦發射魚雷

  • battleships. Two of themTsesarevich [tsehsuhrevich] and Retvizan received heavy damage and were

    其中兩個 -皇太子號 和 列特維贊號 受到了嚴重的傷害

  • towed to be repaired. Togo hoped that the Russians were now panicking

    進港維修。 東鄉希望俄羅斯人陷入恐慌

  • and at noon on the 9th moved his fleet within range. Unfortunately for him, the Russians

    並於9日中午將艦隊駛入射擊範圍內。 不幸的是,俄羅斯人

  • were ready and his ships were fired upon by both the enemy ships and the coastal batteries.


  • His ships were not able to withstand that and 20 minutes later he ordered them to turn

    他的船無法承受如此打擊 隨後20分鐘,他命令他們迴轉

  • back. The Blockade of Port Arthur had begun. On


  • March 7 Admiral Stark was replaced by Admiral Makarov. Togo decided to try a new tactic:

    3月7日 斯塔爾克 海軍上將 被 海軍上將馬卡羅夫取代 東鄉決定嘗試一種新的策略:

  • On March 22 two of his battleships were sent to the south-west side of the Liaodong Peninsula,

    3月22日,他的兩艘戰艦被派遣 到遼東半島的西南側,

  • where they could not be seen by Russian coastal batteries and started bombarding the enemy

    俄羅斯海防砲台無法看到它們的地方, 並開始砲轟敵軍艦隊,

  • fleet, dealing some damage before the Russians managed to relocate their batteries and fired

    對俄軍造成一些傷害 設法重新部屬大砲並回擊

  • back. Meanwhile the situation on land changed, as


  • Japanese troops were now in the striking distance of Port Arthur, so Togo needed to seal it

    日本陸軍現在襲擊旅順港的範圍, 所以東鄉需要用戰艦封鎖海面

  • off to prevent the escape of the Russian navy. On April 12th Japanese destroyers placed 50

    以防止俄羅斯海軍逃跑。 4月12日,日本驅逐艦放置了50顆水雷

  • mines close to the harbor mouth. Makarov spotted them and attempted a sortie with 2 battleships

    靠近港口。馬卡羅夫發現了 他們並試圖用2艘戰艦

  • and 4 cruisers. This was an ambush, as suddenly 5 of Togo’s battleships appeared from the

    和4艘巡洋艦進行除雷。這是一次伏擊, 突然之間東鄉的5艘戰列艦出現在霧中

  • mist and opened fire at the Russians, and the latter had to head back to the safety


  • of the port. However, the battleship Petropavlovsk [petrapavlofsk] struck a mine and sank,

    的港口。但是, 波爾塔瓦號 被一顆水雷擊中並沉沒,

  • along with Makarov. Another battleshipPobieda - also hit a mine, but was able to make it

    和馬卡羅夫一起。另一艘戰列艦 勝利號 也中了一顆水雷,但能夠成功回港。

  • into the port. Untested rear admiral Vitgeft was appointed the new commander.

    未經考驗的海軍少將 維特捷夫特 被任命為新指揮官。

  • His approach was more passive and that allowed the Japanese to land an army to the northeast

    他的方法更加被動,允許 日軍部隊登陸於旅順港

  • of Port Arthur on May 5th, basically cutting the Russians off. Togo resumed skirmishes

    東北方5月5日,基本上分割了俄軍。 東鄉持續了小規模交火

  • and in response Vitgeft started mining off possible bombardment positions. That worked

    作為回應, 維特捷夫特 開始布水雷於 可能的交火地點。那很有效

  • out, as on May 15th Japanese battleships Hatsuse and Yashima struck mines and sunk.

    5月15日日本戰艦初瀨號 和八島號擊中了水雷並沉沒。

  • In June the Russians finally repaired Retvizan, Tsesarevich and Pobieda. They needed to break

    六月,俄羅斯人終於修復了 列特維贊號 , 皇太子號 和 勝利號。他們需要突圍

  • out in order to get to Vladivostok and on June 23rd, the whole squadron sailed out of

    為了到達海參崴 6月23日, 整個艦隊駛出港口。

  • the harbor. Togo couldn’t allow the Russians to escape. Initially his squadron moved parallel

    東鄉不能允許俄軍突圍 最初,他的艦隊與俄軍成水平移動

  • to the Russians out of the firing range, but gradually closed the distance and started

