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  • We have a lot of choices to make about our diet.

  • Add to that, doing the right thing

  • when it comes to preventing

  • and treating a chronic disease,

  • fighting a virus, or losing weight,

  • and suddenly our nutrition choices

  • can seem almost overwhelming.

  • Well, I'm here to help.

  • Welcome to the Nutrition Facts Podcast.

  • I'm your host, Dr. Michael Greger.

  • Today, it all comes down

  • to the shape and support of our body,

  • the protection of our organs and those things

  • without which we would quickly become a gelatinous mass

  • our bones!

  • In our first story,

  • we look at how those eating plant-based diets

  • may be so slim, that they suffer from a loss of bone mass.

  • Osteoporosis is estimated to affect 200 million people worldwide.

  • Literally meaning "porous bone ," osteoporosis is a disease

  • characterized by reduced bone formation, excessive bone loss,

  • or a combination of both, leading to bone fragility

  • and increased risk of fractures.

  • And bone mineral density is the most robust and consistent predictor

  • of osteoporotic fracture. What can we eat to boost our bone density?

  • Well, we know that increased consumption of plant foods

  • is associated with increased bone mineral density.

  • There's an extensive range of micronutrients and phytochemicals

  • packaged within plants that can be powerful promoters of bone health,

  • so healthcare professionals should be encouraged

  • to advise the increased consumption of plant-based foods,

  • particularly in mid-life,

  • irrespective of the clients underlying dietary pattern,

  • meaning no matter how much meat or junk they eat,

  • adding more healthy plant foods may help prevent

  • the development of osteoporosis.

  • On the other hand, a more animal-source nutrient pattern

  • has been associated with a higher risk of fractures,

  • suggesting that a more animal-based diet is related to bone fragility.

  • So one would expect less osteoporosis in those eating plant-based diets,

  • but you don't know until you put it to the test.

  • "The Incidence of osteoporosis in vegetarians and omnivores ,"

  • the first study published nearly 50 years ago,

  • and the density of the bones that were measured was

  • significantly greater in the vegetarians than the omnivores.

  • In fact, the average bone densities of the vegetarians in their '70s

  • was greater than the densities of the meat eaters in their '50s.

  • Bottom line, these results suggest there's less likelihood of vegetarians

  • developing osteoporosis in old age.

  • Turns out, though, that the researchers screwed up.

  • DEXA scanning, which is what we use now,

  • didn't come online until the 1980s.

  • So the researchers were just using regular x-rays

  • and they confused the readings, such that darker bones on the x-ray

  • got a higher score, but that actually means less bone,

  • so their conclusion should have been the opposite

  • of what they claimed.

  • So vegetarians had worse bone mineral density.

  • Fast-forward about 40 years, by which time nine studies

  • had been done on thousands of individuals, and all in all,

  • the results suggest that vegetarian diets, particularly vegan diets,

  • are associated with lower bone mineral density, but

  • the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant, meaning

  • the difference was so small as to not really matter out in the real world,

  • reinforcing the fact that vegetarian diets

  • have no clinically detrimental effect on bone health.

  • And it is important to note that the findings of lower

  • bone mineral density didn't fully control for key confounding factors,

  • such as for differences in body weight.

  • We know that people who are obese have stronger bones. Why?

  • Because they're weight lifting 50 pounds all day, every day, and maybe 100 pounds.

  • If you walked around with a 100-pound backpack every day,

  • your bones would grow stronger, too.

  • That's how you build strong bones: weight-bearing exercise.

  • So people who weigh more have denser bones.

  • And vegetarians, and especially vegans, have such low rates of obesity

  • that no wonder, on average they would have lower bone density.

  • The researchers didn't take weight into account,

  • but if the difference they found isn't even clinically significant, who cares?

  • As of 2009, the answer to the question,

  • "Is vegetarianism a serious risk factor for osteoporotic fracture?"

  • the answer was no. Vegetarianism is not a serious risk factor.

  • By 2018, the latest meta-analysis on veganism, vegetarianism,

  • and bone mineral density, was up to 20 studies,

  • involving tens of thousands of participants, and, again,

  • lower bone mineral density was found in studies

  • of vegetarians and vegans compared to meat eaters.

  • The researchers conclude that vegetarian and vegan diets

  • need to be appropriately planned to preserve their bones.

  • But wait, did they account for the obesity thing?

  • No, they did not.

  • They just used what are called crude risk ratios,

  • meaning no adjustments for confounding factors like weight,

  • so they didn't control for things like age, smoking, obesity,

  • exercise, and so their results are really uninterpretable.

  • But no one had gone through the trouble of going back through

  • all those studies and making the proper adjustments until now.

  • The title gives it away: "Differences in Bone Mineral Density between

  • Vegetarians and Nonvegetarians Become Marginal when

  • Accounting for Differences in Body Size Factors."

  • Yes, bone mineral density values were significantly lower

  • among vegetarians than among nonvegetarians,

  • just like is the case with nearly every study

  • on bone mineral density and excess body weight.

