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Taking advantage of the community feature on YouTube can be a great way to increase
your subscriber engagement. And it's a really great place to get more clicks to
your videos from your subscribers. And one of the best ways to do that is to make the
images that you share in your community posts animated or to post Jif images.
And there are countless ways that you can create gif images very easily for
your videos. And in this video I'm gonna show you a few of my favorite ways. And
how you can do it very easily using Canva Pro. So let's get right to it. Homepage,
Canva. Let's click on create design custom size, and we'll do 1000 by 1000 pixels.
Community posts work really well as squares,
so the easiest way to create a GIF would be to use one from Jiffy, and Canva has
a Jiffy integration along the left hand side. If we click on apps, we can scroll down until
we find Jiffy. And here you can search for any gifs that you want and you can resize the gif.
You could even add your own text to the GIF here. So if you had a caption that you wanted to add,
and this can be a really quick, instant way to get some clicks and spark some
curiosity on your community post. When people are on their YouTube homepage
and they start scrolling through videos to decide what to watch,
that is where you're gonna see community posts pop up from people you subscribe to.
All you would have to do once you're ready is say, share. Download and choose Jif short clip,
no sound, and then that Jif will work as an image that you can upload as a community post. But let's
have some fun and take it up even a notch from that. And I'll show you what I typically do for
our pod sound school videos as part of my workflow to make a really quick community post animation.
So with this. Video that we just released on our channel. I have already designed a thumbnail. In
fact, I already designed two thumbnails because I like to ab two different thumbnails on our
YouTube videos. So if I wanted to keep these same graphics, the pictures, and all of the different
layers and design work that went into these designs, I could use these and just animate 'em
by just resizing this design and resizing it to a thousand by a thousand and say, copy and resize.
So now things will need to be resized or even moved around. And then we can create multiple
pages and create our own custom animation. And that could be very simple. It doesn't have to
be anything complex to really catch people's attention. So let's actually. Go with this one
here, and what I'm gonna do is first try to make all of this fit a little better on this square.
So we've now changed a single design to this. So now let's just duplicate
this page by clicking on the duplicate page icon, and we'll do that four times
and let's make four. Subtly different designs. One thing we could do is just
grab me and say Flip horizontally and then kind of move me around and we can do that again.
But this time when we flip me horizontally, we'll change my positioning even more and
maybe even zoom me up a little bit. And then we can do is come down here
and click on this show pages arrow to see the pages and click on duration. And you'll
see that each one of these is set to five seconds. Now that's gonna be way too long.
So if we come to the first page, again, we can edit the timing by clicking this clock
right here, and we can change the timing to 0.5 or half of a second,
and then click on apply to all four pages. Now if I press play here, you can watch the animation.
You could also come in here to grid view. Highlight all four of these and duplicate
them a few times by pressing command or control D for duplicate. And then you would have a video
that plays for longer. So you could also do this if you wanted to export a video as an mp4,
maybe to share as an Instagram reel or even as an Instagram post.
And so now just a matter of moments. I was able to take a YouTube thumbnail and repurpose it
into an animated GIF for a community post, and maybe even for an Instagram MP4 video,
I would just download it here either as an MP4 for Instagram or a GIF for the community
post. And here you can also increase the size of the gif since this is only a few pages.
Let's see if we can increase it all the way to 1400. And I'll say download. And look,
we're gonna have a really fun gif. That will show up when people are scrolling and spark
some interest. What is that? We don't actually see a lot of gifs on YouTube,
so currently it's a really fun way to make your channel stand out even more.
And lastly, a really common thing that we do at the Pod Sound School for our gifs is we
repurpose our thumbnail photo shoots. So when you're making YouTube videos,
it's probably part of your workflow to, at the very end of the video,
snap a couple photos. For your thumbnail cover. Cause it only takes a few moments
and we always ensure that we have some fresh photos that will work with each new video.
So again, if I say create design, custom size, a thousand by a thousand, and I just look at
our recent photo shoots that we've done, like this recent photo shoot we did for Veronica,
for example. You can just click and drag this. Into place now where things can get
a little tricky is if you want to move the positioning around.
So I can move this around and I will usually try to use the grid lines. So
over here you'd want to find something in the design that isn't gonna move like her
face as your point of reference. So here what I could do is just kind of
cut the last S of this PSS in half. With that top left line and then say, done.
And this way when I drag new images into each new page, I can click on it and make
sure that that half of that s is gonna be cut off. It doesn't have to be perfect,
but as long as we get it close, it'll really help the animation to look fun.
So we can do this as well. Let's throw one more in there and half of the S is cut off as well.
Okay. And now again, we can click on that show pages arrow down here. Duration. We'll
want to go to this first design and put it to a timing of 0.5 seconds. Apply that to
all the pages and then we can see what our little Jiff animation looks like. And again,
if you wanted to include some text here, you can add anything you want to these as well too.
And now we can command see this. Did you hear the news? And paste
it into all of the other pictures as well. And now you have a really cool
gif. As a gif. This will work on its own with just these four pictures, but if you
wanted to make an MP4 video for Instagram, you know that each image is half a second.
So if you want a ten second video, then you're going to need 20 images. So you can come up here,
highlight all four of these, and duplicate them by pressing command or control D until you have about
20 pictures. And now we'll have a ten second video that we can export as an MP4 for uh Instagram
post. And so there's lots of fun ways that you can repurpose your existing graphics, your thumbnails,
or even gifs from Jiffy to add a little extra flare and spark some curiosity on your videos.
So hopefully you found this video helpful, and if you're really wanting to take your graphic
design to the next level, maybe you're a social media manager who wants to wow your clients with
impressive graphics, or you are an online business owner who wants to. Take control
of your own graphics. We are developing a really exciting program that we're calling Design Lab.
And if you want to get on the wait list for that program, you can go to pod sound lab. We're gonna be offering some really fun perks and teasers for those
who sign up for the wait list. And if you're feeling really ambitious and you wanna see how
you can use Canva together with Photoshop to unlock even more design possibilities.
Check out this video right here where I show you how I filled the text with an image,
much like you saw in the thumbnail of this video.
You're gonna love it. It's a really fun one, and I'll see you over there.