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We all make mistakes, we're all human, and it really is time now to find that forgiveness for yourself,
otherwise you're going to stay stuck in a cycle of blame, guilt, shame and self-punishment,
and I know from personal experience that is hell on Earth.
So I woke up that day and I was really excited because it was our school sports day that afternoon.
I really thought I was in with a chance of getting a medal.
(In 1893, Lis Cashin was just 13 years old, and excited to be chosen to throw the javelin in a school competition.)
(1893 年,當時 Lis Cashin 13 歲,她很高興被選中在學校比賽中投擲標槍。)
I walked over to the runners' box and I picked the javelin up, I took a really deep breath, and then I threw the javelin as hard as I could.
At the very last moment, it veered to the right, and headed towards my friend Sammy.
在最後一刻,它向右轉,朝著我的朋友 Sammy 射去。
I saw the javelin strike her in the head, just above her left eye.
She stumbled forwards and there was lots of blood.
I just collapsed onto my knees with my head in my hands saying, "Oh, my God, oh, my God."
I just couldn't process what was happening.
(Tragically, Lis' friend Sammy died of her injuries four fays later.)
(不幸的是,Lis 的朋友 Sammy 在四天後傷重不治。)
The accident was all over the news, all over the media, and I think my family wanted to try and protect me from that.
But nobody really knew what to do, and so I was really sort of left to get on with things on my own.
I already had a very difficult relationship with my stepfather,
and on the way back from Sammy's funeral, he said that "We were never to mention her name in our house again."
在從 Sammy 的葬禮回來的時候,他說:「以後在我們家不准提到她的名字。」
And so not only did I not get any professional help to come to terms with things, I couldn't even talk about it at home.
(Lis developed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, although she wasn't diagnosed until years later.)
(Lis 罹患創傷後壓力症候群,雖然她在幾年之後才被診斷出來。)
(PTSD is a mental health condition characterised by flashbac ks, insomnia and severe emotional distress...)
(PTSD 是一種特徵為在腦中重現創傷事件、失眠和嚴重情緒困擾心理健康疾病...)
(As well as the immeidate imacpt, Lis blamed herself for decades afterwards,
(除了直接的影響,Lis 在之後的幾十年內都責備自己,
despited the fact that the inquest had concluded that Sammy's death as not her fault.)
儘管調查得出結論認為 Sammy 的死不是她的錯。)
I just felt like I had to pretend to everyone that I was OK, when really I was feeling all of this mental and emotional turmoil.
(When Lis was 47, she started trauma therapy.)
(當 Lis 47 歲時,她開始進行創傷治療。)
(Slowly, she was able to see that Sammy's death was not her fault.)
(漸漸地,她開始看清 Sammy 的死並不是她的錯。)
After that therapy, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
In the moment when I realised that I'd done nothing wrong.
I also realised all the pain and the suffering that I had created for myself.
When I talk to people about self-forgiveness, I've never experienced such pain in a room.
It's far greater than when I talk to people about forgiving others.
Self-forgiveness cuts to the core of our identity.
People often go on journeys of self-discovery, and Lis Cashin's a very good example of that.
人們經常進行自我發現的旅程,而 Lis Cashin 就是一個很好的例子。
It took decades for her to move to a place of forgiving herself and then, in a way, then moving beyond forgiving herself,
because she realised she was a child, it was an accident,
there were adults there who should have taken the entire responsibility for what had happened on the school playground that day.
So the accident had happened, but then it was me that had created these really destructive beliefs about myself - that I was evil, that I deserved to be punished -
and I'd gone on to punish myself in many ways over many years.
And when I realized that, it was like my heart broke open and I developed self-compassion,
and really needed to forgive myself for hurting myself for so many years.
(What can you fo if you are struggling to forgive yourself?)
I think self-forgiveness is very much wrapped up with guilt and shame, and this is why I think accepting yourself for who you are is critical to everything.
It's about having this broader perspective on life.
So for instance, in the case where you may... you may have had a drug addiction in the past and caused a lot of damage to yourself and others.
You may then actually broaden your perspective to look beyond yourself. Why had this happened?
你可能會拓寬視野,超越自己。 為什麼會這樣?
It's an addiction. It's an illness.
And that can really make a change to how you perceive yourself and how your life progresses.
By talking to others, by exploring other people's stories that are similar to yours.
What happened to them? How is it similar? How is it different?
And then I think key to everything is self-awareness.
Going on a journey to discover who you are.
Knowing yourself better.
Because if we don't know ourselves, we become deluded, very often, and we create great damage in the world.
There's a wonderful quote by the spiritual writer Richard Rohr. He says, "...if we don not transform our pain, we will most asuredly transmit it."
精神作家理查德·羅爾有一句棒的名言, 他說「……如果我們不改變我們的痛苦,我們肯定會散播它。」
So now I make it my mission every day to really practise love and self-care.
I meditate every day, I make sure I get out in nature or exercise.
I have a really brilliant support network of friends now, and family.
I'll reach out for professional support if I feel I still need it.
And now the thoughts I have towards myself are much more loving, and accepting, and forgiving.
Some people have said that self-forgiveness is selfish.
I don't think that's the case at all.
Because if you can't forgive yourself, you are central to your drama, and you're probably telling everyone about it all the time.
Or if you're not, it's in your head all the time.
Self-forgiveness is about making peace with things you've done which you cannot change.
And also it's about accepting you are fallible human being, just like the rest of the human race.