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  • - I cut my finger making lunch, so I placed an order

  • for some band-aids a couple minutes ago,

  • and now they're four seconds away.

  • (drone whirs)

  • (bag plops on deck)

  • That is a nearly silent drone system that can

  • deliver a package from the sky right to my backyard

  • in as little as two minutes with dinner plate accuracy.

  • And as far as I am concerned,

  • that's basically teleportation.

  • This is the very near future

  • of package delivery from a company called Zipline.

  • It's been over a decade since we were first

  • promised drone delivery that looked like this.

  • And to be honest, I was never that stoked about it,

  • because I couldn't imagine that anyone

  • would actually want something that big and loud

  • with dangerously fast spinning propellers

  • landing anywhere near their house.

  • And that was a bummer, 'cause with the explosion

  • of people using Amazon or food delivery apps

  • like DoorDash or Instacart, billions of doorstep deliveries

  • are now happening every year.

  • But when your lunch only weighs a few ounces

  • driving it to everyone with these two-ton,

  • gas-powered vehicles is wildly inefficient,

  • bad for the whole planet, and not to mention

  • just really slow.

  • Drone delivery would not only

  • take a lot of cars off the road,

  • but it would be a lot faster than a car,

  • it would be fully electric, fully autonomous,

  • and it would cost pennies worth of energy per delivery.

  • And with Zipline, because the droid that lowers the package

  • can move laterally in any direction, it could make

  • a dartboard-sized precision landing even in high winds,

  • while the main drone can stay 400 feet up in the sky,

  • making the whole thing whisper quiet.

  • (drone makes high pitched whistle)

  • That is very quiet.

  • Also due in part to the clever design

  • of these really funky propellers.

  • As you all know, I only make about 10 videos a year.

  • And while most are just sort of ridiculous-

  • (cannon explodes)

  • - [Offscreen Speaker] What?!

  • (devices explode)

  • (horn beeps) (person screams)

  • (foam bullet whizzes)

  • (bell dings)

  • I like to dedicate one video to showcase

  • how clever people are using engineering

  • to change the world for the better.

  • And to be clear, the company I'm talking about today

  • is not sponsoring this or paying me in any way.

  • I'm just really impressed by the work that they're doing

  • and how they're doing it.

  • So we'll circle back in a minute

  • to exactly how they're gonna pull off deliveries

  • using these short-range drones in a city.

  • But it begs the question, if they can make it work there,

  • why not use gliding drones to cover longer distances

  • to deliver critical medical supplies

  • for countries with lots of remote villages?

  • Well, as it turns out, catapulting life-saving blood

  • through the skies is what they've already been doing

  • for over six years, which is why we need

  • to head out to Rwanda to understand where this all started.

  • And immediately after showing up,

  • we were right in the thick of it as drones were taking off-

  • Wow! (laughing)

  • And landing-

  • That was another one land!

  • Every 90 seconds.

  • They're coming from everywhere.

  • And as a newcomer, it felt a bit chaotic.

  • But if you're gonna rack up 40 million miles worth

  • of drone flights,

  • (launcher zings)

  • your team needs to be operating

  • with the efficiency of an F1 pit crew.

  • So here's a crash course on how it all works.

  • It all starts with an order coming in

  • from a doctor at a hospital, say for example,

  • for an emergency supply of blood.

  • Then once it's all packed up, it gets passed out

  • to be placed in the belly of the drone,

  • and then the whole thing is placed on the launcher.

  • At that point, they attach the wings

  • and secure the battery, followed by the nose cone.

  • Then after some pre-flight safety checks,

  • they launch the drone (launcher zings),

  • all within 90 seconds of the order coming in.

  • The catapult launcher takes the drone from zero

  • to 65 miles an hour in a third of a second

  • which is literally less time than it takes you to blink.

  • And it's a pretty clever design, too, because it means

  • the drone immediately starts at its cruising speed,

  • where it takes much less energy to stay airborne.

  • Then once it's in the air cruising at 70 miles per hour,

  • it navigates its way to the hospital,

  • and upon arriving, opens the trap door to drop the package,

  • which lands safely using a parachute.

