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  • [screaming]

  • What are you screaming about?

  • The urchin!

  • Mr. Krabs!

  • What's all the ruckus?

  • There's an urchin in the kitchen.

  • What are you talking about?

  • The Krusty Krab is the standard in fast food cleanliness.

  • An urchin wouldn't dare step spine in this establishment.

  • [screaming]

  • The grill is still on, isn't it?

  • [screaming]

  • [sighing]

  • There it is! I'll get it!

  • Got 'em!

  • Hold it right there!

  • Gotcha, you prickly pest!

  • Whoa whoa whoa!

  • Squidward, don't let it in the dining room!

  • You are our last line of defense!

  • I'm on it.

  • This is terrible!

  • You should never put that much ketchup on a Krabby Patty.

  • [sighing]

  • [choking]

  • I think I'm gonna be sick.

  • Phew, that was close.

  • Thank goodness no one noticed the urchin.

  • Urchin?

  • [screaming]


  • -Spoon. -Spoon.

  • -Plankton. -Plankton.

  • Oh come on! There's gotta be a better way.

  • -Spray can. -Spray can.

  • [coughing]

  • Hmm, I think our darling little decoy still needs something.

  • Oh brother.

  • Now get in there Planktonella

  • and lure that rotten little health hazard

  • out of me livelihood!

  • I'm only helping you out

  • so I can get back to robbing you blind!

  • Don't worry Plankton, we're behind you 100 percent!

  • This getup is 100 percent humiliating.

  • Here urchin urchin urchin.

  • Here, you dirty filth spreading porcupine.

  • I'm wearing lipstick here!

  • Come on, let's go! Uh, what was that?

  • Look sharp Planktonella, I think we're being watched.

  • [gasps]

  • Uh, hello?

  • Psst, go on Plankton, make with the romance!

  • Fine! Heh hey there, handsome.

  • You're cute... for a parasite.

  • [panting]

  • Mommy!

  • Come on, open up!

  • Help, get me outta here!

  • Poor Plankton.

  • Meh, who cares about Plankton.

  • What about me restaurant?

  • I heard that!

  • Enough's enough, it's time to end this madness!

  • Let's put this freak show on ice!

  • Hey, what do you know?

  • That seems to be slowing them down.

  • Better crank it all the way down,

  • just to be on the safe side.

  • That ought to do it.

  • It's beautiful!

  • Okay, I'm ready.

  • Here goes nothing!

  • Hurry Squidward!

  • We got 'em! Whoa, got it!

  • Phew.

  • So where do we release them?

  • I don't care, as long as it's far away

  • from the Krusty Krab!

  • How's this Mr. Krabs?

  • Keep going!

  • How about now?

  • Farther!

  • [phone ringing]

  • Is this far enough?

  • No, farther!

  • Hum, well that takes care of that particular problem.

  • This is Perch Perkins, reporting live from Goo Lagoon,

  • where I'm standing in front of what appears to be some

  • sort of gigantic, gooey bubble

  • rising out of the water into the water.

  • With me is Sandy Cheeks,

  • Ms. Cheeks as Bikini Bottoms' resident know it all,

  • we look to you for answers.

  • Who what when why when?

  • Well Perch,

  • I won't really know anything until I run some tests,

  • but I can tell you it's pretty serious.

  • Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get going.

  • Oh yes, of course.

  • This is Perch Perkins, and I'm soaking wet, back to you!

  • Wow, it's so big!

  • That there's a Texas-size bubble!

  • First, we'll check its tensile strength.

  • -Tight as a drum! -Oh, I want to play the drum!

  • No Patrick, don't!

  • That thing's volatile!

  • There's no telling what kind of damage it'll cause if it pops!

  • Oh fine, here.

  • I don't need that old stick anyways!

  • [grunting]

  • That ain't good.

  • [screaming]

  • So, Ms. Cheeks, what's the prognosis?

  • Well Perch, it's my considered opinion

  • that now would be a good time--

  • Run like heck!

  • [screaming]

  • Well, there you have it, this is Perch Perkins,

  • about to be swallowed by a giant wave.

  • Hello down there, Krabs.

  • Look, I brought you a pretty balloon,

  • and in return, you can give me the Krabby Patty secret formula.

  • Why in the world would I want to do that?

  • Because if you don't, I'm going to pop

  • this disgusting thing and destroy Bikini Bottom!

  • As you can see, I projected the blast radius

  • of this goo-bombic balloon, and it's gonna cover

  • pretty much everything in town!

