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  • Check out this new video on the microbiome.

  • And if you want more, just go to NutritionFacts.Org/Topics/Microbiome

  • for all my videos on good gut health.

  • "How to Cultivate a Healthy Gut Microbiome with Food"

  • When we eat meat, dairy, eggs, seafood,

  • our gut flora can take certain components in them

  • (carnitine and choline) and produce something

  • that ends up as a toxic compound called TMAO,

  • which may set us up for a heart attack, stroke, and death.

  • So, give people two eggs, and you get a spike of TMAO

  • in your bloodstream within hours of consumption.

  • Because gut bacteria play a critical role in this process, though,

  • if you then give them a week of antibiotics to wipe out

  • their gut flora and refeed them two more eggs, nothing happens.

  • No TMAO in their bloodstream because they have

  • no egg-eating bacteria to make it.

  • But give it a month for their gut bacteria to start to grow back,

  • and the eggs start to cause TMAO production once again.

  • The same thing with meat.

  • Give people the equivalent of an 11-ounce steak,

  • and TMAO levels shoot up in the blood.

  • But feed them the same amount after a week of antibiotics

  • and nothing happens.

  • So to run into problems,

  • you need both the meat and the meat-eating bugs.

  • That's why you can feed a vegan a sirloin,

  • and they don't produce TMAO within their body.

  • They just don't have the meat-eating bugs in their gut.

  • Okay, now this should all be old news for those who've been

  • following the science. The reason for this video is to show

  • that this phenomenon happens the other way around, too.

  • When we eat whole plant foods, like fruits, vegetables,

  • whole grains, and beans, along with nuts and seeds,

  • our gut flora can take certain components in them

  • (fiber and resistant starch) and produce short-chain fatty acids

  • which can set us up for the prevention of human diseases.

  • Short-chain fatty acids like butyrate can help seal up a leaky gut,

  • fight inflammation, prevent weight gain, improve insulin sensitivity,

  • accelerate weight loss, and fight cancer.

  • But these benefits rely on two things:

  • eating fiber and having fiber-feeding bugs,

  • just like the detrimental effects from TMAO required not only

  • eggs, dairy, or meat,

  • but also the eggs, dairy, or meat-munching bugs.

  • Check this out.

  • If you give people whole intact grains

  • in this case barley kernels, also known as barley groats

  • three servings a day,

  • like I recommend in my Daily Dozen app,

  • within just three days of eating that extra 30+ grams

  • of fiber and resistant starch,

  • their gut bugs were so happy and produced so many

  • short-chain fatty acids that people's insulin levels improved by 25%,

  • which means their bodies needed to produce less insulin

  • to take care of the same amount of white bread, while still

  • dampening the blood sugar spike. But this was on average.

  • Some people responded to all that extra fiber with beautiful dips in

  • blood sugar and insulin responses, but in others, the same amount

  • of fiber and resistant starch didn't work at all.

  • Why? Because you don't just need fiber, but fiber-feeding

  • bugs like Prevotella. How do you get more Prevotella

  • so you can take full advantage of the health benefits of plants?

  • Eat more plants. Prevotella abundance is associated

  • with long-term fiber intake. If you look at rural

  • African children eating 97% whole food, plant-based diets,

  • their Prevotella is off the charts compared to kids eating

  • standard Western diets, and this is reflected in

  • the amount of short-chain fatty acids they are

  • churning out in their poop.

  • In the industrialized world, it's those habitually eating

  • vegetarian and vegan that promotes the enrichment

  • of fiber-eating bacteria in the gut.

  • Here's the relative Prevotella abundance between those

  • who eat meat, no meat, or all plants.

  • This may help explain the worse inflammatory profile

  • in omnivores than in vegetarians.

  • Based on the findings relative to bacteria abundance,

  • the researchers suggest that exposure to animal foods

  • may favor an intestinal environment which could trigger

  • systemic inflammation and insulin resistance-dependent

  • metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes.

  • And it's the reduced levels of inflammation that may be

  • the key factor linking a plant-based gut microbiota

  • with protective health benefits.

  • Yeah, but can't meat-eaters eat lots of plants, too?

  • Omnivores have constraints on diet-dependent gut

  • microbiome metabolite production. In other words,

  • it's the flip side of the vegan eating a steak.

  • They can eat all the fiber they want but may be lacking

  • in fiber-munching machinery. At low levels of fiber intake,

  • the more you eat, the more of the beneficial short-chain

  • fatty acids are made.

  • But at a certain point, your available fiber-feeders

  • are maxed out, and there's only so much you can benefit.

  • But those habitually eating a plant-based diet have been

  • cultivating the growth of these fiber-feeders,

  • and the sky's the limit, unless, of course,

  • you're eating vegan junk.

  • But a whole food, plant-based diet should be effective in promoting

  • a diverse ecosystem of beneficial bacteria to support

  • both our gut microbiome and our overall health.

Check out this new video on the microbiome.

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How to Cultivate a Healthy Gut Microbiome with Food

  • 60 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2022/10/31
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