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  • - Oprah has to leave.

  • (crowd groans)

  • Yeah. So she was going anyway.

  • Don't be greedy, but, but,

  • but I mean, this is like just a moment where

  • we get to hang out.

  • I know you, you're dying.

  • So we'll do this.

  • Two questions.

  • I'll take one from the side of the audience and one

  • from that side.

  • Something you've always wanted to ask but

  • don't ask her what a favorite color is.

  • Think for a moment.

  • I'll ask her one question first, just to like get us on the

  • so you can think for a little bit.

  • Just one from this side, one from that side.

  • Do your best question.

  • - This is behind the scenes thing you do.

  • - Only between the scenes.

  • Between the scenes.

  • Just hang out and do it.

  • This is like your,

  • it's funny I didn't know you talk to your audience.

  • - Yes.

  • - Yes, this is me.

  • I just hang out with the real people.

  • - Isn't that cool? - I love it.

  • Are you kidding me? - I love it.

  • - I wanted to know one thing.

  • You are Oprah Winfrey.

  • You have been very wealthy for a long time.

  • You've worked hard to get there.

  • I often wonder how much normalcy there still is

  • in your life.

  • Like, how many normal, random things happen to you.

  • Like does you, when was the last time your phone ran

  • out of battery while you were speaking?

  • (light laughter)

  • Does that ever happen to you?

  • - No.

  • - Okay.

  • (crowd laughs)

  • Like, like never.

  • Like, so for instance, has there ever been a moment where

  • you are in the bathroom and then the toilet roll is done?

  • - Oh no!

  • (audience laughs)

  • - No. You know why?

  • Because at my house, I don't know if this happens

  • at your house the toilet roll is checked regularly and when

  • it's been checked, like after you go into the bathroom?

  • - Yes.

  • - Somebody will come in

  • and it's folded into a little triangle.

  • - Yes. Like you live in a hotel?

  • - Yeah. It's like folded in a triangle every time.

  • (both laugh)

  • - Okay, okay.

  • We'll take one from each side.

  • - I will tell you though something's very normal

  • that you wouldn't think.

  • - Yes. Okay, let's go.

  • - I travel with my own bread

  • and I bring my own avocados.

  • - Are you serious?

  • - Yes, I do.

  • - So I have an avocado orchard.

  • So I think it's...

  • - The story got not normal, Oprah!

  • - You just said, "I'm gonna tell you something normal."

  • Then you said, "I have my own avocado orchard!"

  • - But so, I think it's ridiculous to pay for avocados...

  • - Which is why you bought your own orchard?

  • (both laugh)

  • Are you kidding me?

  • That is not a normal story!

  • Okay. Alright.

  • I made my own avocados because they're too expensive.

  • - Yes. Okay. Okay.

  • Another thing, very normal, very normal.

  • I do not, the one thing I will not do

  • is send my underwear out to be washed or cleaned.

  • - Wow!

  • Okay. No, that's okay.

  • - No.

  • - That' know why?

  • - My grandmother would love that.

  • - 'Cause it's $5 for a pair of panties.

  • (audience laughs)

  • - That's the reason?

  • - That's the reason!

  • - Oh, my grandmother would say like

  • for instance you know when you put the washing

  • in the basket and everything? - Yeah.

  • - And so everyone in the family, so I would do washing

  • then my cousin, everyone would do it and then

  • sometimes I would throw the underwear

  • and then my grandmother would come

  • and then she'd be like, "Trevor!

  • You want people to know your secrets?"

  • (all laugh)

  • You want people? Wash this yourself!

  • No one must know your secrets!

  • Let's get, we gotta get Oprah of here.

  • So we gonna get two questions.

  • Yes, right at the top.

  • - Hi Oprah, would you ever want to open a school

  • in the United States?

  • - [Oprah] Yes. I'm actually thinking about it.

  • (audience cheers)

  • I'm actually thinking about where.

  • And the reason why I called it the Oprah Winfrey Leadership

  • Academy for girls in South Africa.

  • Because even then I was thinking, this will just be one.

  • This will be

  • like the satellite school and then I will do others.

  • But it's taken me a while to get it right.

  • It took me like ten years to actually get it right.

  • So thank you for that question.

  • I'm actually thinking about it.

  • (audience applauds)

  • - [Trevor] Yes ma'am.

  • - I just wanted to find out from you

  • 'cause I've been mental health trained,

  • mental health first-aid trained, and in my culture

  • I see people who have mental health issues

  • 'cause of trauma and poverty, but they won't admit it.

  • - [Oprah] Yeah.

  • - What's the thing, how do I get them to realize

  • that what they've experienced is actually trauma?

  • - We're gonna normalize it.

  • So Harry and I are gonna normalize it to the point

  • that people will be like, "Hey, I got mental illness!"

  • (audience laughs)

  • And that's what you want for it, to call it out

  • to the point where it's no longer

  • such a stigmatized big deal.

  • It's no longer a taboo that people say--

  • They recognize themselves immediately.

  • I will tell you this, that when I, when my girls

  • some of my girls first came here, I was talking

  • to one on the phone who all the girls had said

  • this girl is is depressed.

  • She hasn't come out of her dorm, blah, blah, blah.

  • And we, on the phone Googled all the symptoms

  • for depression.

  • And this girl who's now, by the way, doing very well

  • but said to me, I said, "So you're every single symptom

  • of depression, you need to get help."

  • And she said, "I can't be depressed.

  • I'm African and Africans don't get depressed."

  • - That's a true thing.

  • We have a lot of that.

  • Yeah. - I can't be depressed.

  • I'm African, so I want to erase that.

  • And the way to do it is by talking about it more.

  • So watch the series.

  • (audience applauds)

  • - All right. So that's it. That's it.

  • But, but I like, I have one final question.

  • - What?

  • - Before you go.

  • - One of the greatest pressures

  • in my opinion of being Oprah. - Yeah.

  • - Is that everywhere you go, people are waiting

  • for you to tell them to look under their seats.

  • (audience laughs)

  • - Yes.

  • - Because everyone's waiting for you to give them something.

  • - So I wanna say, look under your seats,

  • everybody gets a book!

  • - [Trevor] You're all getting a book!

  • You're getting a book, you're getting a book!

  • Everybody's getting a book!

  • Oprah Winfrey everybody!

  • (audience cheers)

  • (Oprah laughs)

  • - [Oprah] Everybody's getting a book!

  • (audience cheers loudly)

  • (upbeat tune plays)

- Oprah has to leave.

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歐普拉能過普通生活嗎?(Does Oprah Lead a Normal Life? - Between The Scenes | The Daily Show Throwback)

  • 21 0
    WP posted on 2022/12/30
Video vocabulary