  • Oh yeah?

  • Well, I can't see nothing from down here.

  • Yeah, well, look again you dingus!

  • won't be blackmailed!

  • There's no way I'm giving you my secret formula!

  • You heard him, Bikini Bottom.

  • It's time to kiss clean goodbye!

  • [laughing]

  • Hey you, yeah you! Hold it right there, mister.

  • Err, not again.

  • Prepare to meet your match you big bubble bully!

  • Well, this is interesting.

  • Let's see where it goes.

  • Thank Neptune for the Bargain Mart bulk discount.

  • Here goes, Geronimo!

  • Pretty slick, huh? Get 'em!

  • [gasps] Uh oh.

  • Oh boy, get 'em you big bubble bruiser!

  • Woo hoo, you da man!

  • Okay, where were we?

  • Oh yeah!

  • There goes a real hero.

  • He gave his life so we could stay clean.

  • Oh no, he's coming back!

  • And he's headed right for us!

  • [screaming]

  • That's it no more messing around.

  • Give me that formula.

  • or I'll destroy this stinkin' town!

  • But I don't wanna!

  • You better do what he says, or we'll tear

  • your restaurant apart and give it to him ourselves.

  • Yeah!

  • -I just washed my car! -Yeah!

  • Err, okay, I'll do it.

  • Yeah!

  • Here, I hope you choke on it.

  • I can't believe it.

  • After all these years, it's mine!

  • I'm so happy I could just burst... this bubble, that is!

  • [gasps]

  • [laughing]

  • Ready to play with your new ball?

  • Here it is boy!

  • [meowing]

  • You want it boy?

  • [meowing]

  • Okay, boy, go and get it!

  • Go and get it, go and get it!

  • Fetch!

  • [meowing]

  • Okay Gary, bring it back

  • Come on Gary, bring it back!

  • You're supposed to bring it... back.

  • Oh well, as long as he's not chewing on my stuff.

  • Gary, dinner time, Gary?

  • Gary?

  • Ah!

  • Okay, that's just creepy.

  • Gary, I think you need to spend some

  • time away from this ball.

  • This isn't helping your case.

  • Okay Gary, fun is fun.

  • Now, give me that ball pronto!

  • [meowing]

  • Oh, so you've hidden it.

  • Oh no you don't, come here!

  • I bet I know where it is.

  • Ugh, hairball, hairball, wallet.

  • Darn it, I thought I lost this.

  • And I just cancelled my credit cards?

  • Hairball, toothbrush.

  • A-ha, I knew it!

  • You'll see some time apart will do you good.

  • There we go, out of sight, out of mind.

  • I know you're upset now, but wait until tomorrow morning.

  • Why you probably won't even remember that old ball.

  • [horn blowing]

  • Good morning, Gary.

  • I hope you're not still mad at me.

  • Gary? The ball!

  • I will not tolerate this disobedience Gary!

  • Gary, I'm not playing around.

  • You'd better show yourself this instant.

  • Okay get down here!

  • Hmm.

  • Gary, give me that ball.

  • Come on!

  • Get down!

  • Whoa!

  • Mother always said, don't run with the broom.

  • I'll take that!

  • [gasps] Gary, how could you?

  • You are going to have to make a choice.

  • It's either me or the... ball.

  • I hope you two will be very happy together without me!

  • Goodbye!

  • [sobbing]

  • [meowing]

  • [whistling]

  • [growling]

  • [squeaking]

  • [growling]

  • And so it's come to this.

  • No home, no best friend, and sleeping under a bus stop!

  • Hello little nematode.

  • Will you be my friend?

  • That a boy.

  • [giggling] That tickles!

  • Hey, my wallet!

  • Good thing I cancelled those credit cards.

  • [meowing]

  • Gary! I mean, hey, what are you doing here?

  • Waiting for a bus?

  • Oh Gary, does this mean you've come to love me

  • more than that chew toy?

  • [meowing]

  • Yippee!

  • Look, we're closer than ever.

  • [giggling]

  • Sabotage!

  • [whistling]

  • Well, my dependable spatula, shall we?

  • [screaming]

  • Wow, phase two is great! My favorite phase so far.

  • [laughing]

  • [panting]

  • No pulse!

  • We're losing him! Hang in there, buddy!

  • What's all the ruckus?

  • Clear!

  • Clear!

  • Pull yourself together, boy.

