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- Best Salisbury steak in Montana.
You enjoy.
Never know which meal will be your last.
- What would you have?
- My last meal? - Yeah.
- A single pretzel.
(Jefferson crunching)
- You just want one meal? - This is what I love
about this group, we've taken death
and we've turned it upside down
and really made a positive.
- It's actually an opportunity for an awesome meal.
- What can I eat?
(energetic music)
- You want me to drive?
- I drive.
(upbeat music)
- When you're in the truck with Taylor acting,
does he talk to you like Taylor
or does he talk to you like Travis?
- The lines are really blurry.
(group laugh)
- This is, I'm fascinated with this.
- The Taylor, Jefferson relationship
is not so different from the Travis, Jimmy relationship
in that, I know my place
and it is to speak when spoken to.
- Because sometimes there's not that many people around
right in the truck, like when we're on set,
and there's like 200 people in cowboy gear.
- Yeah. - It's kinda like a show.
- That's funny when it was just me and Taylor
alone in the truck, he told me that I was his favorite.
(music cuts out suddenly)
- Now you're just projecting lies.
(upbeat music restarts) - Yeah, it's true.
If anything the opposite! (group laughing)
He'd be like, hey buddy, now that no one's around
I can tell ya, I'm not a big fan, wow.
Wait are you saying that "Road House" is the best movie ever?
- Ever fucking made, ever.
- Travis is like a hilarious character
and the fact that Taylor wrote Travis for himself,
I think is also so funny.
Like it's such a- - Yeah, yeah.
- It's such a funny kind of joke within a joke
for him to write that stuff for himself.
- Man, I wish the mullet would back in style, don't you?
- Up until like two weeks ago, I had 10 months worth of hair
and there were times where I would kinda pull it back on top
and make it look short on the sides
and then do the, and I would rock the mullet.
- Speaking of hair, next truck stop we find
you need to shave all this shit off.
You look fucking homeless.
- I had a mullet when I was a kid, my mom,
I looked back at family photos of us when we were young
and my mom had awesome hair and I had terrible hair.
And that seems deeply unfair because she clearly knew
what good hair looked like, you know what I mean?
'Cause she knew.
- Do you think that that's one of the reasons
why you project so much now?
- No!
(group laughing)
(slow tempo music)
- She's growing on you.
- She's not growing on me.
(women laughing)
Okay, she has like a couple moves and stuff.
- Okay, let's imagine somewhere down the line
Colby and Teeter maybe move in together?
So, let's break down some of these household tasks
and see who's gonna do what.
Teeter or Colby who does the cooking?
- Well, obviously Teeter.
- Dinner's almost ready.
- You talk about cooking a lot, I haven't seen any.
- I know you talk a big game.
It's like quinoa this, couscous that.
- Colby's really a night cooker.
He likes to do it when the lights are out.
(Ian and Jefferson laughing)
- That doesn't sound safe.
- All right.
- Wait's till it's dark to make everything burn you.
- It's kinda how he is.
- Okay, Teeter and Colby, who's in charge of the laundry?
- Let's get naked.
(Teeter cheering)
- I think Colby.
Colby's really big on, you know, he likes certain fabrics.
- You have a sensitive side,
you're taking care of things that-
- Sensitive skin.
- She might not be
interested in. - Not care about.
- So who would stock the fridge with beer?
Is that also one of your duties?
- You want some courage?
- Fuck yeah.
- No, that's her.
Colby's not a giant beer drinker.
- He's like a hard seltzer.
- Yeah, you know Colby really actually drinks cab.
- Oh yeah, he's a white wine guy.
- He's a big, no Cabernet, Sauvignon.
- That's a red wine. - Mm-hmm.
- Who hands out the candy to the trick or treaters
on Halloween who make it to the bunkhouse?
- Hey, you look like a plucked motherfuckin' chicken.
- I mean, I have, we haven't been together long enough
to really establish what that would be.
- He's like afraid to commit
that they're gonna make it to Halloween.
- Yeah, so I don't-
- Once you get into the, like the fall holidays,
you have to go all the way through.
- I know, 'cause where you goin' for Christmas,
where you goin' for New Year's?
- And Valentine's, so?
- Yeah. - I understand why
this is a tough one. - Yeah, and I just don't know
what that looks like yet.
