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  • How often should adults call parents? Google's  auto-generated answer is linked to an article  


  • titledGood Question: How Often Do We Talk To  Our Parents?” published by CBS Minnesota which  

    為“好問題:我們多久與父母交談一次?”的文章。由 CBS Minnesota 出版,

  • is an affiliate of the CBS network focusing its  original news coverage on local issues. According  

    CBS 網絡是 CBS 網絡的附屬機構,其原創新聞報導重點關注當地問題。根據

  • to this article, CBS News found 24 percent of  adult children thought they should call their  

    這篇文章,CBS 新聞發現 24% 的成年子女認為他們應該

  • mothers at least once a day. Another 24 percent  thought they should call a few times a week,  

    每天至少給母親打電話一次。另有 24% 的人認為他們應該每週打幾次電話,

  • while 35 percent answered once a week. And  12 percent deemed once a month or less is  

    而 35% 的人每週接聽一次。 12% 被認為每月一次或更少是

  • appropriate. And Mothers with children under  the age of 18 thought 33 percent of adults  

    合適的。有 18 歲以下孩子的母親認為,33% 的成年人

  • should call their mothers at least once a day. But  there are also generational differences because  


  • only 14 percent of Baby Boomers reported  only calling their parents once a day.

    只有 14% 的嬰兒潮一代表示每天只給父母打電話一次。

How often should adults call parents? Google's  auto-generated answer is linked to an article  


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