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  • okey-dokey hello hey everyone hello everyone  welcome back to the channel it's been a while  

  • since we sat down to film sat down to chat yeah it  sure has been it's it's exciting to be able to do  

  • this with you guys sit down yeah let you know  what's been going on yeah we thought we would  

  • just film like a casual chatty video catch you  up on what's been happening so far in the year  

  • and water plans are for 20 yeah so after fairly  uneventful 2020 and 2021 2022 is gonna be a big  

  • year of transition not just for us but for for  family members and yeah it's exciting we've  

  • got some exciting news to share yeah there's  there's a lot going on i actually have like a  

  • little notebook with bullet points on the side of  everything we need to tell you because it's just  

  • so much that i'm afraid that something's gonna  yeah yeah yeah anyways what should we start with  

  • um why don't we start about your parents news okay  yeah so my parents are finally selling their home  

  • this is i guess i'm not my childhood home butmoved in here when i was 12. so it has been the  

  • longest home i've had in canada yeah like over  20 years yeah 22 years in this house i mean this  

  • house has meant a lot to me as well we've spent  a big part of the the quarantine and the pandemic  

  • here we also got married in the backyard here  we're at the reception the reception you have  

  • the reception here so my gran my grandma came here  my parents have been here um even before i mean  

  • i remember the first time i came here when i met  your parents without you in this house so that was  

  • like in between the teaching contracts in korea  yeah i had a layover left over i slept over and  

  • met the family yeah that's a bit of a bit daunting  to to meet your uh you know your partner's family  

  • without them being there but you had the same  experience meeting mine too i did and it was  

  • also here wasn't it also here yeah so yeah  this homes they've had a lot of memories here  

  • so like i mentioned i moved in here when i was 12  and i lived here until i was 24 at which point i  

  • moved to korea and then we traveled around and  like we always came back here in between trips  

  • as like a little base and like trampolined  off to the next destination and then when the  

  • pandemic hit we were about to move somewhere and  everything kind of got put on hold for two years  

  • and we spent the pandemic here so yes has been  home sweet home i spent about 75 percent of the  

  • pandemic here and 25 percent of my parents yeah so  yeah we've been in between um family and it's been  

  • fantastic we've spent some really good quality  time with both sides of our family yeah so it's  

  • been a bonus and i mean yeah this place is is just  like like i said a few times we just have a lot of  

  • memories here it's just a lot of milestones have  been celebrated in this very home and a lot of  

  • plans have been made and i should mention we're  like in the basement apartment my parents have  

  • like an apartment suite and they've been gracious  enough to allow us to stay here i mean yeah we've  

  • turned this into like a a little apartment it's  been cozy it's been great for getting work done  

  • and it's also just been it's just been nice to  be surrounded with family we get along great with  

  • everyone and it's just it's really fun but this  house has been sold we are saying goodbye to it

  • well time to leave the house yeah while  the showings take place showing's taking  

  • place we've got to get out of here three  showings tonight not the best weather but uh  

  • what can you do right yeah it was  raining before now it might be snowing  

  • first day of showings guys yeah yesterday  it went on the market late afternoon kind  

  • of evening and now we've got three  people coming by now we got the ice  

  • coming down it's not snow it's not rain it's ice  pellets we came to visit the ducks and the swans  

  • togo is very interested all right guys day  two that we have to be out of the house  

  • for the showings it's time for an extra hour  yeah so yesterday it was three hours and three  

  • different groups of people came to see it it  wasn't a good day because of the weather it was  

  • really bad we had a snowstorm slash ice storm yeah  we were getting pelted by ice pellets yeah like it  

  • felt like little grains of sand were just hitting  it in the face smacking us in the face constantly  

  • but today it's much more beautiful in terms of  weather it's a bit more sunny and a bit nicer  

  • but it's considerably colder yeah say it's minus  20. minus 20 with the windchill and so far we have  

  • six showings taking place we might get a few  more i've got my phone receiving notifications  

  • yeah so yeah and this is even before the main day  that it's been yeah on saturday yes saturday's  

  • freeze the free yeah free open house so lots of  interest that's exciting yeah also today we have  

  • the the geese have come back and we're here with  my dad as well my dad into goach yeah here we are  

