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Hello, everyone!
Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin.
And today, we'll be reviewing
the most talented subreddit in the whole universe.
- Only people that practice can get in this club. - Yes.
So, have you practiced?
If not, pause this video right now,
go do your 40 hours,
and then come back.
'Cause you don't deserve to watch this yet,
until you PRACTICE.
Feel like we've seen so many Harry Potter references
- for conductors. - Yeah.
But I haven't seen this guy before.
- Feel like it's a new addition. - New addition, yes.
- I wonder— - I've definitely seen the Bernstein one, like...
What would be the coolest-sounding spell name
of a conductor, though, you think?
What would happen if you cast a viola spell?
The other person would just ignite in fire.
- And then— - That sounds like a very powerful spell.
Yeah, and then you yourself will kind of
cop a bit of damage, too, 'cause it's such a powerful spell.
- Damn! - When you go "VIOLA!" you get a bit of a burn,
but you burn the other person.
Violas... very powerful instrument indeed.
You hurt others with your sound,
but you actually hurt yourself deep down—
no, I'm just joking, I'm just joking!
Viola's a great instrument; we need them in orchestra.
You know what I think would be cool?
You know "Leggiero"?
- Like light? - Yeah. Yeah, light.
And I can imagine people start floating. Or "Flautando!"
- And just everyone starts floating. - Yeah, that's true!
- Is that legit? No. - Bruh!
Should I tell them...
the story about... Serbian Air?
Yeah, why not.
Heh heh heh!
I was on a small plane,
and so it was already kind of dodgy,
like the winds, right?
And as we were taking off—
—one of those overhead compartments just went
and opened up.
And I'm like, "Dude, if my violin was in there,
it would fall out."
And so I was freaking out. So I got my phone out,
and I started filming it,
and then later, one of the flight attendants,
stewardess, came up and said,
"You cannot film on the plane,
you need to delete that footage now."
- I was just like, "Okay!" and I... - Deleted it?
...immediately deleted it.
But then I thought about it and I was like, "Damn!"
That's a whole safety hazard.
- They should, they should have been checking that. - It is a safety hazard!
Oh, I hate that!
I legit hate that.
There's always the +1 error, right? So,
if you start from...
237, then you have
*boring math in fast forward* start counting on 23.
- 23? - 23.
- Yeah, no! 21. - No. 23.
Confessing my younger nerdy days,
in high school I actually borrowed a book from the library
called "How to Be a Better Ensemble Player."
It was written by an orchestral cellist,
and he was talking about this exact thing.
- Yes. - And he—'cause he was the principal cellist,
and he was saying one time,
he had that one-bar error problem.
He led the entire section one bar early!
So he was saying, you have to be careful
of the +1, -1.
And it's even more awkward because sometimes
- the section players know what's going on. - Yeah.
And, but they're confused,
but because you're leading so confidently...
- the sound is not full, it's like half-sound. - Yeah.
It sounds really bad.
- Oh my god... - What's that, C sharp major?
C sharp major, yeah.
Do you guys know the hack to figure out key signatures with sharps?
Whichever note it is on,
go up one. So if it's F sharp,
- G major. - it's G major.
If it's C sharp, it's D major.
- So the last sharp is B sharp, - Ohh...
but it's not C major, it's C sharp major.
Both: Hmmmm!
Hack! Theory hack!
- "Oh my god, get..." - And that's 7/8!
O-M-G-G-T-F-O, O-M-G-G-T-F-O...
- If you wanna flip it, G-T-F-O-O-M-G... - ...OMG, yeah, I was thinking that!
- Sometimes it's 4 to 3, sometimes 3 to 4... - G-T-F-O-O-M-G... yeah.
Stravinsky! Can finally play him now.
When you see all those prodigies...
Sometimes it's good to be blissfully ignorant, right?
- Blissful ignorance is good to get you started. - Yes.
If I had known how much we'd be getting copystriked,
I probably wouldn't have started YouTube— just kidding...
- I would still do YouTube. - I know, yeah.
We're still getting copystriked to this day.
But ah, it's fine!
- Imagine all the— - Dude, we recently got copystriked for like...
my happy birthday video from like two years ago.
Yeah, these copystrikers just don't stop!
- They're so sneaky! - I'm like, bro...
It's, like, my birthday bro, you're just singing happy birthday.
- I know, it's so sneaky. They go back through all the old videos. - Yeah.
