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(Abby laughs)
- It's Halloween on Sesame Street
and I'm getting ready in my fairy garden
by growing some magical Halloween plants,
like my jack-o'-lantern patch,
and my bobbing for apple tree.
(wand chiming) (Abby laughs)
And now, it's time to grow
(magical music)
candy corn on the cob.
(Abby laughs)
So come on, let's celebrate Halloween on Sesame Street.
♪ Ooh ooh ♪
♪ Yeah yeah ♪
♪ Sunny days ♪
♪ Sweeping the clouds away ♪
♪ On my way ♪
♪ To where the air is sweet ♪
♪ Where the air is sweet ♪
♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪
♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪
♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪
♪ Sesame Street ♪
(Elmo laughs)
- Oh, hi. Welcome to Sesame Street.
Oh, do you know what day it is today?
♪ Look around can you tell ♪
♪ There's excitement in the air ♪
♪ Orange, black and purple decorations everywhere ♪
♪ Friends are wearing costumes ♪
♪ It's such a wild scene ♪
♪ Elmo is so happy 'cause today is Halloween ♪
♪ It's Halloween, boo ♪
♪ Been waitin' all year ♪
♪ It's Halloween, hooray ♪
♪ It's finally here ♪
♪ You see all your neighbors ♪
♪ And everyone you meet ♪
♪ Thinks that it is so much fun ♪
♪ When kids go trick or treat ♪
- Trick.
- Well, almost everyone thinks it's fun.
- Are you kidding? That was great.
♪ And in our costumes we can be ♪
♪ Whatever we wanna be ♪
♪ A robot ♪
♪ A dog ♪
♪ A hero ♪
♪ A butterfly ♪
♪ Or a bee ♪
♪ Pretend to be a little mouse, though you're as big as me ♪
♪ It's Halloween, boo ♪
♪ Been waiting all year ♪
♪ It's Halloween, hooray ♪
♪ It's finally here ♪
♪ It's Halloween, boo ♪
♪ Been waiting all year ♪
♪ It's Halloween, hooray ♪
♪ It's finally here ♪
♪ It's Halloween ♪
- [Abby] Happy Halloween!
Hi, Elmo. Are you ready to go trick or treating?
- Hi, Abby. Oh, nice costume.
You're a... You're...
- I'm a cup of cocoa.
- [Elmo] Oh.
- Some people like to dress up like their favorite heroes,
I like to dress up like my favorite beverage.
(Elmo and Abby laugh)
What about your costume, Elmo?
- Get ready.
Elmo's going to be
Galactic Stan, The Spaceman from Outer Space.
(Elmo laughs)
- Oh, I love Galactic Stan!
- Oh, Elmo does too, Abby.
Elmo has all of the Galactic Stan comic books, see?
- Whoa. You look just like him, Elmo.
What a great costume.
- Oh, Elmo made it all by himself.
- Really? Wow.
- When he wears it, Elmo feels like...
Well, like Elmo is Galactic Stan.
You know what Galactic Stan always says,
- [Both] "If anyone can, it's Galactic Stan."
- Whoa. Another Galactic Stan.
- Who are you?
- Oh, the name's Irwin.
You might say I'm a Galactic Stan super fan.
- Wow, that is some costume, Irwin.
- Oh, thanks.
Yeah, this is the official Galactic Stan,
The Spaceman from Outer Space uniform.
My mom bought it for me.
Who are you supposed to be?
- Elmo is Galactic Stan.
- Oh, oh, sure, sure.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can sort of see it.
Well, hey, you know, it's always great
to meet a fellow Galactic Stan, The Spaceman fan.
Oh, Happy Halloween.
- Bye.
Well, Elmo, what do you say we go trick or treating?
- Did you see that? Did you see that?
Boy, his costume was so much better than Elmo's.
- What are you talking about, Elmo?
I think your costume is awesome.
- It's not as real looking, Abby.
- But you worked so hard on it,
and that is what makes it so special.
- Boy, this makes Elmo feel so, so...
Well, it's not really mad, and it's not really sad.
- Oh, the feeling is called, feeling jealous.
- Jealous? - Yeah. Yeah.
