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We've been talking about a well-known person you like or admire and I'd like to discuss with you
one or two more general questions related to this.
Let's consider first of all famous people in your country.
So in Malaysia what kind of people become famous?
In Malaysia definitely the politicians and also some actors and actresses are very famous.
Among the among Malaysians.
So what about in the past? Is that the same as in the past,
were politicians and actors and actresses always?
I think definitely in the past if we're talking about the 50s and 60s.
Movies were the number one communication tool between villages or towns.
So the people definitely knew actors and actresses better than the politicians.
Compared to now you, have TV and news where people follow politicians'
personal life more than an actor or actress.
Because in many cultures quite the opposite has happened
where politicians used to be quite well-known.
Whereas nowadays movie stars, television stars, are more well-known.
What do you think about in the future?
Do you think that that's going to continue, politicians will continue to be?
I didn't definitely in the future because the world is becoming more globalized.
Malaysians would have a... I think have a tendency to
be exposed to more international programs and they know more international celebrities
compared to the local actors and actresses or local politicians.
So we would follow international politics, maybe American and British politics.
Or even the models or actresses internationally.
Well let's talk about celebrity culture.
Often famous people are used in advertisements.
Can you give me some examples of that?
Yeah, famous people like actors and actresses are used in advertisements.
And especially sports celebrities like Tiger Woods or Roger Federer
promoting sports equipment or sports shoes or clothes.
Other than that, I think it's more models and actresses that
sponsored perfume and clothes and...
And is that always true that whatever profession they're involved in
that's the kind of product that they tend to promote?
I don't think that's true because a lot of celebrity actresses support perfumes and
support clothes where whereby actually it should be models that do it.
Isn't that sort of glamorous kind of side of Hollywood that they can try to bring to the public?
I suppose that's what they're trying to do the marketing.
The people who are marketing the product are trying to bring in the glamour that that celebrity holds.
But yeah, I suppose a celebrity they do have that that grasp over you know,
peoples' mindset and what they should buy, the consumerism.
Now you're talking about their influence on the consumer.
What about on the young?
Do celebrities, do you think produce negative effects in our youth?
Definitely I think they do.
As you can see like, lifestyle and health, celebrities are becoming thinner.
Models and celebrities, and when you open a magazine young girls would be exposed to thin
models and I think that that's normal for them to be thin and that
could cause them to go into anorexia, bulimia, or unhealthy practices
because they think being thin is the norm.
Whilst being healthy and being normal-bodied is actually the norm.
Now, what about young boys?
Do you think that celebrities can have an influence on young boys?
I think most definitely.
I think young boys could be influenced in a way materialistically.
Like, they would one of the big car that you know the celebrities drive.
And they won the bling and they want all the cool gadgets and tools
that there are out there, and it could make boys realize that
you know materialistic things are the only way to happiness.
Now, what about public opinion. How might celebrities be used to influence public opinion?
Celebrities are used actually to like if you can see PETA,
the protection of the endangered animals.
They use celebrities to get to the public.
There's like this promotion where they get celebrities to go naked.
To show that you know animals you know are stripped,
especially like seals and foxes and all that for their fur.
And you know it strikes a chord because it's a celebrity.
"Oh that person's doing that" "Let's look at the poster"
"Oh what's the message" "Okay I get it"
No, yeah.
Well, thank you very much. That's the end of the Speaking test. Thank you very much.