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  • [Music]

  • hey guys good morning i am just packing

  • up my bag i'm about to head out in a

  • minute here going to tokyo for just one

  • night i usually go down there once a

  • month for two or three days to oh god

  • Maro's destroying the place

  • put together packages for my stationery

  • business so i thought i would bring you

  • guys along and show you what i get up to

  • it's pretty fun i do enjoy it a lot

  • introduce you guys to ushka again you

  • did meet her a

  • long time ago when i met her for the

  • first time when i rented her airbnb but

  • um for those of you that haven't met her

  • i need to introduce you to her because

  • she's like my best friend

  • here in japan and you guys need to meet

  • her and then tomorrow once i'm finished

  • all my work i've got something really

  • cool planned with my friend victor so

  • should be a good little trip down to

  • tokyo hope you guys enjoy i'm going to

  • be trying out my new frames thank you so

  • much to for sponsoring

  • this vlog they have sent me this pair of

  • transitions lenses so these transition

  • from glasses to sunglasses when i head

  • out into the sun they should change to a

  • brown color i think i can already

  • see them changing a little bit because

  • it's pretty bright today but they should

  • be really cool these do have my

  • prescription in them and you can add the

  • transitions lenses to any of the frames

  • on their website i chose these cool

  • i guess they're hexagon shaped ones that

  • i've never tried before i do like them

  • they're kind of subtle but i think

  • they'll make cute sunglasses as well

  • hopefully anyways let's go the train is

  • leaving

  • very soon

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • はい

  • [Music]

  • Made it to Ushka's so we have a routine every time we order

  • this banana smoothie and have it

  • delivered to her house so i tried out a

  • new flavor today i wasn't sure which one

  • you want i got a blueberry and a

  • strawberry and then i'm gonna try the

  • kale one so you can choose which one you

  • want

  • okay wow the strength okay yeah you can

  • choose which one i'm sorry that's the

  • one we usually get i think

  • kale the healthy one it's so healthy

  • so thick i can't even get anything

  • does it taste like kale no

  • it looks like kale it just tastes like banana

  • they all taste pretty much the same yeah

  • j banana it's like the new

  • craze right now everybody's kind of over

  • bubble tea and banana smoothies are the

  • thing

  • this is ushka's newest cat

  • pixel

  • hi you're getting big do you smell maro

  • you're silly you're silly

  • you're silly

  • so ushka runs an airbnb and one of her

  • guests left us it's actually really cool

  • it's a little mochi

  • that's really satisfying that's fun

  • [Sharla] That's fun! I haven't seen that one.

  • Why is it gray?

  • Why couldn't I make it white like mochi?

  • Alright, so let me show you guys

  • How we sort out all the things that we put inside the packages.

  • So we do a stationary subscription service every month

  • And we theme the packages around the current holiday or season.

  • So our next packages are going to be arriving just before New Year's so they will be New Year's themed.

  • So in Japan that means it's year of the tiger so

  • We've got lots of really cute tiger themed items going into this month's pack.

  • These are really fun stickers that you scratch off and they give you your fortune for the year.

  • And then here we have some nengajyou.

  • These are New Year's greeting cards.

  • It's a custom to give these to all of your acquaintances and people you work with

  • And your friends and your family here in Japan.

  • I don't do it because it's a huge pain in the ass.

  • And I feel like once you start you just have to keep doing it every year.

  • And umyeah… I've just never gotten into it.

  • I do give one of my friends just for fun but not like the serious way.

  • And then one of the big items this month, we have some really cute 2022 greeting cards

  • That you can either give to somebody or just display it on your desk because they're adorable.

  • I love that one.

  • So we organize everything like this and then we take the biggest item which will probably be the journals.

  • We usually do 10 or 20 at the time depending on how many we can fit on the table.

  • It's a nice size so you can probably fit 20 this month.