  • So your spatula snapped, go get yourself a new one!

  • I'll never forget you.

  • Quit that boy, it's creepy.

  • Spatulas can't talk!

  • And if I catch you talking to your next one,

  • I'll lock you up in a padded kitchen.

  • Feast your absorbent eyes on this!

  • Oh wow, this is the greatest spatula collection

  • on the whole sea floor!

  • These are nothing compared to...

  • the majestic sizzle master!

  • Yes, SpongeBob.

  • I believe the sizzle master has found its fry cook...

  • in you!

  • The legend of the sizzle master has been fulfilled!

  • And since you are its fry cook,

  • it will reduce your workload tenfold!

  • Hey, that rhymes! Almost.

  • Yes, a legend has been fulfilled today.

  • Go forth SpongeBob, wouldn't want you to miss the lunch rush.

  • Or as I like to call it, phase four.

  • Phase four?

  • How many phases are there in this convoluted plan?

  • Enough, my sarcastic wife.

  • Enough to gain SpongeBob's trust

  • and steal the Krabby Patty formula

  • right from under his dumb yellow nose!

  • [laughing]

  • Now, to tune in SpongeBoob.

  • I'm back Mr. Krabs. Did I miss anything?

  • You're going to be missing a job

  • if you don't get in that kitchen!

  • The lunch rush is nigh!

  • [laughing]

  • Hey Sponge, I know a way to double our productivity.

  • I handle things here at the grill, alone,

  • while you man the condiments, eh?

  • Hey, that's a great idea!

  • But, you man the condiments, I'll take the grill.

  • Sorry, but I don't trust anyone with this baby but me.

  • Drat!

  • Hey, squid guy! Where's my lunch?

  • Stay back, you ravenous brutes!

  • Orders ahoy!

  • Wow sizzle master, you truly are magical.

  • We're catching up,

  • but we've got an empty grill here.

  • Leave it to me, kid!

  • Hey, what you doing, boy?

  • My new magical talking spatula that I got from Plankton

  • says I need your Krabby Patty secret formula.

  • SpongeBob, no!

  • I mean, it was your talking spatula, you say?

  • That you got from Plankton?

  • Well, why didn't you say so?

  • Here, give your talking spatula this recipe.

  • Mr. Krabs, I think your blinker's broken.

  • Just read it.

  • Aye aye! Okay sizzle master,

  • the first ingredient is five gallons of

  • combustible cooking oil.

  • Yes!

  • Karen, begin production!

  • One sack coral dust, extra spicy.

  • One bucket fire algae paste.

  • And the final ingredient, disulfide.

  • Yes!

  • Wait, how much disulfide?

  • The whole enchilada.

  • I had no idea that stuff was approved for restaurant use.

  • -Oh, it's not, Plankton. -Krabs?

  • There he goes again,

  • scribbling away in that little book.

  • I must admit, my curiosity is piqued.

  • I guess I'm piqued to peek at that book.

  • [chuckling]

  • Oh fun.

  • Hey SpongeBob, you need to make a delivery.

  • Okey dokey!

  • The address is on the bag.

  • Yeah, I got it.

  • [gasps] It's a diary!

  • Oh, this is gonna be good.

  • Huh? Drud, it's locked.

  • [grunting]

  • Hmm, I need a hairpin.

  • And now the diary of a moron.

  • [laughing]

  • [coughing]

  • You laughing at me?

  • What? No, no, no, no.

  • I was just reading what SpongeBob wrote in his diary,

  • it's hilarious.

  • Reading somebody else's diary, that's terrible!

  • Tell me more.

  • It says here when SpongeBob sees plaid,

  • he has this uncontrollable urge to cluck like a chicken!

  • [laughing]

  • Did somebody say plaid? Well I'm a plaid enthusiast!

  • I just got me new kilt today.

  • SpongeBob, can you come here, please?

  • I couldn't find that watch anywhere!

  • All I found was this stuff.

  • -I fell in. -And that guy.

  • Why do you think of Mr. Krabs new plaid kilt?

  • P-p-p-p-plaid?

  • [clucking]

  • You don't have to be nasty about it!

  • [clucking]

  • Avert our eyes, Squarepants! I have to take my break!

  • [sighing]

  • Oh, this is the best one yet!

  • Get this, if I hear the Bikini Bottom municipal anthem,

  • I can't help but take off all my clothes

  • and dance around in my underwear.

  • [laughing]

  • Watch this.