    遠於射程距離,但是 漸漸貼近了距離並開始了

  • a long-range duel. Although Vitgeft had the numbers on his side, he ordered his ships

    遠程交火。雖然 維特捷夫特 有數量優勢, 他命令他的船

  • to sail back to port. Despite all the attempts to delay the Japanese

    駛回港口。 儘管所有行為都試圖推遲日本

  • land forces, by August 7th they were shelling Port Arthur’s harbor, damaging Retvizan

    陸軍,到8月7日他們砲擊 旅順的港口,破壞了列特維贊號

  • yet again. Finally, on the 10th a direct order from the Tsar forced Vitgeft to attempt another

    又一次的。最後,10日沙皇直接命令 維特捷夫特 嘗試另一次突圍行動

  • escape to Vladivostok. Togo was not prepared for this, as part of his navy was assisting

    逃到 海參崴。東鄉沒有準備好對付 這次行動,他的海軍部分正在協助

  • the ground campaign. Still over the next few hours Togo managed

    陸地戰鬥。 在接下來的幾個小時裡,東鄉仍在管理

  • to build up his fleet. In the battle that would be later be known as the battle of the


  • yellow sea, Japanese used their cruisers as they would do with the battleships, closing

    黃海海戰,日軍用他們的巡洋艦 對戰艦進行貼近

  • in fast in order to use the smaller caliber guns. Togo crossed the T multiple times despite

    在快速移動下才能使用較小的口徑 槍。東鄉多次部屬成T

  • enemy fire, maximizing the use of his guns. All the Russian battleships were damaged and

    不顧敵人的火力壓制,最大限度地利用他的艦砲。 所有的俄羅斯戰艦都遭受了損傷

  • Vitgeft was forced to return to Port Arthur, covered by the dramatic charge of Retvizan.

    維特捷夫特 被迫返回旅順港, 在 列特維贊號 壯烈的衝鋒下所掩護。

  • In December Japanese land troops captured the hill overlooking the city, and started

    12月日本陸軍佔領了 能俯瞰整座港都的山丘,並開始

  • firing directly towards the Russian ships. Most of them were sunk. On January 2nd 1905

    直接對俄羅斯船艦開火。 他們中的大多數人都沉沒了。 1905年1月2日

  • the city fell and the majority of the Russian Pacific navy was gone.

    城市陷落 和 大多數俄國 太平洋艦隊消失。

  • Meanwhile, in May of 1904 the Russians decided to send two more squadrons from the Baltic

    與此同時,1904年5月, 俄羅斯人決定從 波羅的海 和 黑海 派出

  • and Black seas in order to help the Pacific fleet. The new fleet commanded by Rozhestvensky

    另外兩個艦隊為了幫助太平洋 艦隊。新艦隊由 羅傑斯特文斯基 指揮

  • managed to depart in October and was in Indochina by May of 1905. Rozhestvensky had 7 old and

    設法在十月出港,於1905年5月到達印度 羅傑斯特文斯基 已經有7艘老式戰列艦、

  • 4 new battleships, alongside 6 cruisers and 9 destroyers. His plan was to move directly

    4艘新式戰列艦、和6艘巡洋艦 9艘驅逐艦。他的計劃是直接行動

  • to Vladivostok via the Tsushima straits. That gave Togo ample opportunity to repair his


  • ships at Masan and place his radio equipped scout ships in a fashion that would allow

    他的艦隊於釜山,並以配備新式無線電的 偵察船來

  • him to learn about the inevitable Russian counter attack.


  • By the time the Second Pacific Squadron reached the battle scene it was in poor condition.

    到第二太平洋艦隊到達戰區時, 其情況很糟糕。

  • On top of their low morale, the Russians did not have an opportunity to perform proper


  • maintenance on their ships. On the night of May 26th, 1905, the Russian

    他們船隻的實力。 1905年5月26日晚,俄軍

  • fleet attempted to pass the Tsushima strait in a thick fog, but was detected by the Japanese.

