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hello hello there love how the abrupt Beginnings huh hello hello here we are just sitting outside a
gas station Circle K this is how we're starting the video yeah we are starting the journey to
Germany yeah the journey to Germany and anyways it's a bit of a different Journey now that we're
no longer in Toronto it was very different when we were a 20 minute drive from the airport now
we're out in the mountains kind of in the middle of nowhere so my parents have driven us almost
one hour to like one of the nearest towns where we're going to be catching a bus a three-hour
bus into Calgary um and then apparently we've got a five hour wait at the airport you were saying
yeah so yeah so this bus only comes once a day so we need to catch the one so yeah we're just
waiting there's no bus terminal we're just at a Shell gas station chilling waiting we grabbed
kind of like the equivalent of the gas station's Egg McMuffin I suppose you could say had some
breakfast and we went in there and we asked for like so where's the bus coming they're like yeah
yeah it's listening to this general area you know so we're just kind of keeping our eyes
open like yeah it is the boss and we do not if we miss it we're we're totally uh Sol so
yeah we're just keeping our eyes peeled and so long as we make that connection we're all
good we're all good we're all good so yeah this is going to be an adventure
we've got a long travel day ahead of us but if you're invited to come along yes indeed
thank you
well guys we have made it to the airport hello didn't you find that the bus ride
went pretty fast like yeah I don't know what it was it's just maybe we haven't been on a trip
in a while and uh it went so quick I think also the nice scenery like prairies golden
prairies because it is Autumn so yeah it was a good ride now we're just walking over to the
international terminal because we got dropped off at the domestic one and we are hungry we
are so ready for lunch so I thought I could talk about before we grab lunch talk about
some of the animals we've been spotting on various outings so today we saw two coyotes start across
the road then when you picked up groceries the other day you saw what what did I see I forgot
we saw a field full of Bison like probably over 100 bison so that was really cool
every time we go out we don't know where we're going to encounter you're gonna find
we've seen boots near the property you're the only one that's seen the Bears yeah so far but
um lots of interesting Wildlife encounters
so what are you having for lunch Sam I am having the assumable so that's the extra large version
of the beef bowl the beef teriyaki this is a called Edo Japan and they used to have this in
the when I was in the University of Edmonton I lived in the hub Mall student housing apartments
on campus and I would go eat this probably about once a week so this is a trip down memory lane I'm
so excited to be having it again cool and I went for the ramen Bowl beef ramen wait spice then we
also got Sushi to share some sushi with salmon and avocado no cucumbers it's better than I expected
I was actually thinking we'd probably eat at Tim Hortons there is one here but this is to be able
to have a Japanese food that's just totally awesome it looks great so good yum yum yum
we ate some food work finalizing the tour in Patagonia kind of nervous oh
what's this airplane wheel airplane wheel look airplane wheel how exciting you know
and used by the most random things we want to show you the Calgary Stampede mural
Samuel what is the good news update there's nobody here
that's always so so nice on a long flight I think we got
lucky I don't see anyone else coming so good news
all right guys we made it we are at Frankfurt airport so jet-lagged that I was telling Sam
okay let's go through baggage check let's go collect our luggage we are traveling carry on
only there is nothing to collect so instead since we have a little bit of time hey we stopped for
food we're going for the good stuff right away I can't believe it but I've somehow found some
good reversed and Fries take a look down here take a look down there I don't know how you're having
this it's like 4 AM 10 at a time no it's actually only three only three how is your body asking me
first oh I'm always ready for food Audrey you know what I I've been I've been awake now for what like
almost two hours so I'm ready to eat all right well try your sausage there's bread forever fries
it's just that sauce it's so good oh it's got so much curry powder I know but it's
got so much Tang and it's the quality of the sausages over here all right I
don't get that very often back home to refresh he got this Betsy spreadsheet
oh let's crack that open so welcome to Germany I do taste that orange
well guys here we are at the train station still in Frankfort like three hours later and boy do you
have a story to tell I've had the most distressful well actually everything turned out okay but yeah
a rough start to the trip because I was just so sleepy so drowsy that I didn't check the pocket
in the front seat where I had put my phone when we got off the plane I checked Sam's I checked