  • Having now completed the mission

  • it continues making all its own decisions to

  • autonomously navigate back home

  • from as far away as 150 miles round trip.

  • Then taking inspiration from an aircraft carrier,

  • as the drone approaches, the military-grade GPS

  • broadcasts its position within one centimeter.

  • So these two poles know exactly when to swing up

  • at the last possible moment, snagging a hook

  • on the tail with the cable, which safely slows it down.

  • Then once it's settled to a stop,

  • the crew comes in to remove the battery and wings,

  • and it all goes back into rotation.

  • The whole thing is really impressive and incredibly robust,

  • which means it works in pretty much any weather.

  • And because there's no human steering it,

  • it has no issues flying at night.

  • So they run the operation 24 hours a day,

  • which is how in six years, they've managed to make

  • those half a million, often lifesaving deliveries.

  • That is the uppermost top of the iceberg tip

  • of how they're doing what they're doing.

  • But what you should know is six years ago

  • all the experts told them this was a hopeless cause

  • and failure was a near certainty,

  • and they kind of weren't wrong.

  • - Building an engineering product take time.

  • So you prototype, you know, you build it,

  • and then you fail, and then you try it again,

  • and you fail, and you try it again,

  • until you have this shiny product that you want.

  • This is a different type of aircraft.

  • This is not what we had.

  • The first one used to land on these inflated mattresses.

  • The vehicle had a hook on the back.

  • - [Mark] Yeah.

  • - By the tail. - Yeah.

  • - [Engineer] The tail would deploy like an aircraft carrier.

  • - [Mark] Yeah.

  • - [Engineer] And then the fishing pole would pull it,

  • and it would land on the mattress.

  • - [Mark] First of all, he's not saying that figuratively.

  • They were scrappy in the early days,

  • using actual fishing poles, as you could see here.

  • And secondly, this is Abdul.

  • And what you should know about Abdul is he grew up

  • in Rwanda, not far from where these drones are launching.

  • And while he would eventually go on to do graduate work

  • in robotics, attending both Stanford and Harvard,

  • he got his start in engineering from much more simple means.

  • - I remember that I would make cars from milk boxes

  • that, you know, was leftover.

  • You know, we would add tires then and use it as a car.

  • - Abdul was orphaned as a child when he lost both

  • of his parents and all three of his siblings

  • in the Rwandan genocide, narrowly escaping himself.

  • But he didn't give up on his passion for engineering.

  • And so as he got older, he would go around

  • to all the local hospitals, fixing their MRI machines

  • for free, using knowledge he gained

  • from watching YouTube videos.

  • Abdul's the very first Zipline employee in Rwanda,

  • and he really helped to pioneer so many

  • of the systems they have in place today

  • that are now used all over the world.

  • And so in an effort to test those very systems,

  • I wanted to see if it was robust enough

  • that even a total newb like me could send out an order.

  • Oh, we got one.

  • Panic!

  • - (laughs) Don't worry.

  • - Don't worry?

  • Okay.

  • Gloves, okay? (blows air into glove)

  • Good enough. (snaps glove)

  • This is where the blood is, right?

  • - O positive.

  • - It's O positive.

  • - [Worker] Yeah.

  • - I feel like I shouldn't be touching this.

  • Stay calm.

  • That's the number one rule.

  • - Now you scan it.

  • - Scan it?

  • (scanner beeps)

  • - Do six wraps.

  • - Like this?

  • - Two, three, four-

  • - Five, okay.

  • (rips paper and grunts)

  • (label snaps in the air)

  • (Worker chuckles)

  • Just out here saving lives.

  • And once I ring the bell, (bell dings)

  • it's the drone team's problem.

  • Okay, what do I do?

  • - Check if there's no tangles.

  • - [Mark] And push it here?

  • Out of my way.

  • I'm comin' through!

  • The wings.

  • How's that?

  • Battery?

  • Which one do we pick?

  • There's so many!

  • So after a final check of the drone's condition

  • little bit of look to the right and cough.

