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  • what?

  • This isn't like a journey to earth where you summon a little lightning in thunder and the mortals worship you as a god.

  • Welcome to watch mojo and today we're breaking down the post credit scenes in thor Love and Thunder I must say that was very very impressive what you did back there for this video.

  • We're looking at the post credit scenes from the latest thor film and what they mean for the M.

  • C.

  • You going forward.

  • This means spoilers, spoilers and more spoilers.

  • What did you think of the films?

  • Post credit scenes?

  • Let us know in the comments.

  • In addition to being the most iconic god in greek mythology Zeus has been a prominent deity in the marvel comic books since debuting in 1949 thor Love and Thunder introduces Russell Crowe's interpretation of the character faster than a speeding lightning bolt.

  • Zeus seemingly dies at thor's hand halfway through the film.

  • Let's see who you are.

  • Take off your disguise And of course if there's one thing the M.

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  • Is infamous for its fake out deaths.

  • The mid credit scene reveals Zeus alive albeit still week after taking that bolt to the chest thor was right about one thing however his actions against Zeus won't go unnoticed instead of sending an entire army after thor Zeus entrusts.

  • This revenge mission to his fiercest warrior and son Roy Kent Kent.

  • He does not like him.

  • Okay Not exactly but can we give a sidebar.

  • The post credit scene for Spiderman.

  • No way home saw Eddie brock confiding in a bartender played by Cristo Fernandez of dani rojas fame.

  • Sorry you have to pay the bill.

  • What is happening?

  • No no we just got here, No, not again and there he goes.

  • Now thor Love and Thunder ends on Emmy Winner Brett Goldstein armed with a mace.

  • Is this like a new trend or all future EMC you movie is going to leave us with a ted lasso actor popping up Hannah wadding um would make an exquisite Emma Frost but we'll save the fan casting for another time that really isn't necessary.

  • Okay, we'll mark this down is the first time we disagree.

  • Then Goldstein makes his M.

  • C.

  • You debut as Hercules whose first marvel comics appearance can be traced back to 1965 From the beginning.

  • Hercules is established as thor's rival technically when the two first fought in the comics, it was later revealed that Hercules was a disguised space phantom sent by a mortise.

  • When the real Hercules finally arrives in journey into mystery Annual number one, he inevitably clashes with thor in a battle of strength and ego, interestingly, it Zeus who puts a stop to their fighting, making his son and the God of Thunder shake hands in love and Thunder.

  • It's essentially the opposite with Zeus ordering Hercules to restore his Godly honor.

  • I am Hercules Prince of Power Lion of Olympus.

  • Greatest of the Argonauts.

  • It sounds like Zeus goal goes beyond getting back at thor, he sees that superheroes have become humanity's new idols while God's like himself, are now considered a joke, Zeus wants people to fear the gods again.

  • This could entail Hercules slaying one of earth's mightiest heroes or having him target those who thor has sworn to protect.

  • If the comics are any indication, thor and Hercules may start as enemies, but a camaraderie could arise, thor has helped Hercules get out of a few tight spots, most notably saving him from Olympian Pluto Whether Hercules ultimately becomes thorn's friend or foe, we're sure that Goldstein will go the distance in the role my way.

  • Speaking of which is Disney about to have to live action Hercules, The post credits confirm that thor will return, meaning we can expect at least one more standalone films during chris Hemsworth.

  • While thor five has yet to be officially announced, we imagine it'll center on the conflict between the God of Thunder and Hercules greetings newcomers.

  • Come bask in the bronze glow of Hercules.

  • This would also be a prime opportunity to bring the hulk back into the mix as Hercules has held his own against the green guy in the comics, although thor will return.

  • The post credits say nothing about the mighty thor making a comeback based on the second post credit scene, jane Foster has gone to a better place and she's likely to stay there from a puff of fog, jane emerges into a mysterious realm for a brief second.

  • It looks like jane might have survived her battle against Gore and stage four cancer.

  • However, it's confirmed that Foster has passed on as she's greeted by another familiar fallen face.

