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  • okay can everyone hear me i don't understand  why my camera is in the wrong location hello


  • okay so why don't you go ahead and  


  • drop in the chat where you are from  while i reposition everything here


  • hello in the Dominican republic anyone else  


  • yes it is afternoon here it's lunchtime  here in the u.s u.s eastern time


  • and hello all right so i am trying to figure  out here they changed the live stream and  


  • i have a presentation um to share with you i just  cannot figure out for the life of me how to share  


  • this with you all so let me try this here um  okay popped the chat out that is helpful and


  • all right i'm happy to review your  accent thank you all for being here  


  • all right and can everyone hear me okay


  • hello Maria all right well even though we  are having some technical difficulties i'm  


  • having technical difficulties becausecannot figure out how to share my screen  


  • um we're going to just go ahead i just wanted  to touch base quickly with everyone here  


  • um i'm actually going to try to pull this up  on my phone too to see how this is looking um  


  • this is something i want to start weekly which  is having a question and answer with you all  


  • to answer any questions that you have i'm also  thinking about um changing things up a little  


  • bit and maybe doing um like a weekly class and i'm  thinking of doing smaller group maybe on facebook  


  • so that um those of you who are interested could  get a little bit more um more help with that  


  • all right so i'm checking on my phone here  thanks for bearing with me with all of this  


  • new stuff well there i am okay perfect um okay  great so everything's working i just cannot  


  • figure out how to share my screen so i'm gonna go  ahead and just go through my presentation with you  


  • um verbally and then for next week i'll try to  figure out how this is um how is this working okay  


  • someone's saying they'd like to have zoom okay  um i can see how that would work i do use go to  


  • meeting which i love um and i'm thinking about  doing that as well the thing that's nice about  


  • facebook is that a lot of people um are  already on the platform and it's sort  


  • of easy for people to join you would be shocked  how many problems i have with virtual classes um  


  • even though everything works so much better  now and it did before there are always issues  


  • with people logging into certain platforms which  makes it a little more difficult all right so um  


  • let's see here moving my coffee you know important  things all right so lessons that we've been having  


  • um a lot recently are the shorts so let's  start there and talking about the shorts  


  • this week so far my facebook name is at Tarle  speech let me put that in the chat and actually  


  • at Tarle speech is kind of the easiest  way to find me on all social media i am on  


  • um linkedin i have a uh company page theream also on facebook twitter instagram i post to  


  • flipboard and i just started posting to pinterest  for all of you crafters out there and people who  


  • are into um fixing up their houses and  things i find a lot of people go there  


  • um so um i'm sorry i'm trying to look back at  these classes to query yes you can say query that  


  • is perfect okay so i've been doing a lot of shorts  i'm really loving this format this week we had  


  • reciprocity resilience myriad and today was  banquet so what are you all thinking about  


  • the shorts is everyone loving those um do you  think that i need to change anything i think  


  • the biggest um complaint that i'm getting  from people and i'm sorry is that it takes um  


  • a little bit of time even though there's  such short lessons to get those going  


  • um and then also i just get so many requests and  i do really try to get to all of the requests  


  • it just takes me a while so thank you all for your  patience on that so loving the shorts that's great  


  • okay um i do have a preview for next week and  for next week we have bouquet um inalienable  


  • and coerced so those are some good shorts that are  um coming up okay let me just check the questions  


  • here again um can you stress the ow sound martin  can you give me a little more information on  


  • that i'm not 100 sure what you are um asking  and i will definitely try to get back to that  


  • oh my gosh eddie thanks telling me i'm just like  cnn i'm trying i didn't want you to see this mess  


  • behind me i had this cute little vignette set  up over here you can see but my computer did not  


  • cooperate um okay all right okay so that's number  one the shorts it sounds like people are really  

    合作 嗯,好吧,好吧,所以這是第一條,短褲,聽起來人們真的是

  • liking those i like them i think it really um it  gives people a short quick way to practice so with  


  • a lot of my students that i'm seeing um seeing  currently their biggest issue is just practicing  


  • um and time to practice because it does um take  a lot of mental space just to remember to do that  


  • um and so i always suggest please subscribe on  social media again it's at tarle speech describe  


  • to subscribe to me on most social media  channels and you will get a daily reminder  