  • [anthem music playing]

  • [anthem music playing]

  • [anthem music playing]

  • [laughing]

  • My diary!

  • Squidward, how could you?

  • [sobbing]

  • [clucking]

  • [sobbing]

  • That was that little dude's diary?

  • That's low Squidward, even for you.

  • You'd better apologize.

  • Pfft, he'll get over it.

  • -Diary reader! -What? You read it too!

  • Oh sure, blame everyone but yourself!

  • Oh that is so you.

  • Hi Squidward, how's it going?

  • SpongeBob, oh thank goodness, you have to forgive me!

  • -What for? -For reading your diary.

  • Oh that, you know Squidward everyone was so amused

  • by it, I had it published!

  • It's a best seller, and I owe it all to you.

  • Besides, you only read my work diary.

  • You've never even seen my secret personal diary!

  • Now that would've been really embarrassing.

  • There he is, the diary reader!

  • Let's get him!

  • [yelling]

  • People, people, stop your assault!

  • Through my art as an author, I have forgiven Squidward.

  • Oh yeah, did you know he's reading your personal diary?

  • [laughing]

  • Squidward, how could you?

  • [sobbing]

  • I don't care, this is so worth it!

  • [laughing]

  • Just as the essential oils were kicking in...

  • Hey! I'd appreciate some quiet!

  • How dare you scoot away from me,

  • I'm scolding here!

  • Would you two for once act your age!

  • [crying]

  • Fine, act like infants your whole life,

  • see if I care!

  • I'll be returning to my grown up lifestyle.

  • So keep it down!

  • [yelling]

  • [screaming]

  • Squidward!

  • [groaning]

  • Hey, he's mumbling and drooling like a little baby.

  • Oh I don't know Patrick, he isn't looking so good.

  • He should probably see a doctor.

  • Come on, let's take him to the hospital.

  • Hang in there buddy, we'll have you fixed up in no time!

  • Hmm.

  • [babbling]

  • So what's the prognosis doctor?

  • Your friend has a condition known by

  • the medical term of head go boom boom-itis.

  • Not to worry, though, he should recover normally over time.

  • But he mustn't receive any more blows to the head,

  • or he may remain this way permanently.

  • Just care for him as if he were your very own

  • bouncing baby boy, and he'll be fine.

  • [crying]

  • There there now, no need to cry.

  • [crying]

  • Shh, shh shh shuh suh shuh shuh shuh,

  • everything's gonna be okay.

  • [crying]

  • Don't worry, he'll be settled down in a couple of minutes.

  • [crying]

  • [crying]

  • [crying]

  • [crying]

  • [crying]

  • [babbling]

  • We have to work on your penmanship Squiddy.

  • [babbling]

  • My face, my face!

  • Also my leg, but mostly my face!

  • Hey, you gonna take an order or what?

  • [babbling]

  • [crying]

  • Squidward!

  • Yelling at a poor, defenseless baby!

  • You oughta be ashamed.

  • Listen man, I'm done playing these baby games!

  • Oh my Neptune!

  • [crying]

  • [grumbling]

  • What in the blazes is going on around here?

  • Mr. Squidward! Where are your manners?

  • Mr. Krabs watch his head!

  • Why don't you watch his diaper and get it changed?

  • Sir yes sir!

  • -We're eating here! -Sorry!

  • Hey, I'm trying to walk here.

  • Sorry!

  • Hey, I was gonna get ketchup there!

  • Sorry.

  • Okay sweetie, hold still.

  • Oh boy!

  • Are you out of your ever lovin' mind?

  • You can't change that baby

  • out here in front of the customers!

  • Take him in back where the food is prepared.

  • [grumbling]

  • Oh that's it, get that poopy baby out of my restaurant!

  • Mr. Krabs, if my poopy baby isn't welcome here,

  • then I'm not staying either.

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

  • whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

  • [screaming]

  • [gasps] Squidward!

  • What the?

  • Where am I? What's going on?

  • Oh Squidward, you're back to your grown up self.

  • Of course I've grown up, why wouldn't I be?

  • Am I wearing a diaper?

  • Yes.

  • Is it full?

  • Ah!

  • Sorry Squidward, I was going to change you,

  • but I got interr--

  • Stop!

  • Not another word about this... ever!

  • Kids, they grow up so fast.

  • -You want what? -One order of chum please.

  • Raw.

  • Look, I know I'm an evil, heartless mastermind,

  • but no one can ingest raw chum and survive.

