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  • i'm ready

  • sam the the pigs the wild boars are still around  

  • wing it we're bringing it that's the plan right  here hello hey how's it going good morning we are  

  • not in canada anymore no we're sure not we're  also not in lima either yes we've left peru  

  • so we are in argentina we sure are hello from  argentina in one of the earlier videos we asked  

  • you guys to guess where we were moving  and well the answer is argentina we are  

  • currently in the province of cordoba up in the  sierras in the little village where i grew up  

  • and we have some exciting plans here yeah there's  a fun family project that's going to be taking  

  • place here over the next over the coming years  yes yeah yeah so i'll let you talk about it  

  • so i don't think that's a story we can tell  in one video but to give you the gist of it  

  • there's this property that's been in my dad's  side of the family for three generations now  

  • and it's a place that my parents used to run  as a hotel together with my aunt and uncle for  

  • a few years back in the 90s so yeah we've been  talking about kind of doing something with that  

  • place because it's just been sitting there and  we're super passionate about tourism and travel  

  • and nature and quiet towns yeah we're we're  actually both from really small places we grew  

  • up in nature and so i would say for a good part of  our 20s and maybe into even into our 30s we were  

  • really excited by being in big cities not only  just traveling but also sometimes living in cities  

  • but it's kind of come full circle we're  we're craving to be back out in nature  

  • yes and this this property that that we're going  to be trying attempting to renovate which has a  

  • hotel and a couple of of houses that have uh  that are in and well they're in rough shape  

  • let's be serious yes so it is going to be the  most challenging thing we have ever undertaken  

  • in our whole lives without a doubt withoutdoubt but with that comes a level of excitement  

  • because we think that the potential of this place  is just enormous this area is incredible you have  

  • world-class scenery you have world-class mountains  you have the tranquility of being out in nature  

  • and we feel like we can take something that is you  know close to being and it's not quite ruined but  

  • it's in rough shape it hasn't been looked after  properly in over 20 years we're hoping we can  

  • take something like that that's also been a part  of your family's history going back now this is a  

  • three generation yeah it's regeneration property  we're hoping that we can continue that legacy  

  • by uh by trying to reclaim its former glory yes  yeah and i think i'm also super excited about  

  • community because we've created this community  on youtube and we'd love to have a place where  

  • people can come and spend time out in nature  and like this place really is so healing being  

  • here in the sierras and the mountains like  we went for our first little walk yesterday  

  • down a dirt road and we were just taking in these  deep fresh breaths of air and it feels like it's  

  • filling every last part of your lung like you  just want to keep breathing deeper and deeper yeah  

  • it's just like you're you're craving to breathe  in this air there's just something about it yeah  

  • you can't really you can't really explain it in  a way better than just what you described like  

  • yeah it's just so refreshing and we're just really  excited to have a place where we can invite people  

  • to come experience this along with us and i think  it'll be a cool journey to take you on as well  

  • kind of from ruins to to what it can be to  its full potential so i mean this is a story  

  • that we're going to be developing over the  course of the months and the years there's  

  • going to be more information more videos coming  soon but for now this is our first full day  

  • up here we are renting a cute little house in  the mountains um it is autumn we're surrounded  

  • by beautiful colors i just had the best sleep  of my life last night i think it's a it's a  

  • combination of we we had zero sleep the day before  yeah and then just having a nice firm mattress  

  • only the sounds of nature woke up to chirping  birds so it's been good we're super excited in  

  • today's video we're just going to bring you along  for our first day here show you little bits and  

  • pieces of our new life in the mountains exactly  so i mean our long-term plans is that we're going  

  • to be splitting time between argentina and canada  yeah so we're going to be especially over the next  

  • few years we're going to be spending significant  time in argentina trying to get this off off of  

  • the ground yeah and um it's a project that we're  we're excited about we were planning to start it  

  • two years ago before the pandemic oh and so this  has been put on hold for two years yeah and um  

