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They are so cute and they even smell like the cereal, y'all.
Crocs, the colorful shoe that first became popular in the early 2000s, hit its peak in 2021.
色彩繽紛的 Crocs 是在 2000 年代初流行起來的,而這股風潮在 2021 年到達高峰。
The company reported a record annual revenue of $2.3 billion in 2021,
根據該公司報告,其 2021 年年收入突破紀錄達到 23 億美元,
up over 60% from the previous year.
與前年相比,增長超過百分之 60。
And its stock reached record highs.
The past few years for Crocs has been this moment of heavy collaboration, constant releases.
過去幾年,Crocs 不斷釋出聯名、發布新產品。
They're really trying to put themselves in front of people that might not have considered Crocs prior.
他們很努力在向那些之前不買 Crocs 的人推銷自己。
The company's success coincided with the pandemic,
leading some to credit the shoes' popularity to timing,
這讓有些人將 Crocs 的流行歸功於疫情,
especially as its stock price has been dropping since the pandemic boom has waned.
But other comfortable footwear brands didn't take off the way Crocs did.
但其他主打舒適的鞋類品牌也沒有像 Crocs 這樣走紅。
So how did Crocs make a name for itself during the pandemic?
那麼,Crocs 是如何在疫情期間揚名立萬的呢?
And how did it find success as one of fashion's most divisive shoes?
This is The Economics of Crocs.
這就是《Crocs 經濟學》
The company was founded in 2002, the same year it debuted its classic clog.
該公司成立於 2002 年,同年推出了經典的洞洞鞋。
The name Crocs was inspired by crocodiles who live on land and in water.
Crocs 這個名字靈感來自能自由穿梭水陸的鱷魚。
When Crocs were first released, they were intended for a consumer that was looking at them as a functional thing,
起初,Crocs 的鞋款是為看重功能性的消費者所設計的,
so probably gardeners, people that, you know, were on boats,
people that worked all day on their feet,
people that worked on a line at a kitchen.
Part of what makes them so functional is the material,
a proprietary closed-cell resin called Croslite,
一種名為 Croslite 的封閉式細胞合成樹脂。
that's slip resistant, lightweight, and easy to clean.
Producing a molded shoe is certainly simpler in a lot of ways than assembling a sneaker.
The most underrated advantage they have over the marketplace is that
Crocs 在市場上最被低估的優勢是
it's clear that they're able to kind of do things that other companies would not be able to do
because of their scale and because of their production capabilities.
Crocs's sales took off.
Crocs 的銷售額一飛沖天。
In the first 3/4 of 2005, it sold 4.4 million shoes, hitting a revenue of $75 million.
光是 2005 年前三季,Crocs 就售出了 440 萬雙鞋,收入達 7500 萬美元。
Part of the reason for its initial success was that the shoe was easy to get.
方便購買是 Crocs 最初成功的其中一個原因。
It was available at retail stores, gift shops, and mall kiosks.
In 2006, Crocs purchased Jibbitz, a company that made small plastic shoe charms.
2006 年,Crocs 收購了Jibbitz,一家生產塑膠鞋扣的公司。
That same year, the company went public and became the largest-ever US footwear IPO at the time.
But in 2008, in the midst of the financial crash, the company suffered a net income loss of $185 million.
但在 2008 年金融危機期間,該公司損失了 1.85 億美元淨收入。
Though the initial craze had simmered,
the brand still managed to hang on to a relatively large customer base over the next few years thanks to its global presence.
Crocs 在全球的影響力,讓該品牌在接下來幾年裡仍成功留住了相對龐大的客群。
In 2014, Crocs started making major changes to its business model,
2014 年,Crocs 開始對其商業模式進行重大變革。
closing dozens of stores, shifting away from malls and turning to online sellers like Amazon.
Crocs announcing today it will eliminate nearly 200 jobs and close a number of retail stores as part of a restructuring effort.
作為公司重整的一部分,Crocs 於今日宣布將裁員近 200 人,並關閉多家零售店。
The company also cut back on the number of styles it sold by between 30 and 40%, and refocused on the classic clog that made it famous.
該公司還削減了百分之 30 至 40 的款式,重新專注於使其聞名的經典洞洞鞋。
The following year, Crocs invested in a global marketing push to relaunch its brand image.
