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  • A fable is a short story, or folktale, which uses animals as characters

  • and teaches us some kind ofmoralor moral lesson.

  • Many people are familiar with Aesop’s Fables.

  • The following are two of them.

  • Maybe you can figure out the moral each fable is trying to teach you.

  • The Jay and the Peacock

  • A jay that was not satisfied with his appearance

  • walked into a yard where peacocks lived.

  • He found that on the ground were a number of feathers.

  • They must have fallen from the peacocks when they were changing feathers.

  • I can collect and use them to decorate my body,

  • thought the jay.

  • Then he tied the feathers to his tail and strode with pride toward the peacocks.

  • But the peacocks soon discovered the jay’s trick,

  • and they said,

  • Look! On his tail are the feathers that fell from us! He is a big cheater!”

  • They then strode up to him,

  • pecked at him, and plucked away his borrowed feathers.

  • The jay had no choice but to go back to the other jays.

  • However, his companions, who had watched his behavior from a distance, were angry at him.

  • They said, “Now you have learned a lesson.

  • It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.”

  • Critical Thinking:

  • If you were the jay’s companion,

  • how would you react to his behavior?

A fable is a short story, or folktale, which uses animals as characters

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B1_.L07_P141_Reading_A (B1_.L07_P141_Reading_A)

  • 91 3
    史迪文 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary