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Welcome back; I hope you had a great weekend.
I'm Coy Wire, this is CNN10, here to help you kick-start your week with some of the top stories of the day and have a little bit of fun along the way.
我是 Coy Wire、這是 CNN10 節目,透過今日頭條新聞協助你展開這一週,並在期間找點樂趣。
We start, though, with some really heavy news out of New Zealand.
Record rainfall wreaking havoc on the northeastern part of the island country over the weekend.
Auckland, the nation's largest city, declared a state of emergency.
Look at these scenes from the airport there, which had to be closed as torrential downpours have caused major flooding with numerous evacuations in the area.
Several lives have been lost.
On Friday, Auckland was hit with its average amount of rainfall for the entire month of January, all in just one hour's time.
New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins says it's been an unprecedented event.
More, now, from CNN international anchor and correspondent Michael Holmes.
現在更多來自 CNN 國際主播與記者 Michael Holmes 的消息。
Mud on the floor, waterlogged drawers⏤this is what the floods left behind in Auckland.
This was someone's house full of a lifetime of possessions.
Residents say it took just minutes before chest-deep waters washed through it.
No time to save anything except themselves.
I felt quite helpless.
Never been in that situation before.
It happened real fast.
New Zealand's New Prime Minister Chris Hipkins inspected the damage by air and on the ground, and says the cleanup will be massive.
That's because the amount of rain that fell Friday in Auckland has never reached such recorded levels in such a short amount of time.
The city had its worst downpour on record: a burst of about 240 millimeters of rain falling in just a few hours.
該城市遭遇了有紀錄以來最嚴重的豪雨:短短數小時內就降下約 240 釐米的雨量。
The heavy rains caused flash floods, closing highways, grounding flights and stranding passengers, plunging neighborhoods underwater.
The water, I think, is up here, but when we're trying to open that door to swim outside...
The waters have since receded, but there are new fears in Auckland and further south,
where the storm has moved the saturated ground, giving way to landslides in some areas, leaving houses dangling from cliffs and backyards sliding down hills.
Stunned neighbors are trying to determine the scale of the damage, using the drier conditions to try to find anything salvageable from their homes.
I have been in this community my whole life, 45 years; I've never seen it like this.
我一生 45 年都住在這個社區,從來沒有看過像這樣的場景。
But the brief cleanup that was started may have to be on hold as meteorologists say there is more rain in the forecast.
Alright, protests took place in multiple cities in the United States over the weekend after the release of a video of a police encounter that happened in Memphis, Tennessee on January 7th.
好了,1 月 7 日田納西州孟菲斯一段警民衝突影片被釋出後,美國多座城市都在週末發起了抗議活動。
According to a police report, Tyre Nichols was pulled over for reckless driving.
After an initial confrontation, Nichols fled.
He was then arrested at a second location.
But in the video, officers are seen striking Nichols repeatedly during the encounter in a manner that law enforcement analysts have described as "well outside the limits of police training".
Tyre Nichols died three days after the incident.
The actions by these police officers have been widely criticized, and rallies in cities across the nation, including New York, Atlanta, Boston, and LA, have called for the end of such abuses by authorities.
All five police officers involved have been fired and charged with crimes, and the police unit of which they were a part has been shut down.
Lawyers for at least two of the officers say their clients will plead not guilty to the charges and that no one intended for the 29-year-old Nichols to die.
至少兩名員警的律師表示其當事人將對指控進行無罪辯護,並表示沒有人企圖置 29 歲的尼科爾斯於死地。
We'll hear from CNN correspondent Polo Sandoval, who has the latest.
CNN 記者 Polo Sandoval 將為我們帶來最新消息。
Here in the United States, it was another night of demonstrations from coast to coast in the wake of the release of the series of videos showing the beating of Tyre Nichols on Friday night.
There was one incident in Times Square where at least three arrests were reported, but outside of that, according to authorities, things have remained relatively peaceful.
On Saturday night, another group of protesters coming together here in Manhattan, hoping to stand in solidarity with the Nichols family, hoping that their voice makes it to Memphis and beyond.
Here's what one of the organizers of Saturday night's event told our affiliate WCBS about why they're coming together here in New York.
一位週六晚間活動規劃者告訴了我們附屬電台 WCBS 他們聚集在紐約的原因。
We are out here to fight and call for justice once again and continuously because the work did not stop in 2020, it didn't stop in 2021, and it did not stop in 2022.
我們挺身在這奮鬥,再次呼籲正義,並會持續這麼做,因為任務並未在 2020、2021 或 2022 年結束。
We are still here and we are still fighting until justice is done.
