Heyguys, a littlebitof a storytimeherefrommyphoneoverhere, so I needtogettoKyototodayand I wastryingto, I wastryingtobook a ticketonlike a legitsite, youknow?
Well, thatsideturnedouttobefake, so I hadtobook a differentticket, thepaymentwouldn't process.
So I waslike, okay, letmetrynottobuyitfrom a travelagent, letmetrytobuyitfromthejapaneserailwaysystemitself, turnsout, youcan't reallybuy a ticketonline.
Okay, well, I wasrunningoutoftime.
Sowhat I decidedtodowastogototheTokyostationbyfeet, I just, I justlikewalked 30 blocksbecause I'm runningoutoftimeand I reallyneedtobookthisticketwhiletherearestilllikeseatsleft.
Soyeah, there's thestation.
Uh, so I'm gonnatrymyluck.
Hopefullythey'llbeabletosellthetickettomethere, then I'm gonnagobacktomyAirbnb, packmybagsandcomehereintheafternoon.
Oh, bytheway, it's fiveinthemorning.
Okay, andsincethetravelcentersandeverythingisclosed, I willneedtotrytobuy a ticketthere.
Just a littlebit, maybeyoucantellmyfaceis a littlebitred.
Megabeer. Thisiscalledmegabeer.
Heyguys, a littlebitof a storytimeherefrommyphoneoverhere, so I needtogettoKyototodayand I wastryingto, I wastryingtobook a ticketonlike a legitsite, youknow?
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