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  • (space ship sound)

  • If you've got a problem

  • Guess who you need to call

  • With mechanical powers

  • There's nothing they cannot solve

  • The Mecha Builders

  • - Hey. - Hello.

  • - Hi.

  • Go

  • Plan it, test it, solve it, Mecha Builders

  • Mecha Elmo, Mecha Abby, Mecha Cookie

  • They come to save day and do a good thing

  • Mecha big, Mecha, Mecha, Mecha Builders

  • Plan it, test it, solve it, Mecha Builders

  • Mecha Elmo, Mecha Abby, Mecha Cookie

  • They come to save the day and do a good thing

  • Mecha big, Mecha, Mecha, Mecha Builders

  • (metal crashing)

  • (Mecha Builders cheer and laugh)

  • - [Mecha Elmo] "MacBarm's Day Off."

  • (happy music)

  • - Time to pick the carrots.

  • (farmer grunts trying to pull carrots)

  • (cow moos)

  • Come on! (grunts)

  • (farmer crashes onto the ground)

  • (carrot lands on ground)

  • Oof!

  • These are the biggest carrots I've ever grown!

  • (cow moos in excitement)

  • This is going to be a big job.

  • (metal arm picks up carrot)

  • - Looks like you could use some help!

  • (triumphant music)

  • - Hey there Z,

  • I guess I could use help with this carrot harvest.

  • You know, picking, sorting

  • and packing these carrots for delivery.

  • - The Z Mobile can do all that!

  • Which means you can take the day off!

  • - The day off?

  • (metal arm lifts farmer up and puts him down)

  • - Yes, a day off.

  • Now, you just sit right here and relax.

  • - But there's so much work to do.

  • (headphones play relaxing music)

  • - Now you just listen to this relaxing music

  • while the Z Mobile takes care of everything.

  • - I guess I could use a break.

  • But are you sure the Z Mobile will work?

  • - Oh, of course! Of course!

  • It is the Z Mobile!

  • Nothing to worry about.

  • (Z mobile clunks down the road)

  • Okay, picking, sorting, and packing carrots.

  • Easy!

  • (Z mobile back end explodes)

  • (Z shrieks in fear)

  • Oh, whoa!

  • (Z Mobile alarms go off)

  • No, no!

  • Oh, no, no, no, no! Whoa!

  • (farmer exhales in relaxation)

  • - Thanks for the day off, Z. (grunts)

  • - Woohoo!

  • - Yeah! (laughs)

  • - Whoa!

  • Whoa!

  • (heroic music)

  • (dog barking)

  • (Mecha Elmo laughs)

  • - [Together] Mecha Tango!

  • - Oh, you so cute.

  • - Okay, now that we're all here.

  • (triumphant music)

  • Mecha Builders, gear up!

  • (Mecha Tango barks happily)

  • - Look, Mecha Tango's using "Ultra Ears".

  • What do you hear Mecha Tango?

  • (Z shrieking and Z mobile speeding down the road)

  • - Help!

  • - [Mecha Cookie] It's Z, and he needs our help.

  • - Follow that puppy!

  • - Yeah!

  • (heroic music)

  • Oh, Mecha Elmo has a tool to stop the Z Mobile.

  • Ta-da!

  • Grappling hook!

  • (Z screaming)

  • (hook clinks onto Z Mobile's hitch)

  • Whoa!

  • Mecha Elmo can't stop it alone!

  • (group shrieking)

  • (group shrieking)

  • (Mecha Tango barking)

  • Good idea, Mecha Tango, use your "Turbo Tail".

  • (Mecha Tango flies through the air)

  • (Mecha Tango barking)

  • (Z Mobile comes to a screeching hault)

  • (Mecha Builders slam into back of Z Mobile)

  • (Mecha Builders fall to the ground)

  • (Mecha Builders cheer with joy)

  • - Oh, Mecha Builders, am I glad to see you!

  • Oh, hello. And who's this?

  • - This is Mecha Elmo's puppy, Mecha Tango.

  • (Mecha Tango barks)

  • - Oh, thank you for stopping the Z Mobile.

  • I really hope I can fix it.

  • - What happened, Z?

  • - Well, it broke down

  • trying to harvest and pick all of those carrots.

  • - Whoa, Z!

  • These are big carrots!

  • (Mecha Tango barks joyfully)

  • - Sure are.

  • I gave Farmer MacBarm my super carrot seeds.

  • They grow carrots that our colorful and.

  • - Big!

  • - Ha. Yes, exactly.

  • And I need the Z Mobile to harvest them while

  • Farmer MacBarm enjoys a well deserved day off.

  • (Farmer MacBarm sips from nearly empty cup)

  • - (sighs) Best day ever.

  • (Z Mobile beeps)

  • (Z slams trunk shut)

  • (Z Mobile sputters out)

  • (Z Mobile explodes)

  • - Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

  • This is a problem.

  • How can I pick the carrots?

  • Sort them by color and pack them for delivery

  • without the Z Mobile?

  • - We'll help you, Z!

  • (Mecha Tango barks)

  • - Yeah, we can harvest the carrots

  • while you fix the Z Mobile.

  • - You will?

  • Oh, wow.

  • Looks like I'm in good hands.

  • And um, paws.

  • (Mecha Tango barks joyfully)

  • - Mechas, we've got a problem to solve!

  • (Mecha Abby jets through the air)

  • - Plan it!

  • - Test it!

  • (Mecha Elmo shoots through tunnel on skates)

  • - Solve it!

  • (Mecha Cookie smashes hammer into the ground)

  • (heroic music)

  • - Okay, Mechas,

  • let's pick, sort, and pack these carrots!

