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  • Hello, I'm Emerican Johnson here in Hanoi, Vietnam.

    大家好,我是 Emerican Johnson,現在在越南河內。

  • Today is May 1st, International Workers' Day, and as you can see, it's kind of a big deal around these parts.

    今天是 5 月 1 日國際勞動節,而如各位可以看到,這個節日在這些地區是很重要的。

  • Here in Vietnam, May Day is a national holiday, a four-day weekend at that,


  • as workers celebrate the international movement by visiting their families in their hometowns and going to festivals like the one we're at today.


  • Of course, Vietnam is not alone in celebrating International Workers' Day.


  • It's a public holiday in most countries around the world, from Asia to Africa, to Europe, to South America.


  • In fact, the United States is among a scant minority of countries that do not celebrate International Workers' Day on May 1st.

    實際上,美國是全世界極少數不在 5 月 1 日慶祝國際勞動節的國家之一。

  • So, you might be surprised to hear that the origin of International Workers' Day was an event that happened over 130 years ago right in the US of A.

    所以你可能會很驚訝,國際勞動節的緣起是 130 多年前發生在美國的一起事件。

  • It all started back on May 1st, 1886.

    一切都始於 1886 年 5 月 1 日。

  • On that day, the mighty gears of American industry ground to a halt when tens of thousands of workers protested across the country to demand an 8-hour workday.

    在那一天,美國工業的偉大齒輪突然停止運轉,因為全球數萬名工人起而抗議,要求 8 小時的工作天。

  • Not surprisingly, the police suppressed these peaceful protests violently,


  • particularly in Chicago, where police inflicted beatings and random shootings on the protesting laborers for days on end.


  • By the time the dust settled, 6 unarmed workers were murdered by American police, and enraged Chicagoans occupied a place called Haymarket Square.

    到了塵埃落定之時,6 名無武裝工人被美國警方謀殺身亡,而憤怒的芝加哥人則佔領了稱為乾草市場廣場的地方。

  • The police rushed violently into the crowd when someone whose identity was never revealed detonated a bomb that killed a police officer.


  • The police opened fire into the crowd, and by nightfall, a dozen more people, police and protesters alike, were dead.


  • The reaction to these bloody battles between American police and the labor movement was martial law.


  • Labor leaders were rounded up and falsely convicted of murder, and a general crackdown ensued on workers demonstrating for more humane conditions throughout the "land of the free".


  • Fast forward a few decades to early May of 1894 during the Pullman Railroad Strike.

    快轉到幾個世紀後的 1894 年 5 月初、普爾曼大罷工期間。

  • More bloody labor protests erupted, with at least 24 people killed.

    更多的流血勞工抗爭爆發,至少有 24 人被殺身亡。

  • Then President Grover Cleveland, along with Congress, wanted to quell these protests.


  • So, the political machine quickly rushed through a public holiday for workers with the hope of quieting protests and building support among the American proletariat for the State.


  • A natural choice for the date of the holiday would be May 1st, already established as International Workers' Day around the Western world,

    假期日期的中立選擇應該是 5 月 1 日,因為那天在多數西方國家都已經被設立為國際勞動節,

  • but Cleveland was conscious of the bloody events of the Haymarket Affair and didn't want to encourage similar protests among workers.


  • Thus, he chose the much more neutral first Monday of each September for Labor Day in America.

    因此,他選擇了更中立的每年 9 月第一個週一當作美國的勞動節。

  • It's sad and shameful that these important events of labor history have been so completely and utterly wiped from the public consciousness of American workers,


  • to the point where the majority of other nations in the world commemorate the sacrifice of American workers, while we ourselves treat May 1st as we would just any other day.

    以至於世界上大多數其它國家都在紀念美國工人犧牲時,我們自己卻像對待其它任何一天一樣度過 5 月 1 日。

  • And why don't we remember the sacrifices of these American workers in America?


  • Well, because the capitalist oligarchs who run our nation don't want us thinking about the workers they exploit and murder to maintain a position of privilege in our society.


  • If you live in the U.S.A., I hope you'll join me in spreading the word about the history of May 1st and the Haymarket Affair with your fellow workers,

    如果你住在美國,我希望你會跟我一起向你的同事們散播 5 月 1 日以及乾草市場事件的歷史,

  • and remember the names of the martyrs who were killed in Chicago so that their fellow Americans might have better working conditions.


  • I'm Emerican Johnson, wishing you a Happy International Workers' Day from Hanoi, Vietnam.

    我是 Emerican Johnson,在越南河內祝各位國際勞動節快樂。

  • If you liked this video, I hope you'll give the channel a subscribe and a thumbs-up.


  • You can also check out my blog at

    你也可以前往 閱讀我的部落格。

  • Thanks for watching.


Hello, I'm Emerican Johnson here in Hanoi, Vietnam.

大家好,我是 Emerican Johnson,現在在越南河內。

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B1 US 工人 警方 美國 國際 勞工 抗議

什麼?源自美國的五一勞動節竟然不是美國的國定假日?!究竟是誰扼殺了美國這重要的一天?(Who Killed May Day in the USA? America's Forgotten Labor Struggle)

  • 20585 98
    たらこ posted on 2023/04/30
Video vocabulary