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  • A series of powerful successive earthquakes struck the Turkish-Syrian border on February 6th.

    一系列連續發生的強大地震於 2 月 6 日襲擊了土耳其和敘利亞邊境。

  • The first and most powerful was a 7.8-magnitude quake.

    第一次以及最強烈的地震震度為 7.8 級。

  • This region certainly hasn't seen an earthquake this size in centuries.


  • Destruction followed as aftershocks hit the region.


  • Then, a second 7.5-magnitude quake hit in the afternoon, followed by its own series of aftershocks.

    接著,下午發生了第二起 7.5 級的地震,然後是它的一系列餘震。

  • In their wake, a humanitarian and economic crisis.


  • Thousands of people are reported dead and even more are still missing.


  • It's not the first time this region has suffered a violent quake, and it won't be the last.


  • To understand why, you have to look under the surface, where three tectonic plates converge.


  • Together, these plates cause a unique and potentially devastating type of earthquake.


  • The first quake was located here, 11 miles under the town of Gaziantep, Turkey.

    第一次地震的位置就在這裡,土耳其加濟安泰普鎮地表下 11 英里處。

  • 11 miles may sound deep, but that's actually shallow for a major quake.

    11 英里可能聽起來很深,但之於強震,它其實是很淺的。

  • The town is especially vulnerable because it sits near the meeting of two tectonic plates.


  • Tectonic plates are massive slabs of rock on the Earth's crust from 10 miles to 160 miles thick that are always slowly moving.

    板塊地殼上巨大的岩石片,約 10 英里到 160 英里厚,一直在緩慢地移動。

  • You can take the Earth and divide it up into several large plates that are all moving around each other,


  • and most earthquakes occur at the boundaries between those plates.


  • This one is called the Anatolia tectonic plate.


  • It's actually a micro-plate due to its tiny size, and it's constantly under pressure.


  • That's because it's being pressed upward against the Eurasia plate by the Arabia plate.


  • That pressure is squeezing the Anatolia plate westward, where it faces even more friction from the Africa plate, which is also moving upward.


  • The Anatolian micro-plate is caught in a vise between the Arabian plate moving to the north against the Eurasian plate,


  • and this small plate is being pushed aside as a result of that motion.


  • That means the boundaries between the Anatolia plate and the Africa and Arabia plates are trying to slide against each other,


  • as the Anatolia moves to the west and the Africa and Arabia move to the east.


  • These borders are called "strike-slip faults".


  • And when the friction builds up between the plates as they're pushed in different directions until it's too much, they slip.


  • That's a strike-slip earthquake.


  • The strain will build up and, finally, it will rupture and release all that accumulated strain in a large earthquake.


  • That's what happened in Gaziantep, resulting in that 7.8-magnitude quake.

    這就是在加濟安泰普發生的事情,導致了那場 7.8 級的地震。

  • USGS estimates that the strike-slip occurred along about 100 miles of the fault, about 20 miles shorter than most strike-slip earthquakes.

    美國地質調查局(USGS)估計此平移發生在距斷層約 100 英里處,比多數平移地震少了約 20 英里。

  • These are significant earthquakes for this fault system.


  • And, so, that is probably an accumulation of 3 to 500 years' worth of strain that's built up since the last earthquake.

    因此,這可能是一起積累 3 至 500 年壓力,自上次地震以來便開始累積。

  • Experts say the energy released in that slip is comparable to that released during the explosive 1980 Mount St. Helen's volcanic eruption.

    專家表示,在該平移中釋放的能量,可與 1980 年聖海倫火山噴發時所釋放的能量相比擬。

  • The same thing happened 9 hours later in Ekinözü, resulting in a 7.5-magnitude quake.

    同樣的事情 9 小時後在 Ekinözü 發生,導致了 7.5 級的地震。

  • This one was just 6 miles down.

    它的位置就在以南 6 英里。

  • More than 285 aftershocks have followed both quakes.

    兩起地震之後共有超過 285 次餘震。

  • The USGS has called the area "tectonically active and unstable".

    USGS 稱該地區的「板塊構造活躍且不穩定」。

  • This region is certainly one of the more complicated parts of the world because there are 4 different plates interacting,

    這個地區確實是地球上較複雜的一個部分,因為有 4 個不同的板塊在互動,

  • so, it becomes a region with very complex tectonics.


  • Those complex tectonics are responsible for a long history of devastating quakes,


  • like this quake from 1966 that killed over 2,000 people.

    如同 1966 年使超過 2 千人喪命的地震。

  • Towns and villages in 19 provinces are almost totally destroyed.

    分布在 19 個省分的城鎮和村莊幾乎完全被摧毀。

  • The 600-mile North Anatolian fault produced 7 large strike-slip earthquakes from 1939 to 1999,

    長 600 英里的北安納托利亞斷層在 1939 年到 1999 年間產生了 7 次大型平移地震,

  • and 3 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or larger have occurred within 155 miles of Monday's earthquakes since 1970,

    而自 1970 以來的 3 起 6 級以上的地震都發生在週一地震 155 英里範圍內,

  • but there hasn't been a large earthquake since 1999.

    但自從 1999 年就未曾發生過任何強震。

  • Because this region hasn't seen a large earthquake for a while, it was overdue.


  • That 1999 quake was a 7.4-magnitude and caused an estimated 17,000 deaths.

    1999 年的地震有 7.4 級,並造成約 1 萬 7 千起死亡。

  • For now, USGS estimates there could be billions in economic losses.

    目前為至,USGS 估計經濟面可能會有數十億的損失。

  • The biggest thing is the destruction and loss of life, and it's gonna take them years for recovery.


  • But will there be more disruption if the 2 quakes spark a 3rd?


  • Experts aren't sure.


  • It may put extra strain on some of the nearby faults or it may relieve some of the strain on the nearby faults,


  • so it'll take some time to figure out whether further earthquakes are more likely or less likely in this region.


  • But due to the 3-plate convergence, it's not a question of "if" there will be another earthquake, it's a question of "when".

    但由於這 3 個板塊的堆疊,問題並不在於另一起地震「是否」會發生,而是它「何時」會發生。

A series of powerful successive earthquakes struck the Turkish-Syrian border on February 6th.

一系列連續發生的強大地震於 2 月 6 日襲擊了土耳其和敘利亞邊境。

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