It's a feeling you get when you really,
really want something that someone else has.
- Yes. Yes, that's it.
Elmo feels jealous.
Boy, but it's not a good feeling.
- Oh, I know.
But Elmo, you don't have to feel jealous
about Irwin's costume.
Your Galactic Stan costume is really great.
- But it's not the best costume, Abby.
Elmo has to get something.
Something that will make this costume better than his.
- Oh, okay.
(Cookie Monster coughs)
- Trick or treat.
- Oh, a pirate.
- Yeah. (Red Riding Hood growls)
- Here you go.
(Cookie Monster gasps)
- Oh, boy. Pumpkin cookie.
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
- De nada. Happy Halloween.
(Cookie Monster chomping)
(cheerful music)
- Trick or treat.
(Abby laughs)
- Hey, have fun trick or treating.
- Oh, Abby, Abby, Abby, Abby.
Look what Elmo made.
- Is that what I think it is?
- A Galactic Stan-O-Scan.
It can search deep into space
and show aliens who need Galactic Stan's help.
Check it out.
(Elmo imitating machine sounds)
Oh, there's an alien on planet Jupiter
who lost the key to his spaceship.
Who will help him?
If anyone can, it's Galactic Stan.
(Elmo and Abby laughing)
- That is awesome, Elmo. - Thank you.
- And what is happening on Mars?
- Planet Mars? I can help you with that.
I'll use my official Galactic Stan-O-Scan.
Setting it for Mars.
- Is that a real Stan-O-Scan?
- Yeah. Well, it's an authentic replica, battery operated.
My mom paid extra for it.
(Stan-O-Scan swooshing)
- Oh, no milk. Nope, nope, nope, nope.
- Oh, it looks like an alien on Mars just ran out of milk
for his cereal.
Who will bring him more milk?
If anyone can, it's Galactic Stan.
- Oh. Elmo's Stan-O-Scan stinks.
- Oh, no, Elmo. I love yours.
Especially the buttons made out of buttons.
- Yeah, but it's not as good as Irwin's, Abby.
His is battery operated. Battery operated.
- I bet trick or treating will make you feel better.
- Oh, no. First, Elmo needs to go get something even better.
Something that Irwin doesn't have.
- Dum dee dum, dum dee dum.
Oh, delicious marshmallow.
- Hey! Cookie.
- Sorry, Abby.
(Abby laughs)
- Happy Halloween.
(Elmo imitating machine sounds)
(Elmo laughs)
Excuse me?
- Oh, that means "Greetings, earthlings,"
on the planet Zorbocks.
Oh, Elmo knows that because of his, this.
- Whoa. That's a Galactic Stan Space Translator.
It can tell you what any space language means.
- Special delivery. I have a package here for a Mr. Irwin.
- Hello.
- Oh, well then, here you are.
- Oh, thanks. - My pleasure.
I get overtime on holidays.
(Irwin gasps)
Oh, boy. An official Galactic Stan Space Translator.
- Oh, you gotta be kiddin' Elmo.
- Wow, my mom must've special-ordered it for me.
Well, let's try it out, huh?
- [Elmo] What?
(translator beeping)
- How do you say, I want spaghetti and meatballs,
in Martian language?
(translator speaks in Martian language)
Oh, I guess meatballs is the same in both languages.
(Elmo screaming)
- Irwin.
Elmo can't believe this.
- Elmo, wait.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Halloween is ruined.
- Ruined? Why?
- Because of Irwin
and Irwin's fancy costume makes Elmo feel jealous.
- Oh.
- But Alan, Elmo doesn't wanna feel jealous.
It's not a good feeling.
Oh, but Elmo just can't help it.
- I know, but feelings change all the time.
All right, tell me, how did you feel about your costume
before you saw Irwin's?
- Well, Elmo felt good about it, then-
- Well, more than that, you said you loved your costume.
It made you feel like you were Galactic Stan.
- Well, yeah.
- You see?
You don't need a fancy costume to be Galactic Stan.
All you need is your imagination.