  • Oh yeah, well Charlie Mackerel, the current record holder did!

  • -Really? -For thirty seconds.

  • Well, it's your funeral.

  • Okay Sandy, eat up.

  • Uh SpongeBob, I've changed my--

  • [screaming]

  • [panting]

  • [yelling]

  • Sandy, you did it!

  • You survived!

  • Oh, hold on, Sandy.

  • I know just what you need.

  • A Krabby Patty!

  • [coughing]

  • I did it, I'm alive!

  • I can't wait to show them experts

  • the pictures of my record breaking feat.

  • Oh no, I forgot my camera!

  • What?

  • SpongeBob, I need photographic proof of my amazing deeds.

  • I'll go get the camera.

  • Well hurry up, I have record breaking to do!

  • [gulping]

  • [gargling]

  • Got it! You okay?

  • -Do you smell soup? What's next?

  • Largest rubber band ball.

  • Woo hoo, what's next?

  • Most cobras milked.

  • Say cheese!

  • Cheese!

  • Heh, nice snake.

  • [coughing]

  • -Next! -Most walnuts in mouth.

  • Just... one... more!

  • [yelling]

  • -Next! -Most chainsaws juggled.

  • Okay shoot!

  • Got it! So, how do you stop?

  • -What? -I said how do you stop?

  • -What? -How do you stop?

  • Why that's easy, I just... stop, then run like heck!

  • Not that way!

  • Come on SpongeBob, pull yourself together.

  • We've still got a ton of records to break.

  • Oh yeah, you're going to love this one.

  • I don't know Sandy,

  • this is getting kind of dangerous.

  • Come on, you don't need your helmet,

  • this one's outside!

  • -Follow me! -Oh my!

  • There it is, the world's largest house of cards.

  • That's amazing!

  • Get in front so I can take a picture.

  • Nah, let's get a shot from the top!

  • What the--

  • Oh hey, it's solitaire.

  • I love this game!

  • [laughing]

  • Hey, hey kick a touchdown!

  • [screaming]

  • What's next?

  • Um, I think I smell Gary's sandbox.

  • Better go clean it... now.

  • My stomach feels funny.

  • Let's have a look. SpongeBob?

  • -Hi Sandy. -SpongeBob, what are you doing?

  • I'm here to save you from from this book.

  • I'm going to destroy it before someone gets killed!

  • I don't want to lose you Sandy!

  • I don't wanna lose you!

  • Oh don't be silly SpongeBob, I'm done with that book.

  • I beat every record in here.

  • In fact, I have invited the author to verify my evidence.

  • Thank you.

  • Mmm, yes, oh my! I see.

  • Well then, I'm afraid you've broken no records?

  • Huh?

  • This book is 30 years old.

  • These records were broken ages ago.

  • You, however, have set a brand new record.

  • Most injuries sustained while helping a friend.

  • Good for you SpongeBob!

  • Um, hooray.

  • We got to figure out what to do with my life.


  • Oh I wish I was a superhero.

  • That's it, I know what I want to do with my life!

  • To the changing room!

  • [grunting]

  • [sighing]

  • [grunting]

  • At last, I have found my calling.

  • I am Patrickman, defender of Bikini Bottom!

  • Mr. Squidward, what's with all the dilly dallying?

  • We got customers money to take!

  • Where?

  • Ah! Where is everybody?

  • Fear not, Patrickman is here!

  • Patrick!

  • I knew our number one customer wouldn't let us down.

  • Shush shush shush shush, it's Patrickman, Mr. Krabs.

  • Patrickman?

  • What kind of ridiculous name is that?

  • Oh forget the name, look at the ridiculous outfit!

  • What is that, a pair of briefs?

  • [laughing]

  • Ooo, blaring employee laughter in the common area?

  • [laughing]

  • Hey Patrick, what's with the fancy duds?

  • Must I explain everything?

  • I found what I want to do with my life.

  • I... am... Patrickman!

  • That is so exciting!

  • I can't wait to tell Gary, my parents, my grandma.

  • Shh SpongeBob, my identity must be kept secret.

  • My work here is done.

  • Patrickman's off, the city needs my help!

  • Oh, I almost forgot. Can I get a Krabby Patty?

  • Villains and criminals beware!

  • Patrickman is here!

  • [yelling]

  • Good gracious!

  • And he always finds out who hides under the mask!

  • Hey, man, I'd like to hold on to my face thank you!

