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So when I give a training, for instance Presentation Skills, I make people come in front of the
group and present themselves.
And that goes rather well most of the times until they come at the end of their presentation
and then they go like.
"Well, that's about it".
And they disappear.
There's no ending.
Let me give you some tips and tricks on how to end your presentation in a good way.
First of all get rid of some clichés like "Thank you for your attention" or "Are there
any questions?"
That's not really an ending.
What you need to do is think about your key messages.
The take home messages that you want your audience actually to remember.
Sum them up at the end of your presentation and then you'll have a good conclusion
A good ending.
What you can also do is actually stop where you started.
Start with a strong statement, work your way through that presentation
and end with that same statement.
That actually helps to get a good ending.
Now those are tips and trick on the content of your presentation.
But here's also the form, the style.
Make use of your intonation, your tone of voice, your pitch to lay down the sentences
at the end of your presentation.
So they audience knows, hears and feels it's actually coming to and end.
I'll give you an example.
If I say "That ladies and gentlemen, was what I wanted to share with you".
Then you can actually hear that I'm laying my sentence down.
And also at the end of your presentation, ad a smile.
When you actually thank your audience and you do it without a smile they won't feel
any gratitude.
They won't feel that you're sincere.
So in stead of saying "Thank you for your attention".
Just say "Thank you" and then they will know that your presentation has finished.