  • to practice just by watching a video even if you  don't watch the video it kind of like you know  


  • pops into your head like oh yeah i've got  to practice my english and my pronunciation  


  • um today so um that's really good to do that and  the shorts again they're short and quick i love  

    今天,所以... ...這樣做真的很好... ...還有短褲,它們又短又快,我喜歡

  • it and that sort of for those of you who are new  to my channel that is really what i've always been  


  • um really interested in is short and quick  so when i started i had the minute of speech  


  • and those were very short lessons um again  they're they've gotten longer over the years  

    這些都是很短的課程 嗯,這些年來他們已經變得更長了

  • as i've gotten um more technical questions um and  you know that's just always been my driving force  

    因為我得到了更多的技術問題 你知道這一直是我的驅動力

  • is just short and quick and free on youtube i want  to always keep it free so that people who can't  


  • afford my classes or english classes for that  matter can practice each week with my lessons  


  • not only can you practice your pronunciation  with me which is sort of the crux of my channel  


  • but you can um also really practice your listening  so you can try to um listen to the video a few  


  • times and see if you catch more and more each  time you listen to those okay so it sounds like  


  • people are liking the shorts um again funny  and practical so thank you and thank you  


  • um for the compliment that you like my  accent i appreciate that um carmen i do offer  


  • private coaching classes information is on  my website and let me pop that into the chat  


  • um so there you go um i sell my classes  in packages of five and the reason i do  

    嗯,所以你去了 嗯,我把我的課程抽成五包出售,我這樣做的原因是

  • that again i know everyone's busy busy and that  way you can take about five classes really give  


  • them great information and go and practice  on your own my classes are all a coaching  


  • model i teach you what to do and then you  go off and you practice to make it a habit  

    模式 我教你怎麼做,然後你去練習,讓它成為一種習慣。

  • my classes that i offer are for sounds which  are vowels and consonants i suggest most people  


  • start there and then i move into word stress and  syllable stress and stress exception rules and  


  • then the last class is on intonation and pitch and  i'm actually going to add some information i've  


  • been doing more and more on voice in that class um  and that really helps people sound a lot clearer  


  • um and avoids misunderstandings which again is  kind of what i'm all about which is just being  


  • practical you don't have to be perfect you  just have to be clear and get your point across  


  • okay um let me peek back again um where where did  i attend college i went to kent state university  


  • which is not a big university in um ohio um  college was kind of new in my family not a lot of  


  • people had gone before me my brother started  going to college and all of my cousins went to  


  • college so it's not a really well named well-known  university but i got a great education and it led  


  • me here to all of you um can i say dominican  republic sure ready i'm going to say it three  


  • times dominican republic dominican republic so  with that you want to stress the word number one  


  • dominican and then unstress republic word number  two dominican republic um inevitable is pronounced

    dominican and then unstress republic word number two dominican republic um inevitable is pronounced

  • inevitable inevitable um my class is  not on zoom that i teach currently i do  


  • use um go to meeting which i really really like  because it provides a recording and a transcript  

    使用um go to meeting,我非常非常喜歡,因為它提供了一個錄音和一個記錄。

  • after a written transcript for everyone to  review again um i can use zoom if people  


  • want i've also really been liking teams because  a lot of my business um clients use teams and  


  • so it just is easier for them to hop onto  teams it's already on their computers um  


  • oh candy that's the nicest comments and i'm  a blessing in your life thank you i really  


  • appreciate that i also just want to say you  were all so amazing 99 of the comments that i  


  • get on my channel are questions or really nice  comments and i really appreciate it because  


  • this is a labor of love i love doing thislove that i can offer this free service to  


  • everyone on youtube and that you can come and just  learn um every day with me this summer i think i  


  • have videos scheduled through the end of october  i mean the end of september every single day  


  • um just because i got such great  questions from everyone um let's see  

    嗯,只是因為我得到了大家這麼好的問題 嗯,讓我們看看

  • all right i'm not an english professor i'm  actually a speech language pathologist by  


  • training so not only do i do thisalso work with children often times  


  • um and i work on many things with them i've worked  in schools i've worked in clinics and in hospitals  


  • i work a lot on um oh pronunciation and  just general language i've also done some  


  • communication devices which i really really love  for students and children who are non-verbal um  


