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Here we have a mass on a spring. if I pull it back and release, one of four things is going to happen.
First is completely sinusoidal motion, as it'll oscillate back and forth forever,
which will happen if there's no air resistance or damping present.
Two is exponential decay;
this happens if we put in some thick or viscous fluid which will cause the mass to exponentially decay to equilibrium,
without overshooting.
Yes, this entire video will assume damping force is a multiple of velocity.
Three is a combination of the first two, which happens when the damping isn't as strong, or the spring itself is stronger.
In this case, the spring will oscillate but still decay in the process until it eventually settles.
four, literally anything else can happen if we have some input force or just non-ideal conditions.
We're not directly as concerned with this fourth case in this video, but we will have inputs later. The main emphasis, though,
is these three functions, which is really two, while the third is just a combination.
Now, if I had to summarize what the Laplace transform visually tells us, in just a few seconds,
it'd be this:
Well, the Fourier transform tells us which frequencies or sinusoids are present in a function,
the Laplace transform tells us which sinusoids and exponentials are present in a function.
In fact, we're soon going to see that the Fourier transform is just a slice of the Laplace transform.
Now, here's the Fourier transform equation.
It takes in some function of time and outputs a function of Omega, that tells you which sinusoids are present in your signal.
If you put in a pure cosine curve, then out comes the function with one spike, since your original curve was one sinusoidal
Well, for real functions, these are symmetric about the y-axis,
so you actually see two spikes, and the x-coordinates will match the angular frequency of the original signal.
If you put in a non periodic function,
you'll get out something more complex,
which tells us that takes infinitely many sinusoids to make up this function on the right.
This animation does a great job at showing the original function
being a sum of all those sinusoids, infinitely many,
where the sum is seen in yellow;
while the magnitude of the Fourier transform tells us relatively how strong each of those sinusoids is,
for any given frequency.
One thing to note is that the y-intercept of the Fourier transform is the area under the curve of the original.
Remember: This is the output when Omega equals zero
and when Omega equals 0, then this term goes to 1,
and we have just the integral of the original function, aka "the area under the curve."
Now for a lot of this video, I'll be working with this equation or something similar,
because it has a sinusoid and exponential component.
However, we will assume it's zero for all negative values of 't'
and it essentially turns on at time equals zero, which avoids the function diverging to infinity.
So, when we put it into the Fourier transform, out comes a complex function
that I won't graph quite yet.
I'm not worried about the calculus in this video.
But if you just know integration by parts, you can do this,
just treat 'i' as a constant.
Anyways, I'll fill the bottom here to get a new equation,
just with a separated real and imaginary component,
and this is what we'll work with.
This function only has one input, Omega, so that can just go on a number line.
But out of the function will come a complex number
with the real and imaginary component.
So, we need two dimensions to represent that.
So, let's put in some values now.
If ω equals 1, then the output becomes 1 over 1 + 2i.
But that can also be rewritten as 0.2 - 0.4i,
which will be plotted on the real and imaginary axis, respectively, for ω = 1.
Now, this is a distance of roughly 0.45 from the origin, known as the magnitude,
and that we can plot against the input at ω equals 1.
This will be the magnitude of the Fourier transform.
Now for ω = 2 as the input, we get out 1/(-2 +4i),
which simplifies to -0.1 -0.2i,
and that will also go on the output graph.
The magnitude for this is roughly 0.224,
and that will also go on the magnitude plot for ω = 2.
And lastly, I'll plug in ω = 0, which outputs just 0.5, no imaginary component,
and that will also go on the magnitude plot.
Remember, that 0.5 is just the area under the curve of our original function,
well, accounting for the fact that areas below the x-axis are negative.
If I were to plot all the magnitudes for any input ω,
we'd get this - the magnitude of the Fourier transform.
Keep this plot in mind, because it will show up soon.
But now, let's get to the Laplace transform,
so you can see just how similar it is to what we've done so far.
So here we have the Fourier transform again,
and this is the Laplace transform.
Nearly identical.
This could also be negative infinity, like above, by the way,
but especially in engineering, we usually deal with signals that, like I said earlier, turn on at time equals zero.
so we can analyze the transient response from there.
The only other difference though is we have an 's' here, instead of an 'iω'.
But s is really α +iω, which I'll substitute in,
because now we can separate that exponent into two terms.
Now look at this: the Fourier transform of something is found by multiplying that function by e^(-iωt), and integrating.
Well, in the Laplace transform, we have the integral of (something)*e^(-iωt)
Meaning, the Laplace transform of some function is just
the Fourier transform of that function times an exponential term.
Doing this for all values of α, all real numbers, gives you the entire Laplace transform.
To see what I mean by this,
Let's look at the Laplace transform of the same function as earlier,
which, again, I'm not gonna derive.
But, it's nearly identical to the Fourier transform.
The only difference is: 's' represents a complex number,
which means the input will require two dimensions, one for the real and one for the imaginary component.
The output, just like before, will be complex.
So, we need four dimensions for the Laplace transform in total.
But notice that when α is zero, we get the exact same outputs as the Fourier transform,
as in this alpha-equals-zero-line, or the imaginary axis of the Laplace transform, is the Fourier transform.
