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  • You've probably heard this story.

  • Aron Ralston was out climbing in Utah's Bluejohn Canyon when a giant rock shifted under his

  • feet, and he fell, pinning his right arm to the canyon wall. He was stuck, and worse,

  • he hadn't told anyone where we was going.

  • For the next five days, Ralston tried to move and chip away at the rock. He ate his remaining

  • food, drank the last of his water. Eventually he drank his own urine, and started videotaping

  • his goodbyes.

  • But then something happened. Ralston had a dream. He saw himself as a father, picking

  • up his son, and with that vision, an overpowering will to survive kicked in. He broke his arm

  • bones, sawed through his flesh with a dull pocket knife, and freed himself.

  • Ralston harnessed some of our most powerful psychological forces -- hunger, thirst, desire

  • to be part of a family, need to return to the human community -- they ignited his tenacity,

  • which allowed him to do an incredible thing.

  • He harnessed the power of motivation.

  • Obviously, in a big, big way.

  • [INTRO]

  • In its most basic sense, motivation is the need or desire to do something. Whether that

  • need is biological, social, or emotional, and whether that something is making dinner,

  • going to college, or cutting off your arm, motivation is what gets you moving.

  • But the big question is, why? Why do we do anything? I mean, why ever bother changing

  • out of my sweatpants?

  • Psychologists often view motivation in one of four ways. On their own, none of these

  • theories is perfect, but taken together, they help us understand what drives us. Let's start

  • with the first theory: an evolutionary perspective.

  • For a while in the early 20th century, it was popular to think of all behaviors as instincts,

  • or innate drives to act a certain way. But this so-called Instinct Theory was misguided,

  • in part because the presence of a tendency doesn't always mean it's supposed to be there.

  • Like, we can imagine why a bunch of people might start rioting at a heated soccer match,

  • but to say that they're supposed to -- a little short-sighted.

  • Evolution is a far more complex, chaotic, and interesting process than that. Plenty

  • of behaviors could just be accidents of evolution -- late paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould called

  • these accidents "spandrels," or traits that rather than being "adaptive" just stuck around

  • as byproducts of other processes.

  • Today we define instincts as complex, unlearned behaviors that have a fixed pattern throughout

  • a species. For example, dogs instinctively shake their fur when wet, salmon return to

  • the stream in which they hatched, and human babies know how to suckle just minutes after

  • being born.

  • These are true, genetically-predisposed instincts that do not require learning.

  • But today we understand that while certain tendencies may be genetic, individual experience

  • plays a major role in behavior and motivation, as well.

  • So another theory of motivation suggests that a physiological need, or drive, simply compels

  • us to reduce that need. This is called the drive-reduction theory. This can be as simple

  • as hearing my stomach growl, and looking for a burrito. My need is food, my drive is hunger,

  • my drive-reduction behavior is burrito.

  • Drive reduction is all about maintaining your body's homeostasis -- the physiological balance

  • of its systems.

  • As much as we're pushed to reduce our drives, we're also pulled along by incentivesthe

  • positive or negative stimuli that either entice or repel us. The mouth-watering smell of that

  • burrito pulls me toward it, just as much as my hunger pushes me there.

  • However, we're also clearly more complicated than our homeostatic systems, and drive-reduction

  • theory may over-simplify a lot of our behavior. For example, a person may fast for days, ignoring

  • their body's hunger to honor some spiritual or political cause; and I know I'm not the

  • only one who sometimes eats when I'm not actually hungry.

  • So a third theory -- the theory of optimal arousal -- attempts to fill in some of those

  • gaps. It suggests rather than just reducing a drive or tension, like hunger, we're motivated

  • to maintain a balance between stimulation and relaxation.

  • Say you're holed up in your house all weekend studying. You're bored and lonely and gettin'

  • weird, so you call up some friends to go mountain biking or to a karaoke bar or whatever you

  • like to do to for stimulation.

  • The idea here is that you want to hit the right level of arousal -- which, take note,

  • psychologists often use in a non-sexual sense -- without getting overstimulated and stressed.

  • So if you nearly break your face on that bike ride, or if the Journey covers at karaoke

  • start getting too intense, you may need to back off and take a nap.

  • Of course everyone has a different level of optimal arousal, and I'm guessing Aron Ralston's

  • was fairly high. Adrenaline junkies may jump out of planes to hit their ideal level, whereas

  • others might be satiated by an engaging book, or new knitting pattern. No matter which,

  • the optimal arousal theory suggests that we're motivated to avoid both boredom and stress.

  • And obviously not all needs are created equally. If I'm suffocating and can't catch a breath,

  • I'm not going to be thinking about eating that burrito. And if I'm about to be ravaged

  • by lions, I'm not going to worrying about my paycheck.

  • American psychologist Abraham Maslow illustrated this shuffling of priorities in the mid-1900's

  • with his famous hierarchy of needs.

  • Down at the bottom of the pyramid you'll find our most basic physiological needs for food,

  • water, air, and moderate temperatures.

  • The next rung up speaks to our need for safety, then comes love and belonging, followed by

  • esteem or respect, and finally, once all those needs have been met, we have the relative

  • luxury of being motivated by self-actualization and spiritual growth, and yoga retreats and

  • stuff.

  • Of course there are problems with Maslow's vision. Empirical research hasn't really supported

  • his hierarchy. We tend to skip around on that pyramid all the time, and the importance of

  • those higher-level needs may vary depending on our culture and finances and personalities.

  • But still, everyone is restricted by the lowest levels of the pyramid. So, regardless of the

  • theories about why we have them, most schools of psychological thought agree that we are

  • driven by at least three big motivators: sex, hunger, and the need to belong.