  • Idris Elba returns as Heimdall, making him one of the few actors to appear in all four thor films.

  • Along with chris Hemsworth.

  • Never as an enemy slipped my watch until this day.

  • I wish to know how that happened.

  • All thanks jane for protecting his son who goes by axel and shares his father's abilities.

  • He welcomes jane to the paradise of Valhalla, the As Guardian afterlife.

  • As the film closes, Valhalla has come up a few times in past M.

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  • Movies in his first solo film, thor speaks of food so succulent that it would be worthy of Valhalla who led you into the most glorious battles.

  • You did val stag the delicacies so succulent you thought you died and gone to Valhalla.

  • You did when Odin passed on in Ragnarok thor hoped that there was a place in Valhalla reserved for him in Norse mythology.

  • Odin rules over Valhalla where dead warriors unite to prepare for Ragnarok.

  • Of course Ragnarok has already happened in the M.

  • C.

  • You Loki.

  • This was never about stopping Ragnarok.

  • This was about causing Ragnarok search his crown the vault.

  • At one point during the production of thor Ragnarok Taika.

  • Waititi planned to set most of the film in Valhalla where a giant showdown would take place.

  • This idea was dropped with Ragnarok ultimately destroying Asgard instead.

  • Why Tts depiction of Valhalla here thus functions more like an eternal paradise for those who died a glorious death When thor reunites with Lady Sif in Love and Thunder, he mentions that you need to die in battle to get into Valhalla.

  • I've got this completely under control that why everything's on fire.

  • According to Norse mythology, half of Valhalla population dies in combat while the goddess Freya chooses the other half that enters freya also goes by Frida, thorne's mother, portrayed by Rene russo in the M.

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  • Futures have been going to you.

  • I didn't say it was from the future.

  • I was raised by witches.

  • I see with more than eyes marvel's qualifications for reaching Valhalla are still a little iffy.

  • But it makes sense that Heimdall and jane would be there.

  • Heimdall fell in battle saving the hulk before Thanos finished him off in infinity war.

  • That was a mistake considering that Heimdall was gatekeeper in one life, it's only fitting that he would be at the gates of Valhalla to welcome jane.

  • Although jane wasn't born on Asgard, she is an as guardian in every way that matters.

  • I must go back to Asgard.

  • But I give you my word I will return for you deal prior to the events of this film, she helped thor saved the world twice in love and Thunder.

  • She not only proves herself worthy enough to wield Meunier, but the hammer reforms just for her.

  • He reclaimed his title as the one and only thor oh, spoke too soon jane solidifies her worthiness during the final act, endangering herself to help thor the as guardian Children and the other gods that gore seeks to destroy.

  • I want to kill this guy dying in thor's arms following the final battle, jane more than earns her place in Valhalla.

  • Jane and Heimdall are the only ones we see in Valhalla during the post credits.

  • But who else could be there of the warriors.

  • Three volts tag fondle and Hogan all died when Helen arrived in Asgard.

  • I'm hella Since they all perished in battle, we expect there's a special place in Valhalla for them, Frida also died in combat sacrificing herself to protect jane from Malaki.

  • Although Odin doesn't die in battle, he says he can hear freedom calling him before passing on your mother, She calls me This line suggests that Frida also has a say in who enters Valhalla, whether they died in combat or not.

  • Biggest question mark is Loki, the one who died in infinity war.

  • Before we continue.

  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Although the God of mischief lived most of his life as a villain and a trickster.

  • He found redemption.

  • In the end he got choked out trying to save his adoptive brother from Thanos.

  • Meeting the criteria of dying in combat, you should choose your words carefully.

  • Yeah.

  • If Frieda has any say we imagine Loki would be welcome in Valhalla.

  • We hope to see more of Valhalla in future.

  • M.

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  • Projects, be it thor five or season two of Loki.

  • It might even be fun to get an entire film or miniseries set there for now.

  • This post credit scene provides a legendary send off for jane Foster, mighty thor jane.

  • Did you enjoy this video?

  • Check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

  • Yeah.


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