    艦隊試圖通過對馬海峽 於濃霧中,但被日軍發現。

  • At 04:55 am Captain Narukawa of the Shinano Maru sent a wireless message to Togo, head

    上午04:55信濃的船長Narukawa Maru向東鄉發送無線消息

  • of the Japanese Navy and informed him about the Russian fleet nearby. This was a new technology

    通知日本海軍提到俄羅斯艦隊在附近。 這在當時是

  • at the time and it enabled the Japanese to block the Russians very quickly. At 13:49

    一項新技術,使得日軍能夠 很快的阻擊俄軍。在13:49

  • the engagement began. The Japanese Combined Fleet consisted of 5 battleships, 26 cruisers,

    交戰開始了。日軍合併 艦隊由5艘戰艦,26艘巡洋艦組成,

  • 21 destroyers and 43 torpedo boats. The Russians started firing on the leading

    21艘驅逐艦和43艘魚雷艇。 俄軍先開始向帶頭的船

  • Japanese battleship Mikasa, but the Japanese response on the flagship Knyaz Suvorov [K’nyaz

    三笠號開火,但日軍回擊 俄軍旗艦 蘇沃洛夫公爵號

  • SUvorofv] was more precise. By 14:45 Admiral Togo was able to cross the Russian T. This

    更加精準。到14:45東鄉上將 命日軍對俄軍擺出T字形。

  • meant that the Japanese fleet was in a perpendicular position to the northward moving Russian Fleet,

    這意味著日本艦隊處於垂直狀態 相對於向北移動的俄羅斯艦隊,

  • allowing him to fire broadsides, while the Russians could only reply with their forward

    這允許日軍艦隊能進行單邊齊射, 而俄軍只能使用他們的前端砲塔。

  • turrets. This was possible due to superior speed of the Japanese ships, which could sustain

    由於日本船隻在速度上的優勢, 他們可以維持在

  • 15 knots, while the Russian ships were able to reach only 14 knots in short bursts. In

    15節海里,而俄羅斯的船隻僅能 在短時間內超載到14節的速度。

  • the first hour of the battle the Japanese were able to sink the battleship Oslyabya

    在與日本戰鬥的第一個小時 被擊沉的戰艦 奧斯利雅維亞號

  • [Oslyabia] and significantly damage two others.


  • Another battleship tried to break through towards Vladivostok. Admiral Togo maneuvered

    另一艘戰列艦試圖突圍 往符拉迪沃斯托克(海參崴)。東鄉指揮海軍

  • to change the engaged side. Part of his fleet took a course away from the Russian fleet

    轉換交戰方向於右舷。他的艦隊的一部分 從俄羅斯艦隊交戰處駛離了一段距離

  • and then turned around to fire on the left side of the Russian ships, which enabled the

    轉而駛向俄國軍艦左弦射擊, 這使得

  • Japanese ships to have the same firepower as in the beginning of the battle. At the

    日本船艦擁有相同火力 就如在戰鬥開始時一樣。

  • same time the battleship Borodino, leading the Russian column, approached the Russian

    在同時戰艦 波羅底諾號,領先 俄羅斯陣列,靠近俄羅斯

  • cruisers protecting the transports. Cruiser Aurora, legendary for its later role in the

    保護運輸的巡洋艦。巡洋艦 極光號,其後來其在

  • Russian revolution was among them. Aurora was able to survive the fierce Japanese attack.

    俄羅斯革命中扮演極重要的角色 。極光 能夠在激烈的日本襲擊中倖存下來。

  • After 3 hours of heavy battle the line of the Russian fleet was broken and disorganized.

    經過3個小時的交火之後 俄羅斯艦隊被擊潰和失去指揮。

  • Rozhestvensky was heavily injured and surrendered command to Rear Admiral Nebogatov [neebogatov].

    羅傑斯特文斯基 嚴重受傷並投降 命令由指揮後衛的 內博加托夫 少將接手。

  • He wouldn’t know about this until an hour later.


  • The Japanese fleet took a parallel course with the Russians and managed to cross the

    日本艦隊採取了與俄羅斯人 平行線並設法阻擋

  • Russian T again. Within 20 minutes of this engagement two Russian battleships were sunk.

    俄羅斯軍艦,T字形再次形成。 在20分鐘內交火後兩艘俄羅斯戰艦被擊沉。

  • The Russian fleet was devastated and the battle was effectively over. But Admiral Togo aimed

    俄羅斯艦隊遭到了毀滅性打擊 致使戰鬥告一段落。但東鄉上將的目標是

  • for complete victory over Russians in the Pacific, and thus sought to continue to chase

    為了完全戰勝俄羅斯人 於太平洋,因此尋求繼續追逐

  • the remainder of the Russian fleet aiming to reach Vladivostok.

