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After I made two videos about putting trash in different places,
a good number of you wanted me to talk about why we're not just throwing all our trash in a volcano.
I've traveled to Mount Saint Noggins, a volcano I made my animator build me, just for this video to explain it further.
我旅遊到了 Saint Noggins 火山,我請我的動畫師幫我建造這座火山,好方便我在這部影片中進一步說明。
Queue the intro!
Hey, there, welcome to Life Noggin!
大家好,歡迎來到 Life Noggin!
You humans sure do generate a lot of trash; why not just burn it away?
You know, just throw it all away in a volcano like Triangle Bob is doing to all of his non-holographic blockemon cards.
你知道的,就把垃圾全部扔到火山裡,就像 Trianlge Bob 現在正在處理他所有非全息格可夢卡片的方式一樣。
Well, I looked into it, and it turns out that while some of the world's trash is incinerated,
there's a pretty good reason why all of it isn't burned.
Each year, over 2 billion tons of solid waste is created around the world.
每一年,全球會製造 20 億噸的固體垃圾。
This includes food, paper, plastic, metals, and glass, among other things.
Most of it is put into an open dump or some form of a landfill, where it is left to sit or decompose over time.
About 11% of it is incinerated.
其中大約有 11% 會被焚化。
This can either happen openly in burn piles or at a trash incineration facility, some of which are used to make energy.
But no matter how you do it, burning trash has serious health effects and environmental consequences.
That's because burning these items releases dangerous chemicals into the air.
Some of these, like dioxins, particulate matter, and ash, can negatively affect affect your health.
While others, like nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, harm the environment and contribute to global warming.
A study on Europe's waste-to-energy strategy found that the incineration of 131 million tons of waste produced about 95 million tons of carbon dioxide,
一項關於歐洲廢棄物轉製能源策略的研究發現,焚燒 1.31 億噸垃圾會產生約 9 千 5 百萬噸的二氧化碳,
which was about 2% of their total greenhouse gas emissions.
約佔其溫室氣體總排放量的 2%。
Even newer, highly-efficient incinerators made to reduce emissions produce some amount of pollutants.
So, burning over 2 billion tons of waste each year would definitely have a large and terrible impact on the environment.
所以說,每年焚燒超過 20 億噸垃圾肯定會對環境造成又大又糟糕的影響。
And I know you humans care about the environment, right?
Please take care of the planet; I want to live a long time!
I live in a computer and I need it to stay on and the world is burning and I don't⏤
Sorry; I'll make sure Triangle Bob cuts all of that out in the edit.
抱歉,我會交代 Triangle Bob 在編輯時把剛剛那些瘋話都剪輯掉。
But what about that volcano idea?
While a volcano with temperatures reaching over 1,000 degrees Celsius may seem like the most efficient disposal system of all, there are some issues.
雖然溫度超過攝氏 1 千度的火山可能像是最有效率的處置系統,還是會有些問題。
Like other burning methods, they're not hot enough to melt most metals.
For instance, some types of steel require at least 1,500 degrees Celsius to melt.
舉例而言,有些類型的鋼鐵需要至少攝氏 1 千 5 百度才能融化。
Volcanoes would also release the same harmful chemicals into the air.
And, unlike burn piles and incinerators, dumping trash into active volcanoes
would break the crust on top the lava lake, disrupt the hot lava underneath, and cause an eruption.
That's why we don't do it, because lava equals bad.
So, unless you want to live in a world where it rains molten garbage, you should always remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
OK, animator, I'm done with the volcano asset.
You can throw it into the bigger volcano I had you build for this specific purpose.
So, do you have any wild questions about the environment that you want me to answer?
Let me know in the comments section below, and it could become a future Life Noggin episode.
請在下方評論區讓我知道,它可能成為未來 Life Noggin 節目內容。
I know you humans get frustrated sometimes because you want to help the environment but don't know where to start.
My friend Wren and I have got you covered.
我和我朋友 Wren 會罩你。
Our sponsor of this video,, is a simple and effective way to make a difference in the climate crisis.
我們這部影片的贊助商 是想要改善氣候危機可依賴的一個簡單、有效方法。 is a website that makes it easy to calculate and offset your carbon footprint just by answering a few questions about your lifestyle! 是一個網站,只要回答幾個關於你生活習慣的問題,就可以很容易地計算並抵銷你的碳足跡。
They've sent over one million dollars in funding to projects planting trees, protecting rainforests, and, otherwise, fighting the climate crisis.
他們在植樹、保護雨林以及其它對抗氣候危機等計畫上,已經投入超過 1 百萬美金的資助。
You can even make a monthly contribution to offset your carbon footprint by funding carbon reduction.
And⏤this is my favorite part⏤you'll receive monthly updates from the projects that you support.
You'll get photos and details on every tree planted, every acre reforested, and every ton of carbon offset!
You really feel like you're a part of something big, because with Wren, you are.
你真的會感覺到自己是一個遠大夢想的一份子,因為透過 Wren,你的確是。
I love their Clean Air Task Force project in Boston,
我非常喜歡他們在波士頓的 Clean Air Task Force project,
because we need more people pushing for policy change that includes breakthrough technology like carbon capture.
So, offset your carbon footprint on Wren.
那麼,透過 Wren 抵銷你的碳足跡吧。
The first one hundred people to sign up using the first link in the description will have 10 extra trees planted in their name.
前 1 百名使用影片敘述欄中第一個連結註冊的人,將會多獲得 10 棵以他們名義種下的樹。
Click here to watch this video we did on why humanoid robots are so creepy, or click here to watch this video.
Click subscribe, hit the bell, and like this video; it really helps the channel grow.
You're amazing; thank you.
You can also check out the team at Lifespan that powers Life Noggin down in the description.
各位也可以在敘述欄看看推動 Life Noggin 的 Lifespan 團隊。
As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin; don't forget to keep on thinking.
一如繼往地,我是 Blocko、以上是 Life Noggin 本集節目,別忘了繼續思考。