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  • Hey Squeaks, what are you looking at?

  • [Squeaks squeaks]

  • Oh!

  • It looks like Squeaks noticed an interesting light moving across the night sky, and he's

  • trying to figure out what it is!

  • You know, I don't think that's a meteor and I don't think it's an airplane either.

  • It's moving very steadily in a straight line across the sky, and it's not twinkling

  • or blinking.

  • That means it's probably a satellite!

  • A satellite is something that orbits, or goes around, a planet or a star, and there are

  • lots of different types.

  • Some natural things are satelliteslike the Moon, because it goes around the Earth.

  • But usually, when people talk about satellites they mean the ones that were made by people

  • and launched into space.

  • They're sort of like spaceships moving around the Earth, and they're usually made up of

  • a computer, along with solar panels to get power from the Sun.

  • Sometimes they also have cameras or other scientific tools to help gather information.

  • People sent our very first satellite into space in the year 1957.

  • It was called Sputnik, and it was only about the size of a beach ball!

  • These days, there are more than 2000 satellites up there!

  • [Squeaks squeaks]

  • I know!

  • It's hard to even imagine so many things moving around the planet at the same time!

  • But they have all kinds of different jobs.

  • Some scientists use satellites to help us study the Earth.

  • For example, they can take pictures or collect data about the Earth's surface.

  • That way, scientists can learn more about things like the temperature of the oceans

  • and see what's happening to the glaciers and other types of ice all over the world.

  • Satellites can also monitor the weather, which meteorologists, the scientists who study the

  • weather, use to learn about big storms like hurricanes.

  • But scientists aren't the only people who use satellites.

  • Turns out that you and me, and even Squeaks benefit from using satellites all the time!

  • Whenever you use the map on a phone or in a car to go somewhere, it's using satellites

  • in space to figure out where you are so it can tell you where to go!

  • Some types of TVs and phones also use satellites, because sometimes it can be easier to send

  • information to far away places on Earth if you use a satellite as the messenger.

  • With satellite TV, for example, the signals from all the channels get sent to a satellite,

  • which then sends the signals back down to lots of people's housesand their TVs!

  • The biggest satellite orbiting our planet is the International Space Station.

  • It's as big as a football or soccer field, and people actually live on it!

  • There are usually six astronauts on the space station at a time, and most of them stay there

  • for about six months.

  • When they're floating around on the space station, they can do all kinds of cool science

  • experiments that they couldn't do here on Earth!

  • And Squeaks, I think that's what you saw moving across the skythe International

  • Space Station!

  • You can usually see the space station on a clear night if it's flying over where you

  • live not too long after the sun goes down.

  • It'll look like a little point of light moving in a steady, straight line all the

  • way across the sky, with no blinking lights.

  • Which is exactly what Squeaks saw!

  • I don't know about you, Squeaks, but I'm definitely going to be thinking about satellites

  • the next time I hear the weather report.

  • And we should keep a lookout to see if we can spot the space station again the next

  • time it goes zooming by!

  • Thanks for joining us!

  • If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

  • and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

Hey Squeaks, what are you looking at?

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衛星(Check Out the Satellites!)

  • 20 1
    何智超 posted on 2022/08/22
Video vocabulary