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Now in this video you will see a german candidate would likely score at band 8.5 for his performance on this speaking interview.
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Exam in the month of june use this code to get your 1st 15 minutes for free.
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Now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the I E L.
My name is Adrian.
I will be your examiner for this part of the test.
May I see your identification please?
Here you go.
Thank you.
And what is your full name?
My last name is Maya.
My first name is leon can refer to me as leo.
Theo the exam has three parts I will give you instructions for each.
I'm going to record this for marking purposes For part one, I will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic.
Here's your identification back.
Who do you live with?
I live with my girlfriend in a one bedroom apartment in downtown Munich.
Where do you go to relax?
So when I want to relax, I go to the gym and exercise for an hour.
I know it does not sound too relaxing, but it is for me, let's talk about teachers who was your favorite teacher, I would say my favorite teacher was my gym class instructor in grade 12.
That was mr claus.
He had a very positive attitude and yeah, he inspired me to be athletic.
Where do you learn from a teacher?
I think obviously in the classroom, but today it can also be virtual learning or physical learning.
Um for example, I take youtube classes or yoga classes on Youtube.
What is important to be a good teacher?
I would say that one of the most important characteristics of a good teacher is patients because it's very easy to lose your patients with students and to give up an instruction.
Have you ever taught anyone?
Oh yeah, I have, I've been working part time as a german instructor.
I'm very passionate about languages and helping other people.
And so this is an activity that I've done most of my adult life.
If you could teach any subject, what would it be?
Um that would be public speaking classes.
As I said, I'm very passionate about helping other people to communicate and I think that communication today is really the key to success.
That is the end of part one.
Now for part two, I'm going to give you a card here it is, please don't turn that over yet.
Um, and here is some notepaper and here is a pencil, you will have one minute to look at the questions on the card, think about your answer, you may take notes in the one minute if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak.
I will tell you when to start, when to stop.
Are you ready to begin?
Yeah, Okay then your one minute preparation time begins.
Now go ahead and turn over the card.
Okay, that is the end of the one minute leo, please begin speaking.
Okay, so arguably the most important body of water for the German economy.
This is the North Sea, it connects Germany with the other major European countries like Norway France Britain and it spends roughly 500 km in length and 120 km across.
And I would say it has dark water.
It is usually quite rough.
What I mean by that is that there are options storms and the waves are quite large.
So that is one of the places where they first tried to generate energy from, from wave from wave power.
Um, but in ancient times it was used for exploration for military and for trade.
So many german sailors, they set sails to the seas to discover the world and not only europe, they also went to africa to Asia uh America and they brought with them first and steel to trade them against other goods like gold and silver.
And then um in modern times the North Sea is still used for many of the same purposes as in the ancient times.
Um So it's an exit and an end report for a lot of tourists that come to Germany but also for Germans that go to other places by the way of cruise ships and then large cargo of cars for example enter the german market through the North Sea like cars from the US or from Japan.
And on the other hand for example, cars like Mercedes exit the german market via the North Sea as well.
Okay your time is up.
Leo I'm going to stop you there and please give back the pencil, the card and the note paper.
Thank you.
And now we will continue with part three for part three.
I will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two.
Let's talk about trade and commerce.
Right why is it important for countries to trade goods and services with each other?
Well I think the most important argument is that none of the countries is able to provide all the necessities and produce all the necessities that the citizens consumed by itself.
So the countries rely on trade to, so to supply this demand.
Can you give some examples?
Yeah, of course.
Like um I would say Germans import bananas, for example from Honduras.
And on the other hand, we export steel to nations that needed.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of importing products from other countries that are also available locally?
Mm hmm.
I think one of the major disadvantages is that it is very bad for the, for the inner economy.
So it's a loss of business because labor in some countries of the world is so cheap that Germans just cannot compete with that.
So on the other hand, one advantage is that the products become more affordable or available at more affordable rates.
If trading among nations were to suddenly stop, how would this affect people's lives?
As I said that none of the countries can supply the demand by themselves.
So if international commerce sees then this the products would become unavailable.
Is this good or bad?
Well, that would be bad because for example, I like tropical fruits and we will not have bananas anymore.
Let's talk about product and service delivery.
What are the most common ways that products and services are delivered to customers?
I think to individuals, it's most common to deliver by carrier like the post or DHL and for retailers, it can be like boats, planes or trains um, to get the products to the final destination, which is the best and why I think usually the best is the cheapest and fastest and most eco friendly.
So if you would ask me and I would say that trains are quite good, how will product and service delivery systems change in the future?
I think that drone delivery might become commonplace.
Um recently I've seen a documentary on tv where they have drones delivering pizza to the customers, How long will this take?
Well we already have the drums so I don't think it will take too long, maybe half a decade or so.
Why are multinational corporations always looking for different ways to deliver products?
Mm As I said the best way is usually the cheapest, fastest and most environmentally friendly.
So I think these are these are the main motivators.
I think that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking section of the exam.
You will have your mark in about two weeks time with the other parts of the test.
Please make sure to remember to take your I.
With you and have a great rest of your day.
Leo thank you very much.
Okay bye bye.
Why does this German candidate deserve a band score of 8.5.
This is almost a perfect score and very close to an expert user of the English language.
Number one he is extremely fluent and number two he is very coherent notice how he is able to answer quickly for the questions fluently, giving complete answers, he gives the answer and explanation and often includes examples also he uses a wide range of grammar and lexical resource throughout the speaking.
He uses present perfect conditional adjective clauses seamlessly as well.
He joins his ideas with subordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions.
Take a look at some of these examples as I said that none of the countries can supply the demand by themselves, so if international commerce is then um this the products would become unavailable.
I think that drone delivery might become commonplace.
Um Recently I've seen a documentary on tv where they had drones delivering pizza to the customers.
So why does the student lose half a band score?
Why does he not get that?
Perfect nine.
Well there are a few slight mistakes.
For instance, there are a few places where he uses prepositions incorrectly.
Now this is very common.
Even native speakers will sometimes make mistakes with the use of prepositions.
Don't worry too much about this.
In addition a couple of times, his word choice is a little bit awkward.
It's not quite natural not exactly what a native speaker would choose in that context.
I think the most important argument is that none of the countries is able to provide all the necessities and produce all the necessities that the citizens consumed by itself.
Nevertheless, a band 8.5 is an extremely high score even higher than what many native speakers could get if they were to sit the I.
Exam, make sure to watch this video a couple of times, repeat the sentences, the questions, the answers and practice at home.
Good luck.
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