We're not gonna do it, so don't worry about it.
- (laughs) Who takes out the trash?
- Teeter takes the trash out.
- Yeah.
Who mows the lawn? - Probably Teeter.
- Who chases out the rats living in the attic?
- I didn't know we had an attic, but if we did.
- At the top of the barn, where all the cats are.
- Oh, there's so many cats up there.
- Well, there are a lot of cats.
An awkward amount of cats. - There are so many cats.
- Yeah, it's kinda too many.
- Colby's not really big with rodents.
- Hmm.
- Yeah, so he doesn't really like, it's very dirty.
- It might be Teeter, and then they might end up in a stew.
(Man spewing stew)
Lil' sum bitch stew.
(Denim laughs)
'Cause all the lil' sum bitches.
- No, I'm good.
- Imagine this. - I wanna imagine.
- Let me paint a picture for you.
- Okay. - It's you and Kevin Costner,
you're in the hot springs. - I'm out.
- You're, you know, you're nude.
- You're just like, Greco-Roman style.
- What, why are we nude?
- I don't, 'cause did cowboys have bathing suits?
(all talking over each other)
- You don't wear your swimsuit under your chaps,
just in case you come upon a hot spring?
(Jefferson laughing)
- Your underwear.
- Really?
- Then your underwear's gonna be wet all day.
And like on the saddle, that's gonna be chafe city.
- Well, I won't put my underwear back on.
- Cowboys don't wear underwear.
- At that point, you'll switch to a--
- [Jefferson and Denim] No underwear situation.
- Exactly. - Okay.
- So we're learning a lot right now.
- Yeah, but I'm not gonna be naked in any river
with Kevin Costner.
- What if it was really healing mud
and like good for the soul?
- I'll do it by myself.
- If I looked like Luke, 100% I'm popping the top off,
no problem.
- Popping the top off is fine.
Popping the bottom off is another thing.
- I'm popping it all off, if I look like Luke?
- I just don't see the point.
(upbeat music continues)
- I want you to find another job.
I'm 0 for three with assistants anyway,
turns out working for me is pretty fucking dangerous.
(intense rock music)
(bomb explodes)
- Beth has a hard time keeping good work on hand
because they all get killed.
- A box within a box?
- So we are gonna ask you a series of questions
and you're gonna tell us whether or not
it's more or less deadly than being Beth's assistant.
Stealing Lloyd's girlfriend or being Beth's assistant?
- Well less deadly, 'cause we have footage.
- Yeah, less deadly, barely.
- Well, yeah, which 'cause he's-
- Knife in the chest.
- He attempted murder.
(switchblade clicks)
I would say you're pretty much on par.
- Right. - Yes.
Approximately as deadly.
- I'll go like 51%.
- I would actually go to work for Beth
before I would take Lloyd's girlfriend.
At this point, you know, it can't happen three times, right?
(intense music)
Oh shit.
(box exploding)
Going fishing with Roarke or being Beth's assistant.
(snake hissing) (men grunting)
- Being Beth's assistant.
- Okay so still Beth's assistant is--
- More deadly.
- Than going fishing with Roarke.
- Yeah. - Right, I mean,
how often does someone throw a snake.
- Snake at you from a lunch pail, like gimme a break.
(Ian laughing)
- How many snakes could he possibly have?
- Rodeoing or being Beth's assistant?
(body thudding)
You have unique knowledge of this.
- Yeah, I mean Jimmy's broken his back twice rodeoing.
- You tried to get killed twice.
- But he has only been exploded almost once.
(house exploding)
- Jesus Jimmy, are you okay?
- In same vein, breaking a stallion
or being Beth's assistant?
- Kayce breaks those stallions.
It's kind of a Kayce move.
(horse neighing)
He's fine.
Kayce's still walking around. - Yeah, I feel like
so far Beth's body count is number one.
- I need my assistants
to put all their efforts into not being pussies.
- What is more dangerous,
jacking off a horse or being Beth's assistant?
- The only dangerous thing about jacking of a horse
is you might fall in love.
(funky music) (horse neighing)
- That's pretty good.
(slow tempo music)
- You two are fuckin' crazy, you know that?
Like bananas in the brain.
(upbeat music)
- I think it's just fun when you're kind of outside,
everyone is there and it's just kind of spit balling
and stepping over each other's lines,
and with having, you know, Kat on set,
her kinda getting an opportunity to kinda see what that is,
kind of takes you back to the old times.