  • (instruments beep)

  • (propellers whir)

  • (launcher zings)

  • We had lift off.

  • Yeehah!

  • I'm a hero.

  • We did it.

  • I just like saved life basically.

  • Wow!

  • How do you guys do this all day long?

  • So now that I had a pretty good feel for the launch site,

  • we headed out to see where some of these drones

  • were actually flying to.

  • So we left the launch site like three and a half hours ago.

  • We're driving to this remote hospital

  • on these really windy roads.

  • And as we've been driving, we've been tracking

  • and seeing some of these Zipline drones

  • delivering blood and medical supplies to this hospital.

  • So since we're about a half hour out

  • I thought it would be fun to place my own emergency order.

  • Then it could meet us when we get there.

  • 'Cause when you need extra ointment,

  • you just need extra ointment.

  • And sure enough, a few minutes after arriving

  • I got a notification for an incoming package.

  • This is wild, because we're like four hours away

  • on some really windy roads.

  • I got it!

  • (laughs) Close.

  • So close.

  • - And so after opening the package

  • and checking their handiwork,

  • I asked if I could speak to a few of the doctors.

  • When's the last time you delivered a baby

  • - In few minutes ago.

  • - A few minutes ago? (laughing)

  • That's pretty fresh.

  • - For the doctors, it was like a miracle.

  • - With Zipline, we are sure that in 15 to 20 minutes,

  • we're going to get what we need.

  • And you are sure that patient will be saved.

  • - But it wasn't just the doctors who were big on Zipline.

  • I also spoke with a handful

  • of patients who for various different reasons

  • are all alive today because of a Zipline delivery.

  • (speaking foreign language)

  • - [Translator] Every time when I see the drones around

  • I just think that someone's life is going to be saved.

  • - And that's kind of true, 'cause their drones have reduced

  • in-hospital maternal mortality by 88%.

  • Zipline has two launch sites that give them coverage

  • for pretty much anywhere in Rwanda, but they also

  • have operations running in all of these countries.

  • And while they serve 3000 hospitals globally today,

  • that number will be 10,000 by the end of the the year.

  • All right, so we've covered their long range country

  • delivery drones, which means we've now got the context

  • to talk about their short range city delivery drones.

  • But first I just have to interject here and say

  • I was blown away by Rwanda as a country.

  • I mean right outta the gate, their stoplights

  • are really cool because they're just countdowns

  • till the light turns green.

  • They can balance and carry pretty much anything

  • on their heads, and there's motorcycle taxis everywhere.

  • And given that when in Rwanda, you do as the Rwandans do

  • whenever possible, that's how we got around ourselves.

  • What a freakin' boost!

  • Everyone was also super friendly everywhere we went.

  • Well, not everyone, because if you stop to play soccer

  • with some random kids-

  • Am I good, am I good?

  • Just know they're not gonna take it easy on you.

  • (kids laugh)

  • Besides the fact that Messi seems to like it,

  • before traveling there, the only real thing

  • I knew about Rwanda was the Rwandan genocide

  • that took place about 30 years ago.

  • And while there are still plenty of battle scars,

  • as horrific as that was, it sort of galvanized the country

  • into a period of healing and solidarity

  • as a single Rwandan people, instead

  • of divisive ethnic groups.

  • For example, on the last Saturday of the month,

  • literally everyone spends the day picking up trash

  • and volunteering in their local communities.

  • And that's one of the reasons

  • you hardly see litter anywhere.

  • The other one being 15 years ago, they were one

  • of the first countries to ban all single-use plastics.

  • There was just a pervasive optimism in the air.

  • Everyone was moving with the purpose everywhere we went,

  • not just working hard but working smart

  • with their resources on hand.

  • Yeah, buddy!

  • Including their improvised soccer balls.

  • For over a decade attending school up to age 16

  • has been both mandatory and free.

  • And when you combine that with leapfrogging

  • to new technologies like drone delivery,

  • for the last decade their economy has been growing

  • at four times the rate of the US economy,

  • while their violent crime rate

  • has been 15 times less than the US.

