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- Oprah has to leave.
(crowd groans)
Yeah. So she was going anyway.
Don't be greedy, but, but,
but I mean, this is like just a moment where
we get to hang out.
I know you, you're dying.
So we'll do this.
Two questions.
I'll take one from the side of the audience and one
from that side.
Something you've always wanted to ask but
don't ask her what a favorite color is.
Think for a moment.
I'll ask her one question first, just to like get us on the
so you can think for a little bit.
Just one from this side, one from that side.
Do your best question.
- This is behind the scenes thing you do.
- Only between the scenes.
Between the scenes.
Just hang out and do it.
This is like your,
it's funny I didn't know you talk to your audience.
- Yes.
- Yes, this is me.
I just hang out with the real people.
- Isn't that cool? - I love it.
Are you kidding me? - I love it.
- I wanted to know one thing.
You are Oprah Winfrey.
You have been very wealthy for a long time.
You've worked hard to get there.
I often wonder how much normalcy there still is
in your life.
Like, how many normal, random things happen to you.
Like does you, when was the last time your phone ran
out of battery while you were speaking?
(light laughter)
Does that ever happen to you?
- No.
- Okay.
(crowd laughs)
Like, like never.
Like, so for instance, has there ever been a moment where
you are in the bathroom and then the toilet roll is done?
- Oh no!
(audience laughs)
- No. You know why?
Because at my house, I don't know if this happens
at your house the toilet roll is checked regularly and when
it's been checked, like after you go into the bathroom?
- Yes.
- Somebody will come in
and it's folded into a little triangle.
- Yes. Like you live in a hotel?
- Yeah. It's like folded in a triangle every time.
(both laugh)
- Okay, okay.
We'll take one from each side.
- I will tell you though something's very normal
that you wouldn't think.
- Yes. Okay, let's go.
- I travel with my own bread
and I bring my own avocados.
- Are you serious?
- Yes, I do.
- So I have an avocado orchard.
So I think it's...
- The story got not normal, Oprah!
- You just said, "I'm gonna tell you something normal."
Then you said, "I have my own avocado orchard!"
- But so, I think it's ridiculous to pay for avocados...
- Which is why you bought your own orchard?
(both laugh)
Are you kidding me?
That is not a normal story!
Okay. Alright.
I made my own avocados because they're too expensive.
- Yes. Okay. Okay.
Another thing, very normal, very normal.
I do not, the one thing I will not do
is send my underwear out to be washed or cleaned.
- Wow!
Okay. No, that's okay.
- No.
- That' know why?
- My grandmother would love that.
- 'Cause it's $5 for a pair of panties.
(audience laughs)
- That's the reason?
- That's the reason!
- Oh, my grandmother would say like
for instance you know when you put the washing
in the basket and everything? - Yeah.
- And so everyone in the family, so I would do washing
then my cousin, everyone would do it and then
sometimes I would throw the underwear
and then my grandmother would come
and then she'd be like, "Trevor!
You want people to know your secrets?"
(all laugh)
You want people? Wash this yourself!
No one must know your secrets!
Let's get, we gotta get Oprah of here.
So we gonna get two questions.
Yes, right at the top.
- Hi Oprah, would you ever want to open a school
in the United States?
- [Oprah] Yes. I'm actually thinking about it.
(audience cheers)
I'm actually thinking about where.
And the reason why I called it the Oprah Winfrey Leadership
Academy for girls in South Africa.
Because even then I was thinking, this will just be one.
This will be
like the satellite school and then I will do others.
But it's taken me a while to get it right.
It took me like ten years to actually get it right.
So thank you for that question.
I'm actually thinking about it.
(audience applauds)
- [Trevor] Yes ma'am.
- I just wanted to find out from you
'cause I've been mental health trained,
mental health first-aid trained, and in my culture
I see people who have mental health issues
'cause of trauma and poverty, but they won't admit it.
- [Oprah] Yeah.
- What's the thing, how do I get them to realize
that what they've experienced is actually trauma?
- We're gonna normalize it.
So Harry and I are gonna normalize it to the point
that people will be like, "Hey, I got mental illness!"
(audience laughs)
And that's what you want for it, to call it out
to the point where it's no longer
such a stigmatized big deal.
It's no longer a taboo that people say--
They recognize themselves immediately.
I will tell you this, that when I, when my girls
some of my girls first came here, I was talking
to one on the phone who all the girls had said
this girl is is depressed.
She hasn't come out of her dorm, blah, blah, blah.
And we, on the phone Googled all the symptoms
for depression.
And this girl who's now, by the way, doing very well
but said to me, I said, "So you're every single symptom
of depression, you need to get help."
And she said, "I can't be depressed.
I'm African and Africans don't get depressed."
- That's a true thing.
We have a lot of that.
Yeah. - I can't be depressed.
I'm African, so I want to erase that.
And the way to do it is by talking about it more.
So watch the series.
(audience applauds)
- All right. So that's it. That's it.
But, but I like, I have one final question.
- What?
- Before you go.
- One of the greatest pressures
in my opinion of being Oprah. - Yeah.
- Is that everywhere you go, people are waiting
for you to tell them to look under their seats.
(audience laughs)
- Yes.
- Because everyone's waiting for you to give them something.
- So I wanna say, look under your seats,
everybody gets a book!
- [Trevor] You're all getting a book!
You're getting a book, you're getting a book!
Everybody's getting a book!
Oprah Winfrey everybody!
(audience cheers)
(Oprah laughs)
- [Oprah] Everybody's getting a book!
(audience cheers loudly)
(upbeat tune plays)