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • so when we're done they look something

  • like this we've got 15 packs all ready

  • to go and we first wrap them up in our

  • personalized

  • paper bags that were designed for us by

  • Erica Ward she's a local artist she's

  • amazing

  • she does lots of art work for us

  • that's Maro

  • that is pippin who you haven't seen

  • today yet

  • we'll have to incorporate pixel on here

  • somewhere next time

  • and our logo in the corner but these are

  • great for

  • holding all the items together and we

  • wrap them up in this and then

  • put a cute little sticker on it

  • Tada!! We try and get different stamps every

  • month. Ushko went to the stamp museum and

  • got these really cool vintage stamps. Oh

  • cute the cat one

  • that's adorable

  • yeah so that's what we'll be doing for

  • the next couple hours and then when

  • we're finished we're gonna head out to

  • my favorite bar here in shibuya because

  • ushka has never been even though she

  • lives in shibuya we're going to order

  • some drinks you guys have been there

  • before if you've been with me for a few

  • years if you're new here then it'll be

  • your first time too so should be fun i

  • ordered a bootable for dinner just gonna

  • have a bit of this before we go out to

  • the bar probably a good idea

  • oh looks nice

  • hummus

  • did you find your snacks

  • did you find them i brought you snacks

  • you wanna try

  • Snack time, there you go

  • I like how she shakes it, like it's alive

  • heading to the bar now it's so much fun

  • you guys are gonna love it

  • 5206. it's only open for three hours in

  • the evening from six until nine pm so

  • you gotta get there early

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • it's pretty busy tonight i haven't been

  • out in tokyo at night time

  • in

  • like two years

  • so

  • this is weird

  • yeah that's it yeah there it is

  • so it's called The Whales of August

  • and it's the best bar ever

  • oh what does it say nikai e dozo

  • so usually it's downstairs but it says

  • downstairs is oyasumi today

  • and to go upstairs

  • so how this bar works is you have to

  • tell them which movie you want your

  • cocktail themed on and

  • there is a list on the menu of movies

  • but you can tell them anything and they

  • will make you a cocktail based off of

  • that movie i usually pick fun things

  • like totoro or

  • like children's movies because then it

  • ends up being like a dessert cocktail

  • and they're really fun if you go with

  • something like an action movie it'll

  • probably end up being like a really

  • strong cocktail

  • so i avoid those i've learned my lesson

  • so today

  • i don't know we were talking about maybe

  • doing e.t

  • and maybe a cat themed movie like

  • aristocats or something i thought that

  • could be fun

  • well they do have e.t on the menu yeah

  • what does it say it's made with so

  • they'll give you like a hint about

  • what's in it

  • et says liqueur

  • and

  • l

  • i wonder what that means the style is l

  • oh

  • long drink

  • okay so et is a liqueur and it's a long

  • drink

  • when i ordered totoro last time it was a

  • frozen drink

  • and it was like a chocolate smoothie it

  • was so good

  • ishka's wondering if they'll have back

  • to the future too and if it'll be any

  • different from back to the future one i

  • think we should try it yeah i'm sure

  • they're they're good with movies they

  • probably know them all

  • back to the future

  • [Laughter]

  • last samurai was like a solid shot of

  • gin nothing nothing special it was in a

  • very fancy glass i think it was on like

  • a little piece of tatami or something it

  • was pretty cool but yeah it was just

  • solid jin zatoichi is one of my favorite

  • movies but i remember regretting

  • ordering this one

  • it's probably another like straight

  • vodka or something

  • yeah vodka

  • the pirates of the caribbean would be

  • good oh i bet that would be good it's

  • probably like

  • pina colada or

  • [Laughter]

  • they're both blue

  • [Sharla] So the lemon slice is the moon in the sky.

  • It's the night sky from E.T. when he's riding his bike.

  • [Sharla] I wonder what yours is?

  • [Ushka] I don't know. Do you think it's the Delorean's tracks?

  • [Sharla] YeahIt could be

  • [Ushka] They do travel the most in number two.

  • [Sharla] It's fun because you never know like exactly what you're gonna get

  • And depending on the bartender it'll change even if you order the same movie.

  • [Both] Cheers!

  • Okay, so I cheated and I went online and

  • I looked up like really cool ones that people had gotten and Zootopia was one of them.

