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Did you know there's a mushroom that triggers an orgasm? The mushroom is known as Phallus
你知道有一種蘑菇可以引發性高潮嗎?這種蘑菇被稱為 Phallus
indusiatus ,found in Hawaii. It is reported to induce orgasms in women through its distinctive
smell, which contains compounds that are similar to certain human neurotransmitters associated
with sexual arousal. A 2001 publication in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
性喚起相關的某些人類神經遞質的化合物。 2001 年發表在《國際藥用蘑菇雜誌》上的一篇文章
attempted to determine its efficacy as an aphrodisiac. In the trial involving sixteen women,
試圖確定其作為壯陽藥的功效。在涉及 16 名女性的試驗中,其中
six self-reported the experience of a mild orgasm while smelling the fruit body, and the other
6 名自我報告在聞到子實體時體驗到輕微的性高潮,而另外
ten, who received smaller doses, self-reported an increased heart rate. While all of the twenty men
10 名接受較小劑量的女性則自我報告心率加快。而所有
tested considered the smell displeasing. But the bummer is, The study has received quite a
接受測試的 20 男人都認為這種氣味令人不快。但不幸的是,這項研究受到了相當多
bit of criticism. No major science journal has published the study, and there are no studies
where the results have been reproduced. The sample size was relatively small and the effects were not
universally experienced by all women participants. As with many areas of science, further research
is needed to fully understand the phenomenon and to confirm these preliminary findings.