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  • Hi, I'm Kae.


  • Welcome to Oxford Online English!

    歡迎來到Oxford Online English!

  • In this lesson, you can learn about intonation in English.


  • How important is intonation?


  • Let's see.


  • Look at a sentence:


  • Do you need some help?

    Do you need some help?

  • It's a simple question, but by changing the intonation, you can change the meaning

    那是一個簡單的問句,但是,通過 改變語調,您可以完全地

  • completely.


  • For example, it can be a simple question, where you're really offering to help:

    例如,那可以是一個簡單的問題, 您已經準備提供幫助:

  • Do you need some help?

    Do you need some help?

  • It can be a rhetorical question, where you don't really think the person needs help,

    那可以是一個修辭性的問題,您並 非真正地認為那個人需要幫助,

  • but you want to be polite:


  • Do you need some help?

    Do you need some help?

  • It can show that you're annoyed with the person you're talking to:

    那可以表明您對正在與您交談的 那個人生氣:

  • Do you need some help?

    Do you need some help?

  • It can be sarcastic:


  • Do you need some help?

    Do you need some help?

  • It can show surprise that the other person might need your help:

    那可能表明驚訝對方或許 需要您的幫助:

  • Do you need some help?

    Do you need some help?

  • There are other possibilities, too!


  • You can see that intonation is a very powerful tool.

    您可以看到語調是一個 非常有用的工具。

  • Controlling your intonation is important for communication in spoken English.

    控制您的語調對英文口說 溝通是重要的。

  • So, let's start at the very beginning: what actually is intonation?

    所以,我們從很初級的來開始: 語調實際上是什麼?

  • There are seven possible intonation patterns in English:


  • rising falling

    升調 降調

  • rising-falling falling-rising

    由升調轉為降調 由降調轉為升調

  • flat high

    平調 高調

  • low


  • The most important are the first four: rising, falling, and combinations of rising and falling

    最重要的是前四個:升調、 降調,以及升調和

  • tones.


  • Flat tones, including high and low tones, aren't common and don't have many uses,

    平調,還有高調和低調, 是不常見的,並且使用不多。

  • so we won't talk about them today.


  • However, rising and falling tones can each have many different meanings.

    然而,升調和降調可以每個 都有很多不同的意思。

  • Keep this in mind: one intonation pattern does not mean one thing.

    記住這個:一個語調結構不意味著 一件事情。

  • The same intonation can have different meanings in different situations.

    相同的語調在不同的語境可以 有不同的意思。

  • Also, intonation is flexible.


  • There are rules, but the rules are not one hundred per cent fixed.

    有規則,但是,規則不是百分 之一百固定的。

  • Different people speak in different styles.


  • Let's practice!


  • Here's a word: Let's try saying the word with different

    這裡是一個單字:我們試著 用不同的語調結構

  • intonation patterns.


  • Repeat after me.


  • Rising: where?


  • Falling: where?

    降調: where?

  • Rising-falling: where?


  • Falling-rising: where?

    降調轉為升調: where?

  • Let's try one more time, with two words:


  • How many?

    How many?

  • Rising: how many Falling: how many?

    升調: how many 降調:: how many?

  • Rising-falling: how many?

    升調轉降調: how many?

  • Falling-rising: how many?

    降調轉升調: how many?

  • If you can pronounce these four intonation patterns, you can already do most of what

    如果您唸這四個語調結構,您 已經能用英文做大部分

  • you need in English.


  • So, how do you use these intonation patterns?


  • The most basic rule is that you use a falling tone to show the end of a sentence.

    最基本的規則是您使用降調來 表明句子結束了。

  • For example: I live in Madrid.

    例如: I live in Madrid.

  • She's a lawyer.

    She’s a lawyer.

  • We might be a bit late.

    We might be a bit late.

  • You can use a rising tone to show that your sentence isn't finished yet.

    您可以用一個升調來表明您的 句子還沒有結束。

  • For example: I live in Madrid, but I was born in Canada.

    例如: I live in Madrid, but I was born in Canada.

  • She's a lawyer, although she isn't working at the moment.

    She’s a lawyer, although she isn’t working at the moment.

  • We might be a bit late, because I don't finish work until seven.

    We might be a bit late, because I don’t finish work until seven.

  • That's the most basic rule, and it's important.


  • If you don't use rising or falling tones in the right places, people won't understand

    如果您沒有在正確的地方使用升調 或降調,人們不理解您

  • whether you've finished speaking or not.