  • The thing is the drink will differ depending on which bartender you get

  • So it's hard to say if I will also get a cool one but I think I'm going to try my luck and order Zootopia.

  • [Sharla] Ushka is going to getWhat were you going to get?

  • [Ushka] I'm going to get Lord Of The Rings [Sharla] Lord Of The Rings.

  • [Ushka] I wanted to get a fun one. I don't know if it'll be fun or not. [Sharla] Let's try. Let's try!

  • He was likeZootopia is going to take a long time. Is that okay?” I said yes.

  • That's what I want. That means it's going to be the good one.

  • The Lord Of The Rings has arrived.

  • [Sharla] You know what it is? [Ushka] It's got to be Mount Doom.

  • [Ushka] Maybe that's the ring going into the lava

  • [Sharla] That makes sense actually, yeah

  • [Ushka] Mix up with the lava.

  • [Sharla] Yaaay!

  • It's like a fruit cocktail.

  • It's awesome.

  • I love how it's all fresh fruit too.

  • They're not frozen.

  • It's so good.

  • It's very sweet. I think it's like an orange based with maybe a cherry liquor.

  • So we went with Ghibli movies for our final two.

  • See if you guys can guess what they are?

  • The colors are a hint here.

  • Which Ghibli movie do you think this is?

  • And how about this one?

  • And the answer isKiki's Delivery Service!

  • Her ribbon. Her red ribbon and her blue dress.

  • And mine is Totoro.

  • So they gave us these cool little cocktail recipe books

  • That show you some of the movies you can order and the cocktail that goes with it and it tells you everything that's in it.

  • There's some really good ones. We need to come back here and try them.

  • There was one that was likeohlook it's Scary Movie. I haven't…

  • What is that supposed to be even?!

  • I've seen the movie so many times and I can't figure out what they had in mind when they designed that but it looks really good.

  • I didn't even think to do Godzilla!

  • [Sharla] Okay we got to come back. [Ushka] Yeah next time! [Sharla] Yeah!

  • [Ushka] And the Avengers is amazing! [Sharla] Wow! Whoa!

  • [Sharla] So fun! [Ushka] So pretty!

  • [Sharla] I wonder what Godzilla looks like. [Ushka] There's Venom.

  • [Sharla] OhMy Fair Lady is a bunch of flowers.

  • On the sign here it says ”4 amso maybe the 9 pm closing was just for corona

  • But normally they're open till 4am so that's a lot better.

  • We are headed to Don Quijote because they have Ushka's favourite gacha collection.

  • There're really interesting ones and they change them up like every day.

  • Every time we come down here, and we're down here a lot, it will be changed.

  • Sometimes they'll change them like twice a day so if you see one that you like you have to get it right away.

  • Oh cute!

  • What do they have today?

  • They have the praying mantis collection.

  • Some battleships.

  • Manekineko. Those are really cute.

  • What's that? Oh hamsters eating things.

  • It's a dial phone

  • What?

  • I kind of like that, that's fun!

  • Sumikko gurashi.

  • Oh, they have the Fukushima akabeko the traditional doll from Fukushima.

  • Those are really cool actually, I love that one.

  • Oh cool! What are they?

  • Pouches. You gotta try and get Shibuya.

  • Oh i guess they don't have all of them. There's only eight, so they do have Shibuya and Shinjuku.

  • What did you get?

  • It's Aki...

  • Oh, it's Akihabara! *laughing* It's awesome!

  • Oh it's like...oh what is the whole section?

  • That's really cool! That's so cool!

  • It's a little sign from inside the train when they're like showing you where you're stopping.

  • That's really cute!

  • *train station noises*

  • Hello from Sendai! I had a bit of an unexpected trip back to Sendai this morning.

  • So I have cameras set up all over my house so that when I'm away i can check on Maro make sure he's doing okay.

  • And last night before I went to bed, I noticed he was acting a little strange.

  • But at that point there were no trains going back to Sendai so I was stuck in Tokyo so I kind of just stayed up all night and watched him on the camera.