Another way to see this is with the integral, because when alpha equals zero,
the exponential goes to 1, and we're left with the original Fourier transform equation.
So, if I plug in something on that axis,
We should get the same magnitudes as before.
Like, if we put in 0 for α and 0 for ω, which goes here on the input,
then out comes 0.5, that area under the curve, which goes here on the output.
And, since I don't really have another dimension, I'll just write that magnitude above the corresponding input.
If I plug in 1 for ω and 0 for α, which is also on the same axis,
then out comes the 0.2 -0.4i from before, which on the output is a magnitude of roughly 0.45.
And I won't show it, but if I did plug in this point where ω equals 2,
the output would have a magnitude of about 0.224
If I was using a third dimension to plot those magnitudes,
then we'd see the exact same function as before, above that imaginary axis.
We could also make a contour plot though.
Like just imagine looking down on this graph, where colors are assigned to different y-values,
because then those colors can represent the magnitudes.
Then, if I move the green line over to, let's say, alpha equals -0.5,
the outputs will be the Fourier transform of something slightly different.
Let me just put the original Laplace equation back up top,
and you'll note that, since there's already a negative sign here,
when I plug in -0.5 for alpha, this will just calculate the Fourier transform of our original function times e^0.5t.
That Fourier transform will look like this. And again, I could write the magnitudes to show the outputs,
or I could use colors.
If α is swept through the plane, we get the entire Laplace transform plot.
And if we actually use a third dimension for those magnitudes, it would look like this.
This plane here shown in green, which I'll fade the plot a little so you can see, is all the inputs 's'.
X represents α and y is really iω.
The 3D plot itself is the magnitude of the complex outputs.
This is the Laplace transform of the original function e^(-t)*sin(t).
The thing is, this doesn't tell us much just by looking at it.
So what I'm going to do is graph the equation alpha or x equals 0 that'll give us a plane as shown
Because remember from before the alpha equals zero line actually yields the Fourier transform of the original function
Which we can see with the intersecting curve
This is what I meant by the Fourier transform is a slice of the Laplace transform
But now I'm going to decrease alpha while also plotting the original function times e to the minus alpha T
Right now alpha is 0 so that
Exponential is just 1 but as I sweep alpha we start to see both plots change and what you're seeing with that
Intersection on the right is the Fourier transform of the plot on the left at any given time
Like here
I'll pause it alpha equals negative 0.5 because this is what we just saw a minute ago where the original curve times e to the
Positive 0.5 T because that double negative has a Fourier transform with those two small Peaks
Then I'll extend the range of Z because as we get closer to alpha equals negative 1 we get an intersection with too much higher
And narrower peaks. We're rendering also isn't looking so good. But anyways, this happens because the left plot is approaching just a regular sinusoidal
ZAR about to cancel once we get to alpha equals negative 1 and we saw before that a pure sinusoid as a Fourier
Transform of 2 infinite spikes, which we can also see on the 3d plot
So the quick summary to what we've seen already is that to construct a Laplace transform take whatever function you want to work with
Multiplied by e to the minus alpha T for some alpha
Let's just change it something random like negative 0.93 and graph the 2d Fourier transform of that function
Then keep doing that as you sweep through all values of alpha stacking
two-dimensional 48 plot side by side until you get your 3d Laplace transform
You will likely not be shown this in a classroom setting and that's because most of it pretty much doesn't matter
All we care about are these two peaks, which do go to infinity known as the poles
Now if we go back to the 2d plot those poles are located at negative 1 plus and minus. I
Which we can represent with an X
Poles and also zeros, which doesn't apply to our function are pretty much all you'll ever see for these plots
The reason the poles are there though is because if we plug in negative 1 plus or minus I into the Laplace equation
We get 1 over 0 which I'll just write as infinity because on the plots those are represented with an X
And one more thing you'll notice when I was sweeping the Alpha plane
I stopped at those poles or alpha equals negative 1 and never went behind that
That's because once alpha goes below negative 1 the function. We were plotting diverges which means the Fourier transform of this does as well
So the Laplace transform doesn't actually exist in that region
Whereas this is the good region, which we give a name to the region of convergence
Just think of this region is all the Alpha is such that this part of the Laplace transform eventually converges to zero
This means everything I said earlier with taking the Fourier transform of this function and at being a slice of our plot is true
If that slice is in the region of convergence
This part is so we're good there
However, this part is not which is why again?