隔年,Crocs 將精力投資於全球營銷,重塑其品牌形象。
Despite its efforts, the company's stock held steady until 2020 when the global pandemic hit.
儘管做出了努力,該公司股票卻並沒有多大的起伏,直到 2020 年全球疫情襲來。
Prior to people working from home and not wearing their dress shoes, not wearing their heels.
There was already this rising wave of comfort-minded, comfort-first footwear that was really becoming more popular.
Of course, that accelerated during the pandemic.
The comfort aspect is what many call the key to Crocs' success,
許多人認為,舒適是 Crocs 成功的關鍵,
but another important factor is how easy it is to customize the shoe with Jibbitz.
但另一個重要因素是 Jibbitz 賦予其的客製化便利性。
You could move them to different Crocs over time as you got a green pair, a camo pair, a pink pair.
Like, the Jibbitz would stay with you and they were yours.
They were almost like the way a key chain on a backpack was at a certain point.
This idea of individuality and self-expression is one that the brand emphasizes through its marketing campaigns.
And on social media, the uniqueness of the shoe's design has sparked debate.
Even going back to Crocs' early days,
即便追朔到 Crocs 早期,
there were two warring factions of Crocs are ugly and they're a blight on society,
and we need to get rid of them.
I don't care how comfortable they are, they're ugly.
And then, there were people that said, no, they're cute and they're kind of doughy and they're fun.
Look how freaking cute these are.
Crocs leaned into this polarization,
Crocs 緊抓這種兩極化評價,
partnering with celebrities and well-known brands to create limited edition versions of the classic clog.
I think that's probably the biggest shift within the fashion world of the past decade is that
people truly seem to design for Instagram because you wanna stop people from scrolling
一切圍繞著 Instagram 轉,得製造吸引人們注意力,暫停滑動頁面的契機。
and certainly, a shoe plastered with fried chicken does that.
In 2018, Crocs says its Balenciaga clog,
2018 年,Crocs 發佈了與巴黎世家的聯名鞋,
an $850 four-inch platform shoe, sold out within hours.
一雙 850 美元的四英寸厚底鞋,幾個小時內就銷售一空。
And in 2021,
而在 2021 年,
Crocs says it partnered with more than two dozen brands, artists and creators through collaborations and license programs.
Crocs 與二十多個品牌、藝術家和創作者聯名推出新品及授權。
Sometimes it was through Jibbitz, but sometimes it was like these kind of crazy revamping of what their clog was.
Constantly releasing new collaborations has not only kept Crocs in the press but it has also helped it break into new markets.
不斷發布新的聯名款不僅讓 Crocs 大量曝光,還有助他們打入新市場。
There're like Crocs collectors that go after every model.
甚至出現了 Crocs 收藏家,他們收集每一款鞋。
Honey, I am overflowing with Crocs.
親愛的,快看,到處都是 Crocs。
The same way that Nikes resell on website like Stock and eBay, Crocs are now reselling.
與 Nike 鞋會在 Stock 和 eBay 等網站上被轉售一樣,Crocs 現在也一樣。
Crocs and other comfortable shoes may have peaked with the pandemic
Crocs 和其他舒適鞋款銷售可能會於疫情後下降,
as people begin to migrate back into work and consider more traditionalist footwear.
But many others are still prioritizing comfort.
We're saying that with a lot of doughy running sneakers that people are wearing,
we're seeing that certainly with the growth of slides as a huge business in the luxury market.
Crocs's stock has dropped around 60% since its November 2021 high.
自 2021 年 11 月的高點以來,Crocs 的股價已下跌約百分之 60。
I think the market's nervous about the short term.
So we're definitely seeing supply constraints in the first quarter.
But the company says its fourth straight year of revenue growth is fueled by continued global demand,
and it expects revenue to grow to over $5 billion by 2026.
預計到 2026 年,該公司收入將增長到 50 億美元以上。
I think that they might plateau at a certain point.
我認為 Crocs 的成長可能會在某時間點進入平台期。
You can only reach so many consumers, but I think for now,
they have been able to convince enough consumers that they deserve space within their closet.
Crocs 已經說服足夠多的消費者,洞洞鞋值得在他們衣櫥佔有一席之地。
And they gotta have the two fingers.