  • Couldn't get back here until the morning

  • but then at 5:30 I got up and took a taxi to tokyo station and got on the first shinkansen

  • So that I could take him to the vet at 9am they found that he had an inflamed bladder.

  • bladder. They couldn't figure out why because

  • they tested his pee and everything and

  • his ph levels were fine so he probably

  • doesn't have any bladder stones

  • and they couldn't find any signs of

  • infection so his bladder was just like

  • irritated and inflamed and it was making

  • him go to the bathroom like every two

  • minutes or at least

  • think that he had to

  • that was the problem they gave me some

  • medication to give him to get rid of the

  • inflammation it seems to be helping he

  • hasn't been going to the bathroom over

  • and over again i think it worked like

  • immediately which is amazing

  • and just in case they did see something

  • on his ultrasound that could possibly be

  • a bladder stone

  • forming so they've put him on a special

  • diet for the next week hopefully he eats

  • it he's the pickiest eater in the world

  • so i'm a little worried about that

  • but

  • he's going to be on that diet for a week

  • and then i need to take him back to the

  • vet and they're going to do another

  • ultrasound and see if the

  • spot that they saw has

  • disappeared i really hope it's nothing

  • that needs surgery he has had two

  • surgeries before and he was okay but he

  • is much older now and i would rather not

  • put him through that so hopefully he's

  • okay

  • he's doing okay right now he's just

  • resting but he does look a lot better

  • than he did this morning so

  • wow I didn't expect him to like it he's

  • a really picky eater so

  • they must have made this food taste good

  • also let's acknowledge my zombie eye

  • I don't know if it's from staying up all

  • night or what but it decided I wanted to

  • look like a zombie today as if the big

  • gash across my throat wasn't bad enough

  • now I have to deal with this

  • you guys are gonna have to look at

  • this for the next couple weeks sorry I'm

  • a mess

  • um

  • I really want to test out my glasses we

  • were supposed to do that this morning

  • too I think just

  • being in the sunlight coming in through

  • my windows should change some color

  • I'm so excited about them

  • I really do like them

  • they're a fun shape

  • and um the brown tinge is awesome

  • let's see if we can do it oh

  • I think they're changing

  • it is a slightly cloudy day today but

  • there is a little bit of sunlight coming in

  • I love these window seats I wanted to

  • get some proper

  • seat cushions for them and all I could

  • find were these like

  • single cushions at the store they do

  • kind of work

  • a little annoying that they move around

  • Maro always knocks them off but oh

  • I think

  • they're changing

  • oh check it out oh my god I love them

  • they make cool sunglasses I love these

  • the brown shade is really cool I got

  • blue last time but I like this brown

  • I will have my cool glasses linked below

  • if you guys want the same frames and

  • you can choose from brown or gray

  • transitions lenses but

  • I recommend the brown they're really pretty

  • he's so happy because I ordered him his

  • favorite ball off the internet

  • lost his other one

  • I found these online it's just this

  • squishy like plushy ball I think this

  • one's actually Sailor Moon themed his

  • last one was Neko Atsume

  • I think they have a little bit of catnip

  • in them which is why he likes it so much

  • [upbeat playful music]

  • check out this cute cup that Ushka got

  • me from the starbucks halloween collection

  • so it's supposed to be a mug

  • you're supposed to drink from it but the

  • problem is when you drink like this

  • the ears stab you like right in the eye

  • it's it's not the best design it's a

  • little awkward so what both of us are

  • gonna do is put a little plant in it

  • i think that's better anyways because

  • then i can put it on my shelf or

  • something and i'll see it more often

  • than if i was using it as

  • a coffee cup the face reminds me of maro

  • actually

  • your friend

  • so unfortunately the tokyo adventures

  • will have to wait until another time i

  • will be back down there again soon most

  • likely i'm just going to chill with maro

  • for the next couple days and watch him

  • very carefully and make sure he's doing

  • all right and eating his special food

  • i'm actually off on a day trip with

  • chris very soon to somewhere i've never

  • been to in japan before so stay tuned

  • for that video that'll be the next one i

  • will see you guys then thanks so much

  • for watching hope you have a great day

  • bye for now

  • [Music]


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