♪ Isn't it great ♪
♪ That we have a way to be anything we want to be ♪
♪ And all that we have to do ♪
♪ Is let our imaginations run free ♪
♪ And just pretend, pretend, it's so much fun to pretend ♪
♪ Go anywhere, do anything ♪
♪ Imagination has no end ♪
♪ Halloween is the perfect time to dress up with everyone ♪
♪ 'cause we all pretend together ♪
♪ And that makes it such fun ♪
♪ But the costume doesn't matter ♪
♪ 'cause no matter what you wear ♪
♪ Pretending can be done by anyone anywhere ♪
♪ Pretend, pretend, it's so much fun to pretend ♪
♪ Go anywhere, do anything ♪
♪ Imagination has no end ♪
(Abby laughs)
- Hey, you know what?
Elmo doesn't feel jealous anymore.
- [Alan] Hooray.
(Abby and Elmo laughs)
- Boy, Alan's right.
Elmo doesn't need a fancy costume
to pretend he's Galactic Stan.
Elmo just needs his imagination.
Oh, and Elmo's got plenty of that.
- Exactly.
- And right now, Elmo is going to imagine
that his Galactic Stan-O-Boosters can make him fly.
Oh, engage Stan-O-Boosters.
(Elmo imitates machine beeping)
(Elmo laughs)
- Whoa, you have Stan-O-Boosters
that can really make you zoom?
Oh, my mom couldn't find those anywhere.
(Elmo laughs)
- No, Irwin. Elmo's just using his imagination.
- Oh, I wish I could do that. Oh, oh, I'm just so jealous.
- Irwin is jealous of Elmo?
- Yeah. I wish I had an imagination like yours.
- Oh, don't worry, Irwin. Elmo can help you imagine.
Just do this.
(Elmo imitates machine beeping)
(Abby laughs)
- Oh, okay, Elmo. I'll try.
Let's see.
(Irwin imitates machine beeping)
- That's good.
(Elmo laughs)
- It's working, Elmo! It's working.
- Way to use your imagination, Irwin.
- Wow, who knew pretending could be so much fun.
We're just two Galactic Stan super fans having fun.
- Yeah, baby.
(Abby laughs)
- All right, come on, you two Galactic Stans.
Let's zoom out of here and go trick or treating together.
- Okay. - Yeah.
(Elmo and Irwin imitates machine beeping)
- Happy Halloween, Alan.
- Happy Halloween.
Alan is going back in the building.
(cheerful music)
♪ Jump up, get down ♪
♪ Come dance with Elmo ♪
♪ We're moving our body to the ABC's ♪
♪ Dance nearby ♪
♪ Wow ♪
♪ Dance far away ♪
♪ Now clap your hands ♪
♪ To the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap, clap ♪
♪ What's the letter? ♪
♪ Clap, clap ♪
♪ What's the letter? ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap ♪
♪ What's the letter? ♪
♪ What's the letter? ♪
♪ What's the letter? ♪
♪ What's the letter? ♪
♪ What's the letter? ♪
♪ The letter of the day is H ♪
♪ Clap, clap ♪ ♪ It's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap, clap ♪
♪ It's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap, clap ♪
♪ It's the letter ♪
♪ It's the letter ♪
♪ It's the letter of the day ♪
♪ It's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap clap ♪
♪ It's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap, clap ♪
♪ H H H ♪
- [Elmo] H. H is for Halloween.
- This Halloween, I'm gonna be a rocket ship to Mars.
- I'm gonna be a scuba diver looking for lost treasures.
- A tennis player.
- A pirate with a bird.
- I'm gonna be a rainbow.
(cheerful music)
- [Speaker] H. H is for Halloween.
- [Multiple Speakers] Hooray!
- I wanna be Humpty Dumpty for Halloween.
I'm gonna make this out of boxes.
I like to make things with tape, glue, and paint brushes.
We have to paint very carefully to keep lines straight.
- I'm gonna dress up like my dog, Scuffy.
(dog barks)
I think I should put these on the back
and turn the hat around.
It looks like it's dry.
I still have to glue it a little.
(door bell rings)
- [Group] Trick or treat!
- [Speaker] Hey, honey, your friends are here.
- I'm coming.
(birds cawing)
(cheerful music)
- Trick or treat!
- Trick or treat!
