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  • Yes, wish only to the king, The big chicken of the Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're explaining the stranger things season four ending and what comes next.


  • This is from you for this video, we're breaking down where the latest season of this netflix show leaves us and how it could lead into its future.


  • And of course if you're not caught up on all episodes of season four, beware of major spoilers ahead, what do you want to see in the fifth and final season?


  • Let us know in the comments in keeping with all of season four, the final episode called The Piggyback sees our protagonists largely separated in doing so, they launched what is essentially a four quadrant attack on series, Big bad Vesna.


  • A.


  • K A.

    K A.

  • Henry.


  • Creel, A K A one, sorry, what are we calling him now?

    克里爾,A K A一,對不起,我們現在怎麼稱呼他呢?

  • Henry Right four is an important number in the season as it's also the amount of kills Vaknin needs to realize his goal as such.


  • Our heroes enact their plan by playing into his, you will be the chosen 1/4.


  • The final sacrifice this is going to be That breaks the world max, puts herself in an unconscious trance as a way to bait Vesna and distract him long enough for the others to kill him.

    最後的犧牲這將是 這打破了世界的最大值,使自己處於無意識的恍惚狀態,以此來引誘維斯納,並分散他的注意力,使他有足夠的時間讓其他人殺死他。

  • But of course in proper Scooby doo fashion.


  • It doesn't all go entirely according to plan.


  • Buy more time while distracting the demo bats from the main action.


  • Eddie tragically loses his life.


  • Meanwhile max's Vaknin nightmare isn't going well requiring her to get an assist from L You are brave, sexy, much braver than your brother, thankfully L is able to put herself in the void from hundreds of miles away and piggyback off max's experiences.

    同時,Max的Vaknin噩夢並不順利,需要她得到L的幫助。 你很勇敢,性感,比你哥哥勇敢多了,幸好L能夠在數百英里外把自己放在虛空中,並從Max的經歷中搭便車。

  • Hence the title of the episode.


  • This allows L to essentially join the mental battle against Vesna giving the others more time to complete the mission.


  • Hi.


  • However, even L needs an assist as mike proclaims to her unconscious body that he loves her.


  • I love you on your good days, I love you on your bad days.


  • I love you with your powers.


  • I love you without your powers, I love you for exactly who you are, you're my superhero.


  • This sets off a chain reaction that turns the tide in favor of our heroes.


  • L now fully motivated, breaks free of vectors, binds and rescues max before the former can finish her.


  • I've already lost.


  • No, you have.


  • Meanwhile in Russia Murray torches, the demo Gorgon sending a shockwave through vectors.


  • Hive mind and releasing steve nancy and Robin from their own binds in the upside down.


  • They are then able to set vectors physical body ablaze before shooting it out of the attic, seemingly killing him.


  • Yeah, this would otherwise be a victory for the protagonists, but max.


  • Succumbing to her wounds, changes everything.


  • Four times max with the advent of vagueness.


  • Fourth kill four huge fissures to the upside down begin to open up in the real world, convening in the center of Hawkins.


  • L is, fortunately able to psychically restart max's heart, but it's otherwise too late for the sleepy indiana town.


  • In the coming days, residents have come to assume the massive earthquake was nothing but that though they do blame Eddie for all the misfortune that's come upon them.


  • A growing chorus believes the two recent tragedies are linked, claiming the months and murders opened a doorway between worlds, A doorway, they say, into hell itself.


  • However, they're about to get an even ruder awakening as the upside down soon begins to flood in through the cracks.


  • The episode ends on this cliffhanger leading into season five.


  • The Duffer brothers have yet to start scripting as of this publication.


  • They've already given us a good indication of what season five will entail essentially.


  • What with it being the final season, it's a fair assessment that all hell will break loose, literally, Mom, it's snowing.


  • What's even more interesting is the report from ross Duffer himself that season five will likely have another time jump ostensibly longer than the usual narrative year or so between seasons, fans have continually pointed out, especially in later seasons that the young cast doesn't quite look young enough to play their characters ages.


  • This is Hellfire Club, Not babysitting club.


  • I'm 11, you long haired freak, my my child speaks, assuming this time jump is indeed longer than usual.


  • This could finally allow the characters to catch up to their actors that leads to a believable extent, still seeing a season four takes place in 1986.


  • We can't imagine season five going too far ahead and leaving the decade behind as it wouldn't really be stranger things without the 1980s.


  • As far as how the time jump will affect the plot.


  • A whole slew of possibilities open up for starters we imagine Hawkins will be completely evacuated in place of a heavy military presence though the secret of the upside down will effectively be out in terms of the government at large.


  • We've yet to know what effect this will have on the world.


  • Presumably our characters will be far away from Hawkins when season five begins only to have to return to close the doorway once and for all, they'll also likely have Vesna to contend with again as Will has all but confirmed his survival now that I'm here in Hawkins, I can feel him and he's hurt, she's hurting but he's still alive.


  • The leap forward in time will also likely have far reaching implications on character relationships as well as much as the show seemed to intimate early on that Jonathan and nancy were endgame season four all but solidified the notion that the pendulum is swinging back in favor of steve.


  • Are we okay?


  • Yeah.


  • Yeah, yeah, totally.


  • Yeah.


  • It's it's just it's hard though, they don't admit it.


  • Clearly things are not all right between Jonathan and nancy.


  • We don't know if the college storyline will continue in season five but we imagine nancy's feelings for fan favorite steve will continue to grow.


  • I always had this dream that I'd have this like this really, it's really big family, I'm talking like full brood of Harrington's like 56, kids six, yeah, six little nuggets.


  • The time jump likely won't be long enough for them to have six little Harrington nuggets, but who knows?


  • Maybe in a series ending epilogue one relationship we're pretty sure about though, is the burgeoning one between Robin and Vicky.


  • Just look at them.


  • They're so cute.


  • Oh, you're welcome for me.


  • Oh you really shouldn't, but I did, but I just don't even deserve it.


  • There's also the dangling plot thread of max who remains in a coma after being brought back to life.


  • Doctors don't know how considering the otherworldly nature of her temporary demise, it's not inconceivable to say that it will take something similar to bring her back completely and it could very possibly have something to do with Vesna fans have already theorized about this.


  • Calling back to the flashback with Henry at Hawkins Lab as evidence after killing all the other test subjects, Henry, let's 11 know that they're still with him mentally, they're still with me here, it could be that max's soul or consciousness is similarly there needing to be unleashed in order to wake up or perhaps this is Vienna's last link to the real world should his corporeal body really be destroyed as much as we're used to, will being a conduit for the upside down.


  • Maybe in season five, it'll be max's turn.


  • I'm here.


  • Another thing to keep in mind is the potential for Stranger Things spin offs.


  • Do you want a tax receipt form?


  • No, I don't think that we need one.


  • Thank you though.


  • But is there anything else that we can do to help while season five has been confirmed to be the show's last?


  • That doesn't mean it's the end for the world at large, especially with it being essentially netflix's golden goose.


  • The duffer brothers have already teased the possibility of spinoff series, even if they're wildly different from what we're acquainted with any idea as to what they entail is entirely speculation at this point.


  • But judging by the success of season four, we are sure that the future of Stranger Things is bright no matter what.


  • Well, what do you think?


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Yes, wish only to the king, The big chicken of the Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're explaining the stranger things season four ending and what comes next.


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