And I thinkmyfeelingattheendofitwasthat I gotreallylucky, youknow, I'vebeen, nodoubt, dugdeepin a fewbigmomentsand, youknow, itwassome 92 daysonthemmountains.
There's a lotoftimesyoudohavetodigdeep, but, ultimately, had a bitofluckatkeytimes.
And I think I cameawayawareofthatandgratefulforthat, butlesscertainthatjustbecauseyou'redeterminedinlifedoesn't meaneverything's gonnagowell.
Youknow, and I thinkbefore, and I kindofthought, "Ifyougiveeverything, it's allgonnaworkout."
Butasyouknow, ineverythinginlife, thatthere's noguarantees, youknow, we're⏤welive a gloves-offlife.
And... andthat's why I think, now, kindofwith a bitoftimeandexperience, "Would I... would I doitnow, would I take a one-in-sixchanceofnotcominghomenow?"
No, 'causeyouhavemoretolivefor.
But I think, atthetime, I waslike, I'm allin, I'm gonnago⏤I wannamakemymark, youknow, at a youngageand... andthetruthis, I gotlucky.