The function diverges for those alpha values essentially this exponential term has now one making Laplace undefined in that region
Anyways going back notice that for our pull the imaginary coordinate is 1 and negative 1 which matches the
coefficient or angular frequency of our sinusoid
The real component of negative 1 matches the coefficient in the exponential term
This is finally what the Laplace transform
Visually tells us the imaginary axis represents the sinusoids and if my poles are on that axis
It means my original function is just sinusoidal and the further from the origin. The poles are the higher frequency. That signal is
If my poles are on the real axis
Then there only exponentials in the original signal which DK faster as we move further from the origin
When the pool has real and imaginary components like here then we have a combination
Since this graph is symmetric about the real axis. I'm going to move it down and to help with visualizations
I'm going to change the x-axis. So every tick mark is point 2 units apart
But anyways, now the pole represents this function with that exponential and sinusoidal component whose graph looks like this
If I move the pole away from the x-axis then the sinusoidal frequency
increases causing faster oscillations
and the resulting equation will have an angular frequency that matches what we see on the
imaginary axis if I move to the left
Then the number and the exponent gets more negative causing for a faster decay rate
the equation for this function still has coefficients that match what we see on the axes and
if I move to the right, then the decay rate slows until we reach the imaginary axis where we get up pure sinusoid and
Pulls on the right hand side correspond to functions with exponential growth
So now the Laplace transform equation should make way more sense
Like sine of 3t has the Laplace transform of 3 over s squared plus 9
if we find the poles or on the denominator 0 we get plus and minus 3i and this tells us the original function has no
Exponential term but it does have a sinusoid with an angular frequency of 3, which we already knew
However, the most common talking point you here with Laplace is not anything we've seen so far
But rather its ability to turn calculus into algebra
If we take some arbitrary function X of T
It will have a corresponding Laplace transform X of s
but if you take the derivative of that same function the Laplace transform will be the exact same thing times s
There is an extra term that has to do with initial conditions
But I will assume those are 0 from here on
then the Laplace transform of the second derivative is again the same X of s times s squared this time and
some more initial condition terms that will ignore
This pattern would continue and this is where the Laplace is really useful
For example, this is the differential equation that describes a mass on a spring
we've got the force from the spring itself the damping force, which is a multiple velocity some arbitrary put X of T and
All forces sum to mass times acceleration here. The grouping of the terms just came from some rearranging
So what we can do is take the Laplace transform of both sides. However due to linearity
This is the same as taking the Laplace transform of each individual term
the transform of some X of T is X of s and for K times some Y of T it becomes KY of s
For be Y prime from the rule above we got the same Y of s times s and the B is there as well
then the second derivative outputs M s squared Y of s
Since all the terms on the left have a Y of s I can factor that out to get this here
Some of you may know this part is the auxilary or characteristic equation
Will then isolate y of s and we're left with this here
So we may not know the actual output Y of T
But like we've already seen if I know when the denominator or the Laplace transform is 0 aka the poles
Then I can tell you a lot about your output function
Let's assume the input is a constant force because this is the same as having a vertical spring or the mass and subject to gravity
Like good engineers. We'll say the mass is 1 thus force is 10 Newtons
And when the block is released at T equals 0 or the forces immediately turned on so to speak
this is known as a step function written U of T and its Laplace transform is 1 over s
meaning our force 10 U of T becomes 10 over s which will plug in for X of s
then again mass is 1 and let's say the damping coefficient is 0 while the spring constant is 1
Then I'll just move the s down to the denominator
Since there's no damping the spring will oscillate forever around in equilibrium. But let's check that this just show without a Laplace equation as well
We have one pull up positive
I and another and negative I which is what makes this part zero
then we also have a pole at 0 from the s out here and
We'll put everything on the pole-zero plot
Again, I'm hiding the bottom to make room but it always looks identical to the top half and now we have everything we need these
Poles say that the output will have a sinusoid with an angular frequency of 1
And we haven't seen a pole at the origin yet. But remember this is the area under the curve the intercept of the Fourier transform
The pull this represents an infinite area
Which just means there's some offset in our output or something that doesn't converge to zero to get that infinite area
Since we're considering the top to be y equals 0 then the output is exactly what we expected
If I increase the value of K or make this bring stronger and the poles start to separate more and more which represents faster
oscillations about an equilibrium
If I were to add some damping now or increase B, then we expect slow exponential decay
I'll just stop here B equals 2 for example, so we can see there's now a sinusoidal and
Exponential component to our equation which matches what was expected even though no, I'm not graphing the exact output
If we make the damping much stronger we get to a point of critical damping we're finally oscillations go away and it's only exponential decay
Then moving from there the exponential decay just slows down from this term not decaying as fast
Plotting the path those pulses took is the idea behind a root locus plot, by the way for those in the controlls class
but this is where the design part comes in because by analyzing the
Locations or the poles we can determine how a system will respond to different inputs
Many systems out there would be extremely difficult to solve using only functions of time
Plenty of you probably know how not fun
This would be to solve using only differential equations, but moving to the S domain makes it an algebra problem
That's much more doable and especially in control systems Laplace is crucial
I mean, we just did a problem where an input was multiplied by the system transfer function and we got the output transform
It wasn't that bad
But even when there's more going on between the input and output it
Simplifies fairly nicely when using the S domain as we can still just multiply the input by a more complex
But still manageable transfer function to find the corresponding output
Of course, there's plenty more to all this and if you want to continue your learning I highly recommend checking out brilliant on differential equations
This includes two full courses which started the basics for those who may need a refresher or just haven't learned this information yet
But by the second course, they go through topics. I never even came across in college as an engineer
So there's a lot more for anyone to learn
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But with that I'm going to end that video there if you guys enjoyed be sure to LIKE and subscribe
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