  • However, there are many other ways to use these intonation patterns.

    然而,有很多其他方式來使用這些 語調結構。

  • Let's look at another.


  • Did you get some bread?

    Did you get some bread?

  • I thought you were going to get the bread!

    I thought you were going to get the bread!

  • How are we going to make sandwiches if we don't have any bread?

    How are we going to make sandwiches if we don’t have any bread?

  • We can go to the bakery and buy some sandwiches there.

    We can go to the bakery and buy some sandwiches there.

  • But, I think the bakery is closed on Saturdays.

    But, I think the bakery is closed on Saturdays.

  • It's not Saturday today; it's Sunday!

    It’s not Saturday today; it’s Sunday!

  • Oh


  • Can you work out what was going on in that dialogue?

    您可以找出在那個對話裡發生了 什麼事情嗎?

  • After the first question: did you get some bread, you heard five sentences.

    在第一個問題之後:did you get some bread,您聽到了五個句子。

  • Listen again if you need to; can you hear the intonation?

    如果您需要,再聽一遍;您能 聽出語調嗎?

  • Before, you heard that you use falling intonation at the end of your sentence, but here, the

    之前,您聽到您在句子的結尾使用 降調,但是,在這裡,結構

  • pattern is often the opposite:


  • I thought you were going to get the bread!

    I thought you were going to get the bread!

  • Do you know why this is?

    Do you know why this is?

  • This is our second rule about intonation: you use a falling tone to show that information

    這是我們關於語調的第二個規則: 您使用一個降調來表明資訊是

  • is new, and you use a rising tone for old information.


  • In this sentence, the bread has already been mentioned, so it's 'old' information,

    在這個句子裡,Bread已經被 提及了,所以它是“舊”資訊,

  • and you pronounce it with a rising tone.


  • However, the word you gets a falling tone, because this is the new idea in the sentence.

    然而,您得到了一個降調的單字, 因為這在句子裡是新的資訊。

  • Let's look at the next example:


  • How are we going to make sandwiches if we don't' have any bread?

    How are we going to make sandwiches if we don’t’ have any bread?

  • Here, the idea is the same.


  • The bread is 'old' information, so you pronounce it with a rising tone.

    Bread是"舊“資訊,所以, 您用一個升調發音。

  • The sandwiches are new information; this is the first time anyone has talked about sandwiches.

    Sandwiches是新的資訊;這是第一次 有人談及sandwiches。

  • New information gets a falling tone.


  • In the next sentence, which word is 'old' information, and which word is 'new' information?

    在下一個句子,哪一個單字是”舊“ 資訊,哪一個是”新“資訊?

  • Sandwiches are 'old' information, because we already mentioned them.

    Sandwiches是”舊“資訊,因為我們 已經提到了它們。

  • So, pronounce sandwiches with a rising tone.


  • The bakery is 'new' information, because this is the first time anyone has mentioned

    Bakery是”新“信息,因為這是 第一次有人

  • it.


  • So, bakery has a falling tone.


  • In the last two sentences, the pattern is reversed, but the idea is the same:

    在最後兩句,結構是相反的,但是, 想法是一樣的:

  • But, I think the bakery is closed on Saturdays.


  • It's not Saturday today; it's Sunday!


  • In the first sentence, the bakery is now 'old' information, so it gets a rising tone.

    在第一局,Bakery現在是”舊“資訊, 所以,它有一個升調。

  • The 'new' information, with a falling tone, comes at the end of the sentence.


  • You can see the same pattern in the second sentence: the 'old' informationSaturdaycomes

    您能在第二句看到相同的結構: ”舊”資訊 — Saturday —

  • first, and the 'new' informationSundayis at the end of the sentence.

    先出現,以及”新“資訊 — Sunday — 在句尾。

  • If you want more practice with this, go back to the dialogue.

    如果您想做這個的更多練習, 回答對話。

  • Pause after each sentence, and repeat, trying to copy the intonation.

    在每一句之後暫停,並重複, 試著復讀語調。

  • Pay attention to the way intonation changes on the same word as it changes from new to

    注意當相同單字從新資訊變成 舊資訊時,它的語調

  • old information.


  • Now let's look at a very important use of intonation: questions.

    現在,我們來看語調的一個非常 重要的用法:問題。

  • Where did you go for your vacation?

    Where did you go for your vacation?