- Trick or treat!
- Trick or treat!
- Trick or treat!
- Trick or treat!
(bell rings)
- H!
(upbeat music)
♪ Pumpkin face, pumpkin face ♪
♪ So many shapes all over the place ♪
♪ It's Halloween, it's Halloween ♪
♪ And we can make so much happen on a pumpkin face ♪
♪ Make a smile, or make a frown ♪
♪ Just turn the smile upside down ♪
♪ Nose can be low or nose can be high ♪
♪ Your imagination will help you decide ♪
♪ One, two, three or more eyes ♪
♪ Triangles, squares or circles any size ♪
♪ Pumpkin face, pumpkin face ♪
♪ So many shapes all over the place ♪
♪ Face of a ghost or face of a cat ♪
♪ Face of a witch or face of a bat ♪
♪ Scoop out the seeds and now we're done ♪
♪ Me and my family havе so much fun ♪
♪ Now inside we put a light ♪
♪ Look at how our pumpkin glows so bright ♪
♪ Pumpkin face, pumpkin face ♪
♪ So many shapes all over the place ♪
♪ It's Halloween, it's Halloween ♪
♪ And we make so much happen on a pumpkin face ♪
♪ Pumpkin face, pumpkin face ♪
♪ So many shapes all over the place ♪
(door knob clanking)
(gingerbread blabbering)
(cookie monster snoring)
- Oh, boy, oh, boy. Me must have dozed off.
Okay. Time for cookies.
(gingerbreads blabbering)
(gingerbreads chomping)
Wait, those me cookies.
D'oro, Macaroon. Walking gingerbread eating me cookies.
- She bit them.
- Oh boy, what kind of monster would eat someone's cookies?
- They are crumbies. Come from a bad batch of gingerbread.
The crumbies are eating all our cookies.
- Oh, what a nightmare. What we going to do?
- It's okay Sheriff, if we don't open any boxes of cookies
they'll go away.
- Yeah, but me want to eat cookies right now.
- You just have to wait till later Sheriff Graham.
- If the crumbies hear you open a box they will come
and eat our cookies.
- Yeah, but how can me control meself
and stop eating cookies?
- Try singing something. That's what I do.
Takes my mind off cookies.
- Okay, me sing me favorite song.
♪ C is for cookie ♪
♪ That good enough for ♪
Okay, you know what? That song make me think of cookies.
Oh cookie!
(gingerbread blabbering)
- There's too many of them. - Yeah.
- Grab the cookies and run.
- Yeah, cookies, right. Yeah, cookies, okay.
Let me go this way.
- The crumbies will never find us in this here, cabin.
- Oh, well, that's a relief. Now me can eat cookies.
- [Both] No!
- Do not open that cookie box.
If the crumbies hear you they're sure to find us.
- Yeah, but how me control meself when me know
there are delicious cookies just waiting inside box?
- Just pretend that box is something else,
something you wouldn't eat like a house.
- Okay, yeah, me pretend box of cookies
is house, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, box is house. Box is house.
Box is gingerbread house made
from yummy gingerbread cookies.
- Sheriff, wait! No.
(gingerbread blabbering)
(gingerbread chomping cookies)
We gotta get out of here. Grab those cookies.
(gingerbread blabbering)
- Welcome to the cookie safe zone. I'm the governor.
Your cookies are safe here. Trust me.
- Okay, time to celebrate. Let's eat some cookies.
- No, no.
The cookies are only safe if you don't open the boxes.
- But what me do to control meself.
Me tried singing, me tried the imagining
the cookie boxes are houses, but nothing worked.
- I'm the governor so you've got to do as I say
and I say dance.
It'll take your mind off cookies. Hit it!
(groovy music)
- Hey, yeah. This is fun and you know what it working.
Me not even thinking about cookies.
- Nice self control Sheriff.
(gingerbread blabbering)
The crumbies, they aren't going away.
What are we gonna do?
- Wait a minute, me have idea.
Maybe if me teach crumbies self control, yeah, yeah.
If me can do it so can crumbies.
- [All] No!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah ,yeah.
(cookie monster grunts)
(gingerbread blabbering)
Stop crumbies.
