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  • Brainy Dose Presents:

  • 20 Things Confident People Don't Do

  • True confidence is very different from egotistical swagger.

  • When people believe in themselves and their abilities without bravado, there are things

  • they simply don't do.

  • Don't get me wrong, learning to be confident is important.

  • But, there are certain behaviors that set highly confident people apart from everyone

  • else.

  • In this video, we are going to highlight the core habits they share, so that you too can

  • incorporate them into your repertoire.

  • Number 1 - They Don't Over-Focus On Appearance

  • When someone is self-confident, they have a healthy relationship with their appearance.

  • They stay fit and well-groomed, and they eat healthy foods, because they know their bodies

  • deserve to be cared for properly.

  • Confident people improve the things they can, strive to put their best foot forward, and

  • then accept themselves as they are.

  • Number 2 - They Don't Try To Change Their Personality

  • Whether someone's an introvert or an extrovert, they can still be confident.

  • Confident people understand that self-assurance comes from feeling good about who they are

  • and what they can achieve by being completely authentic.

  • They don't try to be someone they're not, because they understand that self-acceptance

  • is a vital element of self-confidence.

  • Number 3 - They Don't Chase Likes And Follows On Social Media

  • For confident people, social media is about sharing what's happening - and not a place

  • for being worshiped.

  • They don't get disappointed when they post something and get only two thumbs up on it.

  • You may also find their profiles to be more interesting, and less self-centered than insecure

  • people.

  • They would rather post a quote they love, or a picture of a tree than a flaming hot

  • selfie!

  • Number 4 - They Don't Ignore Their Own Judgment

  • Self-confident people don't assume other people have all the answers or know best.

  • They value their own good judgment and listen to their own intuition.

  • They recognize that they have the ability, on their own, to come up with the answers

  • for most situations.

  • They may seek input and guidance, but they are comfortable making a final decision when

  • the time comes.

  • Number 5 - They Don't Put Others Down To Feel Good

  • Confident people don't need to undermine others or make negative comments about them, their

  • success, or wealth, in order to build themselves up.

  • They are genuinely happy for the success of others, and allow themselves to feel inspired

  • by those successes.

  • Furthermore, they don't assume successful people have something special that others

  • don't have!

  • They look to other happy, successful people for ideas and motivation - to create the same

  • success in their lives.

  • Number 6 - They Don't Dominate Conversations

  • A confident person understands that a conversation is an exchange of thoughts, and not a solo

  • act.

  • They take the time to learn what others are passionate about - even if they aren't particularly

  • interested in the topic.

  • They know that by actively listening and paying attention to others, they are much more likely

  • to learn and grow.

  • Number 7 - They Don't Avoid Conflict

  • Confident people know that conflict is part of life, and they don't see it as something

  • to be completely avoided - they see it as something to manage effectively.

  • They don't go along to get along - even when it means having uncomfortable conversations

  • or making unpleasant decisions.

  • Number 8 - They Don't Cling To People

  • People with confidence can stand on their own two feet.

  • It's not to say that they don't enjoy the company of othersbut, they are integral

  • enough to enjoy their own company, and to feel confident - even when they are alone,

  • or in a new social situation.

  • Number 9 - They Don't Wait For Permission To Act

  • Confident people don't need somebody to tell them what to do, or when to do it.

  • They don't waste time asking themselves questions likeCan I?” orShould I?”

  • If they ask themselves anything, it's “Why wouldn't I?”

  • Whether it's running a meeting when the chairperson doesn't show up, or going the

  • extra mile to solve a customer's problem, it doesn't even occur to them to wait for

  • someone else to take care of it.

  • They see what needs to be done, and they do it.

  • Number 10 - They Don't Seek Happiness From The Outside

  • Happiness is a critical element of confidence, because in order to be confident in what you

  • do, you have to be happy with who you are.

  • People who brim with confidence derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from their

  • own accomplishments - as opposed to what other people think.

  • They understand that no matter what anyone says - you're never as good or bad as people

  • say you are.

  • Number 11 - They Don't Focus On Weaknesses

  • Most people think it's worthwhile to put more time into strengthening their weaknesses.

  • Those with confidence however, understand that success comes with continuing to improve

  • upon your strengths.