  • I went to Dubrovnik.

    I went to Dubrovnik.

  • Is that in Croatia?

    Is that in Croatia?

  • Yes, on the coast.

    Yes, on the coast.

  • Have you ever been?

    Have you ever been?

  • No, never.

    No, never.

  • Did you have a good time?

    Did you have a good time?

  • Very nice, though it's quite touristy.

    Very nice, though it’s quite touristy.

  • You got back yesterday, right?

    You got back yesterday, right?

  • Yeah, late in the evening.

    Yeah, late in the evening.

  • Are you feeling tired?

    Are you feeling tired?

  • No, not too bad, actually!

    No, not too bad, actually!

  • In the dialogue, you heard six questions.


  • Three of them had rising tones, and three had falling tones.


  • Do you know why the intonation is different in different questions?

    您知道為什麼語調在不同的問題裡 是不同的嗎?

  • Sometimes, when you're asking a question, you have no idea of the answer.

    有時,當您在問一個問題,您對 答案沒有主意。

  • You're asking a question to find out new information.


  • In this case, the question has a falling tone:


  • Where did you go for your vacation? Have you ever been?

    Where did you go for your vacation? Have you ever been?

  • Did you have a good time?

    Did you have a good time?

  • Sometimes, when you ask a question, you already have some idea of the answer.

    有時,當您問一個問題時,您已經 對回答有一些預料的想法了。

  • You're asking a question to check something, or to confirm that your idea is right.

    您在問一個問題來驗證某些事情, 或者確認您的想法是對的。

  • In this case, the question has a rising tone:


  • Is that in Croatia? --> I think Dubrovnik is in Croatia, but I'm asking to make sure.

    Is that in Croatia? -->我認為杜布羅夫尼克 在克羅埃西亞,但是,我想要確認。

  • You got back yesterday, right? --> I had an idea that you got back yesterday, and I'm

    You got back yesterday, right? --> 我認為您昨天回來的,我在

  • confirming this with you.


  • Are you feeling tired? --> You told me you got back late in the evening, so I guess you're

    Are you feeling tired? --> 您告訴我 您晚上很晚才回來,所以,

  • tired.


  • This means that the intonation of a question can change depending on the situation.

    這意味著一個問題的語調可以 根據情形改變。

  • If you use a falling tone, this becomes a question to find new information.

    如果您使用一個降調,這會成為一個 要找到新資訊的問題。

  • This means you really have no idea whether Dubrovnik is in Croatia or not, and you want

    則意味著您對杜布羅夫尼克是否 在克羅埃西亞真的沒主意,

  • to know.


  • You can ask:


  • Where did you go for your vacation?

    Where did you go for your vacation?

  • If you ask this with a rising tone, it could suggest that you knew the answer before, and

    如果您用升調來問這個,那可能 意味著您之前知道答案,

  • you just want a reminder.


  • You're checking something you already knew; you're not asking for completely new information.

    您在驗證您已經知道的某些事情; 您不是在問一個完全是新的資訊。

  • Using this intonation will help you to sound more natural, but it doesn't change the

    使用這個語調會幫助您聽起來更 自然,但是,那不會

  • meaning of the question.


  • However, there are many other intonation patterns in questions which do have different meanings.

    然而,在有不同意思的問題裡有 很多其他的語調結構。

  • Let's look!


  • What a fantastic film! Wasn't it great?

    What a fantastic film! Wasn’t it great?

  • Are you insane? It was the worst movie I've seen all year.

    Are you insane? It was the worst movie I’ve seen all year.

  • Why would you say that? It was amazing!

    Why would you say that? It was amazing!

  • Forget it.

    Forget it.

  • It's two hours of my life I'm never getting back.

    It’s two hours of my life I’m never getting back.

  • Why don't we get something to eat? Your pick.

    Why don’t we get something to eat? Your pick.

  • How about we just go home? I'm pretty tired.

    How about we just go home? I’m pretty tired.

  • Again, you heard many questions in the dialogue.


  • Can you see what was different this time?


  • Before we tell you, think about a question.


  • What does a question do?


  • Most likely, you thought: “a question asks


  • for information.”


  • That's sometimes true, but actually you can use questions to communicate many other

    有時候是那樣的,但是,實際上, 您能使用問題來溝通很多

  • ideas.


  • In these cases, a question might not need an answer.

