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Hey Vsauce Michael here
nyctophobia is the fear of the dark
but there's another fear that's more chilling
it's the fear that darkness will go away
optophobia the fear of opening your eyes
light travels at the fastest speed possible for a physical object
darkness is erased when light appears and returns
when light leaves the speed of dark
is the speed of light but there are other types and darkness
that can move faster than light speed for instance
a shadow
across a distance a shadow can become much larger than the object creating it
but still mimic its source moving in the same way for the same amount of time
so when a shadow is bigger than the object casting it, it moves a greater distance
when the object moves but in the same amount of time. Make a shadow large enough
and it can travel across the surface faster than light
if you hear on earth cast a shadow on to the moon
not an easy thing to do that pointed from say point a
on the moon's surface and then you moved your finger so that the shadow moved
to point B your finger would only move a few centimetres
in a fraction of a second but the shadowy cast on the moon
would move thousands of kilometers in the same amount of time
do it right and you're easily producing a shadow
that breaks the light barrier
but nothing's wrong here
the rule is that information can't travel faster than light
you can't cause something to happen somewhere else
faster than light could travel from you to that somewhere else
and our superluminal shadow is transferring
no information from point A to point B
sure point B is being cast into darkness
sooner than a light speed message from A could warn him it's coming
but darkness isn't traveling from point A to point B
it's traveling from you to point A and point B
at the speed of light what we tend to call a shadow
is really just a cross-section of a three-dimensional region
the darkness you are causing only changes shape
when newly unblocked light fills
the previous gap. That's all shadow is
a gap so in a way a shadow doesn't
travel at all that's an illusion caused by us thinking
that a shadow is a physical things when in reality
a shadow is just the lack of physical things
photons which chug along at speed limit
of the universe but that doesn't mean two shadows
can't kiss or at least
look like they are, watch as Guy brings two shadows
near each other, right before they actually make contact
the shadows seem to magically bulge toward one another
in a sort of smooch of darkness. What's going on is the
shadows blister effect and it has to do with the anatomy of a shadow
the region where an object completely blocks a light source is called
the Umbra it's the darkest part of the shadow in the most prototypical
part of the shadow where only a portion of the light source is
blocked we find the fainter penumbra but as two or more penumbra
approach and overlap the combined amount of light they block can be enough to
produce a perceivable difference
the shadow blister the Earth has a big
umbra, it's 1.4 million kilometers long
that's how far away you have to be from the earth for it to no longer have a
large enough apparent diameter
to block out all of the sun. Here on the surface of Earth we are nowhere near that
for away which is why night is so umbral
night is just the Earth's shadow falling on you
a you eclipse
sunsets are cool they're beautiful to look at but look the other way
and you can see the lumbering shadow of our planet
our atmosphere scatters shorter wavelengths of light
more than longer wavelengths which makes the sky
appear blue but in Earth's shadow there's less light to scatter and the sky
appears darker during twilight you can see
the demarcation while driving east from Denver to Kansas City
I got a particularly great view of it
this is Earth's approaching night making shadow
the beautiful pink band above it that's the belt of Venus
it's caused by the sky reflecting the the colors
of the sunset behind us. You've probably noticed that
light after the sunsets and disappears from view
there's still light in the sky scattered from the
no longer visible sun, this is what we call twilight
and there are many different stages of Twilight
if the sun is less than six degrees below the horizon it's technically
civil twilight you can still do plenty of stuff outdoors without the need for artificial lights
down to 12 degrees below the horizon we have
nautical twilight: artificial lights are more or less necessary that the sky
still scatters enough light to be bright enough for ships at sea
to navigate by seeing a contrast of the horizon between dark sea
and faintly lit sky. Down to 18 degrees
an astronomical twilight is occurring it looks like
night but the sky can still get darker until
astronomical Twilight ends not all night time astronomical observations can be made
below 18 degrees is technically
honestly, night. If you live at greater than 48.5 degrees north or south latitude
during the summer the sun never goes more than 18 degrees below the horizon
it's never technically night. Places like London only reach astronomical Twilight at the most
during these months. So if you live in one of these areas
and you want to avoid doing something during the summer just tell people
you'll do it tonight you'll buy yourself a few weeks
but thats slow darkness let's
cut to the chase because we are looking for fast darkness
when scissor blades snip the intersection point between both blades moves faster
than the blades themselves think of it this way
if you had a pair of scissors with believes that were a light year long
and it took one second to close them, the intersection point would've traveled an entire
light year, in not a year but...
