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What is The Overton Window The Overton Window is a political theory that refers
什麼是奧弗頓窗 奧弗頓窗是一種政治理論,指的
to the range of political ideas acceptable to the mainstream population at a given
time. It's named after Joseph P. Overton of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy,
。它以麥基諾公共政策中心的約瑟夫·P·奧弗頓(Joseph P. Overton)的名字命名,
who claimed that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this
range rather than on politicians' individual preferences. The Overton Window can move or expand
範圍,而不是政客的個人偏好。 隨著社會價值觀和規範的發展,
over time as societal values and norms evolve. Concepts that were once considered unthinkable
奧弗頓之窗可以隨著時間的推移而移動或擴展 。 曾經被認為不可想像的概念
can shift into the realm of acceptability, and those that were previously acceptable can become
unthinkable. The shift of the Overton Window can be influenced by a variety of factors,
including public opinion, cultural shifts, changes in demographics,
and even technological advancement. Overall, the Overton Window is a useful tool for understanding
how public policy, societal norms, and political discourse can change over time.