  • We'll do a whole lesson later about all sorts of sex-related stuff, including how it motivates

  • us. There's a lot there. For now, let's just say that sexual motivation is how we promote

  • the survival of our species through recreation and/or procreation - both of which help human

  • communities bond and expand. Without it, none of us would be here today, thinking about

  • burritos and severed arms and sex and stuff.

  • Internally, we are biologically driven to knock boots by our sex hormones. We're also

  • motivated by psychological and sociocultural influences - ranging from suggestive external

  • stimuli plastered all over billboards, magazines, and TVs in the form of, you know, scantily-clad

  • bodies sprawled out on beaches to more genteel desires like love, family, or adherence to

  • personal, religious, or cultural values.

  • Sex is a big motivator, but it isn't precisely a need, no matter what anyone has told you.

  • People do not die without it.

  • Hunger, though...

  • After air and water, food is our body's greatest need, and thus obtaining food is one of our

  • greatest motivations.

  • Hunger may seem pretty simple. Eat food, stay alive. But physiologically and psychologically,

  • there is a lot going on. And like so many things, it starts in the brain.

  • The sensation of hunger usually begins with a drop in your blood-sugar level. Glucose

  • is our body's primary source of energy, and while you might not initially feel it drop,

  • your brain will.

  • Your hypothalamus monitors your blood chemistry, and responds to both high levels of the "hunger

  • hormone" ghrelin, and low levels of glucose by triggering that feeling of hunger reminding

  • you to eat something. I am in fact experiencing it right now!

  • Once you've eaten that burrito, your metabolism takes over, converting that food into energy.

  • But while our physiological need for calories varies depending on our body size and composition,

  • your gender, and your age, our hunger is also shaped by our psychology, culture, and mood.

  • And these factors don't just rule when we're hungry, they also guide what we're hungry

  • for.

  • Biologically speaking, most humans, and many other animals, have a genetic taste for sweets

  • and fatty foods, because they're typically high in energy. But other taste preferences

  • are conditioned through experience and culture.

  • I may have an aversion to oysters because they once made me sick, and love gingerbread

  • cookies because my grandma used to make them. Although popular in Cambodia, I'm not too

  • keen on eating fried tarantulas, just as lots of folks around the world think that the very

  • idea of peanut butter is gross.

  • Still, the feeling of hunger affects us the same.

  • During World War Two in the US, some conscientious objectors volunteered for medical research

  • as an alternative way to serve their country.

  • Perhaps the most famous of these studies was physiologist Ancel Keys' Minnesota Hunger

  • Experiment, which measured the effects of semistarvation, by partially starving its

  • volunteers.

  • While ethically dubious, the experiment was geared toward understanding the many small

  • and large effects of hunger, which was plaguing Europe at the time.

  • The study started in 1944, by feeding 36 young, healthy men a normal diet for three months,

  • then halving their caloric intake for six months, then slowly rehabilitating them to

  • normal weight during the last three months.

  • They ate mostly wartime-foods like root vegetables, bread, and pastas, and were required to walk

  • 22 miles, and participate in various work and educational activities, for 40 hours each

  • week. The goal was to see a 25 percent drop in body weight during the starvation period.

  • As you can imagine, the changes were dramatic. The men became gaunt and listless, and showed

  • a decrease in strength, heart rate, and body temperature.

  • But the psychological effects were perhaps even more dramatic. The men became totally

  • obsessed with food. They dreamed about it, talked about it all the time, read cookbooks.

  • They lost interest in sex and jokes and social activities. They were irritable, anxious,

  • and depressed.

  • In the end, they were all rehabilitated, but the study gave us some understanding of the

  • devastating psychological effects of starvation. It also showed us something of the social

  • effects, as the men withdrew from one another and isolated themselves. As one fundamental

  • need was frustrated, these men experienced the decline of another - the need to belong.

  • Humans are social animals. Evolutionarily speaking, it's fair to say that social bonding

  • has helped us survive. It's a tough world out there, and we've got a lot better shot

  • at thriving if we're sharing resources and responsibilities, protecting and supporting

  • each other in groups.

  • That isn't say you need to be joined at the hip with everyone--our social needs have to

  • be balanced with our autonomy, or sense of personal control, so we feel both connected

  • and independent.

  • But sometimes we're denied that sense of belonging. We've all experienced the pain of being ignored

  • or rejected at some point in our lives. It's worse than just about anything.

  • The evidence for this is abundant - one recent study suggested that teenagers who had a sense

  • of belonging to their community had better health and emotional outcomes than those who

  • didn't feel like they belonged.

  • Cultures all over the world actually use ostracism, or social exclusion, as a type of punishment.

  • Whether it's kids in time-out, adults in exile, or prisoners in solitary confinement, separation

  • feels like a punch in the gut.

  • Never underestimate the power behind what motivates us. The need to survive, the need

  • to belong... if you can harness that motivation, you can do just about anything. Just ask Aron

  • Ralston.

  • If you were motivated to learn today, hopefully you took in four theories of motivation including

  • the evolutionary perspective, drive-reduction, optimal arousal, and Maslow's hierarchy of

  • needs, and how sex, hunger, and the need to belong motivate us.

  • Thanks for watching, especially to our Subbable subscribers who make this whole channel possible.

  • If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Crash Course or even be animated into an upcoming

  • episode, just go to

  • This episode was written by Kathleen Yale, edited by Blake de Pastino, and our consultant

  • is Dr. Ranjit Bhagwat. Our director and editor is Nicholas Jenkins, the script supervisor

  • is Michael Aranda, who's also our sound designer, and the graphics team is Thought Café.

You've probably heard this story.

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激勵的力量。心理學速成班第17期 (The Power of Motivation: Crash Course Psychology #17)

  • 612 80
    Huang Shao Po posted on 2021/01/14
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