  • But forget clinical significance; these differences

  • even lost statistical significance upon adjustment for body size

  • factors, suggesting that lower bone mass among vegetarians

  • is in larger parts explained by their lower BMI and waist circumference.

  • Thus, it's not so much the composition of the diets of vegetarians and vegans

  • as much as it is the fact that they become so much slimmer.

  • Now a small but statistically significant difference remained

  • for total lower spine density, a difference of 0.03.

  • This was dismissed as having little clinical relevance, but is that true?

  • If you look at the reproducibility of bone mineral density

  • measurements in daily medical practice, you can see how

  • if you do repeat tests back-to-back, there's some scatter

  • in the measurements, and so a significant difference

  • really has to be more than the inherent variation.

  • And indeed, expressed as the smallest detected difference,

  • you really need a bone mineral density disparity

  • of at least 0.05 at the spine

  • before it can be considered a significant change,

  • and so indeed, there does appear to be little clinical relevance.

  • However, even if vegetarians and vegans basically

  • have the same bone density at the same weight,

  • everyone who is skinny is at risk.

  • Low BMI is a risk factor for fractures, so all persons in

  • a low body weight category consuming any kind of diet

  • should be monitored for osteoporosis.

  • In our next story, we look at the decades-old dogma

  • that the lack of animal protein leads to bone loss.

  • For most of the last century, a prevailing theory

  • within the field of nutrition was that

  • by eating acid-forming foods such as meat

  • we were, in essence, at risk of peeing our bones

  • down the toilet.

  • And no wonder!

  • Experiments dating back to 1920

  • showed over and over that if you add meat to the diet

  • you get a big spike in the amount of calcium

  • being lost in the urine.

  • And so this made total sense.

  • We had known since 1912

  • that meat was acid- forming within the body,

  • and how do you buffer acid?

  • What are in antacid pills, anti-acid pills like Tums?

  • Calcium.

  • Meat and eggs have a lot of sulfur-containing amino acids,

  • 2-5 times more than grains and beans

  • that are metabolized into sulfuric acid,

  • which the body buffers with calcium.

  • That's why the antacids like Tums are made out of calcium,

  • calcium can buffer acid.

  • And where is calcium stored in the body?

  • The skeleton.

  • So the thinking was that every time we ate a steak

  • our body would pull calcium from our bones,

  • bit by bit, and over time this could lead to osteoporosis.

  • Based on 26 such studies every 40 grams of protein

  • we add to your daily diet we pee out an extra 50mg of calcium.

  • And look we only have about 2 pounds of calcium in our skeleton,

  • so the loss of 50 a day would mean

  • losing close to 2% of bone calcium every year.

  • And so by the end of the 20th century,

  • there was little doubt that acid-forming diets

  • would dissolve our bones away.

  • But if you actually look at all the studies

  • done on protein intake and bone health,

  • that's not what you find.

  • So, where's the flaw in our logic?

  • Meat leads to acid, which leads to calcium loss,

  • which leads to bone loss, right?

  • Well, it's uncontroversial that protein results in greater calcium excretion,

  • but we've just been assuming it's coming from the bone

  • I mean where else could the extra calcium

  • dumped in our urine be coming from but from our bones?

  • This is the study that appeared to solve the mystery.

  • An intrepid group of researchers tried feeding a bunch of volunteers

  • radioactive calcium and then putting them on a high protein diet.

  • What happens when you put people on a high protein diet?

  • The amount of calcium in their urine shoots up,

  • and indeed that's just what happened.

  • But here's the big question:

  • Was that extra calcium in their urine radioactive or not?

  • And to everyone's surprise it was radioactive.

  • Meaning, that the excess calcium in their urine

  • was coming from their diet!

  • Remember they were feeding them radioactive calcium.

  • So the excess calcium in their urine wasn't coming from their bones,

  • but from what they were eating.

  • What seemed to be happening is that

  • excess protein consumption boosted calcium absorption,

  • from down around 19% up to 26%.

  • So all of a sudden there was all this extra calcium in the blood

  • so presumably the kidneys are like,

  • "Whoa what are we going to do with it all?"

  • So they dump it in the urine.

  • 90% of the extra calcium in the urine after eating a steak

  • doesn't appear to be coming from our bones but from our diet.

  • We're not sure why protein boosts calcium absorption.

  • Maybe the protein increases the solubility of calcium

  • by stimulating stomach acid production?

  • Whatever the reason, yes, more calcium lost,

  • but more calcium gained such that in the end

  • most of that extra calcium is accounted for.

  • So in effect more calcium is lost in the urine stream,

  • but may be compensated by less loss of calcium

  • through the fecal stream.

  • This was repeated with even more extreme diets

  • an acid-forming five burgers a day worth of animal protein diet

  • that limited fruits and vegetables

  • versus an alkaline diet emphasizing fruits and vegetables.

  • More calcium in the urine on burgers,

  • but significantly greater calcium absorption

  • such that at the end it was pretty much a wash.