New York City's police commissioner did say that they will continue to have officers out in full force,
not only making sure that citizens stay safe but also to make sure that they protect the right for these individuals to peacefully assemble throughout the city here.
They did say, also, that they are really expressing outrage as well after seeing tat video that was released⏤that series of videos that was released on Friday night.
It's really what we're also hearing from other police departments in other parts of the country, strongly condemning what the world saw when those videos were released.
10-second Trivia.
10 秒快問快答。
The inaugural contest of what sports competition was held in Big Bear Lake, California in 1997?
1997 年在加州大熊湖舉行了什麼運動競賽的首屆比賽?
The Goodwill Games, Rugby World Cup, The X Games, or Winter X Games.
The Winter X Games is your answer here, and the 27th edition of the event was hosted this past weekend in Aspen, Colorado.
這裡的答案是冬季極限運動會,而該活動第 27 屆賽事上週末於克羅拉多州亞斯本舉行。
19-year-old freestyle skiing phenom Eileen Gu from San Francisco won two World Cup events this past week,
來自舊金山的 19 歲自由式滑雪奇才愛凌在過去一週贏得了兩項世界盃項目,
storming back into competition for the first time since the Beijing Winter Games, where she became the first free skier ever to win three medals at a single Olympics.
Now, an injury during practice knocked her out of the X Games this weekend.
But Eileen told me ahead of the games how she balances being a student at Stanford University, a pro athlete, and professional model,
and she's also telling us how she harnesses the power of her mind to help her shine.
I remember in Beijing at the Olympics, you were journaling, you were writing affirmations before half pipe, convincing yourself you weren't tired.
How big of a role does training your mind play in your life?
Huge, huge role; I think that, for me, my biggest strength is my brain.
I'm shamelessly a nerd; everywhere I go, the reputation follows me, and you know, I'll take it.
I definitely propagated out there.
And, at the end of the day, I think that so much of skiing is in your own head.
It's an individual sport, which means that your biggest rival really is yourself.
And overcoming that fear, being able to perform on the day, learning how to deal with pressure,
these are all things that are practiced, and they are behaviors that I've spent a long, long time learning about how I naturally cope with them and then trying to exacerbate my strengths.
So, in that sense, I do a lot of journaling, I do a lot of thinking, a lot of reflection, a lot of visualization.
You once said your wish is to inspire young girls to break boundaries. What do you mean by that, Eileen?
I mean that growing up, I think, so much of what you think is possible for yourself is dependent on what you see out there in the world.
It can be on TV, it can be on social media, it can be what you see your friends doing.
I guess it's just feeling as though you're not alone, feeling that there's a place for you in the community or in the sport that you want to participate in.
For me, growing up, there weren't that many girls in the ski industry⏤there were a couple and I looked up to them a bunch and they really, really inspired me.
But I guess what I wanna do is, you know, I'm young and I'm trying to do my best, and I just want to be the person that a girl at home can see on TV or on their phone and say,
"Hey, you know, if she can do that, then I want to try it, too."
"She looks like she's having fun; when can I try?"
And, really, that's all I wanna do.
I just want to be out there, I want to reflect the population that's interested in it, and, hopefully, inspire someone to take it up.
And for today's story getting a 10 out of 10, something unbearably cute and funny.
今天的 10 秒趣聞必須要極度可愛又好笑。
A trail cam in Boulder, Colorado, captured about 580 photos, and around 400 of them were bear selfies.
科羅拉多州圓石市一部步道攝影機捕捉了約 580 張照片,其中大約有 400 張都是熊的自拍。
Is it possible that this black bear knew exactly what it was doing?
There are all sorts of poses, like the "coming right at you" or the "stare off into the distance" or "how about the pretty side" pose.
Who, Me?
There's even a "hey, look at my paw, y'all".
This "pabearazzi" was having a ball, clearly.
There are roughly between 17 and 20 thousand black bears in the state of Colorado, but none of them can strike a pose quite like this one.
科羅拉多州大約有 1 萬 7 千至 2 萬頭黑熊,但沒有任何一隻能像這隻一樣擺姿勢。
Hey, y'all, hey; thank you very much for all the love on our CNN10 YouTube Channel.
大家好,嘿,非常感謝各位愛戴 CNN10 的 YouTube 頻道。
We surpassed 700,000 subscribers now, so, special thanks to you.
我們已經超越 70 萬個訂閱數了,所以要特別感謝你們。
And salute to South Middle School in Edinburg, Texas; you get our shout-out for the day.
Let's go out today and do something to make this world a bit of a better place, even if it's just making someone smile today.
I'm your boy Coy, and I'll be right here with you tomorrow.
我是主持人 Coy,明天同一時間見。