  • Oh, right.

  • Now I got you!

  • Ouch!

  • Let's get out of here and never come back.

  • What?

  • [yelling]

  • All right, that does it.

  • Admit it, masked marauder!

  • Enough, we've all had our fill of Patrickman!

  • But I was about to unmask a super villain!

  • Sure you were.

  • What the barnacles are you doing?

  • Protecting Bikini Bottom from a scoundrel!

  • Oh dear!

  • -Let her go Patrick! -No way!

  • [laughing]

  • Wait, where'd he come from?

  • -The dirty bubble? -The dirty bubble?

  • I wanted to unmask man-ray.

  • [laughing]

  • Fools, you've blown my cover!

  • Now taste my wrath!

  • What now, Patrickman?

  • SpongeBob, you're looking at a superhero,

  • so naturally I will rely on my superpowers,

  • and throw some stuff!

  • [laughing]

  • I wouldn't call that a total miss.

  • Take this, beast!

  • [grunting]

  • Ha ha, yummy sponge!

  • You disabled me employees and trash me restaurant,

  • think you might go for the bubble now?

  • I have him right where I want him.

  • For the pit punch!

  • [groaning]

  • Ha, let's try that again, but this time I attack!

  • [laughing]

  • Lunch!

  • [cheering]

  • Come on number 655321, let's move it!

  • Yeah yeah, keep your shirt on.

  • -Hey, Sheldon. -SpongeBob!

  • What in the sea shell are you doing here?

  • Mr. Krabs arranged for me to work here on weekends.

  • He wants me to keep an eye on you.

  • Excuse me, doesn't this count as cruel and unusual punishment?

  • Pipe down pipsqueak.

  • Ooo, not bad.

  • If I could only paint--

  • -Mr. Krabs! -What is it?

  • Plankton's breaking out of jail tonight,

  • and he's coming with a bunch of criminals

  • to steal the Krabby Patty formula!

  • [panting]

  • -What do we do? -Tonight eh?

  • That doesn't leave me much time.

  • This is gonna be close, but we'll be ready for him.

  • [whistling]

  • Whoa there.

  • Why are you two out of your cells?

  • Reggie thinks this hankey smells like kelp berries.

  • Oh he does, does he? I'll be the judge of that.

  • It's a jailbreak men!

  • Quick, to the wall before they escape!

  • Run! Run! Run! Run, run, run, run, Run!

  • What in the name of electrolysis?

  • Nice try prisoners, but don't ever penetrate

  • a wall of living guards.

  • Let's round up those escaping miscreants!

  • Oh dear, I cannot move.

  • It appears that we have become ensnared in our own defenses.

  • [grunting]

  • Oh my, heh heh, that is a dilly of a pickle.

  • Oh well, if you can't escape through the back wall,

  • I guess we'll have to leave through the front door!

  • Quickly, my fellow felons, follow me to the Krusty Krab!

  • [yelling]

  • Oh Mr. Krabs, they're almost here!

  • Don't worry SpongeBob, we're ready for him.

  • I gave you your freedom,

  • now bring me the Krabby Patty formula!

  • [cheering]

  • Heave ho! Heave ho!

  • Heave!

  • [cheering]

  • They got past me!

  • [screaming]

  • Me restaurant!

  • Hehe yes, with my new gang of vicious convicts,

  • you're no match for me now, Krabs.

  • Fellow jailbirds, bring me the Krabby Patty formula!

  • Sorry, boss.

  • We looked everywhere for it, but we can't find it.

  • Did you try looking in the safe?

  • Oh.

  • [grunting]

  • Eureka!

  • Yeah, yeah!

  • Plankton, don't do it.

  • Sorry Krabs. Nothing can stop me now.

  • Except the law.

  • What's happening?

  • SpongeBob warned me you were planning a jailbreak,

  • so it took the precaution of hiding the entire Bikini Bottom

  • Police force in me safe!

  • Come along, Plankton. It's back to jail for you.

  • Aww, hey!

  • Watch where you're pointing that thing buster.

  • What's this?

  • Do I find myself on this dark and scary street yet again?

  • We'll just see what happens this time.

  • Hey, you!

  • Let me give a taste, a mere morsel of what's in store...

  • [yelling]

  • That one was called washing Sandy's windows.

  • Stay back or you're gonna get it!

  • I am warning you.

  • Okay buddy, I warned you.

  • I like to call this one taking out Sandy's trash.