- There's turtles that live 250 years.
Your jokes are older.
- Are you two a couple?
(Beth laughing)
- Even like Bingham was there and he was in a good mood.
- How the fuck did you hurt hurt your knee roping a steer?
- I didn't hurt it roping a steer,
I hurt it fucking your mother the other night.
- Somebody had a couple of beers.
- Yeah, we were just. - And it was like,
it's okay, just for right now.
- Right.
- Which obviously is the bridge between
the next series of destructive events that are gonna be
- Anytime you're feeling good,
that's a bad sign. - dumped on our heads, yeah.
- You're goin' back to Texas, ain't you?
- It's such a sort of honor to work with Forrie,
'cause Forrie has lived this life for so long.
He's an incredible actor, but he's also an incredible cowboy
and Forrie's approval.
I, Jeff, am always looking for Forrie's approval,
I'm always sort of asking Forrie,
hey man, did you see anything there I could work on
or hey, did I get this right?
So getting Forrie's approval in a scene like that
is really huge for me too.
I might make a cowboy yet.
- Hell, Jimmy.
You're a cowboy already.
- Look at this fuckin' kid, he's done this before.
- My first time.
(upbeat music)
- Carter plays poker with us.
- Yeah, he gets the gist of it.
- He doesn't know poker though.
- He's more interested in like magic tricks,
and making cards disappear in knives
than I think he is- - Yeah, a little Jimmy.
- A little Jeff. - He is.
He's a protege.
- Yeah, he's me, but better and cuter.
- Triple it.
- Do you guys play cards with him, but he cleans you out.
- Little card shark, motherfucking kid.
- It was written that way.
- Yeah, it's in the script. (Jefferson laughing)
- Yeah, that's way it was written.
- He was not bashful about talking shit though, too.
Really like hamming it up. - Jen was there,
so he could really like let loose.
- Yeah, he was feeding off of her.
- He's a cheating little squirrely haired little twat mouth,
cunt motherfucking face dick nose.
- What's wrong with her?
- Yeah, he grew up real quick in that bunkhouse.
And he knew he was insulated.
Like there was no retribution.
- Especially 'cause then Rip comes in
and he kind of has that little, you know,
that whole aura around him.
- I love it.
- And I think it's so funny
'cause Rip thinks it's hilarious, right?
Which I think is so funny.
Anytime you get to see Cole do that kind of comedy work.
I think that's so fun.
- What's so fucking funny back there?
- He's kicking your ass and talking shit at the same time.
(lively music)
- Let's get methodical.
What has hurt Jimmy the most?
Okay, we start out with the taser.
Very first time we meet Jimmy, boom, taser.
(taser zapping)
15 minutes later, boom, brand.
(branding iron sizzling)
A little bit after that, Rip kicked me in the butt.
- Get on the horse, Jimmy.
- That's about halfway into the first episode
of the show so far.
- How about bear spray?
(Jimmy screaming)
- What the fuck?
I got bear sprayed.
In between here and here, I fell off about 15 horses.
(Jimmy yelling)
- This is my most favorite,
because it will really give us some insight into you.
The pain that a man can only know as a broken heart.
- Don't forget Avery leaving before Mia left.
- Oh I forgot.
- Don't forget my grandfather being killed.
So broken heart, of course, but you also got broken back.
- Pelvis.
- Pelvis.
- Weenie.
- Arm.
(Jimmy groans painfully)
- Oh wait, we have another one, sorry.
We have another that was not on there.
This seems silly now, punched in the face.
(Jimmy grunts)
- Yeah, that does seem silly.
All right, let's get a ranking system going.
- For Jimmy's pain scale.
- So punched in the face, that's least.
- That's least.
- Right, that's like a one.
Actually, okay, butt kick.
Butt kick ties for number one,
because that butt kick. - Butt kick.
- While it was humiliating,
while it has a sort of component of humiliation,
not quite as painful.
- Of course, I'd rather take a butt kick.
- Okay.
- Taser might be, well, bear spray probably better
than the taser, so we'll do number two there.
Taser, maybe number three?
- What about falling off a horse?
- There's been series.
There's been a lot of different falls off.
- Do you even feel those?