  • bitter cold winter's day yeah it's a it's  not the good time to sell a house in the  

  • middle of the winter a canadian winter but uh  sometimes things happen and you cannot dictate uh  

  • so this is what uh we have in our hands right  now yeah and uh it's killing time in the cold  

  • yeah you know what if we if we did not have this  big dog with us we could have gone to a restaurant  

  • or maybe movies or something anything indoors  where do you do what do you do with togo you know  

  • like he's yeah he's how we're a four-legged  boy and uh then this is what happens okay  

  • let's talk about the trip the trip okay so last  week i spent 48 hours in alberta with my mom my  

  • sister ariel and we went house hunting because  my parents are actually moving out of province  

  • and when they visited the rockies a few  years ago they fell in love with the place  

  • and they ended up finding their dream home  online so we went to go look at it in person  

  • and it turned out to be even better than what  we had imagined they've always dreamed of living  

  • out in the mountains living out in nature it just  coincides with kind of the the housing market here  

  • in canada for those of you who aren't so familiar  sort of the greater toronto area has been a hotter  

  • market for quite some time and now in alberta  there's relative value um in terms of what you can  

  • get versus what you can get here in ontario yeah  so i mean not only do you get the rocky mountains  

  • but there's there's a bit more affordability out  west as well yeah that's actually like really cool  

  • that you mentioned that because as an example this  house sold in three days and the one we're buying  

  • sold in 45 days yeah so not quite as hot as you  can tell and they're in a very rural area nothing  

  • against this remote nothing against this house  but the one they're moving to is quite a bit nicer  

  • yeah yeah it's like a it's a dream kind of home  it really is it really is oh i guess this would  

  • be a good place to show you the footage of the  trip so let's cut yeah snowy alberta she has one

  • is

  • well good morning everyone and welcome to alberta  i'm here with my sister ariel my mom's in the back  

  • and we just flew into calgary last night we're  here for 48 hours of house hunting on behalf of my  

  • parents um so yeah we're gonna be looking at homes  with my mom and my sister and we're not meeting  

  • with the realtor until later this afternoon so  we had free time this morning we drove around  

  • downtown calgary for a bit um i had never seen the  city before very nice it's like a small downtown  

  • very clean very organized we may have made some  wrong turns because there's certain streets  

  • that are just one way and you know everything is  covered in snow so you can't see lanes or anything  

  • um we keep going west towards spam um so  yeah it's it's kind of strange getting used  

  • to driving in a different city but we've got it  under control we've kind of figured it out and  

  • right now we're driving out towards canmore  because that's what we have time for that's  

  • as far as we can go and we just wanted  to get close to the mountains and we're  

  • on the trans-canada highway already getting  impressive views everything is covered in snow  

  • they actually had a really big snowstorm  over the weekend before we flew out here  

  • like saturday and sunday it was storming and  we landed monday evening we'll take a steering  

  • wheel okay we're we're in this fancy modern car  that keeps trying to correct my sister's driving  

  • it keeps telling her you're not in the center of  your lane but we are um so yeah we don't like that  

  • but we're super happy to be here we'll bring you  along for the rest of the day and see what we find

  • these are the views  

  • all right good morning everyone it is day  two house hunting for my parents future home  

  • and yeah i thought i would give you a little  update so we saw several houses yesterday  

  • in the end none of them were for us the first  one was beautiful gorgeous the best views we  

  • saw out of all the homes but that house was kind  of small it only had two like finished bedrooms  

  • and the idea is that my parents want to haveslightly bigger home so the whole family can come  

  • visit grandkids the whole shebang also that home  was conditionally sold already so that's too bad  

  • then the second house we went to see we had really  liked it found it online about a week ago by the  

  • time we got there it was also conditionally sold  but the realtor still wanted to show us the place  

  • so we had an idea of what the homes look like in  that part of the province also the basement wasn't  

  • finished so it wouldn't have been it wouldn't have  been ideal home number three was a little too big  

  • and just slightly above our price range and  it didn't feel very homey like it was nice  

  • it was luxurious but it didn't really feel like  warm and cozy like oh i would want to hang out and  

  • linger here so that one also kind of got discarded  and then some homes we weren't able to see because  