  • [yelling]

  • What? Ow!

  • Ha ha ha, how do you like them apples?

  • [yelling]

  • Feel my wrath!

  • How's your uncle?

  • [screaming]

  • And as my finishing move, I give you...

  • watering Sandy's lawn.

  • [yelling]

  • [groaning]

  • What was that for?

  • I was just trying to give you back your groceries you dropped!

  • Uh, oh.

  • Teddy, I found him. He's over here.

  • You forgot your belt, silly.

  • [screaming]

  • Gosh, what happened to you?

  • This guy's been... karate'd!

  • After all I said about never using karate for revenge!

  • For shame Squidward, for shame!

  • Looks like he's not worthy of this belt after all.

  • Thanks for dishonoring our trust in you Squidward.

  • Whatever, I'm still a karate master!

  • Wow really, you are?

  • -Yes I am. -Hey watch your head.

  • I'd never guess that.

  • And what is that supposed to mean?

  • Oh, nothing, just with the rubbery arms,

  • and the doughyness in the midsection--

  • Okay already, I get it, what, wait a second.

  • Am I under arrest?

  • You sure are.

  • And you have the right to remain silent.

  • [crying]

  • Or not silent.

  • Get ready spatchy, time to grill up

  • one more golden piping hot, Krabby--

  • Huh? Double dip milkshake?

  • Gee, I haven't made one of those in a while.

  • Order up!

  • One double dip milkshake!

  • Wait!

  • I almost forgot... the cherry on top.

  • There you are, sir, a perfect double dip milkshake.

  • -Enjoy! -Well, it looks delightful.

  • This thing's frozen!

  • Barnacles, how am I supposed to drink this?

  • Yuck! This shake is disgusting.

  • Why you probably don't even have

  • -a license to milkshake -A license to milkshake?

  • Well of course, I do silly and it doesn't expire until--

  • [gasps] seven years ago!

  • [beeping]

  • Oh dear.

  • Fantastic, nice and creamy mouth feel.

  • [beeping]

  • Squarepants appears to be having problems, again.

  • Joe, please explain where he has gone wrong?

  • Sir yes sir! Sir, he is attempting to use

  • the upper control panel to mix, sir!

  • Every cadet knows that these are telemetry functions

  • and all blending controls are on the lower panel, sir!

  • Oh, that's right!

  • How silly of me, Mr. Krabs is right,

  • milkshaking sure has changed over the years.

  • Very good.

  • But how does it taste?

  • Maybe we need to get back to basics.

  • Listen up, cadet Squarepants.

  • If you want to make a shake, you gotta know

  • how it feels to be your shake.

  • Behold the shake simulator!

  • In ya go, now, march!

  • Hup, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four,

  • hup!

  • Teach this upstart a lesson, I'm setting it to obliterate!

  • [gasps]

  • But sir, no one's ever survived obliterate!

  • Silence!

  • He needs to learn cadet.

  • Whoa!

  • Whoa!

  • Now let's see how the boy turned out.

  • That was fun, can I go again?

  • [groaning]

  • I'm afraid there are no more milkshake licenses.

  • -And do you know why? -Um, the printer ran out of ink?

  • No, you simpleton.

  • There aren't any more milkshake licenses

  • because you don't get one!

  • Why not?

  • Hmm, let's see, maybe it's got something to do

  • with the fact that you couldn't even

  • get past step number one of making a milkshake,

  • filling the glass with ice cream!

  • No Captain Frostymug, I can do it!

  • Let me show you, I just know I can!

  • No, here let me show you.

  • You're supposed to raise the cup up to the spinny thing.

  • The... the spinny thing.

  • Boy, I can't wait to have one of your renowned shakes

  • Sir Frostymug.

  • You've tried the rest, ow prepare for the best!

  • [screaming]

  • Nooo!

  • What's wrong Captain Frostymug?

  • I haven't touched a milkshake machine in 20 years.

  • Neptune's thunderclap, I'm stuck in the blender!

  • Help!

  • Captain Frostymug!

  • Ah, my arm!

  • [screaming]

  • Don't worry sir, I've gotcha captain!

  • Save yourself, boy, I'm a goner!

  • -No, I'm not leaving you behind! -Thanks, SpongeBob.

  • You know, no one's ever treated

  • this old captain with much kindness.

  • And in return, I'd like to tell you a little secret.

  • All these years, I've been able

  • to make milkshakes without a machine,

  • because making milkshakes really comes from within.