It seems like as soon as you hit you're unconscious.
(body thudding)
- Fall off, we're gonna say like, you know,
that's like four through seven maybe?
Brand I think is like eight.
- There's one that's not listed on here,
I'm quite certain that it's number one.
The pain of disappointing John Dutton.
- You broke your word to me, Jimmy.
(somber music)
- Disappointing JD, for a lot of people,
that's a fatal injury.
- What would you say that says?
- That says. (laughs)
- It says like, 'dish'?
- Yeah, it was gonna say disappointing,
but I got distracted. - Oh, okay.
- Disappointing JD.
- Two Ps, nice, a lot of people forget that.
- Know what's real cowboy shit?
Having legible penmanship.
What about that lady on YouTube, who said my teeth
have been getting yellower every season?
(Denim chuckling)
- Where would you say that ranks?
- Yellow teeth shame.
Circle, circle, circle.
(Denim laughing)
- I'm not buying this for the Yellowstone.
(water splashes)
I'm buying this for me.
- Jamie buys his own ranch effectively.
- I have questions right off the bat.
I don't know if Jamie wants to be a landowner
- No. - Or wants to be a rancher.
I think he wants to get out from under the thumb.
- It's time you grew your own shadow,
son, and you stop living in someone else's.
- Right away, I'm like,
this whole operation's probably doomed.
- Would you go to work?
Would you go to live in that bunkhouse?
- I wouldn't wanna work for him.
- I wouldn't wanna work there.
- I would talk to him, I mean,
at least talk to the guy, see what the offer is.
- Could you imagine if he walks around
everybody in the bunkhouse is like hey, if you wanna
come in just for couple hours and everybody said no?
And he walked away? (laughs) - I wouldn't want to do that.
Just because it's like his personality is like,
you don't know what you're doing.
- I think I gotta say, I think that the sheets
would have really high thread counts.
- That's what I was gonna say.
Like, satin sheets. - It'd be kinda nice.
I bet there would be like really good conditioner
in the communal shower.
- Be like a loft, I imagine like a loft feel.
- Yeah, I think it'd be really lovely.
(Denim laughs) - Really?
- Like in downtown Montana?
- Yeah, 'cause it's not functional in the same way.
It's not gonna be like covered
in all the side effects of working on a ranch.
- Right, but he would try extra hard to make it that way.
Like if it was the prison portion of a pirate ship.
He'd be like, that's your bunkhouse.
(serious pirate music)
- But to be fair, I also wouldn't wanna work
at like Rip's law firm.
- That sounds interesting.
- You know, like for me, Jamie's bunkhouse
is a little bit like Rip's law firm.
- I would like that.
- That would be exciting to me,
something to figure out. - Getting into court,
really just throwing it around, seeing what happens.
(Jefferson laughing)
- Hey, Rip!
(saddle crashing)
- You mean throwing chairs around?
Getting into court and really just flipping tables?
- Whatever happens.
- That's Rip, yeah.
- Whatever happens, happens.
- I'm gonna represent myself.
- And the judge gives him instruction, hey!
- You ought to tell your boy to watch the bass in his voice
when he speaks to me.
- On this ranch, you don't litigate.
(Ian and Denim laughing)
- [Jefferson and Denim] If you're gonna litigate,
you'll litigate with you.
- I'll litigate with you...
- You wanna fight with somebody, you come fight me.
I'll fight you all goddamn day!
- It has to be something like.
- It's always names, isn't it?
- Yeah, no, and is always names.
- Rip only has one name, so it's Rip, Rip, and Rip.
- No, Wheeler and Co.
- Oh, Rip Wheeler, he's got a-
(all talking at once)
- Wheeler and Co.
- It's the brand, but it's a dollar sign.
- He's got the big billboards.
- [Jefferson and Denim] Yeah!
Has you been ripped off?
Call Rip Wheeler.
- That's really good.
- I think that's great.
(smooth jazz music)
(upbeat music)
- I now pronounce you, husband and wife.
- It's so beautifully simple.
The wedding, when I thought, oh, they're gonna get married.
I was picturing this.
And I was like, oh and then Ryan's gonna be there.
He's gonna put a nice shirt on.
Goddamn, it's gonna be great.
And I was really looking forward to it.
And then I read it and I'm like, the fuck is this?