  • the pin didn't work to get into the house others  weren't going on the market for another day or two  

  • um so yeah we didn't find the one but  we have one more to look at today in a  

  • different part of the province we drove like  two and a half hours yesterday to reach this  

  • new area where we spent the night and  yeah super calm let me show you the views  

  • we have lots of farmland prairies but we are  driving towards the mountains it's kind of hard  

  • to see because i would need a zoom lens to really  show you the magnitude of the mountains but they  

  • are beautiful and we're getting even closer also  one thing we've really noticed here in alberta  

  • is that people are super friendly super nice ingood mood really great customer service and it's  

  • been a change from what we're used to in toronto  where people can be a bit more rough or in a hurry  

  • sometimes even grumpy so that's been a nice change  and yeah we're really liking the area so far  

  • and we'll see how everything goes today so yeah  that was the trip as you can see we did a lot on  

  • the first day we viewed five different houses none  of them were it but then on day two we went to see  

  • the one that we booked the whole trip for like  we booked tickets to look at this one house  

  • and yes that was the one i'm not showing that  one yet we will reveal it soon enough when we're  

  • there we're actually there but while we were on  while i was on that trip samuel had an accident  

  • me and your dad which is announcement number three  hanging out well we were having a great time such  

  • a good time in fact that we had scheduled homemade  pizzas and the missing ingredients was i was going  

  • to walk out in in in a bad condition weather in  the snow and go get some pizza dough and some  

  • cheese we already had the sauce we had the meat we  were ready to go with some pizzas of wine and um  

  • there was some kind of freak weather the night  before or sorry the day before i should mention  

  • it had rained heavily and that had causedlot of the snow to melt and freeze and the  

  • craziest thing was your dad and i had like a 20  minute discussion before i went out talking about  

  • like safety and like how to be careful out there  and like you know not slip and fall and i'll be  

  • honest with you i was really careful for a good  portion of the walk but suddenly i uh there's  

  • there's sort of like there was sort of black ice  in front of me and i just didn't notice didn't  

  • notice it in front of me i think i was getting  a little overconfident and suddenly i had the  

  • ultimate banana peel ice slit fall launched into  the air and landed directly on my left shoulder  

  • like it took the entire brunt of the fall andknew when it happened something was really wrong  

  • because i've had some really spectacular falls  in the winter before and like it really hurts and  

  • you're a lot of pain but you kind of just you know  dust yourself up get back up and yeah you're sore  

  • but you keep walking but like there was something  scary your fingers started like curling weird  

  • yeah something like my body was going into shock  and i just i somehow got myself back to the house  

  • and i got rushed to the emergency room fortunately  i was in a lot of pain almost like involuntarily  

  • like that's the most painful thing i've ever  experienced so it ended up being a separated  

  • shoulder a dislocated shoulder like out of socket  right yeah yeah it came right out and um so what  

  • happened was they kind of knocked you out they  did knock me out but like it was so nice the  

  • people people at the hospital realized like  i was in in some serious pain so i i was seen  

  • quite quickly had an x-ray then i was put out and  when i woke up oh i felt so much better like they  

  • obviously had put my shoulder back in they had  given me some painkillers and i was just kind of  

  • like waking up yeah that happened close to a week  ago and it's been a slow process to get better i'm  

  • going to be in a sling for a couple weeks and then  i'm going to have physio and then i'm going to  

  • strengthen the arm it's it's a several month  injury from from what i've been reading for  

  • recovery for a full recovery and it's one of those  injuries where if you try to do too much too soon  

  • you can re-aggravate it and go all the way  back to step one so i'm really taking it easy  

  • i'm feeling better every day and i'm sleeping  through the night now which is just fantastic  

  • it's kind of like when you've had that kind of  a health scare you just started appreciating  

  • so many of the small things again in life like  just waking up feeling healthy again waking up  

  • not being in pain you know i was going to the  supermarket this afternoon and i actually saw  

  • a young guy walking around with a sling andthought like oh man was that another icy injury  

  • because we've had a really rough winter it's been  like blizzards and ice storms and freezing rain  

  • and touch and go like we'll have like minus  20 minus 30 and then it'll be like plus seven  

  • melt melt all that snow freeze make it ten times  as treacherous and repeat my mindset honestly has  

