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  • How many sticks of butter is 1 cup?

    1 杯是多少條奶油?

  • 1 cup of butter is equivalent to 2 sticks of butter.

    1 杯奶油相當於 2 條奶油。

  • A cup is a common unit of  measurement used in cooking,  


  • especially in the United  States, to quantify ingredients.


  • In the case of butter, one stick  is typically equivalent to 1/2 cup,  

    對於奶油,一根棒通常相當於 1/2 杯,

  • which is also 4 ounces or approximately 113 grams.

    也就是 4 盎司或大約 113 克。

  • Butter is often sold in packages with four stickswhich together equal 1 pound, or 16 ounces.

    奶油通常以四根包裝的形式出售,它們合起來等於 1 磅或 16 盎司。

  • To determine the equivalent of 1 cup of butter,  

    要確定相當於 1 杯奶油的量,

  • you would need to use two sticksas each stick represents half a cup.


  • When measuring out butter for recipes,  


  • it is crucial to be precise in order to  achieve the desired consistency and flavor.


  • Many butter packages conveniently  include measurements marked on the  


  • wrapper, making it easy to cut the  precise amount needed for a recipe.


  • In summary, when a recipe calls forcup of butter, you should use 2 sticks,  

    總之,當食譜需要 1 杯奶油時,您應該使用 2 根奶油,

  • which provide the necessary 8 ounces or 226 grams.

    它們提供了必要的 8 盎司或 226 克。

How many sticks of butter is 1 cup?

1 杯是多少條奶油?

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