(gingerbread blabber)
This cookie safe zone.
Instead of eating cookies, crumbies can dance!
Hit it!
(groovy music)
- It's working. The crumbies are controlling themselves.
They're not eating the cookies.
- From now on, you not walking gingerbread,
you dancing gingerbread.
Yeah, and you know what? You look delicious when you dance.
(groovy music)
♪ It's time to get up ♪
♪ And stomp your feet ♪
♪ To this great foot-stomping Transylvanian beat ♪
♪ Stomp nice and slow ♪
♪ One, two ♪
♪ Then speed up more ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ And stomp away ♪
♪ One ♪
♪ 'cause we're about to find out ♪
♪ The number of the day ♪
♪ So what's the number? ♪
♪ Stomp, stomp ♪
♪ What's the number? ♪
♪ Stomp, stomp ♪
♪ What is the number? ♪
♪ The number of the day ♪
♪ It tickles my spleen ♪
♪ The number of the day is 13 ♪
♪ So that's the number ♪
♪ Stomp, stomp ♪
♪ Yes, that's the number ♪
♪ Stomp, stomp ♪
♪ That's the number ♪
♪ Stomp ♪
♪ The number of the day ♪
♪ That's the number ♪
♪ Stomp, stomp ♪
♪ That's the number of the day ♪
(groovy music)
♪ 13 ♪
- Now let's stomp 13 times.
One, two, three
Four, five six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, eleven, twelve,
- [Speaker] What's that sound?
I can hear it all around.
I think it's coming from this cave.
Yeah, look. Are those eyes?
More eyes. Big and round.
What could be making that sound?
They're bats. Look at them fly.
They sure look spooky in the nighttime sky.
But how many bats might there be?
Look! They're headed to that tree.
Now we can count them. You and me.
One, two, three,
four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine,
ten, eleven,
twelve, thirteen.
13 bats for Halloween. Isn't that extreme?
And that's the end of our scene. 13.
♪ Let's say hello, hello to Halloween ♪
♪ We got our costumes and we're ready, ready ♪
♪ To trick or treat ♪
♪ I'll turn a pumpkin into a jack-o'-lantern ♪
♪ Elmo's dressing up as a ♪
♪ Sea captain ♪
♪ There's magic in the air ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ 'cause Halloween is here ♪
♪ You trick, I treat ♪
♪ We'll have a party ♪
♪ We'll say Happy Halloween to everybody ♪
♪ There's magic in the air ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ 'cause Halloween is here ♪
♪ Let's say hello, hello ♪
♪ To Halloween ♪
♪ We got our costumes and we're ready, ready ♪
♪ To trick or treat ♪
♪ Let's say hello, hello ♪
♪ To Halloween ♪
♪ There's a party, party on Sesame Street ♪
♪ Use your imagination ♪
♪ Make a costume out of almost anything ♪
♪ Like sheets, the grass or even old socks ♪
♪ Pretend to be anything you want to be ♪
♪ So let's say hello, hello ♪
♪ To Halloween ♪
♪ We got our costumes and we're ready, ready ♪
♪ To trick or treat ♪
♪ Let's say hello, hello ♪
♪ To Halloween ♪
♪ There's a party, party ♪
♪ On Sesame Street ♪
♪ Hello Halloween ♪
- Boy, Irwin it was fun trick or treating with you.
- It sure was, Elmo.
- And now that we got these cool costumes
we could play Galactic Stan together whenever we want.
- Yeah. Well, can we play tomorrow?
- [Both] If anyone can, it's Galactic Stan.
- See you next time on Sesame Street.
- Happy Halloween.
- Let's fly! - Yeah!
♪ Come on and move your body ♪
♪ And use your mind ♪
♪ 'cause you know you are growing ♪
♪ All the time ♪
♪ You're getting smarter, stronger, kinder ♪
♪ On Sesame Street ♪
♪ Kind at home and when you play ♪
♪ Try some sharing and caring everyday ♪
♪ You're getting smarter, kinder, stronger, ♪
♪ Kinder on Sesame Street ♪
♪ Smarter, stronger, kinder ♪
♪ On Sesame Street, yeah ♪