  • it's just so exciting to finally be able to pursue  it we're gonna just go in with the best attitude  

  • the best effort it's gonna be challenging  when you see uh the condition of the place  

  • like when we show it to you i mean here some  of your jaws may drop but that's part of the  

  • journey right it's uh it's something that that  is meant to be challenging meant to be exciting  

  • and we're really excited to show you uh what we  get up to with with this particular project here  

  • yes and this year is of course argentina yeah so  that's a little taste of what's to come indeed

  • do

  • okay so my task this morning is to finish  unpacking we've been living out of a suitcase for  

  • three weeks while we were in peru and since we're  kind of settling into this little cottage for  

  • a bit longer we want to make it feel more homey  more organized not just a mess in our suitcases so  

  • yeah i'm going to be unpacking everything tidying  up organizing making everything easy to find  

  • and making this place feel more like a home

  • so here we have it this is sam's side of the  closet three shelves all to himself we really  

  • didn't pack a lot for this trip so three shelves  is all we need per person just the basics so this  

  • is where i'm hanging our coats uh rain jackets and  then just a couple of dressier shirts and dressier  

  • pants just so they don't get wrinkled and now here  is my part of the closet another three shelves and  

  • we're keeping our dirty laundry down at the bottom  in a little plastic bag until we figure out until  

  • we figure out where and how we're going to do our  laundry because we do not have a washing machine  

  • but we do have a drying rack so either by hand or  find a laundry service in the village we'll see

  • milanesa for lunch yeah we're having villaneses  for lunch excited we're heating them up because

  • they're pre-cooked which is  cool and i tried one yesterday  

  • cold for the first time it was just like okay it  tastes so much better when it's heated up it's  

  • just gonna melt the cheese it's gonna make the  the rest of the meat a little warmer um so yeah  

  • i'm happy we're doing it like this a little  olive oil in the pan i mean i'm not sure if  

  • this is how you do it but we don't have  a microwave so this is how we're doing it

  • okay it is lunch time hey it's lunchtime  yes so can i interest you in some wine yes  

  • mora from the finca las moras one of

  • yeah so i just prepared a simple salad lettuce  tomatoes cucumbers some avocado olive oil and  

  • lemon juice and then the pre-made milanesas like  argentine schnitzels yeah um that we got yesterday  

  • at the market yeah they heated up nicely the  cheese is melted a bit so it tasted a million  

  • times better than when i had it cold so so cheers  cheers to our first lunch lunch here together

  • yeah i should mention yesterday when we  were driving up here in the afternoon we're  

  • snacking on empanadas that we  grabbed so this literally is our  

  • first lunch they did a nice job with  the salad just a light dressing huh

  • oh my gosh this is a thousand times better than  happy yeah don't try cold ice so we're giving  

  • ourselves a day to kind of get settled in you  know we like unpacked we're having our first meal  

  • somebody had to come and fix something in the  house um that broke just before we arrived  

  • but basically tomorrow the real work begins  because we need to start finding people  

  • laborers i guess you would say to help us out with  the property that's right first off we need to do  

  • a lot of clearing of the landscape because there's  this one plant that grows here it is called  

  • sarsamora and it's like a blackberry that  like grows shoots that like dig into the earth  

  • and then they spread and grow more shoots  and more and more and they kind of take over  

  • and you know that scene in the disney version of  sleeping beauty where he's like fighting to like  

  • get to the castle and these crazy thorny plants  are growing and he needs to save the princess  

  • okay that's what sarsamora looks like  yeah yeah basically basically slaying uh  

  • uh it's it's it's amazing because you can  you can obviously eat the berries but what it  

  • ends up doing is it sort of just starts choking  out the rest of the the vegetation in the area  

  • vegeta vegetation i should say so yeah we're  going to be doing a lot of that we'll just start  

  • by by looking at the most sensitive areas in and  around the houses and the hotels and just seeing  