  • Jets! (jet pack rockets Mecha Abby)

  • I'll pick this one!

  • - Me got it!

  • - Mecha Elmo will get it!

  • (Mecha Tango barks)

  • (Mecha Tango and Mecha Abby collide headfirst)

  • (Mecha Elmo and Mecha Cookie crash into each other)

  • - Oh!

  • - Whoops, sorry about that. - Sorry!

  • (group excitedly mumbles while picking carrots)

  • - [Mecha Abby] Oh, excuse me.

  • - [Mecha Elmo] This one's Elmos'!

  • - Sorting purple carrots.

  • - I got it!

  • - Elmo wants this one.

  • - [Mecha Cookie] Excuse me.

  • - [Mecha Abby] Sorry! - [Mecha Elmo] Sorry!

  • - [Mecha Abby] Excuse me. - [Mecha Elmo] Excuse me.

  • - Me will pack this box.

  • - Huh?

  • - Got it!

  • (Mecha Abby throw carrot that lands on the ground)

  • Huh?

  • - Elmo has this one!

  • - Coming through.

  • (group smash into each other)

  • (carrots and crates go flying)

  • (carrots land on Mecha Elmo and Abby's heads)

  • (Mecha Tango grunts sadly)

  • - Oh boy, this isn't working.

  • We didn't pick all the carrots,

  • sort all the colors, or pack any of the boxes!

  • We all tried doing the same thing

  • and kept getting in each other's way.

  • - Hey, what if we each do one of the jobs?

  • I'll pick the carrots.

  • - Mecha Elmo will sort them by color!

  • - And me pack them up in boxes.

  • Whoa.

  • - Mechas, let's move.

  • - [Mecha Cookie] Yeah!

  • Oh, right.

  • Yeah, me stay here with boxes.

  • - Picking carrots.

  • - Sorting by color.

  • - And packing in boxes.

  • Me will close lids with me "Candy Hammer Hand".

  • (Mecha Cookie grunts)

  • (Mecha Cookie hammers boxes closed)

  • (Mecha Cookie grunts)

  • - Here are some orange carrots to pack in a box.

  • - Packing carrots into box.

  • Oh no, me closed all the boxes!

  • - Yellow carrots go here.

  • (Mecha Tango barks with joy)

  • Hey, these purple carrots

  • don't go with the yellow carrots.

  • Huh?

  • (Mecha Abby flings carrots through the air)

  • Oh, no!

  • Mecha Elmo's sorting is getting all messed up.

  • - Sorry, I wasn't looking

  • where I tossed the carrots.

  • - It's okay.

  • Oh, but look!

  • (sad music)

  • The carrots aren't sorted.

  • - Oh, ah, yeah!

  • And me closed up all the boxes

  • before putting the carrots inside them.

  • This harder than we thought.

  • - We have to find a way to

  • pick, sort, and pack the carrots.

  • Otherwise, Farmer MacBarm's day off

  • is going to be ruined!

  • - Mechas, it's up to us to harvest these carrots.

  • - We couldn't sort them because

  • they were still being picked.

  • - And me closed all the boxes

  • before they were sorted.

  • - We need a new plan.

  • Hmm?

  • What if we do each thing in order?

  • - In order. That's it!

  • Check it out!

  • We need to do each job in the right order,

  • one at a time.

  • (techno music)

  • First, I'll pick the carrots.

  • - Then Mecha Elmo will sort them by color!

  • - And then me pack and close the boxes.

  • (Mecha Tango barks with joy)

  • - [Together] Let's, try it!

  • (Mecha Abby pulls carrots quickly)

  • (carrots fly through the air)

  • - All the carrots are picked!

  • (triumphant music)

  • - Time to sort the carrots by color!

  • (Mecha Tango barks)

  • Purple!

  • Yellow!

  • Orange!

  • Purple, yellow, orange, yellow.

  • Last one.

  • Woohoo!

  • Purple!

  • (glimmering sound)

  • Yay!

  • We sorted all the carrots!

  • - And now, me pack them up.

  • (Mecha Cookie slams crate on ground)

  • (Mecha Cookie hammers crates closed)

  • Last box!

  • Ooh, one more.

  • - Oh, here!

  • Let the Z Mobile help you.

  • It's all fixed.

  • (Z Mobile packs and hammers crate shut)

  • Done.

  • (group cheers and laughs)

  • - We did it!

  • We solved the problem.

  • First, we picked the carrots,

  • then we sorted them by color,

  • and finally we packed them up.

  • - (sighs) Well, hey there, Mecha Builders.

  • Whoa, would you look at that!

  • I should have taken a day off sooner.

  • Thanks Z!

  • - I had some help.

  • - Now all I need to do is deliver them.

  • - No, no, no, no, no, no.

  • Your day off isn't over yet, MacBarm.

  • You just sit back and relax

  • while the Z Mobile delivers the carrots for you.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Thanks for all your help, Mecha Builders.

  • Bye!

  • - (sighs) A farmer could get used to this.

  • (Mecha Builders sigh)

  • (cow moos)

  • - So, how did you help Z harvest all the carrots?

  • - First, we planned it.

  • We thought about ways to solve the problem.

  • - Then, we tested it.

  • We tried different ideas and didn't give up.

  • - Then, we solved it.

  • We found a solution and saved the day.

  • (Mecha Builders suits beep)

  • - Someone else needs our help!

  • (intense music)

  • Time to roll!

  • (Mecha Builders blast off into the sky)

  • (Builders cheer and laugh)

  • (upbeat music)

  • (upbeat music continues)

  • (music fades out)

  • (happy jingle)

  • (slow plunky music)

(space ship sound)

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