    俄羅斯艦隊其餘朝向 達符拉迪沃斯托克的殘部。

  • 21 destroyers and 37 torpedo boats were employed to achieve complete victory over the Russians.

    部屬了21艘驅逐艦和37艘魚雷艇 以完全戰勝俄羅斯人。

  • Destroyers attacked the Russian vanguard, while the torpedo boats attacked from the

    驅逐艦襲擊了俄羅斯先鋒隊, 魚雷船從俄軍的

  • east and south of the Russian fleet. The Japanese were able to surround the Russians and cause

    東方及南方襲來。 日軍能夠包圍俄軍船艦 和

  • panic among their ranks. The night attacks had put a great strain on the Russians, as

    在他們的艦隊中造成恐慌。夜襲 這點給俄羅斯人帶來了很大的壓力

  • they had lost two battleships and two armoured cruisers, while the Japanese had only lost

    他們失去了兩艘戰艦和兩艘裝甲 巡洋艦,而日本人只是失去了

  • three torpedo boats. In the morning of May 28th Rear Admiral Nebogatov

    三艘魚雷艇。 5月28日上午Nebogatov少將

  • ordered the six remaining ships under his command to surrender.


  • Japan was able to succeed in the Battle of Tsushima thanks to its more evolved gunnery,

    日本能夠在對馬島海峽海戰中 取得成功得益於其更先進的艦砲,

  • faster pace and better use of the wireless telegraph, along with tactical superiority.

    更快的裝填速度和更好的無線 通信,以及戰術優勢。

  • Russia suffered a heavy defeat with a loss of all its battleships and most of its cruisers

    俄羅斯因失敗而遭受重創 喪失其所有戰艦和大多數巡洋艦

  • and destroyers, while the Japanese Navy lost only 3 torpedo boats. The Russians lost 4,380

    和驅逐艦,而日本海軍只損失 3個魚雷艇。俄軍陣亡了4,380人

  • killed and 5,917 captured, including two admirals, while Japan lost 117 men.

    被俘5,917人被捕,包括兩名海軍上將, 而日本失去了117名男子。

  • The Battle of Tsushima effectively ended the Russo-Japanese war in favour of Japan. For

    對馬海峽海戰有效地結束了 日俄戰爭並有利於日本。對於

  • the first time in a very long period an Asian power defeated a European powerhouse. This

    在很長一段時間內第一次有亞洲政權 擊敗了歐洲列強。這個

  • weakened the prestige of the Russian Empire, which was one of the key triggers of the Russian

    削弱了俄羅斯帝國的威信, 這是俄羅斯於1905年革命的

  • revolution in 1905. Meanwhile, Japan solidified its place as a force to be reckoned with in

    關鍵觸發因素之一。與此同時, 日本成為不容忽視的軍事力量於

  • the Pacific and Far East.


  • Thank you for watching our video on the Russo-Japanese war. It is often difficult to convey everything

    感謝您觀看我們關於日俄戰爭的視頻 戰爭。通常很難傳達一切

  • in a short video, so we decided to start a Kings and Generals podcast. If you want to

    於短片中,我們決定開始一個 國王和將軍廣播劇。如果你想

  • learn more about the situation in Russia and Japan prior and after this conflict, you can

    了解俄羅斯和日本 衝突之前和之後的情勢,你可以

  • listen to the first two episodes of our podcast via the link in the description or the pinned

    聽我們廣播劇的前兩集 通過描述中的鏈接或標記的

  • comment. New videos in this series are on the way, so make sure you are subscribed to

    評論。本系列中的新視頻已開啟 方式,所以請確保您訂閱

  • our channel and pressed the bell button. We would like to express our gratitude to our

    我們的頻道按下了鈴鐺?按鈕。 我們我想對我們表示感謝

  • Patreon supporters and channel members, who make the creation of our videos possible.

    Patreon的支持者和Youtube的成員, 使我們的視頻創作成為可能。

  • Now, you can also support us by buying our merchandise via the link in the description.

    現在,您也可以通過購買我們的商品來支持我們 商品可透過說明中的鏈接進入。

  • This is the Kings and Generals channel, and we will catch you on the next one.

    這是國王和將軍的頻道,而且 我們會與你在下支影片中重逢。

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 changed the history of warfare forever, ushering in

日俄戰爭從1904年二月持續至1905年九月 而這場戰役永遠改寫了戰爭歷史,

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