  • been i plan to come out of this injury feeling  better and stronger than when i before i got hurt  

  • so within the next month we are going to be  traveling to a country that speaks spanish  

  • and we're also going to be moving to another  country that speaks spanish for part of the  

  • year because there's a project we're going to be  working on down there i don't want to tell you  

  • where yet until the tickets are booked because  to me nothing nothing is official until you've  

  • actually paid for the airfare and we're doing  that next week also who does that who doesn't  

  • like a good surprise a little cliffhanger here  so yeah sorry guys we're we're going to keep  

  • the cliffhanger yeah we'll let you guess in the  comments two countries one we're traveling to  

  • one we're moving to both speak spanish yeah very  different so yeah it's exciting it feels like  

  • plans are moving ahead progress is being made um  in all areas of our lives and uh yeah it's just  

  • it's an exciting time it's just nice to see nice  to see good things happening for people and on  

  • our families as well so yeah that's kind of one of  the reasons why the videos have been a little bit  

  • sporadic we tried to publish every single weekend  but lately it's been a lot of packing and like  

  • showing the house and traveling back and forth so  it has been chaotic but things are coming together  

  • you've been involved in every single process  oh yes like you've learned a lot about  

  • you know buying selling i interviewed the realtors  i booked inspections septic tank inspections  

  • negotiations yes i write contracts i know how  to sell a house and how do you go so there's  

  • there's a new skill you learned yeah that's what  we've been up to and i'm trying to think there's  

  • a few more little bits and bobs of news yeah  shall i keep spewing go ahead go ahead just let  

  • it all over okay so my my sister is having her  second baby in like a week in a matter of days  

  • so we just saw her yesterday and that means  we're going to be auntie and uncle again for  

  • the second time to a baby girl yeah and what else  is happening oh sam decided to grow out his hair  

  • i don't know if you guys have noticed but  he is making progress a little bit i mean  

  • got you guys have seen me with wolverine hair  before yeah so uh yeah we're going for i'm gonna  

  • i'm gonna grow it the longest i've i've never  grown at shoulder length i have sort of thick  

  • curly wavy red hair yeah and i'm just curious  to see what it looks like it's going to take me  

  • like i'm just in the beginning stages  well it's getting to the leonardo dicaprio  

  • oh gosh you're probably trying to compliment  me that's an insult i'm just kidding it's just  

  • what it looks like like this yeah and i'm trying  to think oh oh we're also about to hit 400 000  

  • subscribers on this channel so i think we should  try to do a little celebration yeah we will say  

  • thanks so much guys it's been so much  support throughout the years we would  

  • never have guessed we would get anywhere near this  amount of support when we first started i mean  

  • just think of the awkward cringy videos  as we don't want to think back to it  

  • guys don't don't go too far back in the backyard  no we we've made a lot private that's the thing

  • anyways yeah that's just how it is it's  like with with anything you do it takes  

  • it takes time and progress and yes so appreciate  the support yeah we're our i think our channel  

  • is going to be entering a new a new golden age as  well too a new phase yeah with the project we're  

  • going to be pursuing and uh we're very excited  about it so yeah um shall we turn it over to them  

  • over to you guys so over to you guys yeah um have  how have you all been doing have you been healthy  

  • anyone got injured in the winter like me i hope  not i hope not and if so how's that going how's  

  • the recovery going any tips any suggestions for  anyone moving anywhere anything during the last  

  • couple of years during the pandemic that's changed  your your life plans we'd love to know so yeah  

  • let us know and yeah let us know in the comments  i think we'll say goodbye for now because we have  

  • managed to rum rumble ramble ramble for over 20  minutes at this point so yeah we hope you enjoyed  

  • this little catch up thank you for being  a part of this community for tagging along  

  • we're feeling really good and really excited for  what's ahead and we're going to be bringing you  

  • along over these coming weeks oh yeah showing  you the process so we'll we'll keep you posted  

  • and more announcements coming soon for  sure and we'll see you guys in the next one

  • you

okey-dokey hello hey everyone hello everyone  welcome back to the channel it's been a while  

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Moving Countries and Other Big Changes! ?? (Our 2022 Plans)

  • 4 0
    Summer posted on 2022/08/04
Video vocabulary