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Yeah, you and I are a lot alike, mate. Brand new unicorn, doc.
Surrender now, maggot, and you will not be harmed!
Gentlemen, thank you for being such dear friends.
Holy Mary, mother of Joseph
I'm waiting...
You disgust me!
...Not some bloody cartoon!
Sentry, just ahead
Bloody hell! Lets go, mate.
Stupid, bloody spies!
Get to the control point!
Let's do it!
Come on!
Need a dispenser here! Oh, crap!
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm the freakin Scout!
Freakin unbelievable! You seein this?
You are so small!
It's funny to me
Yeah, why don't you come over and say that to my face, tough guy?
Little, little man...
No worries.
There you go.
What in sam hell were you thinkin?
Nothing personal, I just had to shut you up!
Everyone, look! Demoman is Scout!
Alert! Our control point is being captured!
That Scout's a spy!
You shouldn't even gotten out of bed!
Depth perception!
I got it! I got two eyes!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, absolutely, abso-freakin-lutely!
I am the Scout, here!
Alright, let's do this!
Incoming! The Scout is a Spy!
I will never stop killing you!
This did not just happen!
Hold this point!
Demoman is credit to team!
Yeah, yeah, thanks. But, I am the Scout, now
Scout, apologies. You have done well.
Thanks, pally!
Clearly, they were outclassed!
Oh, mondure
Sentry ahead!
Spy is Sentry!