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  • This week.


  • 60 minutes explores the potential dangers and possibilities created by recent dramatic advances in artificial intelligence.


  • The A I market is expected to become a more than $42 billion industry this year.

    預計今年A I市場將成為一個超過420億美元的產業。

  • According to the company pitchbook, an A I like chat GP T can learn or appear to learn based on the stuff that you feed into it.

    根據該公司的宣傳手冊,我喜歡哈拉的GP T可以根據你輸入的東西來學習或看起來是在學習。

  • 60 minutes correspondent Scott Pelley was given access to Google's campus in California and their A I lab in London to see their new technology and also meet with the CEO.

    60分鐘》記者斯科特-佩利獲准進入谷歌在加州的園區和他們在倫敦的A I實驗室,觀看他們的新技術,還與首席執行官會面。

  • Here's a preview, how great a risk is the spread of disinformation A I will challenge that in a deeper way.


  • The scale of this problem is going to be much bigger, bigger problems.


  • Sundar Pacha says with fake news and fake images, we saw the potential with Google's experimental A I that creates pictures out of words.

    桑達爾-帕查說,隨著假新聞和假影像的出現,我們看到了谷歌實驗性的A I的潛力,它可以從文字中創造出圖片。

  • This is text in pictures.


  • Exactly.


  • Eli Collins is a vice president at Google.

    Eli Collins是谷歌公司的副總裁。

  • You can generate a picture of pretty much most things you imagine.


  • And I'm happy to put it in a prompt.


  • If you've got something, let's try pink taxi cabs on Fifth Avenue, right pink taxi cabs.


  • Instantly we saw a shade unknown on New York cabs.


  • Next Collins gave us a first look at an A I system.

    接下來,柯林斯讓我們第一次看到了一個A I系統。

  • Google has not released yet experimental text to video which instantly answered our prompt.


  • Golden Retriever with wings.


  • Oh, look at that.


  • As with Google's chat bot barred.


  • This has safety filters.


  • For example, it doesn't create images of people.


  • It will be possible with a to create, you know, a video easily where it could be Scott saying something or me saying something and we never said that and it could look accurate.


  • But you know, at a societal scale, you can cause a lot of harm.


  • There are deeper risks people worry about, you know, which is at some point that humanity loses control of the technology it's developing.


  • So those are some of the far out use cases which we need to think about as early as possible and get it right.


  • You can watch Scott Pelley report on Sunday on 60 minutes right here on CBS.


This week.


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谷歌在本週的《60分鐘》節目中公佈了從未見過的文字轉視頻AI工具 (Google unveils never-before-seen text-to-video AI tool in this week's 60 Minutes)

  • 38 2
    林宜悉 posted on 2023/04/17
Video vocabulary