  • mr devil hey how are you you give me so many  good suggestions okay um inquiry and inquiry  


  • i think they're exactly the same i think one  is the british spelling um all right and then  

    我認為它們是完全一樣的 我認為一個是英國的拼寫 嗯,好的,然後

  • mr dash mr purple dash um i think you're  a man i don't know maybe you're a woman um  

    Dash先生 紫色Dash先生 嗯,我想你是個男人 我不知道,也許你是個女人 嗯

  • we is pronounced just like the word we  and i have that on my list to make a video  

    我們的發音就像 "我們 "這個詞,我已經把它列入了我要製作的視頻清單。

  • um okay right and white here's my tip here  watch my mouth for white this is for grc k  


  • white and then i'm going to go to  those square tense lips for right white  


  • right so for white my tongue is just flat on  my mouth white and for right the tip of my  


  • tongue is down you can also flip your tongue  back it just kind of depends on the person  


  • um okay same for rows and woes um again think  about square tense lips don't pucker too much for  


  • the r that leads to mistakes okay a shot i just  made a video for sandwich you have two choices you  

    導致錯誤的R 好吧,我剛剛為三明治做了一個視頻,你有兩個選擇,你

  • can say san witch or sand which so you can either  say the d or skip the d whichever you prefer um

    可以說san witch或sand which,所以你可以說d或跳過d,以你喜歡的為準。

  • okay you can understand me completely thank you  helmer i think one of the reasons is is that i  


  • work with people um who don't speak english as  their native language i also work with people  


  • who don't have the best hearing or people who may  struggle with language in general so i always aim  


  • to over pronounce i also aim to pause more andalso really try to focus on a focus word which is  


  • one word in my sentence that is louder  longer and higher which kind of highlights  


  • what i am talking about um yeah uh minervahighly recommend that you tell someone trusted  

    我在說什麼 嗯,嗯,Minerva 我強烈建議你告訴值得信賴的人

  • at work in the u.s um i i mean most people's  families are of course originally from the us  


  • so most people in the us know people who  don't speak english as their first language  


  • um so we don't want to embarrass anyone by  saying oh that was wrong but if you tell someone  


  • they will for sure help you and tell you what  you said incorrectly one of my favorite stories  


  • i worked with a few doctors from south america  and they struggled with their pronunciation  


  • they were native spanish speakers and they were  so embarrassed by it they didn't tell anyone  


  • they finally told the office where they  worked all the secretaries and the nurses and  


  • even the pharmacists and then they got  lists of words um to work on so that  


  • was really helpful but you just have to tell  people and then they will they will help you  


  • um hr4 oh yeah i've been doing this a very long  time um i think i've been on youtube oh gosh i  


  • can't even remember how long now but i've been  doing pronunciation training for like 17 years um


  • indubitably sidewalk walker is indubitably  that's a funny word i'm sorry if i'm missing  


  • some of you this is going kind of fast fast  um inextricable for eddie inextricable um

    你們中的一些人,這是怎麼回事有點快快 嗯,不可分割的EDDIE不可分割的嗯

  • minerva sorry about that find a different person  and just kind of ask again um oh my gosh biceps  

    minerva 對不起,找一個不同的人,再問一次吧,哦,我的天哪,二頭肌。

  • and i don't know this other word break eye  breaky i'll look that up i'll write that down

    我不知道另一個詞 "break eye breaky",我去查一下,把它寫下來。

  • okay um let's see oh yeah i think most  people um appreciate a good accent in the us  

    好吧,讓我們看看,哦,是的,我想大多數人 嗯,在美國欣賞一個好的口音

  • and again if someone asks you where you're from  i think people are just sort of intrigued by it  


  • um and it's a very common sort of conversation in  the u.s to be like oh where is your family from  


  • because again most of us were not born here our  families were not originally from um the us um  


  • let's see all right my spanish i'm better at  reading than i am at listening and speaking it's  


  • embarrassing i've taken so many years of spanish  i also practice my spanish um with my language  


  • learning apps and i'm just afraid to speak  it which isn't that how it always is i mean i  


  • hear that from all of my students it's just um you  know i get nervous um let's see hello in brazil um


  • let's see what are my plans for the channel um  i'm continuing um with my heteronym lessons for  