    在這些事例裡,一個問題也許 不需要一個回答。

  • For example, you can use questions to make a comment about something: Wasn't it great?

    例如,您可以使用問題來做一個關於 某些事情的評論:Wasn’t it great?

  • You can use questions to criticise someone or disagree with them: Are you insane?

    您可以使用問題來批評某人或 反對他們:Are you insane?

  • You can use questions to make suggestions: Why don't we get something to eat?

    您可以使用問題來提出建議: Why don’t we get something to eat?

  • Can you remember the intonation in these questions?


  • To make a comment about something, use a falling tone:

    做一個關於某些事情的評論, 使用一個降調:

  • Why would you say that? Doesn't he look smart?

    Why would you say that? Doesn’t he look smart?

  • Isn't it delicious?

    Isn’t it delicious?

  • To criticise someone, use a rising tone:


  • Have you lost your mind? Why would you do that?

    Have you lost your mind? Why would you do that?

  • Are you really that stupid?

    Are you really that stupid?

  • To make a suggestion, use a falling tone:


  • How about we just go home? Why don't you call and ask what's happening?

    How about we just go home? Why don’t you call and ask what’s happening?

  • Remember that intonation is flexible, and that's especially true here.

    記住語調是靈活的, 那在這裡是尤其如此。

  • You can also make a suggestion with a rising tone:


  • How about we just go home?

    How about we just go home?

  • Can you hear the difference?

    Can you hear the difference?

  • How do you think it changes the meaning?


  • The suggestion with a rising tone sounds more like a real question, because it sounds more

    有升調的建議聽起來更像是一個 真正的問題,因為那聽起來是

  • indirect and hesitant.


  • The suggestion with a falling tone doesn't sound so much like a question; it sounds more

    有降調的建議聽起來不太像 是一個問題,那聽起來

  • confident and direct.


  • This brings us to our last point: you can use intonation to express many different emotions.

    這是我們的最後一個重點:您可以 使用語調來表達很多不同的情感。

  • There's one intonation pattern we haven't talked about yet: rising-falling intonation.

    有一個我們還沒有談及的語調結構: 升調轉降調。

  • You can use this to express different feelings: positive or negative.

    您可以用這個來表達不同的感情: 積極的或消極的。

  • Look at one word: You can use a rising-falling tone to sound

    看一個單字:您可以使用一個升 調轉降調來讓講的聽起來是

  • excited: really?


  • You can use itslightly differentlyto sound annoyed: really?

    您可以使用它 — 略微不同地 — 來讓講的聽起來是生氣的:really?

  • You can use it to sound surprised: really?


  • Can you hear the difference between these three?


  • Listen once more: Really?

    再聽一遍: Really?

  • Really?


  • Really?


  • You use a rising-falling tone each time, but in a slightly different way.

    您每次使用一個升調轉降調,但是, 用一種略微不同的方式。

  • To sound excited or surprised, you start and finish higher, but to sound annoyed, the tones

    要聽起來興奮或吃驚,您開始和結束 要語調高,但是,要聽起來

  • are lower: really?


  • really?


  • To sound surprised, you often make the rising tone longer: really?

    要聽起來語調是吃驚的,您通常要讓升調 更長:really?

  • You can also use other tones to express some emotions.

    您也能使用其他的語調來表達 一些情感。

  • For example, you can use a rising tone to express doubt: really?

    例如,您可以使用一個升調來表達 懷疑:really?

  • You can use a falling tone to sound sarcastic: really?

    您能使用一個降調來讓講的聽 起來是諷刺的:really?

  • Let's practice!


  • You'll hear the same question with five different kinds of intonation.


  • Which emotion am I expressing?


  • Did you?

    Did you?

  • Did you?

    Did you?

  • Did you?

    Did you?

  • Did you?

    Did you?

  • Did you?

    Did you?

  • Okay, we hope you learned something useful about English intonation.

    好了,我們希望您學到一些有用的 英文語調的事情。

  • We have a question for you: is intonation in your language similar to English, or not?

    我們有一個問題給您:您的語言 裡的語調是與英文相似的嗎?

  • Let us know in the comments, because we're curious!

    請在留言板裡告訴我們, 因為我們很好奇!

  • Remember that you can find more free English lessons on our website: Oxford Online English

    記住您可以在我們的網站發現更 多的免費英文課程:

  • dot com.

    Oxford Online English dot com.

  • Thanks for watching!


  • See you next time!


Hi, I'm Kae.


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