  • And finally the most awe-inducing part of the whole trip

  • was when I hiked to see an entire family

  • of mountain gorillas up close in the wild,

  • which was equal parts adorable and terrifying.

  • I think he's looking at me.

  • Mountain gorillas only exist in these two tiny red regions,

  • and while there's only a thousand left in the world

  • I got to just chill with 20 of 'em.

  • They're critically endangered.

  • But thanks to Rwandan conservation efforts,

  • funded by people paying for brief visits like this,

  • their numbers have climbed by 200 over the past decade.

  • All that's to say that besides of course, my own country,

  • Rwanda is my new second-favorite country.

  • We got this.

  • And next time I go back, I'm bringing a bunch

  • of soccer balls-

  • Oh yeah!

  • Which I will give away to any kid

  • who just promises not to embarrass me.

  • (animated firebomb explodes)

  • Okay, so now let's talk a little bit more

  • about these new short-range city drones.

  • Because for the 4 billion doorstep deliveries

  • that will happen this year in the US,

  • and that number doesn't even include Amazon, by the way,

  • Why not at least try and take some

  • of those slow-moving-traffic-causing, two-ton-gas-guzzling

  • cars off the road, in exchange for a much faster delivery

  • that's also electric, autonomous, really quiet,

  • and zero emissions.

  • And while the solution of dropping down a droid

  • that could perfectly control its landing

  • from super high up seemed promising and way better

  • than something like this that had been proposed before,

  • when they first told me about it, I had two main questions.

  • One, how loud and disruptive are they?

  • Because the last thing we want are annoying drones

  • buzzing by our rooftops all day.

  • And two, how safe are they?

  • Because the other last thing we want

  • is for those same annoying drones to start falling

  • down on us from the sky.

  • I also had a bonus third question around how a business

  • is even supposed to load in their items for delivery.

  • And so in a search for answers,

  • I went right to their headquarters

  • not that far down the road from where I live.

  • And the first thing you notice in the lobby

  • is this really cool projection that not only shows

  • the total number of flights they've flown,

  • now at over half million, but it also shows

  • all the long-range drones they have in the air

  • at that exact moment, delivering

  • those critical medical supplies all around the world.

  • And this isn't now just where they design

  • and build all their drones.

  • It's also where they do a lot of their testing.

  • And they test pretty much everything in every way possible

  • before getting it out to the field as quickly as possible.

  • And according to their CEO, Keller,

  • this is something they discovered early on.

  • - Our key insight was we were dumb,

  • and we basically always assumed we were dumb.

  • And for that reason, when we designed things,

  • we got them into the real world super fast.

  • - [Mark] Yeah.

  • - [Keller] And learned by serving real people.

  • - [Mark] Yeah.

  • - And you learn so much

  • that you can't learn in a lab or in an ivory tower.

  • - And so before we actually hear

  • just how quiet these things are,

  • I just wanna echo that all the best engineers

  • I've ever known have had that same level of humility,

  • knowing there's no better way to learn

  • than to test and to break stuff.

  • That's why I named the toy company I started

  • that has the express goal of teaching kids

  • to think like engineers, CrunchLabs.

  • It's because things are supposed to crunch

  • and to break and to fail along the way.

  • And so if I could get them to do more than just

  • passively watch a video by building something alongside me

  • while we talk about the physics of what's going on,

  • then I know the principles will really sink in.

  • - Yes.

  • - So if you wanna have a ton of fun while building up

  • that resiliency in your brain like a muscle-

  • - That works!

  • - [Mark] Just head to

  • or use the link in the video description.

  • All right, so to answer my first question

  • on the noise level, I'll just show you my actual reaction

  • to the first time I heard it.

  • I mean, I hear something.

  • But I cannot believe that's airborne!

  • Are you serious?

  • And I just wish there was a better way to convey this

  • on video, but here's my best attempt.

  • You'll first hear a leaf blower,

  • then a typical hobby drone that weighs one pound,

  • then their drone that weighs 50 pounds.