  • like what's kind of growing a little bit too  close to to the structures and kind of work our  

  • way out from that so yeah we've already got one  lead we're gonna see if this person's available  

  • but basically it's a busy time there's lots of  people that do this type of work in the village  

  • but people are busy working so we'll we'll  see if we're able to get some people to come  

  • in a few days a week or what the situation is  we'll let you know as it unfolds any kind of  

  • progress would be nice yes any progress is  good progress so cheers did we do it cheers  

  • i can't remember cheers second cheers and i'll  actually try the wine this time it's really nice

  • smooth good stuff pepperoni honey

  • it's so cute

  • this is pepperoni paparino our new friend we  knew him from our last trip but he came and  

  • found this yesterday while we were walking  didn't you yes you did so it's coming with  

  • us he's like guys no worries i will lead the  way good pepperoni muy bien paparoni muy bien  

  • through the countryside before the  pepperoni pepperoni is having a rest so guys

  • are you done guys no we are not done there is more  a dog is so sweet it's now it's now followed us  

  • for officially all of our walks since we've been  back here two out of two and then it also was  

  • following us the last time we were here like over  two years ago so it's a friend in waiting mm-hmm

  • he's like i want to be in the shot  oh i want to be licking the floor i  

  • like the flower i lick the lens we're having  a photoshoot with the dog that's not even  

  • ours and he was smelling the  daisies he's great he's great  

  • all righty i got the fire going thank you to  warm up the house working in the in the room  

  • kind of in my own little world over here yeah so  we thought we would end today's video here by the  

  • fire well i'm warming up you're probably sweating  well actually it's it's toast it's nice it's a  

  • nice toasty feeling yeah it was a little it wasn't  chilly in my room but it's more cozy out here for  

  • sure so yeah but yes basically that was our first  day aside from what we showed you what we filmed i  

  • also went around town in the afternoon just like  saying hello to different people we know like  

  • neighbors yeah friends and you know reconnecting  kind of seeing what people are up to also you know  

  • you were getting in touch to see if there might  be people who are willing to work yes lots of  

  • asking around for laborers for clearing the land  so i've got three different leads i feel like  

  • that's a pretty good start for your first full day  first full day so that's a great start got lots of  

  • phone numbers yeah i mean we're planning to to go  and actually film the condition of the place soon  

  • we're gonna go get the tools so like things are  things are happening things are happening we're  

  • not here to to go like this twiddle our thumbs  we're here to make some progress no dilly dallying  

  • yeah no dylan so yeah we are super excited about  this we hope you guys are too yeah this is a new  

  • journey um but i think i think you'll enjoy it if  you stick around a little bit different from our  

  • usual travel videos this past decade but it's a  very exciting new chapter well yeah life changes  

  • and um of course we'll still create lots of travel  content on this channel but it's also kind of cool  

  • that the channel is expanding a little bit maybe  becoming a bit more versatile yeah as uh as life  

  • changes so do so do projects yes and um i think  this is gonna be really interesting because i  

  • think we're gonna try to film it really raw we'll  show what doesn't go well yeah you know we're not  

  • just gonna give you the highlight reel we're gonna  show you uh you know yeah and you know what i feel  

  • like i i try to be a very positive and optimistic  person and sometimes in the past maybe i've just  

  • cut out the negative or the bad because it's like  nobody wants to see that nobody wants a downer  

  • um but with this we want to show you  that it's probably not going to be  

  • easy and smooth sailing the whole way um so we'll  show you what it is so that if you have any dream  

  • projects adventures that you want to dive into  you know expect for there to be highs and lows  

  • along the way because that's normal that's just  yeah yeah that's that's really well said so yeah  

  • that's the style we're gonna go for and um yeah  we'll let you know what's going good what is it  

  • sounds good so we're overall positive yeah but  uh yeah and now we'll say a little shop bye guys

  • you

i'm ready

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