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  • notice the light striking the crest of the crashing waves, they feel they could crush you.


  • I'll take you under one of the things that interested me about this film was creating two time periods because we are the same person, but we changed so significantly over an extended period of time.


  • You're doing really well.


  • Tom is the catalyst of everything that happens in the movie.


  • So you need somebody who is incredibly charismatic to appeal to Marian and to Patrick and there's kind of no brain from the start really about harry and tom.


  • I thought it was such a beautiful script and just the complexity of tom and everything he goes through.


  • Made it like a really interesting character that I wanted to have a go at.


  • I don't know what's happening.


  • Finding an older version of Harry styles is a challenge.


  • I can't live alone, Although we're playing the same person, I'm playing him 40 years on and in many regards, he's a different man.


  • When we got Harry, we were looking for a young Marian and Emma, Corrin has an honesty and a simplicity that comes from a sort of very open place.


  • When I read the script, I was intrigued at how Marian could come across quite straightforward.


  • She's a girl who falls in love and her husband is not the person she thought he was.


  • Do you love him?


  • I love you.


  • She has a lot of hard moments in the film and I think Emma's just open to feeling at all.


  • You've won.


  • Patrick, nobody's won When you meet Marian Tom and Patrick in 1999, you meet them at a really interesting time, because Marian doesn't know how, but she knows she has to agitate change because they have all been victims, both Harry and Emma and Linus and Gina McKee all understood how to create those two lives.

    帕特里克,沒有人贏 當你在1999年遇到瑪麗安-湯姆和帕特里克時,你在一個非常有趣的時間遇到他們,因為瑪麗安不知道如何,但她知道她必須鼓動改變,因為他們都曾是受害者,無論是哈利和艾瑪,還是萊納斯和吉娜-麥基都明白如何創造這兩種生活。

  • Let's have a toast to marry No to all of us, to all of us, to all of us.

    讓我們為結婚乾杯吧 不為我們所有人,為我們所有人,為我們所有人。

  • David Dawson, who plays Patrick is somebody else I've worked with before and just knew instinctively that if he read the role of Patrick, that he not only would be able to relate to it, but he'd also be able to do something quite interesting with it we love about Patrick is he knows who he is and he's incredibly proud of his sexuality And he's gone through an awful lot in his life and he's skillfully found a way of still being able to be many aspects of himself in public.


  • Excuse me, Mr Hazelwood, there's a gentleman here to see you, he has the most expressive eyes and there's just something about his whole demeanor that I knew would help route that Patrick Tom's story in the 1950s beautifully.


  • You shouldn't have dragged me into it.


  • You touched me first, all three of those younger actors did something that was not on the page, they all brought something else.


  • And then when the three older ones took over, if you like, 40 years later, they were able to carry on doing that.


  • Rupert is an interesting example.


  • You would think where somebody has hardly any lines at all because they can't speak.


  • That would be quite restrictive.


  • But his expressiveness as an actor was still there.


  • No, he doesn't want to see you.


  • I think it's exciting challenge really, because in a way most of my work is done for me by the other actors.


  • I really just have to sit there and reap the benefits because the idea is so poignant.


  • Eve Leave, we have been unquestionably blessed with a cast who were committed to this story and wanted to bring so much more than any of us could ever imagine to it.


  • So the beneficiaries of some truly great actors taste is simply just knowing how something makes you feel.


  • So how does it make you feel?


notice the light striking the crest of the crashing waves, they feel they could crush you.


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