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I don’t typically eat a lot of frozen pizza, because I spend everyday eating a great pizza restaurant here around New York.
我不常吃冷凍披薩, 因為我常常可以在紐約吃到更美味的
I’m Scott and I run towards a famous pizza rest.
我是史考特, 每天穿梭在不同披薩店
And I also judge pizza competitions aound the United States and writes for a pizza publication called Pizza Today’s Magazine
擔任美國披薩比賽評審, 偶爾也為雜誌《Pizza Today》宣傳各種披薩
And I have a Guiness World record for the largest collection of pizza boxes. And I also judge pizza competitions aound the United States and writes for a pizza publication called Pizza Today’s Magazine
我還有金氏世界紀錄-蒐集最多披薩盒的人 擔任美國披薩比賽評審, 偶爾也為雜誌《Pizza Today》宣傳各種披薩
And I have a Guiness World record for the largest collection of pizza boxes.
But today Im going to try out some frozen pizza.
Munch. (laughs) This is Heinous sauce,bigtime!
(嚼嚼) 噁! 這個醬好恐怖噢 絕對是“大時代”牌烤肉醬
The taste of tomato is not there at all.
It’s completely masked.
There’s oregano and garlic but it’s the cheap garlic powder tatse.
It’s very monotonous bite.
It’s kind a one trick pony type of chew.
A lot of pizza has a crispiness and then a chewiness and this one sort of’s the same the whole way through. It’s kind a one trick pony type of chew.
多數披薩同時具有酥脆和嚼勁 但這個從頭到尾都一樣 每一口都差不多
A lot of pizza has a crispiness and then a chewiness and this one sort of’s the same the whole way through.
多數披薩同時具有酥脆和嚼勁 但這個從頭到尾都一樣
It’s one color.
Oh Oh! We got the square,renegade.
喔噢 是方形的耶 方形小叛徒
Munch. Interesting dual texture. Oh Oh! We got the square,renegade.
新鮮的雙重滋味 喔噢 是方形的耶 方形小叛徒
Munch. Interesting dual texture.
When you get pass the snap there’s this chewiness in the inside.
「喀滋」一聲 然後是耐嚼的餅皮
I think after the excitement wears down of that initial bite.
Your left foot this kind a gummy.
Very white bread. It’s very white bread. Your left foot this kind a gummy.
都是白麵包 沒有任何味道 只剩下嚼不完的餅皮
Very white bread. It’s very white bread.
都是白麵包 沒有任何味道
You’ve got an excellent cheese sauce ratio.
If I could stick this topping on a descent crust we may have something here but I’m kind a in to it.
-這層配料加上烘培得當的餅皮一定很完美 -但這樣其實也不錯
If can I eat this? wooh! sweet (laugh)
我還吃得下去嗎? 哇哦 讚啦
It feels like a cracker.
Oh god! It’s a… there’s a weird barbecue thing going on?
天啊! 這是什麼怪怪的烤肉味?
The crust is definitely drying me out.
That’s why I need moisture from the sauce.
But I’m getting a lot of it coz there’s not a whole lot of sauce.
可是醬汁也沒很多 所以還是乾乾的
I really do wanna look at it because it taste awful.
我想看看它是什麼德性 這塊太可怕了
Oh my god! It was a square!? I really do wanna look at it because it taste awful.
我的媽啊 又是正方形?! 我想看看它是什麼德性 這塊太可怕了
Oh my god! It was a square!?
我的媽啊 又是正方形?!
Really soft crust with one, not crunchy, no sound.
派餅皮軟軟的 咬下去也沒有「嘎ㄗ」聲
Chew are really chewy gummy.
I do not enjoy it.
This one is definitely more about cheese.
I can taste the cheese in this one. Thank the pizza god’s.
起司味道很明顯 起司之神降臨
The sauce has no flavor at all.
This is a cheese party, its all about the cheese in this one.
起司趴踢 這上面一定都是起司
This one is really lifeless.
It’s…it’s just like, it’s asleep.
Wow! That crust is terrible.
Very robust sauce.
Major garlic actually.
It’s got this weird chalky thing on the crust. Major garlic actually.
為什麼麵皮有奇怪的粉筆味? 大蒜有夠多
It’s got this weird chalky thing on the crust.
Like. I don’t hate it.
嗯~ 其實不難吃啦
Ow..oh..ow..oh..ow! Cheese! Cheese drag, we have cheese drag. Like. I don’t hate it.
哇啊~噢~呃~ 又是起司 牽「司」牽得有點誇張 嗯~ 其實不難吃啦
Ow..oh..ow..oh..ow! Cheese! Cheese drag, we have cheese drag.
哇啊~噢~呃~ 又是起司 牽「司」牽得有點誇張
Can I, can I seriously use this blind fold as a napkin, coz I will.
Major cheese drag, which means we have a lot of moisture, but it’s great.
超多起司 也就是這塊比較柔軟但調配得恰恰好
I mean finally we have some sauce here.
This is kind of a confusing pizza but I do not dislike it.
這塊有點難以形容耶 但不會讓我討厭
This one is kind a nice and it tasted okay.
整體來說 挺不賴
I am not at all surprise because like frozen pizza is basically like cardboard and gluten free pizza is like cardboard anyway.
結果都在我意料之中 冷凍披薩基本上就是硬梆梆
And this is great, I’m glad you guys did this.
Thanks’ for doing this. Trader Joe’s, 3 Cheese Gluten free pizza and I like it.
謝謝你們為我準備的 Trader Joe家的三種起司披薩還是不錯的