This is not the wedding that I had in-
- That you had dreamed of?
- Where's my goddamn wedding?
- You really wanted to wear your tux, Ryan's got a tux.
- I wanted to be there, I wanted a wink from Rip.
A little, just a, you know, something, a nod.
And then you know what?
No, no, just, nope.
- I hope you let me do this again for you, and do it right.
- Whatever, just goes to show
you think you're going this way,
you're really going this way. - Would you have got
an invite to the wedding, like would you have come back
from the 6666s for a wedding invite?
- I feel like the bunkhouse would've catered the wedding.
- Like work release?
Like you're here, but you don't look at anybody
and you serve the shrimp.
- Don't talk to the talent.
- What would your role be then
as a caterer for a Rip and Beth wedding?
- I'd be schleppin' ice.
- See, I'd be the wedding coordinator.
- Yeah. - Oh,
you'd be the governor of the whole operation?
- Yeah, oh Beth, I'd like to invite you to come,
you know, up on the podium.
- Yeah, you've got the Bluetooth headset.
You're like, flowers, flowers, flowers!
- Exactly yeah. - And I'm like,
holding four bouquets and I'm like fumbling.
- Damn, that was beautiful.
- They all like that?
- Hell, kid, ain't none of 'em like that. (laughs)
(upbeat music)
- Lloyd, Walker.
This shit ends here.
- Fight, we break the rules, we have to go to the arena.
- It's like a gladiator version.
- Yeah.
- Fight fair 'til one guy loses.
- And Kayce and Rip like,
that's like, clearly that was their thing.
With this one, you're just kind of like,
what is we're gonna accomplish with this?
- It was almost inhumane.
- It was!
- This was like, you really didn't even wanna watch it.
It's like, let's not do this anymore.
- Yeah, we don't want this.
It's like, 'cause it's sad.
- Thank God.
- So let's imagine that cowboy brawling
in the bunkhouse becomes a new video game trend.
(video game beeping)
- Cowboy fatality.
- I'm just gonna start out, Walker's fatality,
he sort of hits you, you're kind of dazed,
he takes out his guitar.
- And plays it, strings it!
- And plays an incredibly sad song
and you sort of, your whole life
kind of flashes before your eyes,
and it's sort of an emotional,
like he's taking you down this journey.
And his band comes in like a bunch of, you know,
a bunch of other people come in and then- (imitates drums)
- And plays you out.
Or maybe at the end he just gets ever so close.
And he takes with string off the guitar,
leans in for a little kiss and whoosh.
- Whasooch, garrote wire.
- And just garrote.
- Would be like his second finisher.
I think if it was Lloyd's finisher.
- I think it involves a bucking horse,
'cause he's an old bronc rider.
So I think it's like, he gets you
and puts you on a bucking horse.
And you kinda get bucked to pieces.
- We'll call it the bowlegged buck.
- The bowlegged buck is just his
fatality! - The bow that's his finisher.
- Yeah, where he calf ropes you around your ankles,
and you can still sock hop.
- Yeah.
- But then he looses a bull. - Yeah.
- In to just toss you.
- I think that's great.
- Cowboy poker.
- What would Ryan's be?
- I feel I could just pull my boot off
and just like whack you with the heel
and then do like a little dance.
- Yeah!
It's foundational to Ryan that he's both a livestock agent
and in the bunkhouse,
so there could be like, he calls in backup.
- Gets like the tanks and helicopters.
- You see lights and sirens.
- Yeah, and the lasers in all over the place, I like that.
- Teeter's is she's cooked up a pot,
like a big stew of something deeply foul.
- She dunks your head in it, and then you boil choke.
(Jefferson yelling) - That would be big.
I think Colby would kill with a toothpick.
Oh yeah, or carve the wooden carved thing.
- Jimmy runs away. (Ian laughing)
Fight or flight?
- Rips, he could have the finishing brand,
where it just doesn't stop, it goes all the way.
(Jefferson gasping) - Oh, all the way though!
- Beth like fucks your dad, you know what I mean?
Like Beth makes a phone call.
What's up, I'm your new mom.
- She starts with a child
and just destroys the child from the inside.
- I'm your new mom and I'm on the mortgage to your house now
and you don't have a house.
- Is that all it takes to shake you?
You're fucking fired.
(video game beeps sadly)
(upbeat music)