Don't get me started on Instagram and Facebook.
- Oh.. - Ooh.
- Ugh! - Oh, that's nasty.
That's very distasteful.
They're all on, that's, is that all they're made for?
That is very sacrilegious.
To hold your cup of tea and coffee?
That is very unethical.
Yes, that's unethical!
That's morally wrong!
I know a lot of people like bass and guitarists who read tabs.
That's true, it's different.
I remember once we played in orchestra with a...
quite a famous singing group? A cappella?
Think their name was, like, Human Nature or something.
And they couldn't read sheet music.
It's just different form, right?
- But I'm glad I learned how to read sheet music. - Oh, yeah, for sure.
I don't understand how you can think about music
- without sheet music. - Yeah!
It's like learning a language without learning how to write it.
It's like you with Chinese.
They did this in a concert?!
Ain't no way.
- Wow. - Ain't no way.
Beautiful. I approve.
My initial, like, professional hat was like,
"You can't do that in concert!"
But then I was thinking about
back in our days in uni I was like...
feel like that's something we would've done.
Yeah, I think we've done that before.
We've done something similar before in uni days.
Not to the extent of cartwheels, but then again,
strings never have that much rests,
- so we didn't have time for cartwheels. - That's true. We did a,
we did a hybrid version while playing.
- We'd just like... stand up and sit down. - Very intense!
And do like...
I wonder what the freaking percussionists would do, then.
They would be cartwheeling back home and then back...
- *wheeze* Yeah, yeah! - ...for their 5,000 measures of rest!
Then they go offstage, get changed, come back on,
- then go offstage, get changed... - Get a coffee!
Yeah, sipping coffee and tea.
A win is a win.
Thank you, thank you. Welcome to the violin gang.
We welcome everyone to learn an instrument,
especially the violin— or piano, anything of classical music.
Do you guys understand this meme?
I'm sure you do if you've been with us for a while now.
So if you don't...
- our other 2,000 videos. - Yes. Thank you.
Wait, they, they're... I mean...
- Is this a trick question? - I think it's a trick question.
Like, is it a flute or a piccolo, is that what she means?
I mean, her tag says flute.
Yeah, okay—ah. Well.
You gave it away!
But... it looks like a piccolo.
Yeah, it looks like a piccolo.
Piccolo's like this big.
It's gonna be tiny, yeah.
Wait, show me your hand?
It would be like that.
Is this some woodwind prank?
Ah, I've got it, it's just a meme.
She's memeing us.
Ahh, I got it.
I remember this was a trend a while ago.
We completely missed it
- 'cause we were so busy with other things. - Ohh...
- I see. - Yep.
You play the orchestra! Exactly.
Yeah, I wanna rewind this. Let's start again.
Guess what instrument...
I think it's the...
that... the freaking... clarinet. It's black, right?
It's clarinet—ah, yeah! Of course it's clarinet. Yeah, yeah.
Nice, nice.
Yeah—we should do that.
- That's sick! - We'll do a tier list on, tier list of
composers we think we'd beat in a fight.
Eazy win, Schubert!
Did you make it? Were you there?
Who watched it as well?
That was it, no more! Never to be seen!
But don't worry, Americans!
This year we'll be coming on tour to somewhere.
So, check out the link below, sign up.
Be the first to know.
"I did a little edit in celebration of their big achievement, congrats TwoSet..."
...I saw this. This is incredible.
- Dude, that's so epic! - It's incredible.
I love the colors.
Yeah, it's incredible.
Damn. See? Most talented subreddit.
You guys are all so talented at EVERYTHING.
That's sick.
Thank you for sharing all the achievement.
It was funny, actually, because during all the stuff we're doing,
it was so hectic,
you all reminded us that we hit 4 million subscribers.
- Mmm! - Yeah, right? And you also reminded of it's my birthday.
I knew it was your birthday, but I didn't even realize
we hit 4 mil until I saw
- All that st— - All the stories...
All the stories and DMs and stuff.
- Oh, look. - Oh, yeah.
...You've aged, bruh.
If you rearrange the word "aged," you get...
...You get "You're not practicing!"
So why're you still watching this video?
On that note...
On that note, that's it everyone!
Thank you so much for watching.
Accent the like button, legato the subscribe button.
And also, by the way,
world tour's happening soon, so sign up below.
Hopefully we'll see you at your city,
doing some epic shows!