    讓我們看看我對這個頻道有什麼計劃 嗯,我在繼續 嗯,我的異形詞課程為

  • the um weekly for a while i found a bunch  of them um people are really really liking  


  • those and i think really surprised by those and  heteronyms are words that are spelled the same  


  • but they are pronounced differently and they  have different meanings um and i'm going to  


  • give you a little preview of those that are  coming up in a bit i also want to continue  


  • um with as many shorts as i can get to um and  then two for tuesday two for tuesday homophones  


  • those have been a fan favorite for a long time  i plan to continue with those and i really want  


  • to do some more lives maybe once a month um and  like i said really expand into some small group  


  • classes and getting a lot of requests for classes  and i know my fees are a little pricey for some  


  • people and so i want to offer some different  options i'm also planning on redoing all of my  


  • workbooks um right now you can get all of  my workbooks that have accompanying audio  

    工作簿 嗯,現在你可以得到我所有的工作簿,有配套的音頻

  • on google play i also have them and teespring  which is um linked below actually you can see  


  • my store on youtube all of these are actually  linked below i have products on itunes um  

    我在Youtube上的商店,所有這些實際上都鏈接在下面,我在itunes上有產品 嗯

  • for different language groups um to be honest  it's really a struggle to keep up with the itunes  


  • store and the requirements and the  changing software but i'm trying my best  


  • um and let's see what else do i have going  on just continuing with classes i want to  


  • do that a little bit more also anyone  is interested now that we're sort of  


  • emerging from the pandemic and things are  opening up i did a lot of in-person classes  


  • pre-pandemic i'm willing to travel to your country  if you want to host a group in fact i would love  


  • to do that so keep me posted reach out if you're  interested in that i'm also willing to do um like  


  • some guest spots like if you're teaching a big  class in a different country i've um you know done  


  • like a virtual guest speaker for like 15 minutes  or so um okay martin i have a video for the word  

    就像一個虛擬的客座演講者,大概15分鐘左右 好的,馬丁,我有一個關於這個詞的視頻。

  • august which is the month and it's also a person's  name you can find that by searching my channel  


  • ah sir is for author quick tip when you have an  o r at the end of the word we typically say er  

    啊,先生是作者的快速提示,當你在單詞的末尾有一個o r時,我們通常說er

  • author doctor so just remember we usually say er  and then authentic you can say authen with an n


  • with the t both are okay so for that au it's only  one sound ah typically august author authentic  

    與 "t "都可以,所以對於 "au "來說,它只有一個音啊,典型的august作者的真實寫照。

  • weather and weather are exactly the same i have  a video for that you can search for that helmer  


  • inextricable eddie thank you for reposting that  i think you said that before and i missed it  

    不可分割的埃迪 謝謝你的轉貼,我想你以前說過,我錯過了。

  • um okay i'm drinking coffee a little  bit of coffee in my favorite cup here


  • um i usually drink black coffee but right now  i have a little cream in it since this is like  


  • my fifth cup of the day belol um and have  i met a celebrity new i don't think so um  

    我今天的第五杯酒 Belol 嗯,我遇到了一個新的名人 我不這麼認為 嗯

  • let's see swamped that's a great word no  um we do pronounce the w and that's swamped  


  • t for that e.d hola in spanish  that's all i'm saying um

    我想說的是,在西班牙語中,"HOLA "的意思是 "你好",這就是我要說的。

  • okay mr devil someone help me you young people out  there i have no idea what this discord thing is  


  • um but i'm happy to try new things um just let me  know okay for the state oregon that e is going to  

    但我很樂意嘗試新的東西 嗯,請讓我知道,好吧,對於俄勒岡州,E要去

  • be a schwa oregon other than english um i do  know sign language again i used to know more  


  • i forgot a lot since i don't really use it  um that's the language i studied in college  

    我忘了很多,因為我沒有真正使用它 嗯,這是我在大學學習的語言

  • um i do speak some spanish again it's terrible  and right now i am doing just because i think  


  • it's fun i'm studying french on duolingo  and i've also studied some japanese again i  


  • don't speak any of them fluently i do just love  languages um one of the biggest things i wanted  


  • to do in life and maybe we'll still do some day  is go and live in a country so i can actually  


  • become more fluent i feel like that's where i'm  really um not able to get there and now with a  