  • And of course, I've kept the audio levels

  • completely untouched for all three.

  • (leaf blower hums)

  • (drone whirs)

  • (drone lightly whistles)

  • That is whisper quiet.

  • That is very quiet.

  • (cow moos)

  • That cow is way louder (laughing) than that drone.

  • I bet the mic picked up that cow.

  • And this test was incredibly surprising to me,

  • because I sort of just assumed the weight

  • of a thing would exactly determine how loud the propellers

  • will end up being to keep that thing in the air.

  • But it turns out that's not actually true,

  • even if you just look at nature.

  • Pigeons, for example, sound like this.

  • (pigeon flaps)

  • But with owls, there's an evolutionary pressure

  • to be as quiet as possible.

  • And as a result, their flight sounds like this.

  • For this reason, to crack the code,

  • Zipline actually did turn to nature.

  • - We studied the hummingbird a lot where you have-

  • - Oh sure.

  • - They have the worst case.

  • They're tiny, and they're really quiet.

  • They just like hover there.

  • You barely hear them.

  • - By the way, that's Keenan.

  • He's another Zipline co-founder.

  • And for your robotics nerds, he's the dude who invented ROS,

  • which is the open source software used by basically anyone

  • who wants to build anything robotic.

  • So in effort to try and visualize the secret

  • of their quiet propellers, in this graph, the area

  • under the curve could represent the energy from one

  • of those annoying high-pitched hobby drones,

  • where the closeness of these spikes is the high frequency

  • that's just sort of grating on your ears.

  • So after studying the hummingbird and designing

  • really wild-looking rotors like this, Zipline figured out

  • how to take those spikes and flatten them all out.

  • So while the extra weight means there's still more energy,

  • or area under the curve, getting rid of all the spikes,

  • means it's much more of a constant whooshing sound.

  • More like white noise that your brain just sort

  • of doesn't register.

  • They use the same quiet propeller approach

  • for their long range drones, as you could tell

  • from this doctor with an impeccable taste

  • in YouTube content who just wanted to say hi.

  • You've seen my videos, now you get to be in one.

  • (laughs)

  • Have you seen the planes fly over

  • and deliver the supplies here?

  • - I have not yet seen one come and deposit something here.

  • - That's amazing.

  • There was just 15 deliveries in the last hour

  • - They're really quiet.

  • If I would have heard it, I would have, you know,

  • gone to see it.

  • - For my second question regarding safety.

  • Just like when sending something to Mars,

  • all their critical systems have backups on board.

  • In engineering, we call this redundancy.

  • And they even demonstrated for us how if one propeller

  • stops working, it could still fly, due in part

  • to the large back propeller that picks up the slack.

  • And that back propeller is pretty clever, by the way,

  • because it's what propels the drone forward as it moves

  • across town.

  • But then it turns down 90 degrees to help steer

  • and create extra lift while it's stationary and dropping

  • down the droid.

  • In addition to the redundancy, a whole aircraft parachute

  • is automatically deployed if there's a problem

  • that's sensed, or if the drone just loses power altogether.

  • And because of their painstaking engineering efforts

  • it's worth noting, in the six years they've been operating

  • for those half a million flights, they've had exactly

  • zero incidents causing any injury.

  • As for my third bonus question

  • around how the drones get loaded up,

  • in the most simple case, something like a grocery store

  • could reserve some parking spots as a loading zone.

  • Or as one of the Zipline engineers told me-

  • - You can take a window from your local pharmacy

  • and turn it into this portal.

  • - So the droid would come down the chute,

  • then some ASAP items like these would get loaded inside,

  • then it goes back up the chute, into the drone,

  • and off for delivery.

  • For healthcare, if you were really sick,

  • and say, on a 15-minute video call with your doctor,

  • by the time the call was ending, your medications could be

  • on your back porch, so you don't have to leave your house.

  • You could also imagine how this could work

  • with a distribution center or a large retail store.

  • More than 90% of people in the US

  • live within 10 miles of a large retail store,

  • and Zipline drones conveniently can make

  • a 10-mile round trip while carrying up to eight pounds.