  • They are able to accept their own weaknesses gracefully, and put more time and effort into

  • endeavors where they know they'll have more likelihood of success.

  • They maximize their time and energy this way.

  • Number 12 - They Don't Settle For Mediocre

  • Self-assured people have a vision of what they want, and they go for it.

  • They don't hold back and allow their fears to keep them from trying.

  • They push themselves to go above and beyond.

  • They set the bar high for themselves and demand excellence.

  • They know they are as deserving of the best - in both work and life - as anyone else.

  • Number 13 - They Don't Neglect Their Skills

  • So much of low self-confidence comes from not having the skills or training needed for

  • great success.

  • Those with confidence see clearly what they need to do to improve their chances of success.

  • They are willing to commit the time and energy to improving their skills, advancing their

  • training, or getting more education, in order to be more confident in their abilities.

  • Number 14 - They Don't Need Constant Praise

  • Have you ever been around someone who constantly needs to hear how great they are?

  • Well, confident people are not like this - they don't need constant praise.

  • They know that their success does not depend on other people's approval, and they understand

  • that no matter how well they perform, there's always going to be somebody out there offering

  • nothing but criticism.

  • Confident people also know that the kind of confidence that's dependent on praise from

  • other people, isn't really confidence at all - it's narcissism.

  • Number 15 - They Don't Resist Learning New Things

  • People with confidence, are life-long learners.

  • Even when they are experts in their field, they have a learner's mindset.

  • They know that there is so much more in life to achieve, and so many ways to grow.

  • They aren't entrenched in old ways of doing things, or old beliefs about what is right

  • or best.

  • They look for ways to stretch themselves, through new endeavors.

  • Number 16 - They Don't Get Too Comfortable

  • Confident people understand that getting too comfortable is the mortal enemy of achieving

  • goals.

  • That's because they know that comfort leads to contentment, and contentment leads to stagnation.

  • When they start feeling comfortable, they take it as a red flag, and start pushing their

  • boundaries, so that they can continue to grow.

  • They understand that a little discomfort is a good thing.

  • Number 17 - They Don't Tell Themselves Stories

  • Confident people don't lie to themselves.

  • They don't tell themselves things like, “I'm too old,” or “I'm not smart enough,”

  • or “I'm not attractive enough.”

  • They don't hide behind denial or limiting beliefs that simply offer an excuse to remain

  • stuck in the status quo.

  • They are real with themselves, even when the truth seems daunting.

  • Number 18 - They Don't Put Things Off

  • Why do people procrastinate?

  • Sometimes it's because they're lazy.

  • A lot of times, though, it's because they're afraid - afraid of change, failure, or maybe

  • even success.

  • Confident people don't put things off.

  • They don't sit around waiting for the right time or the perfect circumstances, because

  • they believe in themselves, and expect that their actions will lead them closer to their

  • goals.

  • They know that today is the only time that matters.

  • If they don't think it's the right time, they make it the right time.

  • Number 19 - They Don't Force Their Views on Others

  • Confident people don't force their beliefs on anyone else - whether those beliefs are

  • political or religious.

  • They have a clear understanding that these beliefs and choices are personal for everyone.

  • They may stand up for themselves when others oppose - but will never challenge what other

  • people think, nor feel the need to tell them that they are wrong.

  • Number 20 - They Don't Compromise Their Values

  • Having 'defined core values' gives foundational principles to any pursuit in life.

  • Confident people live in alignment with their values, and will never compromise themselves

  • or what they hold dear.

  • They use these values as they make decisions in both life and work - even if it means giving

  • up something desirable in the short term.

  • When it comes to confidence, one thing is certain:

  • Truly confident people always have the upper hand over the doubtful and the skittish, because

  • they inspire others, and they make things happen.

  • Embracing the behaviors of confident people is a great way to increase your odds for success,

  • which in turn, will lead to more confidence.

  • Remember, building confidence is a journey, not a destination!

  • We wanna know what you think!

  • Do you see yourself in any of these behaviors?

  • Did we miss anything?

  • Share your thoughts and comments below!

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  • can keep making them.

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  • Also, be sure to check out our other videos as well.

  • Thanks for watching!

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20 件自信的人不會做的事(20 Things Confident People Don't Do)

  • 172 7
    Sophia Liao posted on 2022/07/20
Video vocabulary