  • family it's just a lot harder to find time to  practice and to go and do something like that  


  • um oh beach have a video on this long e smile  beach and then relax your cheeks in your mouth for  


  • [ __ ] beach i also have sheet and [ __ ]  those are two of my first videos um


  • thank you i then i am pretty much gonna keep the  channel the way it is um i find that i'm more  


  • concerned about content and not sort of keeping  up with all the latest trends that being said  


  • i do try to keep up with trends in terms of now  youtube is doing a lot of shorts and pushing that  


  • so i try to do that because that's what a lot  of people want i did just put some um videos on  

    所以我努力做到這一點,因為這是很多人想要的 我只是把一些嗯視頻放在

  • tiktok i'm not getting a lot of traction on there  but again it's there in case somebody wants it um  

    tiktok 我在那裡沒有得到很多的牽引力,但它還是在那裡,如果有人想要它 嗯

  • oh my gosh you're so funny that i'm a celebrity  thank you um let's see and my daughter is doing  

    哦,我的天哪,你是如此有趣,我是一個名人,謝謝你 嗯,讓我們看看,我的女兒是做

  • well she has a presentation at school today  fingers crossed she does really really well on  


  • that um she's kind of shy i don't think i'm  gonna be able to get her to do a cartwheel  

    她有點害羞 我不認為我能夠讓她做側手翻

  • oh oregon versus organ let me write that down  


  • so the difference here minerva is oregon has three  beats or again and organ has two organ oregon  


  • organ oregon organ um i do take installments um  after you take one package which i do allow two  


  • installments for that um then you can pay class  to class if you want just to do one at a time um


  • i do like duolingo i don't think it's  the best i like it because it's free  


  • and it makes me practice every day and i learn  vocabulary there is some speaking practice there  


  • um i don't think it's bad i think it's great like  it's quick and it's easy and it's a good reminder  


  • every single day um you're not missing anything  on tick tock if it's banned in india um i find it  

    每一天 嗯,你不會錯過任何東西,如果它被禁止在印度 嗯,我發現它的嘀嗒聲

  • challenging i get confused with what they feed  up to me because some of the stuff i'm like this  


  • is not interesting to me at all um oh wilson  thank you um i do try to get better every day  

    對我來說一點都不有趣 哦,威爾遜,謝謝你 嗯,我每天都在努力變得更好

  • with my teaching and i do try to change things  up um sidewalk walker i love your username  

    在我的教學中,我試圖改變一些東西 嗯,人行道步行者,我喜歡你的用戶名

  • a bottle of water ah is a schwa a bottle i'm  going to use a d which is that flap t there  


  • bottle of again i'm using the schwa with  a v bottle of water a bottle of water  


  • i'm using the flat t which i say  is a quick d a bottle of water um


  • three okay that is not an easy word marco um so  for this word stick your tongue out for that three

    三 好吧,這不是一個簡單的詞,Marco 嗯,所以這個詞把你的舌頭伸出來,三

  • three so i have my tongue out i pull it in  as the air keeps going and then i point it  


  • down for my r when the r is down in the  front tongue is up in the back three  


  • i have a video if you search it for that  um i've been to a lot of places in the u.s  


  • i love the us we love national parks in  my family so i've been to a lot of those  


  • i'm working on getting to all 50 states i'm  close um long videos that's a challenge i gotta  


  • be honest i've tried that i have some 30 minute  classes on here i just don't get a lot of the  


  • traction for those and they take a lot of work  um oh minerva i wrote your um words down today  

    牽引著這些,他們需要大量的工作 嗯,哦,Minerva 我今天把你的嗯話寫下來了

  • ends with the d bum b-u-m and then add a d bummed  bumped so i'm going to say bum so i'm going to add  

    以d bum b-u-m結尾,然後加一個d bummed bumped,所以我要說bum,所以我要加上

  • that p and t for bumped bumped bumps okay okay  here's the sentence the mom bought her daughter  


  • a bottle of water the mom bought her daughter the  bottle of water not i had this video on my list  


  • too not open your mouth in a wide oval versus  nut which has a more clothes and relaxed mouth  


  • okay bob doll butter so this is for wilson baa  dull butter so you can see i'm opening my mouth  