the middle one and I didn't check mine because I'm like no I never forget that that's like everything
that we need for this trip that's itinerary the contact numbers email everything like so we lose
that we're yeah I mean we could have figured something out but it would have been really
really challenging oh my gosh but yeah I'm still calming down from that because I've been running
all over the air at the airport and have also been running all over the airport because the
thing is our plane didn't even Park like on a sleeve that's right it was like in the middle
of an airplane a parking lot and like once everyone got off they closed the place two
thumbs up for great customer service oh yeah in that regard and then the other thing too
is just like you could be traveling for I mean we've been traveling for well over 10 years we
lose stuff guys we do all the rookie mistakes it's just a reminder that you need to have like
checklists when you get up and you go somewhere double triple quadruple check to see you have
everything because we've left everything from phones to Chargers I left an eye uh this is way
back in the day when iPods were a thing I left an iPod in the sleeve of uh of a seat in on a
Boston Cambodia and I've I've left my passport in the toilet oh wow okay that takes the cake
there's no excuse for that one but yeah all's well that ends well and I think it's just a
reminder as well to listen to that little voice that tells you just check it on you
just check one more time one more time I mean sometimes we quadruple check before we with
our passports before we go on an international trip we're like sure you got it sure you got
it is it there is it there it's you know it seems neurotic but if it prevents something
like this oh it's so worth it and we're barely making our train fight oh yeah we had to run
we've been sprinting yeah we're so lucky our train was leaving a few hours after we landed
so what a way to start this trip in Germany hey it's an adventure already
alrighty guys so we have made it to our accommodations for the night that means
that concludes the journey door to door it is now 6 30 p.m local time in Germany we are
pretty exhausted Sam is upstairs having a nap we're singing These really cool cabins
we're going to show you later and I just really really need a shower before we go
out to dinner tonight because it's been a long travel day as you saw car ride bus ride flight
train train taxi my goodness Samuel does that not sound tiring thunderstorm thunderstorms
so yeah that's the little update we're gonna take you out to dinner
at the same hotel that we're staying and yeah the adventures begin tomorrow
the real travel Vlogs so we can't wait to share that with you guys
good morning so we are wrapping up this video because we are all packed up leaving this
accommodation feeling slightly more rested the rain has followed us we have brought the rain
we've been told apparently yeah we brought the rain and we could see it coming because as we
were traveling by train it's like we were escaping it slightly and then it eventually came to exactly
where we were yeah so yeah we brought the rain but we thought we would end this in a positive
note yes um kind of talking about actually is it positive talking about how travel is
essentially just non-stop problem solving on the go yeah I mean let's let's just start off
with the the low-hanging fruit here so you accidentally left your phone in the sleeve
yesterday I cannot believe that happened and I we got so lucky that we had about over three hours
until we need to catch our train yeah because you needed about two hours and 45 minutes of
those to get it back yeah to get it back but fortunately we did we stayed calm both of us
um solution oriented that's kind of the only thing you can do when you when you have these
snags on the road I mean over the years we've had everything I remember when my dad's passport
expired and we were in Thailand and we had to think on our toes and send them to the Embassy
and he had to get like a temporary uh was it a white one or something yeah that's that expression
like travel is glamorous only in retrospect and it's very much so and just like a few examples
of like little hiccups yesterday one of the trains we were meant to catch arrived late so we missed
our connection so then we've had to figure out like how are we getting to our destination we
had to find a different route ask for help then that train kind of ended abruptly and it's like
we're still not at our destination we had to figure out okay which train continues onwards
and then we got to the train station and we were supposed to grab a taxi and there are no taxis
there so we literally had to go into businesses with my broken German asking if somebody could
call a taxi for us there was a nice enough local who did a nice local who did yeah but I would
say travel can be very humbling you have to ask for help a lot you do and just be kind people
should be kind be patient be solution oriented and that's those are the three tips really
um and also expect some jet lag we're feeling quite good to be honest we did have a nice rest
and I think our taxi is coming so we will wrap it up here and see you in the next video bye