  • An additional win for the planet here

  • is you don't need to use all the cardboard to box it up,

  • because it doesn't have to survive

  • being shipped out on a big truck.

  • But this isn't just for big stores.

  • Your favorite local shop or restaurant can now

  • more easily afford to send a thing to your door

  • but at an ostensibly much lower cost

  • than a person driving a 3000 pound car to drop it off.

  • And as soon as by the end of this year,

  • customers such as Sweetgreen will start delivering salads

  • straight to your backyard.

  • And not having packages left on front porches

  • is the worst news to hit the porch pirate community

  • since the invention of the glitter bomb.

  • - Aww, you (bleep).

  • (device sprays)

  • - Alright, all right, we (bleep) get it.

  • Okay.

  • - All right.

  • So if your mind isn't already blown

  • let me try one final time by planting a seed

  • for something we might see much further in the future.

  • And to be clear, this is not at all from Zipline.

  • It's just an idea that won't leave my head

  • after seeing all this.

  • Because it stands to reason,

  • if the system can work for packages,

  • it should be able to work for humans, right?

  • In other words, imagine a bigger drone.

  • Let's say it's an ambulance, with more powerful

  • but equally quiet propellers, parked so high up in the sky,

  • you can hardly see it.

  • Then it lowers the entire cockpit like the droid,

  • which could quietly touch down in your driveway.

  • So you hop in, or they put you in on the ground,

  • then it reels you in, so you can glide above roads

  • and traffic straight to your destination,

  • only to be dropped off safely in the same manner.

  • All right, so finally, I just wanna wrap up

  • with the coolest part of all of this by far.

  • The whole time we were there, kids would be lined up

  • at the fence to watch the drones

  • be launched and captured over and over.

  • In fact, one kid came up specifically wanting to show Abdul

  • what he built completely on his own.

  • And in that moment, it was impossible not to compare

  • the complexity of this build

  • to the simple milk carton version Abdul grew up making.

  • Because here you have Abdul who bears a scar on his head

  • from the same machete that killed his entire family

  • as a child, not only using his engineering knowledge

  • to save the lives of his people, but more importantly,

  • to inspire the next generation of problem solvers

  • to dream even bigger.

  • It's the type of thing that leaves you feeling

  • a little bit of that contagious Rwandan optimism

  • for the future and the incredible potential

  • of us mere humans.

  • In the future, your CrunchLabs box

  • just might come from the sky.

  • And the best part of Abdul's story

  • is how using the superpower of engineering,

  • they literally willed something into existence

  • that is now saving lives.

  • (cable zips)

  • (Mark hits the floor)

  • And as it says on the box, my goal with CrunchLabs

  • is to help you think like an engineer.

  • That means you know how to think critically

  • and break a problem down into manageable steps.

  • Thinking like an engineer makes you a better soccer player

  • or piano practicer or math studier,

  • because you're resilient.

  • And just like Abdul, you know the importance

  • of failing a bunch before you finally hit that breakthrough.

  • (goo explodes)

  • (kids yell)

  • So the way it works is every month,

  • a really fun toy comes in a box like this.

  • And when you open it, there's a link to a video

  • where you not only build it alongside me, but I teach you

  • all the juicy physics principles behind how the toy works.

  • And the best part of all is each month,

  • we randomly select one box to slip in a platinum ticket.

  • And if it happens to be your box-

  • - [Parent] Oh my gosh!

  • You won, buddy! - Oh my gosh!

  • (kid whoops)

  • - Then you're coming out right here to CrunchLabs

  • to design with me and my team for a day.

  • So if you wanna unlock the superpower of learning

  • to create and build whatever you could dream up,

  • use the link in the video description,

  • or go to and order

  • your Build Box subscription today.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • (bell dings)

  • (logo pops)

- I cut my finger making lunch, so I placed an order

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驚人的發明——這架無人機將改變一切(Amazing Invention- This Drone Will Change Everything)

  • 28 1
    chen posted on 2023/07/30
Video vocabulary