  • Other studies have also since supported this interpretation.

  • Here's an ingenious one:

  • Feed people a high animal protein diet,

  • but with an alkali salt to neutralize the acid.

  • The old thinking would predict that there

  • would be no calcium loss since there is no excess acid to buffer.

  • But no! Even though the acid load was neutralized

  • there was still the excess urinary calcium,

  • consistent with the radioactive isotope study,

  • challenging this long-standing dogma that animal protein consumption

  • results in an acidosis that promotes the excess excretion of calcium.

  • Finally today, we look at how the galactose in milk

  • may explain why milk consumption

  • has been associated with significantly higher risk

  • of hip fractures, cancer, and premature death.

  • Milk is touted to build strong bones,

  • but a compilation of all the best studies found no association

  • between milk consumption and hip fracture risk,

  • so drinking milk as an adult might not help bones

  • but what about in adolescence?

  • Harvard researchers decided to put it to the test.

  • Studies have shown that greater milk consumption

  • during childhood and adolescence contributes to peak bone mass

  • and is therefore expected to help

  • avoid osteoporosis and bone fractures in later life.

  • But that's not what they found.

  • Milk consumption during teenage years was not associated

  • with a lower risk of hip fracture.

  • If anything milk consumption was associated with

  • a borderline increase in fracture risk in men.

  • It appears that the extra boost in total body

  • bone mineral density you get from getting extra calcium

  • is lost within a few years even if you keep the calcium supplementation up.

  • This suggests a partial explanation for the long-standing enigma

  • that hip fracture rates are highest in populations

  • with the greatest milk consumption.

  • Maybe an explanation why they're not lower,

  • but why would they be higher?

  • This enigma irked a Swedish research team,

  • puzzled because studies again and again had shown

  • a tendency of a higher risk of fracture with a higher intake of milk.

  • Well there is a rare birth defect called galactosemia,

  • where babies are born without the enzymes needed

  • to detoxify the galactose found in milk so they end up

  • with elevated levels of galactose in their blood,

  • which can causes bone loss even as kids.

  • So maybe, the Swedish researchers figured,

  • even in normal people that can detoxify the stuff,

  • it might not be good for the bones to be drinking it every day.

  • And galactose doesn't just hurt the bones.

  • That's what scientists use to cause premature aging in lab animals.

  • They slip them a little galactose

  • and you can shorten their lifespan,

  • cause oxidative stress, inflammation, brain degeneration,

  • just with the equivalent of like 1-2 glasses of milks worth of galactose a day.

  • We're not rats, though

  • but given the high amount of galactose in milk,

  • recommendations to increase milk intake for prevention of fractures

  • could be a conceivable contradiction,

  • so they decided to put it to the test,

  • looking at milk intake and mortality

  • as well as fracture risk to test their theory.

  • A hundred thousand men and women

  • followed for up to 20 years-

  • what did they find?

  • Milk drinking women had higher rates

  • of death, more heart disease, significantly more cancer for each glass of milk.

  • Three glasses a day was associated with nearly twice the risk of death.

  • And they had significantly more bone and hip fractures too.

  • Men in a separate study also had a higher rate

  • of death with higher milk consumption

  • but at least they didn't have higher fracture rates.

  • So a dose dependent higher rate of both mortality and fracture

  • in women and a higher rate of mortality in men with milk intake,

  • but the opposite for other dairy products like soured milk and yogurt,

  • which would go along with the galactose theory,

  • since bacteria can ferment away some of the lactose.

  • To prove it though, we need a randomized controlled trial

  • to examine the effect of milk intake on mortality and fractures.

  • As the accompanying editorial pointed out,

  • we better find this out soon as milk consumption

  • is on the rise around the world.

  • We would love it if you could share with us your stories

  • about reinventing your health through evidence-based nutrition.

  • Go to

  • We may share it on our social media to help inspire others.

  • To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, or studies mentioned here,

  • please go to the Nutrition Facts Podcast landing page.

  • There you'll find all the detailed information you need

  • plus, links to all of the sources we cite for each of these topics.

  • For a vital, timely text on the pathogens that cause pandemics,

  • order the e-book, audiobook, or hard copy

  • of my latest book, “How to Survive a Pandemic”.

  • Or go to your local public library for that matter.

  • For recipes, check out my newHow Not to Diet Cookbook”.

  • It's beautifully designed with more than 100 recipes

  • for delicious and nutritious meals.

  • And, of course, all the proceeds I receive from the sales

  • of all my books goes to charity.

  • is a nonprofit, science-based public service,

  • where you can sign up for free daily updates

  • on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos and articles.

  • Everything on the website is free.

  • There's no ads, no corporate sponsorship,

  • no kickbacks.

  • It's strictly non-commercial. I'm not selling anything.

  • I just put it up as a public service, as a labor of love,

  • as a tribute to my grandmother,

  • whose own life was saved with evidence-based nutrition.

We have a lot of choices to make about our diet.

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Podcast: Healthy Bones

  • 23 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2023/03/12
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