a second. No laws are being broken here because such a snip
would be physically impossible as I've mentioned before
rigid objects don't move instantaneously all over
when a push force is applied to them
Instead that force moves via electromagnetic forces from one atom
to the next and so on down the line a compression wave
that travels at the speed of sound through the material
but what if we ignored that problem by allowing the blades to simply be separately
already in motion well their point at intersection
can still travel faster than light because it's not a physical thing
It's just a geometric point and it carries
no more information than you could already gather
by witnessing the approaching blades
but don't count out that geometric point of intersection just yet it's the key to
another type of darkness that can move faster than light
when waves collide their crests can fuse into larger crests
their troughs into larger troughs this is constructed interference
but crests colliding with troughs cancel out
destructive interference if these waves or light
the result is darkness and in certain circumstances
darkness created this way can travel like the intersection between two lines
faster than light. Imagine these concentric circles as waves of light
the lines are wave crests and the gaps in between
are troughs when they meet the points where they Intersect
flee up and down faster than the waves travel
especially in the middle which in the case of light waves makes them
faster than light. The superluminal speeds of these dark patches can be seen really clearly
if we make the wave crests of one source black
as well as the background overlapping regions where red
peeks through represent destructive interference
darkness and you can see how especially in the middle
this darkness races up and down faster than the waves
In 1995 a man named McArthur Wheeler
robbed a bank in Pittsburgh, he was caught
because his only disguise was lemon juice
he covered his face with it. He knew that lemon juice could be used as an invisible ink
when writing on paper revealed by heating and he knew so little about
why that worked and he knew so little about how cameras worked
that he assumed with extreme confidence that lemon juice
could make him invisible to
seriously Wheeler is an extreme example
and was the inspiration for the dunning-kruger effect
novacist people unskilled in particular disciplines
will often overestimate their knowledge and abilities
in said disciplines because they don't even know
how little they know, how much more there is to learn
on the flip side experts in particular field will often
underestimate their knowledge have less confidence in their abilities
or think that everyone else has the same level of knowledge that they do
What drives the dunning-kruger effect
is the fact that often the more you learn about something the more you realise
just how rich and complex and over whelming and full of as of yet unanswered questions it really is
George Bernard Shaw once famously toasted Albert Einstein by saying
science is always wrong
it never solves a problem without creating 10 more
eisenstein didn't exactly disagree he used
geometry to illustrate how ignorance grows faster than knowledge saying
as our circle of knowledge expands so does the circumference
of darkness surrounding it learning
studying, shedding light on a field inquiry also reveals just how
in the dark we continue to be how many shadowy things there are left
for us to illuminate. The diameter of white
never exceeds the shadowy circumference
but what's the speed of that kind dark the speed of the growth
of the number of things we know we are in the dark about
what's the speed of ignorance?
if we define ignorance as the difference between questions we know to ask
and answers we have, the field of agnotology
the study of ignorance suggests that the amount of
things we know we are in the dark about is growing faster
than the amount the things we have shed light on
is it a coincidence that the phrase in the dark originated during of all ages
the age of enlightenment? When Levinbook put a scraping
from his tooth under a collection of magnifying lenses he built
he saw for the first time in human history
little moving creatures... microorganisms
he called them animalcules. The discovery shed light on why
food spoiled life didn't spontaneously come from old meat
it was already there we just couldn't see it
but the discovery also showed us that we were in the dark
about an entirely new realm of biology
as Philippe Bourdeau has poetically put it enlightenment leads to benightedness
science entails nescience
what's really cool about the expanding size of our nescience circumference
is what Stewart Firestein the chair of biological sciences at Columbia University has said about it
it is there that science begins
where the facts run out just beyond them
he says it is a mistake to bob around in the circle of facts
instead of riding the wave to the great expanse
lying outside the circle
If science is a road trip facts are the photos
we take along the way the fuel that drives it forward
is ignorance. Facts... more like
fax, part of the past not the way forward
when it comes to understanding our world
knowing why is obsolesce by asking why
knowing facts makes you bright but the
equally quick sometimes quicker and most rewarding prize
is the dark
and admitting that you don't know everything but that you would like to know some of it
and as always thanks for watching