    好吧,Bob doll butter,這是為了Wilson Baa dull butter,所以你可以看到我在張嘴。

  • more for ba dull and then butter it's more closed  here's another tip for that l and e you want to  


  • say an o at the end of that word so like my  name jennifer tarr oh jennifer tarle bottle  

    在這個詞的末尾說一個O,所以像我的名字Jennifer Tarr哦,Jennifer Tarle瓶。

  • um you can contact me on all social media  platforms at tarle speech um and thank you  

    嗯,你可以在所有的社交媒體平臺上與我聯繫,地址是tarle speech 嗯,謝謝你

  • frank that's so sweet um okay i could probably  improve my thumbnails you are right um maybe for  

    坦率地說,這是如此甜蜜 嗯,好吧,我也許可以改善我的縮略圖,你是對的 嗯,也許為

  • those longer videos and we'll see how this goes  i'm kind of liking this format uh questions and  


  • answers again i did have a presentation  i have i'm going to do a little research  


  • youtube has really changed the live feature it  used to be very easy for me to share my screen so  


  • i'm going to look into that um to see what i can  do for that for next time um so let's see before  


  • i go i just wanted to wrap up with stay tuned um  let me get my list here i have a lot of videos  


  • coming up so i have bouquet tomorrow which is  a short perfect and perfect for a heteronym on  


  • friday and actually good news for all of you my  header and ends are going to continue at least  


  • through the end of the year and i think even  after that inalienable coerce consecutive  


  • cough cuff an economy recession appointment  inflation economics or economics those are all  


  • shorts that are coming along with nothing that's  through the end of the month um for my heteronyms  


  • again perfect and perfect sake and sake again  i'm pronouncing it the american way i know all  


  • of my japanese speakers please accept my humble  apologies i know it's more sake not sake that's  


  • how we say it in the u.s and resume and resume  again to all my french speakers your language  


  • is so beautiful i know i'm probably not saying  resume the way that you would um but that video  


  • is coming up too and then for um two for tuesday  for homophones i have coral and coral suede and  


  • suede minerva all languages are hard i swear it's  such a challenge but hang in there you can do it  

    suede minerva 所有的語言都很難,我發誓這是一個挑戰,但要堅持下去,你可以做到。

  • just a couple more questions here z z rocks so  that x we say the letter z z rocks um okay and  

    只是在這裡還有幾個問題,Z Z岩石,所以,X我們說字母Z Z岩石嗯,好的和

  • norbert we talked about this a little bit i really  strive to be super clear i over pronounce my words  


  • and i pause more each and every one of you can  do that to be clearer and better understood  


  • right away so i'm going to wrap it up we're  already over time super quick please pop in the  


  • chat should i continue with these weekly questions  and answers what do you think should i keep it


  • and wilson you really can um if you are a spanish  speaker i'm i'm totally surmising from your um  

    和威爾遜你真的可以 嗯,如果你是一個講西班牙語的人,我是我完全推測從你的嗯

  • from your um where you're living the biggest  thing for you is really to work on that rhythm  


  • english has a different rhythm than spanish  so both my spanish and my japanese speakers  


  • think about the rhythm and the music of english  stretch some sounds make some sounds longer  

    思考英語的節奏和音樂 伸展一些聲音,使一些聲音變長

  • in spanish and in japanese all the sounds  and the syllables tend to be the same length  


  • so it sounds more like this whereas  english has a much different rhythm  


  • um my family i have family from croatia and  poland both so that's where my people are from um


  • and i think that is it so thank  you thank you thank you everyone  


  • i appreciate your patience as i try to figure  out the streaming i haven't done a stream  


  • in a really really long time umthink i'm going to schedule one um  

    在一個非常非常長的時間裡 嗯,我想我要去安排一個 嗯

  • you know for the coming weeks here and if you have  any questions please just go ahead drop them in  


  • the chat or put them under the um community tab  on my channel where i had this course listed and  


  • i will um get back to you so thank you thank  you thank you have a wonderful um day everyone  


  • and norbert hello in romania some of my favorite  students were from there um and i'm having a great  


  • week and i'm looking forward to we're close to  the weekend we're getting there so okay everyone  


  • have an amazing rest of the week and a good  weekend and i will see you all soon bye everybody


okay can everyone hear me i don't understand  why my camera is in the wrong location hello


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