  • Does that make sense?

  • Not at all.

  • If only SpongeBob could pass his boating test,

  • he'd be out of my life once and for all.

  • Unfortunately, I keep getting reminded of the consequences

  • if I get too angry with the little nuisance,

  • I can't even leave town without violating my parole.

  • Oh, if there was only some way that I didn't have

  • to live in fear. Fear, that's the answer!

  • SpongeBob is afraid of the driving course,

  • so it would stand to reason that if he took

  • the driving test somewhere besides the driving course,

  • he would... pass!

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road, focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road, focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road, focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Hey, look at me, I'm not crashing and stuff.

  • Wonderful!

  • Keep that up and I'll have no choice but to pass you.

  • You just repeat your mantra.

  • Focus on the road, the open unintimidating road.

  • Boating within the lines, well done.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Finally, using your turn signal, oh check.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Roundabout navigation, check!

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Safe and steady acceleration, check!

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the road.

  • There is nothing but the road.

  • Focus on the... road?

  • What happened to the road?

  • Calm down SpongeBob.

  • Listen, all you have to do is safely stop this vessel!

  • That was a close one Mrs. Puff,

  • but I am back on the road and ready to focus upon it.

  • SpongeBob, this isn't just any road.

  • It's a ten lane intertidal seaway!


  • Stay calm SpongeBob.

  • SpongeBob, SpongeBob?

  • SpongeBob!

  • -Remember your mantra! -Right!

  • Focus on the road, there is nothing but--

  • [truck horn]

  • I can't even see the road!

  • [quivering]

  • SpongeBob!

  • Give me the wheel SpongeBob.

  • Oh dear, he's completely frozen up!

  • Fiddlesticks!

  • [screaming]

  • Reckless drivers, I loathe reckless drivers.

  • Pull over SpongeBob, and make a quick left!

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • SpongeBob, hit the brakes!

  • Huh? Oh, okay!

  • [brakes screeching]

  • Goodness gracious,

  • there isn't a scratch on this vessel.

  • SpongeBob, the test is history.

  • You, you passed!

  • Here's your license!

  • And I'm free, ha ha!

  • [tires screeching]

  • I don't think so.

  • Is there a problem, officer?

  • [beeping]

  • Well, you crossed the county line three miles back.

  • You ma'am, are a parole violator,

  • which makes this test null and void.

  • I'll take that.

  • [gasps]

  • Yeah!

  • Ha ha ha ha, woo!

  • -Wow, whoa! -Wow, whoa!

  • -Wow! -Whoa, whoa!

  • [trumpet playing]

  • Look out!

  • [laughing]

  • Someone help that little old lady!

  • Help yourselves, nimrods!

  • What was that?

  • Why those are the drastic radicals,

  • the number one practitioners of extreme sports.

  • So you want to be a drastical?

  • Let's see what you got, little dude.

  • No problemo, I guess you just hop up like this.

  • Hey, come back!

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • [laughing]

  • Your turn, fat boy!

  • Hey, how'd I get up here?

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • Our sports are too extreme for you dudes.

  • Maybe we should start you two on something easier.

  • What games do you dudes like to play?

  • Oh, I know.

  • How about a little something called jump rope.

  • Jump rope eh? Demonstrate!

  • Ready, Patrick?

  • On your mark get set...

  • -Jump rope! -Extreme!

  • Hey, who's holding the other end?

  • I am, of course.

  • -Hi Patrick! -Huh?

  • [harmonica playing]

  • My best friend is SpongeBob

  • Sing it!

  • He has a square head

  • Yeah!

  • ♪ I try on his clothes While he's asleep in bed

  • Wow huh?

  • [panting]

  • It's weird.

  • My face is leaking.

  • Your face isn't leaking.

  • You're just sweating from all the exercise.

  • Exercise?!?

  • Oh, I didn't sign up for this.

  • Oh!

  • Extreme!

  • Look dudes, to be extreme you gotta go bigger!

  • Is fighting extreme.

  • Fighting is totally extreme.

  • What a clean fight.

  • I don't want to see any trash laying around

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • We give up!

  • Fling!

  • That was close.

  • Not so fast, that's not fighting!

  • Stand aside.

  • I'll show you how it's done.

  • Nooo, it's dry clean only!

  • Avenge me!

  • -Oh. -Brutal.

  • Ollie!

  • [growling]

  • -Oh! -Even more brutal!

  • Now that was extreme dudes.


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